From a36898370537cdb610f9fd012eea2439ba642f21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steve Martinelli <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 16:13:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] sync oslo bits


oslo-incubator commit 1223cf

Change-Id: I23923d580f57ab6c12622f10d9f278c44c863feb
 openstack-common.conf                         |   1 -
 openstackclient/openstack/common/  |  17 ++
 .../openstack/common/          | 238 ++++++++++--------
 openstackclient/openstack/common/ | 130 ----------
 openstackclient/openstack/common/  |  25 +-
 tools/                  |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 openstackclient/openstack/common/

diff --git a/openstack-common.conf b/openstack-common.conf
index 2b26cf209b..91d6387b4b 100644
--- a/openstack-common.conf
+++ b/openstack-common.conf
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # The list of modules to copy from openstack-common
diff --git a/openstackclient/openstack/common/ b/openstackclient/openstack/common/
index e69de29bb2..d1223eaf76 100644
--- a/openstackclient/openstack/common/
+++ b/openstackclient/openstack/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import six
+six.add_move(six.MovedModule('mox', 'mox', 'mox3.mox'))
diff --git a/openstackclient/openstack/common/ b/openstackclient/openstack/common/
index 2b15854862..6f573a7f8d 100644
--- a/openstackclient/openstack/common/
+++ b/openstackclient/openstack/common/
@@ -28,29 +28,117 @@ import gettext
 import locale
 from logging import handlers
 import os
-import re
 from babel import localedata
 import six
-_localedir = os.environ.get('openstackclient'.upper() + '_LOCALEDIR')
-_t = gettext.translation('openstackclient', localedir=_localedir, fallback=True)
-# We use separate translation catalogs for each log level, so set up a
-# mapping between the log level name and the translator. The domain
-# for the log level is project_name + "-log-" + log_level so messages
-# for each level end up in their own catalog.
-_t_log_levels = dict(
-    (level, gettext.translation('openstackclient' + '-log-' + level,
-                                localedir=_localedir,
-                                fallback=True))
-    for level in ['info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']
+# FIXME(dhellmann): Remove this when moving to oslo.i18n.
 USE_LAZY = False
+class TranslatorFactory(object):
+    """Create translator functions
+    """
+    def __init__(self, domain, lazy=False, localedir=None):
+        """Establish a set of translation functions for the domain.
+        :param domain: Name of translation domain,
+                       specifying a message catalog.
+        :type domain: str
+        :param lazy: Delays translation until a message is emitted.
+                     Defaults to False.
+        :type lazy: Boolean
+        :param localedir: Directory with translation catalogs.
+        :type localedir: str
+        """
+        self.domain = domain
+        self.lazy = lazy
+        if localedir is None:
+            localedir = os.environ.get(domain.upper() + '_LOCALEDIR')
+        self.localedir = localedir
+    def _make_translation_func(self, domain=None):
+        """Return a new translation function ready for use.
+        Takes into account whether or not lazy translation is being
+        done.
+        The domain can be specified to override the default from the
+        factory, but the localedir from the factory is always used
+        because we assume the log-level translation catalogs are
+        installed in the same directory as the main application
+        catalog.
+        """
+        if domain is None:
+            domain = self.domain
+        if self.lazy:
+            return functools.partial(Message, domain=domain)
+        t = gettext.translation(
+            domain,
+            localedir=self.localedir,
+            fallback=True,
+        )
+        if six.PY3:
+            return t.gettext
+        return t.ugettext
+    @property
+    def primary(self):
+        "The default translation function."
+        return self._make_translation_func()
+    def _make_log_translation_func(self, level):
+        return self._make_translation_func(self.domain + '-log-' + level)
+    @property
+    def log_info(self):
+        "Translate info-level log messages."
+        return self._make_log_translation_func('info')
+    @property
+    def log_warning(self):
+        "Translate warning-level log messages."
+        return self._make_log_translation_func('warning')
+    @property
+    def log_error(self):
+        "Translate error-level log messages."
+        return self._make_log_translation_func('error')
+    @property
+    def log_critical(self):
+        "Translate critical-level log messages."
