diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/address-scope.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/address-scope.rst
index 9155d09ed1..38141d5c97 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/address-scope.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/address-scope.rst
@@ -7,143 +7,5 @@ to a given project and may be shared between projects.
 Network v2
-address scope create
-Create new address scope
-.. program:: address scope create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack address scope create
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--ip-version <ip-version>]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        <name>
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --ip-version <ip-version>
-    IP version (4 or 6, default is 4)
-.. option:: --share
-    Share the address scope between projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    Do not share the address scope between projects (default)
-.. _address_scope_create-name:
-.. describe:: <name>
-    New address scope name
-address scope delete
-Delete address scope(s)
-.. program:: address scope delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack address scope delete
-        <address-scope> [<address-scope> ...]
-.. _address_scope_delete-address-scope:
-.. describe:: <address-scope>
-    Address scope(s) to delete (name or ID)
-address scope list
-List address scopes
-.. program:: address scope list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack address scope list
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--ip-version <ip-version>]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    List only address scopes of given name in output
-.. option:: --ip-version <ip-version>
-    List address scopes of given IP version networks (4 or 6)
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List address scopes according to their project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --share
-    List address scopes shared between projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    List address scopes not shared between projects
-address scope set
-Set address scope properties
-.. program:: address scope set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack address scope set
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        <address-scope>
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    Set address scope name
-.. option:: --share
-    Share the address scope between projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    Do not share the address scope between projects
-.. _address_scope_set-address-scope:
-.. describe:: <address-scope>
-    Address scope to modify (name or ID)
-address scope show
-Display address scope details
-.. program:: address scope show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack address scope show
-        <address-scope>
-.. _address_scope_show-address-scope:
-.. describe:: <address-scope>
-    Address scope to display (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: address scope *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip-pool.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip-pool.rst
index 5c8f3aa13d..ab6f83a993 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip-pool.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip-pool.rst
@@ -4,12 +4,5 @@ floating ip pool
 Network v2
-floating ip pool list
-List pools of floating IP addresses
-.. program:: floating ip pool list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip pool list
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: floating ip pool *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip-port-forwarding.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip-port-forwarding.rst
index 5012787aaf..052ea0cc7f 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip-port-forwarding.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip-port-forwarding.rst
@@ -4,170 +4,6 @@ floating ip port forwarding
 Network v2
-floating ip port forwarding create
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: floating ip port forwarding *
-Create floating IP Port Forwarding
-.. program:: floating ip port forwarding create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip port forwarding create
-        --internal-ip-address <internal-ip-address>
-        --port <port>
-        --internal-protocol-port <port-number>
-        --external-protocol-port <port-number>
-        --protocol <protocol>
-        <floating-ip>
-.. describe:: --internal-ip-address <internal-ip-address>
-    The fixed IPv4 address of the network port associated
-    to the floating IP port forwarding
-.. describe:: --port <port>
-    The name or ID of the network port associated to the
-    floating IP port forwarding
-.. describe:: --internal-protocol-port <port-number>
-    The protocol port number of the network port fixed
-    IPv4 address associated to the floating IP port
-    forwarding
-.. describe:: --external-protocol-port <port-number>
-    The protocol port number of the port forwarding's
-    floating IP address
-.. describe:: --protocol <protocol>
-    The protocol used in the floating IP port forwarding,
-    for instance: TCP, UDP
-.. describe:: <floating-ip>
-    Floating IP that the port forwarding belongs to (IP
-    address or ID)
-floating ip port forwarding delete
-Delete floating IP Port Forwarding(s)
-.. program:: floating ip port forwarding delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip port forwarding delete <floating-ip>
-    <port-forwarding-id> [<port-forwarding-id> ...]
-.. describe:: <floating-ip>
-    Floating IP that the port forwarding belongs to (IP
-    address or ID)
-.. describe:: <port-forwarding-id>
-    The ID of the floating IP port forwarding
-floating ip port forwarding list
-List floating IP Port Forwarding(s)
-.. program:: floating ip port forwarding list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip port forwarding list
-    [--port <port>]
-    [--external-protocol-port <port-number>]
-    [--protocol protocol]
-    <floating-ip>
-.. option:: --port <port>
-    The ID of the network port associated to the floating
-    IP port forwarding
-.. option:: --protocol <protocol>
-    The IP protocol used in the floating IP port
-    forwarding
-.. describe:: <floating-ip>
-    Floating IP that the port forwarding belongs to (IP
-    address or ID)
-floating ip port forwarding set
-Set floating IP Port Forwarding properties
-.. program:: floating ip port forwarding set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip port forwarding set
-    [--port <port>]
-    [--internal-ip-address <internal-ip-address>]
-    [--internal-protocol-port <port-number>]
-    [--external-protocol-port <port-number>]
-    [--protocol <protocol>]
-    <floating-ip>
-    <port-forwarding-id>
-.. option:: --port <port>
-    The ID of the network port associated to the floating
-    IP port forwarding
-.. option:: --internal-ip-address <internal-ip-address>
-    The fixed IPv4 address of the network port associated
-    to the floating IP port forwarding
-.. option:: --internal-protocol-port <port-number>
-    The TCP/UDP/other protocol port number of the network
-    port fixed IPv4 address associated to the floating IP
-    port forwarding
-.. option:: --external-protocol-port <port-number>
-    The TCP/UDP/other protocol port number of the port
-    forwarding's floating IP address
-.. option:: --protocol <protocol>
-    The IP protocol used in the floating IP port
-    forwarding
-.. describe:: <floating-ip>
-    Floating IP that the port forwarding belongs to (IP
-    address or ID)
-.. describe:: <port-forwarding-id>
-    The ID of the floating IP port forwarding
-floating ip port forwarding show
-Display floating IP Port Forwarding details
-.. program:: floating ip port forwarding show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip show <floating-ip> <port-forwarding-id>
-.. describe:: <floating-ip>
-    Floating IP that the port forwarding belongs to (IP
-    address or ID)
-.. describe:: <port-forwarding-id>
-    The ID of the floating IP port forwarding
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip.rst
index d122ccbea3..c781a1edb4 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/floating-ip.rst
@@ -4,298 +4,23 @@ floating ip
 Network v2
-floating ip create
+.. NOTE(efried): have to list these out one by one; 'floating ip' pulls in
+                 ... pool and ... port forwarding.
