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loadbalancer list

List load balancers

loadbalancer list

openstack loadbalancer list
    [--name <name>]
    [--enable | --disable]
    [--project <project-id>]

--name <name>

List load balancers according to their name.


List enabled load balancers.


List disabled load balancers.

--project <project-id>

List load balancers according to their project (name or ID).

loadbalancer show

Show the details for a single load balancer

loadbalancer show

openstack loadbalancer show

Name or UUID of the load balancer.

loadbalancer create

Create a load balancer

loadbalancer create

openstack loadbalancer create
    [--name <name>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--vip-address <vip_address>]
    [--vip-port-id <vip_port_id>]
    [--vip-subnet-id <vip_subnet_id>]
    [--vip-network-id <vip_network_id>]
    [--project <project>]
    [--enable | --disable]

--name <name>

New load balancer name.

--description <description>

Set load balancer description.

--vip-address <vip_address>

Set the VIP IP Address.

--vip-port-id <vip_port_id>

Set Port for the load balancer (name or ID).

--vip-subnet-id <vip_subnet_id>

Set subnet for the load balancer (name or ID).

--vip-network-id <vip_network_id>

Set network for the load balancer (name or ID).

--project <project>

Project for the load balancer (name or ID).


Enable load balancer (default).


Disable load balancer.

loadbalancer set

Update a load balancer

loadbalancer set

openstack loadbalancer set
    [--enable | --disable]
    [--name <name>]
    [--description <description>]

Name or UUID of the load balancer to update.


Enable load balancer.


Disable load balancer.

--name <name>

Set load balancer name.

--description <description>

Set load balancer description.

loadbalancer delete

Delete a load balancer

loadbalancer delete

openstack loadbalancer delete

Load balancers to delete (name or ID).


Cascade the delete to all child elements of the load balancer.


loadbalancer listener list

List listeners

loadbalancer listener list

openstack loadbalancer listener list
    [--name <name>]
    [--enable | --disable]
    [--project <project>]

--name <name>

List listeners by listener name.


List enabled listeners.


List disabled listeners.

--project <project>

List listeners by project ID.

loadbalancer listener show

Show the details of a single listener

loadbalancer listener show

openstack loadbalancer listener show

Name or UUID of the listener

loadbalancer listener create

Create a listener

loadbalancer listener create

openstack loadbalancer listener create
    [--description <description>]
    --protocol <protocol>
    [--connection-limit <limit>]
    [--default-pool <pool>]
    [--default-tls-container-ref <container-ref>]
    [--sni-container-refs [<container-ref> [<container-ref> ...]]]
    [--insert-headers <header=value,...>]
    --protocol-port <port>
    [--enable | --disable]

--name <name>

Set listener name.

--description <description>

Set the description of this listener.

--protocol <protocol>

The protocol for the listener

--connection-limit <limit>

The maximum number of connections permitted for this listener.

--default-pool <pool>

The name or ID of the pool used by the listener if no L7 policies match.

--default-tls-container-ref <container-ref>

The URI to the key manager service secrets container containing the certificate and key for TERMINATED_TLS listeners.

--sni-container-refs [<container-ref> [<container-ref> ...]]

A list of URIs to the key manager service secrets containers containing the certificates and keys for TERMINATED_TLS the listener using Server Name Indication.

--insert-headers <header=value,...>

A dictionary of optional headers to insert into the request before it is sent to the backend member.

--protocol-port <port>

Set the protocol port number for the listener.


Enable listener (default).


Disable listener.

loadbalancer listener set

Update a listener

loadbalancer listener set

openstack loadbalancer listener set
    [--name <name>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--protocol <protocol>]
    [--connection-limit <limit>]
    [--default-pool <pool-id>]
    [--default-tls-container-ref <container-ref>]
    [---sni-container-refs [<container-ref> [<container-ref> ...]]]
    [--insert-headers <header=value>]
    [--enable | --disable]

Listener to modify (name or ID).

--name <name>

Set listener name.

--description <description>

Set the description of this listener.

--connection-limit <limit>

The maximum number of connections permitted for this listener. Default value is -1 which represents infinite connections.

--default-pool <pool-id>

The ID of the pool used by the listener if no L7 policies match.

--default-tls-container-ref <container-ref>

The URI to the key manager service secrets container containing the certificate and key for TERMINATED_TLS listeners.

---sni-container-refs [<container-ref> [<container-ref> ...]]

A list of URIs to the key manager service secrets containers containing the certificates and keys for TERMINATED_TLS the listener using Server Name Indication.

--insert-headers <header=value>

A dictionary of optional headers to insert into the request before it is sent to the backend member.


Enable listener.


Disable listener.

loadbalancer listener delete

Delete a listener

loadbalancer listener delete

openstack loadbalancer listener delete

Listener to delete (name or ID).