+        return self._make_log_translation_func('critical')
+# NOTE(dhellmann): When this module moves out of the incubator into
+# oslo.i18n, these global variables can be moved to an integration
+# module within each application.
+# Create the global translation functions.
+_translators = TranslatorFactory('openstackclient')
+# The primary translation function using the well-known name "_"
+_ = _translators.primary
+# Translators for log levels.
+# The abbreviated names are meant to reflect the usual use of a short
+# name like '_'. The "L" is for "log" and the other letter comes from
+# the level.
+_LI = _translators.log_info
+_LW = _translators.log_warning
+_LE = _translators.log_error
+_LC = _translators.log_critical
+# NOTE(dhellmann): End of globals that will move to the application's
+# integration module.
 def enable_lazy():
     """Convenience function for configuring _() to use lazy gettext
@@ -59,41 +147,18 @@ def enable_lazy():
     your project is importing _ directly instead of using the
     gettextutils.install() way of importing the _ function.
-    global USE_LAZY
+    # FIXME(dhellmann): This function will be removed in oslo.i18n,
+    # because the TranslatorFactory makes it superfluous.
+    global _, _LI, _LW, _LE, _LC, USE_LAZY
+    tf = TranslatorFactory('openstackclient', lazy=True)
+    _ = tf.primary
+    _LI = tf.log_info
+    _LW = tf.log_warning
+    _LE = tf.log_error
+    _LC = tf.log_critical
     USE_LAZY = True
-def _(msg):
-    if USE_LAZY:
-        return Message(msg, domain='openstackclient')
-    else:
-        if six.PY3:
-            return _t.gettext(msg)
-        return _t.ugettext(msg)
-def _log_translation(msg, level):
-    """Build a single translation of a log message
-    """
-    if USE_LAZY:
-        return Message(msg, domain='openstackclient' + '-log-' + level)
-    else:
-        translator = _t_log_levels[level]
-        if six.PY3:
-            return translator.gettext(msg)
-        return translator.ugettext(msg)
-# Translators for log levels.
-# The abbreviated names are meant to reflect the usual use of a short
-# name like '_'. The "L" is for "log" and the other letter comes from
-# the level.
-_LI = functools.partial(_log_translation, level='info')
-_LW = functools.partial(_log_translation, level='warning')
-_LE = functools.partial(_log_translation, level='error')
-_LC = functools.partial(_log_translation, level='critical')
 def install(domain, lazy=False):
     """Install a _() function using the given translation domain.
@@ -113,26 +178,9 @@ def install(domain, lazy=False):
                  any available locale.
     if lazy:
-        # NOTE(mrodden): Lazy gettext functionality.
-        #
-        # The following introduces a deferred way to do translations on
-        # messages in OpenStack. We override the standard _() function
-        # and % (format string) operation to build Message objects that can
-        # later be translated when we have more information.
-        def _lazy_gettext(msg):
-            """Create and return a Message object.
-            Lazy gettext function for a given domain, it is a factory method
-            for a project/module to get a lazy gettext function for its own
-            translation domain (i.e. nova, glance, cinder, etc.)
-            Message encapsulates a string so that we can translate
-            it later when needed.
-            """
-            return Message(msg, domain=domain)
         from six import moves
-        moves.builtins.__dict__['_'] = _lazy_gettext
+        tf = TranslatorFactory(domain, lazy=True)
+        moves.builtins.__dict__['_'] = tf.primary
         localedir = '%s_LOCALEDIR' % domain.upper()
         if six.PY3:
@@ -248,47 +296,22 @@ class Message(six.text_type):
         if other is None:
             params = (other,)
         elif isinstance(other, dict):
-            params = self._trim_dictionary_parameters(other)
+            # Merge the dictionaries
+            # Copy each item in case one does not support deep copy.
+            params = {}
+            if isinstance(self.params, dict):
+                for key, val in self.params.items():
+                    params[key] = self._copy_param(val)
+            for key, val in other.items():
+                params[key] = self._copy_param(val)
             params = self._copy_param(other)
         return params
-    def _trim_dictionary_parameters(self, dict_param):
-        """Return a dict that only has matching entries in the msgid."""