-Create floating IP
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: floating ip create
-.. program:: floating ip create
-.. code:: bash
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: floating ip delete
-    openstack floating ip create
-        [--subnet <subnet>]
-        [--port <port>]
-        [--floating-ip-address <ip-address>]
-        [--fixed-ip-address <ip-address>]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--qos-policy <qos-policy>]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--tag <tag> | --no-tag]
-        [--dns-domain <dns-domain>]
-        [--dns-name <dns-name>]
-        <network>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: floating ip list
-.. option:: --subnet <subnet>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: floating ip set
-    Subnet on which you want to create the floating IP (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: floating ip show
-.. option:: --port <port>
-    Port to be associated with the floating IP (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --floating-ip-address <ip-address>
-    Floating IP address
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --fixed-ip-address <ip-address>
-    Fixed IP address mapped to the floating IP
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set floating IP description
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --qos-policy <qos-policy>
-    QoS policy to attach to the floating IP (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the floating IP (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    No tags associated with the floating IP
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --dns-domain <dns-domain>
-    Set DNS domain for this floating IP (requires DNS integration extension).
-.. option:: --dns-name <dns-name>
-    Set DNS name for this floating IP (requires DNS integration extension).
-.. describe:: <network>
-    Network to allocate floating IP from (name or ID)
-floating ip delete
-Delete floating IP(s)
-.. program:: floating ip delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip delete <floating-ip> [<floating-ip> ...]
-.. describe:: <floating-ip>
-    Floating IP(s) to delete (IP address or ID)
-floating ip list
-List floating IP(s)
-.. program:: floating ip list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip list
-        [--network <network>]
-        [--port <port>]
-        [--fixed-ip-address <ip-address>]
-        [--long]
-        [--status <status>]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--router <router>]
-        [--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-        [--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-.. option:: --network <network>
-    List floating IP(s) according to given network (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --port <port>
-    List floating IP(s) according to given port (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --fixed-ip-address <ip-address>
-    List floating IP(s) according to given fixed IP address
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --floating-ip-address <ip-address>
-    List floating IP(s) according to given floating IP address
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --status <status>
-    List floating IP(s) according to given status ('ACTIVE', 'DOWN')
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List floating IP(s) according to given project (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can
-    be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --router <router>
-    List floating IP(s) according to given router (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List floating IP(s) which have all given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List floating IP(s) which have any given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude floating IP(s) which have all given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude floating IP(s) which have any given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-floating ip set
-Set floating IP properties
-.. program:: floating ip set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip set
-        [--port <port>]
-        [--fixed-ip-address <ip-address>]
-        [--qos-policy <qos-policy> | --no-qos-policy]
-        [--tag <tag>] [--no-tag]
-        <floating-ip>
-.. option:: --port <port>
-    Associate the floating IP with port (name or ID)
-.. option:: --fixed-ip-address <ip-address>
-    Fixed IP of the port (required only if port has multiple IPs)
-.. option:: --qos-policy <qos-policy>
-    Attach QoS policy to the floating IP (name or ID)
-.. option:: --no-qos-policy
-    Remove the QoS policy attached to the floating IP
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the floating IP (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    Clear tags associated with the floating IP. Specify both --tag
-    and --no-tag to overwrite current tags
-.. _floating_ip_set-floating-ip:
-.. describe:: <floating-ip>
-    Floating IP to associate (IP address or ID)
-floating ip show
-Display floating IP details
-.. program:: floating ip show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip show <floating-ip>
-.. describe:: <floating-ip>
-    Floating IP to display (IP address or ID)
-floating ip unset
-Unset floating IP Properties
-.. program:: floating ip unset
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack floating ip unset
-        [--port]
-        [--qos-policy]
-        [--tag <tag> | --all-tag]
-        <floating-ip>
-.. option:: --port
-    Disassociate any port associated with the floating IP
-.. option:: --qos-policy
-    Remove the QoS policy attached to the floating IP
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be removed from the floating IP
-    (repeat option to remove multiple tags)
-.. option:: --all-tag
-    Clear all tags associated with the floating IP
-.. _floating_ip_unset-floating-ip:
-.. describe:: <floating-ip>
-    Floating IP to disassociate (IP address or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: floating ip unset
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/ip-availability.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/ip-availability.rst
index dd39e649fe..94e60459b1 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/ip-availability.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/ip-availability.rst
@@ -4,57 +4,5 @@ ip availability
 Network v2
-ip availability list
-List IP availability for network
-This command retrieves information about IP availability.
-Useful for admins who need a quick way to check the
-IP availability for all associated networks.
-List specifically returns total IP capacity and the
-number of allocated IP addresses from that pool.
-.. program:: ip availability list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack ip availability list
-        [--ip-version {4,6}]
-        [--project <project>]
-.. option:: --ip-version {4,6}
-    List IP availability of given IP version networks
-    (default is 4)
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List IP availability of given project
-    (name or ID)
-ip availability show
-Show network IP availability details
-This command retrieves information about IP availability.
-Useful for admins who need a quick way to
-check the IP availability and details for a
-specific network.
-This command will return information about
-IP availability for the network as a whole, and
-return availability information for each individual
-subnet within the network as well.
-.. program:: ip availability show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack ip availability show
-        <network>
-.. _ip_availability_show-network:
-.. describe:: <network>
-    Show IP availability for a specific network (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: ip availability *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-agent.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-agent.rst
index 9f02cb6bc8..7e721db1ea 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-agent.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-agent.rst
@@ -10,207 +10,5 @@ agent is "True".
 Network v2
-network agent add network
-Add network to an agent
-.. program:: network agent add network
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network agent add network
-        [--dhcp]
-        <agent-id>
-        <network>
-.. option:: --dhcp
-    Add a network to DHCP agent
-.. describe:: <agent-id>
-    Agent to which a network is added (ID only)
-.. describe:: <network>
-    Network to be added to an agent (name or ID)
-network agent add router
-Add router to an agent
-.. program:: network agent add router
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network agent add router
-        [--l3]
-        <agent-id>
-        <router>
-.. option:: --l3
-    Add router to an L3 agent
-.. _network_agent_add_router-agent-id:
-.. describe:: <agent-id>
-   Agent to which a router is added (ID only)
-.. _network_agent_add_router-router:
-.. describe:: <router>
-   Router to be added to an agent (name or ID)
-network agent delete
-Delete network agent(s)
-.. program:: network agent delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network agent delete
-        <network-agent> [<network-agent> ...]
