:program:`openstack` can use different types of authentication plugins provided by the keystoneclient library. The following default plugins are available:
*``token``: Authentication with a token
*``password``: Authentication with a username and a password
Refer to the keystoneclient library documentation for more details about these plugins and their options, and for a complete list of available plugins.
Please bear in mind that some plugins might not support all of the functionalities of :program:`openstack`; for example the v3unscopedsaml plugin can deliver only unscoped tokens, some commands might not be available through this authentication method.
Additionally, it is possible to use Keystone's service token to authenticate, by setting the options :option:`--os-token` and :option:`--os-url` (or the environment variables :envvar:`OS_TOKEN` and :envvar:`OS_URL` respectively). This method takes precedence over authentication plugins.
:program:`openstack` takes global options that control overall behaviour and command-specific options that control the command operation. Most global options have a corresponding environment variable that may also be used to set the value. If both are present, the command-line option takes priority. The environment variable names are derived from the option name by dropping the leading dashes ('--'), converting each embedded dash ('-') to an underscore ('_'), and converting to upper case.
The authentication plugin to use when connecting to the Identity service. If this option is not set, :program:`openstack` will attempt to guess the authentication method to use based on the other options.
If this option is set, its version must match :option:`--os-identity-api-version`
The list of command objects is growing longer with the addition of OpenStack
project support. The object names may consist of multiple words to compose a
unique name. Occasionally when multiple APIs have a common name with common
overlapping purposes there will be options to select which object to use, or
the API resources will be merged, as in the ``quota`` object that has options
referring to both Compute and Volume quotas.
Command Actions
The actions used by OpenStackClient are defined with specific meaning to provide a consistent behavior for each object. Some actions have logical opposite actions, and those pairs will always match for any object that uses them.
Placeholder for future local state directory. This directory is intended to be shared among multiple OpenStack-related applications; contents are namespaced with an identifier for the app that owns it. Shared contents (such as :file:`~/.openstack/cache`) have no prefix and the contents must be portable.
The following environment variables can be set to alter the behaviour of :program:`openstack`. Most of them have corresponding command-line options that take precedence if set.