The actions used by OpenStackClient are defined below to provide a consistent meaning to each action. Many of them have logical opposite actions. Those actions with an opposite action are noted in parens if applicable.
* authorize - authorize a token (used in OAuth)
* add (remove) - add some object to a container object; the command is built in the order of "container add object" (<container> <object>), the positional arguments appear in the same order
* attach (detach) - deprecated; use add/remove
* create (delete) - create a new occurrance of the specified object
* delete (create) - delete a specific occurrance of the specified object
* detach (attach) - deprecated; use add/remove
* list - display summary information about multiple objects
* lock (unlock)
* migrate - move a server to a different host; --live performs a live migration if possible
* pause (unpause) - stop a server and leave it in memory
* reboot - forcibly reboot a server
* rebuild - rebuild a server using (most of) the same arguments as in the original create
* remove (add) - remove an object from a group of objects
* rescue (unrescue) - reboot a server in a special rescue mode allowing access to the original disks
* resize - change a server's flavor
* resume (suspend) - return a suspended server to running state
* save - download an object locally
* set (unset) - set a property on the object, formerly called metadata
* show - display detailed information about the specific object
* suspend (resume) - stop a server and save to disk freeing memory
* unlock (lock)
* unpause (pause) - return a paused server to running state
* unrescue (rescue) - return a server to normal boot mode