-.. _network_agent_delete-network-agent:
-.. describe:: <network-agent>
-    Network agent(s) to delete (ID only)
-network agent list
-List network agents
-.. program:: network agent list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network agent list
-        [--agent-type <agent-type>]
-        [--host <host>]
-        [--network <network> | --router <router>]
-        [--long]
-.. option:: --agent-type <agent-type>
-    List only agents with the specified agent type.
-    The supported agent types are: dhcp, open-vswitch,
-    linux-bridge, ofa, l3, loadbalancer, metering,
-    metadata, macvtap, nic.
-.. option:: --host <host>
-    List only agents running on the specified host
-.. option:: --network <network>
-    List agents hosting a network (name or ID)
-.. option:: --router <router>
-    List agents hosting this router (name or ID)
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-network agent remove network
-Remove network from an agent
-.. program:: network agent remove network
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network agent remove network
-        [--dhcp]
-        <agent-id>
-        <network>
-.. option:: --dhcp
-    Remove network from DHCP agent
-.. _network_agent_remove_network-agent-id:
-.. describe:: <agent-id>
-    Agent to which a network is removed (ID only)
-.. _network_agent_remove_network-network:
-.. describe:: <network>
-    Network to be removed from an agent (name or ID)
-network agent remove router
-Remove router from an agent
-.. program:: network agent remove router
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack agent remove router
-        [--l3]
-        <agent-id>
-        <router>
-.. option:: --l3
-    Remove router from an L3 agent
-.. _network_agent_remove_router-agent-id:
-.. describe:: <agent-id>
-   Agent from which router will be removed (ID only)
-.. _network_agent_remove_router-router:
-.. describe:: <router>
-   Router to be removed from an agent (name or ID)
-network agent set
-Set network agent properties
-.. program:: network agent set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network agent set
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        <network-agent>
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set network agent description
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable network agent
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable network agent
-.. _network_agent_set-network-agent:
-.. describe:: <network-agent>
-    Network agent to modify (ID only)
-network agent show
-Display network agent details
-.. program:: network agent show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network agent show
-        <network-agent>
-.. _network_agent_show-network-agent:
-.. describe:: <network-agent>
-    Network agent to display (ID only)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network agent *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-auto-allocated-topology.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-auto-allocated-topology.rst
index 4ed68cdae9..00e4c6b9bc 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-auto-allocated-topology.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-auto-allocated-topology.rst
@@ -10,60 +10,5 @@ http://docs.openstack.org/newton/networking-guide/config-auto-allocation.html
 Network v2
-network auto allocated topology create
-Create the auto allocated topology for project
-.. program:: network auto allocated topology create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network auto allocated topology create
-        [--or-show]
-        [--check-resources]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-.. option:: --or-show
-    If topology exists returns the topologies information (Default).
-.. option:: --check-resources
-    Validate the requirements for auto allocated topology.
-    Does not return a topology.
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Return the auto allocated topology for a given project.
-    Default is current project.
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. _network_auto_allocated_topology_create:
-network auto allocated topology delete
-Delete auto allocated topology for project
-.. program:: network auto allocated topology delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network auto allocated topology delete
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Delete auto allocated topology for a given project.
-    Default is the current project.
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. _network_auto_allocated_topology_delete:
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network auto allocated topology *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-flavor-profile.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-flavor-profile.rst
index fdb95059b8..c5e9aa0c13 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-flavor-profile.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-flavor-profile.rst
@@ -11,135 +11,5 @@ operators to create user options according to deployment needs.
 Network v2
-network flavor profile create
-Create a new network flavor profile
-.. program:: network flavor profile create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor profile create
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        (--driver <driver> | --metainfo <metainfo> | --driver <driver> --metainfo <metainfo>)
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can
-    be used in case collisions between project names
-    exist
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Description for the flavor profile
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable the flavor profile (default)
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable the flavor profile
-.. option:: --driver <driver>
-    Python module path to driver
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --metainfo <metainfo>
-    Metainfo for the flavor profile
-    *Network version 2 only*
-network flavor profile delete
-Delete network flavor profile
-.. program:: network flavor profile delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor profile delete
-        <flavor-profile-id> [<flavor-profile-id> ...]
-.. describe:: <flavor-profile-id>
-    Flavor profile(s) to delete (ID only)
-network flavor profile list
-List network flavor profiles
-.. program:: network flavor profile list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor profile list
-network flavor profile set
-Set network flavor profile properties
-.. program:: network flavor profile set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor profile set
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--driver <driver>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--metainfo <metainfo>]
-        <flavor-profile-id>
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Description of the flavor profile
-.. option:: --driver <driver>
-    Python module path to driver
-.. option:: --enable (Default)
-    Enable the flavor profile
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable the flavor profile
-.. option:: --metainfo <metainfo>
-    Metainfo for the flavor profile
-.. describe:: <flavor-profile-id>
-    Flavor profile to update (ID only)
-network flavor profile show
-Show network flavor profile
-.. program:: network flavor profile show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor profile show
-        <flavor-profile-id>
-.. describe:: <flavor-profile-id>
-    Flavor profile to display (ID only)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network flavor profile *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-flavor.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-flavor.rst
index 2d23bf056a..6fe7504a0d 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-flavor.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-flavor.rst
@@ -8,176 +8,26 @@ service flavors.
 Network v2
-network flavor add profile
+.. NOTE(efried): have to list these out one by one; 'network flavor' pulls in
+                 ... profile *.
-Add network flavor to service profile
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network flavor add profile
-.. program:: network flavor add profile
-.. code:: bash
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network flavor create
-    openstack network flavor add profile
-        <flavor>
-        <service-profile-id>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network flavor delete
-.. describe:: <flavor>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network flavor list
-    Flavor to which service profile is added. (Name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network flavor remove profile
-.. describe:: <service-profile-id>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network flavor set
-    Service profile to be added to flavor. (ID only)
-.. _network_flavor_add_profile:
-network flavor create
-Create network flavor
-.. program:: network flavor create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor create
-        --service-type <service-type>
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        <name>
-.. option:: --service-type <service-type>
-    Service type to which the flavor applies to: e.g. VPN.