-        # NOTE(luisg): Here we trim down the dictionary passed as parameters
-        # to avoid carrying a lot of unnecessary weight around in the message
-        # object, for example if someone passes in Message() % locals() but
-        # only some params are used, and additionally we prevent errors for
-        # non-deepcopyable objects by unicoding() them.
-        # Look for %(param) keys in msgid;
-        # Skip %% and deal with the case where % is first character on the line
-        keys = re.findall('(?:[^%]|^)?%\((\w*)\)[a-z]', self.msgid)
-        # If we don't find any %(param) keys but have a %s
-        if not keys and re.findall('(?:[^%]|^)%[a-z]', self.msgid):
-            # Apparently the full dictionary is the parameter
-            params = self._copy_param(dict_param)
-        else:
-            params = {}
-            # Save our existing parameters as defaults to protect
-            # ourselves from losing values if we are called through an
-            # (erroneous) chain that builds a valid Message with
-            # arguments, and then does something like "msg % kwds"
-            # where kwds is an empty dictionary.
-            src = {}
-            if isinstance(self.params, dict):
-                src.update(self.params)
-            src.update(dict_param)
-            for key in keys:
-                params[key] = self._copy_param(src[key])
-        return params
     def _copy_param(self, param):
             return copy.deepcopy(param)
-        except TypeError:
+        except Exception:
             # Fallback to casting to unicode this will handle the
             # python code-like objects that can't be deep-copied
             return six.text_type(param)
@@ -300,13 +323,14 @@ class Message(six.text_type):
     def __radd__(self, other):
         return self.__add__(other)
-    def __str__(self):
-        # NOTE(luisg): Logging in python 2.6 tries to str() log records,
-        # and it expects specifically a UnicodeError in order to proceed.
-        msg = _('Message objects do not support str() because they may '
-                'contain non-ascii characters. '
-                'Please use unicode() or translate() instead.')
-        raise UnicodeError(msg)
+    if six.PY2:
+        def __str__(self):
+            # NOTE(luisg): Logging in python 2.6 tries to str() log records,
+            # and it expects specifically a UnicodeError in order to proceed.
+            msg = _('Message objects do not support str() because they may '
+                    'contain non-ascii characters. '
+                    'Please use unicode() or translate() instead.')
+            raise UnicodeError(msg)
 def get_available_languages(domain):
diff --git a/openstackclient/openstack/common/ b/openstackclient/openstack/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf399f0c7..0000000000
--- a/openstackclient/openstack/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class ParseError(Exception):
-    def __init__(self, message, lineno, line):
-        self.msg = message
-        self.line = line
-        self.lineno = lineno
-    def __str__(self):
-        return 'at line %d, %s: %r' % (self.lineno, self.msg, self.line)
-class BaseParser(object):
-    lineno = 0
-    parse_exc = ParseError
-    def _assignment(self, key, value):
-        self.assignment(key, value)
-        return None, []
-    def _get_section(self, line):
-        if line[-1] != ']':
-            return self.error_no_section_end_bracket(line)
-        if len(line) <= 2:
-            return self.error_no_section_name(line)
-        return line[1:-1]
-    def _split_key_value(self, line):
-        colon = line.find(':')
-        equal = line.find('=')
-        if colon < 0 and equal < 0:
-            return self.error_invalid_assignment(line)
-        if colon < 0 or (equal >= 0 and equal < colon):
-            key, value = line[:equal], line[equal + 1:]
-        else:
-            key, value = line[:colon], line[colon + 1:]
-        value = value.strip()
-        if ((value and value[0] == value[-1]) and
-                (value[0] == "\"" or value[0] == "'")):
-            value = value[1:-1]
-        return key.strip(), [value]
-    def parse(self, lineiter):
-        key = None
-        value = []
-        for line in lineiter:
-            self.lineno += 1
-            line = line.rstrip()
-            if not line:
-                # Blank line, ends multi-line values
-                if key:
-                    key, value = self._assignment(key, value)
-                continue
-            elif line[0] in (' ', '\t'):
-                # Continuation of previous assignment
-                if key is None:
-                    self.error_unexpected_continuation(line)
-                else:
-                    value.append(line.lstrip())
-                continue
-            if key:
-                # Flush previous assignment, if any
-                key, value = self._assignment(key, value)
-            if line[0] == '[':
-                # Section start