-    (See openstack :ref:`\<service providers\> <network_service_provider_list>`) (required)
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Description for the flavor
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable the flavor (default)
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable the flavor
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can
-    be used in case collisions between project names
-    exist.
-.. describe:: <name>
-    Name for the flavor
-.. _network_flavor_create:
-network flavor delete
-Delete network flavor(s)
-.. program:: network flavor delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor delete
-        <flavor> [<flavor> ...]
-.. describe:: <flavor>
-    Flavor(s) to delete (name or ID)
-.. _network_flavor_delete:
-network flavor list
-List network flavors
-.. program:: network flavor list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor list
-.. _network_flavor_list:
-network flavor remove profile
-Remove network flavor from service profile
-.. program:: network flavor remove profile
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor remove profile
-        <flavor>
-        <service-profile-id>
-.. describe:: <flavor>
-    Flavor from which service profile is removed. (Name or ID)
-.. describe:: <service-profile-id>
-    Service profile to be removed from flavor. (ID only)
-.. _network_flavor_remove_profile:
-network flavor set
-Set network flavor properties
-.. program:: network flavor set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor set
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        <flavor>
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    Set flavor name
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set network flavor description
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable network flavor
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable network flavor
-.. describe:: <flavor>
-    Flavor to update (name or ID)
-.. _network_flavor_set:
-network flavor show
-Show network flavor
-.. program:: network flavor show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network flavor show
-        <flavor>
-.. describe:: <flavor>
-    Flavor to display (name or ID)
-.. _network_flavor_show:
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network flavor show
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-meter-rule.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-meter-rule.rst
index 22d50aa907..616c4bc516 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-meter-rule.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-meter-rule.rst
@@ -9,93 +9,5 @@ metering extension.
 Network v2
-network meter rule create
-Create meter rule
-.. program:: network meter rule create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network meter rule create
-        --remote-ip-prefix <remote-ip-prefix>
-        [--ingress | --egress]
-        [--exclude | --include]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        <meter>
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name of ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --ingress
-    Rule is applied to incoming traffic (default)
-.. option:: --egress
-    Rule is applied to outgoing traffic
-.. option:: --exclude
-    Exclude remote_ip_prefix from count of the traffic of IP addresses
-.. option:: --include
-    Include remote_ip_prefix into count of the traffic of IP addresses
-    (default)
-.. option:: --remote-ip-prefix <remote-ip-prefix>
-    The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet
-.. _network_meter_rule_create:
-.. describe:: <meter>
-    Meter to associate with this meter rule (name or ID)
-network meter rule delete
-Delete meter rule(s)
-.. program:: network meter rule delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network meter rule delete <id> [<id> ...]
-.. _network_meter_rule_delete:
-.. describe:: <meter-rule-id>
-    ID of meter rule(s) to delete
-network meter rule list
-List meter rules
-.. program:: network meter rule list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network meter rule list
-network meter rule show
-Show meter rule
-.. program:: network meter rule show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network meter rule show <meter-rule-id>
-.. _network_meter_show:
-.. describe:: <meter-rule-id>
-    Meter rule to display (ID only)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network meter rule *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-meter.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-meter.rst
index 6077ce9226..5752e6f419 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-meter.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-meter.rst
@@ -8,84 +8,17 @@ are specific to the L3 metering extension.
 Network v2
-network meter create
+.. NOTE(efried): have to list these out one by one; 'network meter *' pulls in
+                 ... rule *.
-Create network meter
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network meter create
-.. program:: network meter create
-.. code:: bash
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network meter delete
-    openstack network meter create
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        <name>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network meter list
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name of ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Description of meter
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --share
-    Share the meter between projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    Do not share the meter between projects (Default)
-.. _network_meter_create:
-.. describe:: <name>
-    New meter name
-network meter delete
-Delete network meter(s)
-.. program:: network meter delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network meter delete
-        <meter> [<meter> ...]
-.. _network_meter_delete:
-.. describe:: <meter>
-    Meter(s) to delete (name or ID)
-network meter list
-List network meters
-.. program:: network meter list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network meter list
-network meter show
-Show network meter
-.. program:: network meter show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network meter show
-        <meter>
-.. _network_meter_show:
-.. describe:: <meter>
-    Meter to display (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network meter show
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-policy.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-policy.rst
index 2e86f8f3ac..af7a104070 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-policy.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-policy.rst
@@ -7,157 +7,5 @@ network or a port.
 Network v2
-network qos policy create
-Create new Network QoS policy
-.. program:: network qos policy create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos policy create
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        [--project <project>]
-        [--project-domain <project-domain>]
-        [--default | --no-default]
-        <name>
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Description of the QoS policy
-.. option:: --share
-    Make the QoS policy accessible by other projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    Make the QoS policy not accessible by other projects (default)
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --default
-    Set this as a default network QoS policy
-.. option:: --no-default
-    Set this as a non-default network QoS policy
-.. _network_qos_policy_create-name:
-.. describe:: <name>
-    New QoS policy specification name
-network qos policy delete
-Delete Network QoS policy
-.. program:: network qos policy delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos policy delete
-         <qos-policy> [<qos-policy> ...]
-.. _network_qos_policy_delete-qos-policy:
-.. describe:: <qos-policy>
-    Network QoS policy(s) to delete (name or ID)
-network qos policy list
-List Network QoS policies
-.. program:: network qos policy list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos policy list
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List qos policies according to their project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --share
-    List qos policies shared between projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    List qos policies not shared between projects
-network qos policy set
-Set Network QoS policy properties
-.. program:: network qos policy set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos policy set
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        [--default | --no-default]
-        <qos-policy>
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    Name of the QoS policy
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Description of the QoS policy
-.. option:: --share
-    Make the QoS policy accessible by other projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    Make the QoS policy not accessible by other projects
-.. option:: --default
-    Set this as a default network QoS policy
-.. option:: --no-default
-    Set this as a non-default network QoS policy
-.. _network_qos_policy_set-qos-policy:
-.. describe:: <qos-policy>
-    Network QoS policy to modify (name or ID)
-network qos policy show
-Display Network QoS policy details
-.. program:: network qos policy show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos policy show
-        <qos-policy>
-.. _network_qos_policy_show-qos-policy:
-.. describe:: <qos-policy>
-    Network QoS policy to display (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network qos policy *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-rule-type.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-rule-type.rst
index de6f2474af..197a86002f 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-rule-type.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-rule-type.rst
@@ -7,27 +7,5 @@ used.
 Network v2
-network qos rule type list
-List Network QoS rule types
-.. program:: network qos rule type list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos rule type list
-network qos rule type show
-Display Network QoS rule type details
-.. program:: network qos rule type show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos rule type show
-        <rule-type-name>
-.. describe:: <rule-type-name>
-    Name of QoS rule type (minimum-bandwidth, dscp-marking, bandwidth-limit)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network qos rule type *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-rule.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-rule.rst
index 1baf5dbfeb..8b715c03ab 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-rule.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-qos-rule.rst
@@ -9,157 +9,20 @@ rules, each of them
 Network v2
-network qos rule create
+.. NOTE(efried): have to list these out one by one; 'network qos rule *' pulls
+                 network qos rule type *.
-Create new Network QoS rule
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network qos rule create
-.. program:: network qos rule create
-.. code:: bash
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network qos rule delete
-    openstack network qos rule create
-        --type <type>
-        [--max-kbps <max-kbps>]
-        [--max-burst-kbits <max-burst-kbits>]
-        [--dscp-marks <dscp-marks>]
-        [--min-kbps <min-kbps>]
-        [--ingress | --egress]
-        <qos-policy>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network qos rule list
-.. option:: --type <type>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network qos rule set
-    QoS rule type (minimum-bandwidth, dscp-marking, bandwidth-limit)
-.. option:: --max-kbps <min-kbps>
-    Maximum bandwidth in kbps
-.. option:: --max-burst-kbits <max-burst-kbits>
-    Maximum burst in kilobits, 0 means automatic
-.. option:: --dscp-mark <dscp-mark>
-    DSCP mark: value can be 0, even numbers from 8-56, excluding 42, 44, 50,
-    52, and 54
-.. option:: --min-kbps <min-kbps>
-    Minimum guaranteed bandwidth in kbps
-.. option:: --ingress
-    Ingress traffic direction from the project point of view
-.. option:: --egress
-    Egress traffic direction from the project point of view
-.. describe:: <qos-policy>
-    QoS policy that contains the rule (name or ID)
-network qos rule delete
-Delete Network QoS rule
-.. program:: network qos rule delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos rule delete
-         <qos-policy>
-         <rule-id>
-.. describe:: <qos-policy>
-    QoS policy that contains the rule (name or ID)
-.. describe:: <rule-id>
-    Network QoS rule to delete (ID)
-network qos rule list
-List Network QoS rules
-.. program:: network qos rule list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos rule list
-         <qos-policy>
-.. describe:: <qos-policy>
-    QoS policy that contains the rule (name or ID)
-network qos rule set
-Set Network QoS rule properties
-.. program:: network qos rule set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos rule set
-        [--max-kbps <max-kbps>]
-        [--max-burst-kbits <max-burst-kbits>]
-        [--dscp-marks <dscp-marks>]
-        [--min-kbps <min-kbps>]
-        [--ingress | --egress]
-        <qos-policy>
-        <rule-id>
-.. option:: --max-kbps <min-kbps>
-    Maximum bandwidth in kbps
-.. option:: --max-burst-kbits <max-burst-kbits>
-    Maximum burst in kilobits, 0 means automatic
-.. option:: --dscp-mark <dscp-mark>
-    DSCP mark: value can be 0, even numbers from 8-56, excluding 42, 44, 50,
-    52, and 54
-.. option:: --min-kbps <min-kbps>
-    Minimum guaranteed bandwidth in kbps
-.. option:: --ingress
-    Ingress traffic direction from the project point of view
-.. option:: --egress
-    Egress traffic direction from the project point of view
-.. describe:: <qos-policy>
-    QoS policy that contains the rule (name or ID)
-.. describe:: <rule-id>
-    Network QoS rule to delete (ID)
-network qos rule show
-Display Network QoS rule details
-.. program:: network qos rule show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network qos rule show
-        <qos-policy>
-        <rule-id>
-.. describe:: <qos-policy>
-    QoS policy that contains the rule (name or ID)
-.. describe:: <rule-id>
-    Network QoS rule to delete (ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network qos rule show
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-rbac.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-rbac.rst
index 22733a2cd2..d9e48554d3 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-rbac.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-rbac.rst
@@ -8,136 +8,5 @@ to network resources for specific projects.
 Network v2
-network rbac create
-Create network RBAC policy
-.. program:: network rbac create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network rbac create
-        --type <type>
-        --action <action>
-        [--target-project <target-project> | --target-all-projects]
-        [--target-project-domain <target-project-domain>]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        <rbac-policy>
-.. option:: --type <type>
-    Type of the object that RBAC policy affects ("security_group", "qos_policy" or "network") (required)
-.. option:: --action <action>
-    Action for the RBAC policy ("access_as_external" or "access_as_shared") (required)
-.. option:: --target-project <target-project>
-    The project to which the RBAC policy will be enforced (name or ID)
-.. option:: --target-all-projects
-    Allow creating RBAC policy for all projects.
-.. option:: --target-project-domain <target-project-domain>
-    Domain the target project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    The owner project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. _network_rbac_create-rbac-policy:
-.. describe:: <rbac-object>
-    The object to which this RBAC policy affects (name or ID)
-network rbac delete
-Delete network RBAC policy(s)
-.. program:: network rbac delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network rbac delete
-        <rbac-policy> [<rbac-policy> ...]