-                section = self._get_section(line)
-                if section:
-                    self.new_section(section)
-            elif line[0] in '#;':
-                self.comment(line[1:].lstrip())
-            else:
-                key, value = self._split_key_value(line)
-                if not key:
-                    return self.error_empty_key(line)
-        if key:
-            # Flush previous assignment, if any
-            self._assignment(key, value)
-    def assignment(self, key, value):
-        """Called when a full assignment is parsed"""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def new_section(self, section):
-        """Called when a new section is started"""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def comment(self, comment):
-        """Called when a comment is parsed"""
-        pass
-    def error_invalid_assignment(self, line):
-        raise self.parse_exc("No ':' or '=' found in assignment",
-                             self.lineno, line)
-    def error_empty_key(self, line):
-        raise self.parse_exc('Key cannot be empty', self.lineno, line)
-    def error_unexpected_continuation(self, line):
-        raise self.parse_exc('Unexpected continuation line',
-                             self.lineno, line)
-    def error_no_section_end_bracket(self, line):
-        raise self.parse_exc('Invalid section (must end with ])',
-                             self.lineno, line)
-    def error_no_section_name(self, line):
-        raise self.parse_exc('Empty section name', self.lineno, line)
diff --git a/openstackclient/openstack/common/ b/openstackclient/openstack/common/
index 33fca54b26..9d70264fd3 100644
--- a/openstackclient/openstack/common/
+++ b/openstackclient/openstack/common/
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def bool_from_string(subject, strict=False, default=False):
     Strings yielding False are 'f', 'false', 'off', 'n', 'no', or '0'.
     if not isinstance(subject, six.string_types):
-        subject = str(subject)
+        subject = six.text_type(subject)
     lowered = subject.strip().lower()
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ def bool_from_string(subject, strict=False, default=False):
 def safe_decode(text, incoming=None, errors='strict'):
-    """Decodes incoming str using `incoming` if they're not already unicode.
+    """Decodes incoming text/bytes string using `incoming` if they're not
+       already unicode.
     :param incoming: Text's current encoding
     :param errors: Errors handling policy. See here for valid
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ def safe_decode(text, incoming=None, errors='strict'):
                 representation of it.
     :raises TypeError: If text is not an instance of str
-    if not isinstance(text, six.string_types):
+    if not isinstance(text, (six.string_types, six.binary_type)):
         raise TypeError("%s can't be decoded" % type(text))
     if isinstance(text, six.text_type):
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ def safe_decode(text, incoming=None, errors='strict'):
 def safe_encode(text, incoming=None,
                 encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'):
-    """Encodes incoming str/unicode using `encoding`.
+    """Encodes incoming text/bytes string using `encoding`.
     If incoming is not specified, text is expected to be encoded with
     current python's default encoding. (`sys.getdefaultencoding`)
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ def safe_encode(text, incoming=None,
                 representation of it.
     :raises TypeError: If text is not an instance of str
-    if not isinstance(text, six.string_types):
+    if not isinstance(text, (six.string_types, six.binary_type)):
         raise TypeError("%s can't be encoded" % type(text))
     if not incoming:
@@ -158,19 +159,13 @@ def safe_encode(text, incoming=None,
     if isinstance(text, six.text_type):
-        if six.PY3:
-            return text.encode(encoding, errors).decode(incoming)
-        else:
-            return text.encode(encoding, errors)
+        return text.encode(encoding, errors)
     elif text and encoding != incoming:
         # Decode text before encoding it with `encoding`
         text = safe_decode(text, incoming, errors)
-        if six.PY3:
-            return text.encode(encoding, errors).decode(incoming)
-        else:
-            return text.encode(encoding, errors)
-    return text
+        return text.encode(encoding, errors)
+    else:
+        return text
 def string_to_bytes(text, unit_system='IEC', return_int=False):
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 46822e3293..e279159abb 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class InstallVenv(object):
         parser.add_option('-n', '--no-site-packages',
                           help="Do not inherit packages from global Python "
-                               "install")
+                               "install.")
         return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])[0]