-.. _network_rbac_delete-rbac-policy:
-.. describe:: <rbac-policy>
-    RBAC policy(s) to delete (ID only)
-network rbac list
-List network RBAC policies
-.. program:: network rbac list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network rbac list
-        [--type <type>]
-        [--action <action>]
-        [--long]
-.. option:: --type <type>
-    List network RBAC policies according to given object type ("security_group", "qos_policy" or "network")
-.. option:: --action <action>
-    List network RBAC policies according to given action ("access_as_external" or "access_as_shared")
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-network rbac set
-Set network RBAC policy properties
-.. program:: network rbac set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network rbac set
-        [--target-project <target-project> [--target-project-domain <target-project-domain>]]
-        <rbac-policy>
-.. option:: --target-project <target-project>
-    The project to which the RBAC policy will be enforced (name or ID)
-.. option:: --target-project-domain <target-project-domain>
-    Domain the target project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. _network_rbac_set-rbac-policy:
-.. describe:: <rbac-policy>
-    RBAC policy to be modified (ID only)
-network rbac show
-Display network RBAC policy details
-.. program:: network rbac show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network rbac show
-        <rbac-policy>
-.. _network_rbac_show-rbac-policy:
-.. describe:: <rbac-policy>
-    RBAC policy (ID only)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network rbac *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-segment.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-segment.rst
index d6a66aa0b9..2e9143801d 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-segment.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-segment.rst
@@ -9,125 +9,20 @@ within a network may not be guaranteed.
 Network v2
-network segment create
+.. NOTE(efried): have to list these out one by one; 'network segment *' pulls
+                 ... range *.
-Create new network segment
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network segment create
-.. program:: network segment create
-.. code:: bash
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network segment delete
-    openstack network segment create
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--physical-network <physical-network>]
-        [--segment <segment>]
-        --network <network>
-        --network-type <network-type>
-        <name>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network segment list
-.. option:: --description <description>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network segment set
-    Network segment description
-.. option:: --physical-network <physical-network>
-    Physical network name of this network segment
-.. option:: --segment <segment>
-    Segment identifier for this network segment which is
-    based on the network type, VLAN ID for vlan network
-    type and tunnel ID for geneve, gre and vxlan network
-    types
-.. option:: --network <network>
-    Network this network segment belongs to (name or ID)
-.. option:: --network-type <network-type>
-    Network type of this network segment
-    (flat, geneve, gre, local, vlan or vxlan)
-.. _network_segment_create-name:
-.. describe:: <name>
-    New network segment name
-network segment delete
-Delete network segment(s)
-.. program:: network segment delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network segment delete
-        <network-segment> [<network-segment> ...]
-.. _network_segment_delete-segment:
-.. describe:: <network-segment>
-    Network segment(s) to delete (name or ID)
-network segment list
-List network segments
-.. program:: network segment list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network segment list
-        [--long]
-        [--network <network>]
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-.. option:: --network <network>
-    List network segments that belong to this network (name or ID)
-network segment set
-Set network segment properties
-.. program:: network segment set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network segment set
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--name <name>]
-        <network-segment>
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set network segment description
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    Set network segment name
-.. _network_segment_set-segment:
-.. describe:: <network-segment>
-    Network segment to modify (name or ID)
-network segment show
-Display network segment details
-.. program:: network segment show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network segment show
-        <network-segment>
-.. _network_segment_show-segment:
-.. describe:: <network-segment>
-    Network segment to display (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network segment show
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-service-provider.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-service-provider.rst
index f46073f677..52d0288dd0 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-service-provider.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network-service-provider.rst
@@ -9,12 +9,5 @@ Network v2
 .. _network_service_provider_list:
-network service provider list
-List service providers
-.. program:: network service provider list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network service provider list
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network service provider list
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network.rst
index 75113f89da..626b11a928 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network.rst
@@ -11,505 +11,23 @@ provider networks. Networks can be connected via routers.
 Compute v2, Network v2
-network create
+.. NOTE(efried): have to list these out one by one; 'network *' pulls in
+                 ... flavor *, ... qos policy *, etc.
-Create new network
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network create
-.. program:: network create
-.. code:: bash
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network delete
-    openstack network create
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--mtu <mtu>]
-        [--availability-zone-hint <availability-zone>]
-        [--enable-port-security | --disable-port-security]
-        [--external [--default | --no-default] | --internal]
-        [--provider-network-type <provider-network-type>]
-        [--provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>]
-        [--provider-segment <provider-segment>]
-        [--qos-policy <qos-policy>]
-        [--transparent-vlan | --no-transparent-vlan]
-        [--dns-domain <dns-domain>]
-        [--tag <tag> | --no-tag]
-        <name>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network list
-.. option:: --project <project>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network set
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network show
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable network (default)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable network
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --share
-    Share the network between projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    Do not share the network between projects
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set network description
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --mtu <mtu>
-    Set network mtu
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --availability-zone-hint <availability-zone>
-    Availability Zone in which to create this network
-    (Network Availability Zone extension required,
-    repeat option to set multiple availability zones)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --enable-port-security
-    Enable port security by default for ports created on
-    this network (default)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --disable-port-security
-    Disable port security by default for ports created on
-    this network
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --subnet <subnet>
-    IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs (in CIDR notation)
-    *Compute version 2 only*
-.. option:: --external
-    Set this network as an external network
-    (external-net extension required)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --internal
-    Set this network as an internal network (default)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --default
-    Specify if this network should be used as
-    the default external network
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --no-default
-    Do not use the network as the default external network
-    (default)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --provider-network-type <provider-network-type>
-    The physical mechanism by which the virtual network is implemented.
-    The supported options are: flat, geneve, gre, local, vlan, vxlan.
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>
-    Name of the physical network over which the virtual network is implemented
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --provider-segment <provider-segment>
-    VLAN ID for VLAN networks or Tunnel ID for GENEVE/GRE/VXLAN networks
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --qos-policy <qos-policy>
-    QoS policy to attach to this network (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --transparent-vlan
-    Make the network VLAN transparent
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --no-transparent-vlan
-    Do not make the network VLAN transparent
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --dns-domain <dns-domain>
-    Set DNS domain for this network (requires DNS integration extension).
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the network (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    No tags associated with the network
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. _network_create-name:
-.. describe:: <name>
-    New network name
-network delete
-Delete network(s)
-.. program:: network delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network delete
-        <network> [<network> ...]
-.. _network_delete-network:
-.. describe:: <network>
-    Network(s) to delete (name or ID)
-network list
-List networks
-.. program:: network list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network list
-        [--external | --internal]
-        [--long]
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        [--status <status>]
-        [--provider-network-type <provider-network-type>]
-        [--provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>]
-        [--provider-segment <provider-segment>]
-        [--agent <agent-id>]
-        [--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-        [--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-.. option:: --external
-    List external networks
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --internal
-    List internal networks
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    List networks according to their name
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --enable
-    List enabled networks
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --disable
-    List disabled networks
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List networks according to their project (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --share
-    List networks shared between projects
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --no-share
-    List networks not shared between projects
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --status <status>
-    List networks according to their status
-    ('ACTIVE', 'BUILD', 'DOWN', 'ERROR')
-.. option:: --provider-network-type <provider-network-type>
-    List networks according to their physical mechanisms.
-    The supported options are: flat, geneve, gre, local, vlan, vxlan.
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>
-    List networks according to name of the physical network
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --provider-segment <provider-segment>
-    List networks according to VLAN ID for VLAN networks
-    or Tunnel ID for GENEVE/GRE/VXLAN networks
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --agent <agent-id>
-    List networks hosted by agent (ID only)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List networks which have all given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List networks which have any given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude networks which have all given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude networks which have any given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-network set
-Set network properties
-*Network version 2 only*
-.. program:: network set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network set
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--mtu <mtu>]
-        [--enable-port-security | --disable-port-security]
-        [--external [--default | --no-default] | --internal]
-        [--provider-network-type <provider-network-type>]
-        [--provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>]
-        [--provider-segment <provider-segment>]
-        [--qos-policy <qos-policy> | --no-qos-policy]
-        [--dns-domain <dns-domain>]
-        [--tag <tag>] [--no-tag]
-        <network>
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    Set network name
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable network
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable network
-.. option:: --share
-    Share the network between projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    Do not share the network between projects
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set network description
-.. option:: --mtu <mtu>
-    Set network mtu
-.. option:: --enable-port-security
-    Enable port security by default for ports created on
-    this network
-.. option:: --disable-port-security
-    Disable port security by default for ports created on
-    this network
-.. option:: --external
-    Set this network as an external network.
-    (external-net extension required)
-.. option:: --internal
-    Set this network as an internal network
-.. option:: --default
-    Set the network as the default external network
-.. option:: --no-default
-    Do not use the network as the default external network.
-.. option:: --provider-network-type <provider-network-type>
-    The physical mechanism by which the virtual network is implemented.
-    The supported options are: flat, gre, local, vlan, vxlan.
-.. option:: --provider-physical-network <provider-physical-network>
-    Name of the physical network over which the virtual network is implemented
-.. option:: --provider-segment <provider-segment>
-    VLAN ID for VLAN networks or Tunnel ID for GRE/VXLAN networks
-.. option:: --qos-policy <qos-policy>
-    QoS policy to attach to this network (name or ID)
-.. option:: --no-qos-policy
-    Remove the QoS policy attached to this network
-.. option:: --dns-domain <dns-domain>
-    Set DNS domain for this network (requires DNS integration extension).
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the network (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    Clear tags associated with the network. Specify both --tag
-    and --no-tag to overwrite current tags
-.. _network_set-network:
-.. describe:: <network>
-    Network to modify (name or ID)
-network show
-Display network details
-.. program:: network show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network show
-        <network>
-.. _network_show-network:
-.. describe:: <network>
-    Network to display (name or ID)
-network unset
-Unset network properties
-*Network version 2 only*
-.. program:: network unset
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network unset
-        [--tag <tag> | --all-tag]
-        <network>
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be removed from the network
-    (repeat option to remove multiple tags)
-.. option:: --all-tag
-    Clear all tags associated with the network
-.. _network_unset-network:
-.. describe:: <network>
-    Network to modify (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network unset
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network_segment_range.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network_segment_range.rst
index 71155d2224..f40007f385 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network_segment_range.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/network_segment_range.rst
@@ -10,159 +10,5 @@ administrator to control the segment ranges globally or on a per-tenant basis.
 Network v2
-network segment range create
-Create new network segment range
-.. program:: network segment range create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network segment range create
-          (--private | --shared)
-          [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-          --network-type <network-type>
-          [--physical-network <physical-network-name>]
-          --minimum <minimum-segmentation-id>
-          --maximum <maximum-segmentation-id>
-          <name>
-.. option:: --private
-    Network segment range is assigned specifically to the project
-.. option:: --shared
-    Network segment range is shared with other projects
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Network segment range owner (name or ID). Optional when the segment
-    range is shared
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --physical-network <physical-network-name>
-    Physical network name of this network segment range
-.. option:: --network-type <network-type>
-    Network type of this network segment range
-    (geneve, gre, vlan or vxlan)
-.. option:: --minimum <minimum-segmentation-id>
-    Minimum segment identifier for this network segment range which is based
-    on the network type, VLAN ID for vlan network type and tunnel ID for
-    geneve, gre and vxlan network types
-.. option:: --maximum <maximum-segmentation-id>
-    Maximum segment identifier for this network segment range which is based
-    on the network type, VLAN ID for vlan network type and tunnel ID for
-    geneve, gre and vxlan network types
-.. _network_segment_range_create-name:
-.. describe:: <name>
-    Name of new network segment range
-network segment range delete
-Delete network segment range(s)
-.. program:: network segment range delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network segment range delete
-        <network-segment-range> [<network-segment-range> ...]
-.. _network_segment_range_delete-network-segment-range:
-.. describe:: <network-segment-range>
-    Network segment range (s) to delete (name or ID)
-network segment range list
-List network segment ranges
-.. program:: network segment range list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network segment range list
-        [--long]
-        [--used | --unused]
-        [--available | --unavailable]
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-.. option:: --used
-    List network segment ranges that have segments in use
-.. option:: --unused
-    List network segment ranges that do not have segments not in use
-.. option:: --available
-    List network segment ranges that have available segments
-.. option:: --unavailable
-    List network segment ranges without available segments
-network segment range set
-Set network segment range properties
-.. program:: network segment range set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network segment range set
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--minimum <minimum-segmentation-id>]
-        [--maximum <maximum-segmentation-id>]
-        <network-segment-range>
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    Set network segment range name
-.. option:: --minimum <minimum-segmentation-id>
-    Set network segment range minimum segment identifier
-.. option:: --maximum <maximum-segmentation-id>
-    Set network segment range maximum segment identifier
-.. _network_segment_range_set-network-segment-range:
-.. describe:: <network-segment-range>
-    Network segment range to modify (name or ID)
-network segment range show
-Display network segment range details
-.. program:: network segment range show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack network segment range show
-        <network-segment-range>
-.. _network_segment_range_show-network-segment-range:
-.. describe:: <network-segment-range>
-    Network segment range to display (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: network segment range *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/port.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/port.rst
index bc9f5dde02..3af5272eb2 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/port.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/port.rst
@@ -8,486 +8,5 @@ configuration, such as the MAC and IP addresses to be used on that port.
 Network v2
-port create
-Create new port
-.. program:: port create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack port create
-        --network <network>
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address> | --no-fixed-ip]
-        [--device <device-id>]
-        [--device-owner <device-owner>]
-        [--vnic-type <vnic-type>]
-        [--binding-profile <binding-profile>]
-        [--host <host-id>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--enable-uplink-status-propagation | --disable-uplink-status-propagation]
-        [--mac-address <mac-address>]
-        [--security-group <security-group> | --no-security-group]
-        [--dns-domain <dns-domain>]
-        [--dns-name <dns-name>]
-        [--allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]]
-        [--qos-policy <qos-policy>]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--enable-port-security | --disable-port-security]
-        [--tag <tag> | --no-tag]
-        <name>
-.. option:: --network <network>
-    Network this port belongs to (name or ID)
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Description of this port
-.. option:: --fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>
-    Desired IP and/or subnet for this port (name or ID):
-    subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>
-    (repeat option to set multiple fixed IP addresses)
-.. option:: --no-fixed-ip
-    No IP or subnet for this port
-.. option:: --device <device-id>
-    Port device ID
-.. option:: --device-owner <device-owner>
-    Device owner of this port. This is the entity that uses
-    the port (for example, network:dhcp).
-.. option:: --vnic-type <vnic-type>
-    VNIC type for this port (direct | direct-physical | macvtap | normal | baremetal |
-    virtio-forwarder, default: normal)
-.. option:: --binding-profile <binding-profile>
-    Custom data to be passed as binding:profile. Data may
-    be passed as <key>=<value> or JSON.
-    (repeat option to set multiple binding:profile data)
-.. option:: --host <host-id>
-    Allocate port on host ``<host-id>`` (ID only)
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable port (default)
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable port
-.. option:: --enable-uplink-status-propagation
-    Enable uplink status propagate
-.. option:: --disable-uplink-status-propagation
-    Disable uplink status propagate (default)
-.. option:: --mac-address <mac-address>
-    MAC address of this port
-.. option:: --security-group <security-group>
-    Security group to associate with this port (name or ID)
-    (repeat option to set multiple security groups)
-.. option::  --no-security-group
-    Associate no security groups with this port
-.. option:: --dns-domain <dns-name>
-    Set DNS domain for this port
-    (requires dns_domain for ports extension)
-.. option:: --dns-name <dns-name>
-    Set DNS name for this port
-    (requires DNS integration extension)
-.. option:: --allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]
-    Add allowed-address pair associated with this port:
-    ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]
-    (repeat option to set multiple allowed-address pairs)
-.. option:: --qos-policy <qos-policy>
-    Attach QoS policy to this port (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option::  --enable-port-security
-    Enable port security for this port (Default)
-.. option::  --disable-port-security
-    Disable port security for this port
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the port (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    No tags associated with the port
-.. _port_create-name:
-.. describe:: <name>
-    Name of this port
-port delete
-Delete port(s)
-.. program:: port delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack port delete
-        <port> [<port> ...]
-.. _port_delete-port:
-.. describe:: <port>
-    Port(s) to delete (name or ID)
-port list
-List ports
-.. program:: port list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack port list
-        [--device-owner <device-owner>]
-        [--router <router> | --server <server> | --device-id <device-id>]
-        [--network <network>]
-        [--mac-address <mac-address>]
-        [--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>,ip-substring=<ip-substring>]
-        [--long]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-        [--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-.. option:: --device-owner <device-owner>
-    List only ports with the specified device owner. This is
-    the entity that uses the port (for example, network:dhcp).
-.. option:: --router <router>
-    List only ports attached to this router (name or ID)
-.. option:: --server <server>
-    List only ports attached to this server (name or ID)
-.. option:: --device-id <device-id>
-    List only ports with the specified device ID
-.. option:: --network <network>
-    List only ports attached to this network (name or ID)
-.. option:: --mac-address <mac-address>
-    List only ports with this MAC address
-.. option:: --fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>,ip-substring=<ip-substring>
-    Desired IP address, IP address substring and/or subnet (name or ID) for
-    filtering ports:
-    subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>,ip-substring=<ip-substring>
-    (repeat option to set multiple fixed IP addresses)
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List ports according to their project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List ports which have all given tag(s)
-.. option:: --any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List ports which have any given tag(s)
-.. option:: --not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude ports which have all given tag(s)
-.. option:: --not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude ports which have any given tag(s)
-port set
-Set port properties
-.. program:: port set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack port set
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>]
-        [--no-fixed-ip]
-        [--device <device-id>]
-        [--device-owner <device-owner>]
-        [--vnic-type <vnic-type>]
-        [--binding-profile <binding-profile>]
-        [--no-binding-profile]
-        [--host <host-id>]
-        [--qos-policy <qos-policy>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--mac-address <mac-address>]
-        [--security-group <security-group>]
-        [--no-security-group]
-        [--enable-port-security | --disable-port-security]
-        [--dns-domain <dns-domain>]
-        [--dns-name <dns-name>]
-        [--allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]]
-        [--no-allowed-address]
-        [--data-plane-status <status>]
-        [--tag <tag>] [--no-tag]
-        <port>
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Description of this port
-.. option:: --fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>
-    Desired IP and/or subnet for this port (name or ID):
-    subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>
-    (repeat option to set multiple fixed IP addresses)
-.. option:: --no-fixed-ip
-    Clear existing information of fixed IP addresses.
-    Specify both :option:`--fixed-ip` and :option:`--no-fixed-ip`
-    to overwrite the current fixed IP addresses.
-.. option:: --device <device-id>
-    Port device ID
-.. option:: --device-owner <device-owner>
-    Device owner of this port. This is the entity that uses
-    the port (for example, network:dhcp).
-.. option:: --vnic-type <vnic-type>
-    VNIC type for this port (direct | direct-physical | macvtap | normal | baremetal |
-    virtio-forwarder, default: normal)
-.. option:: --binding-profile <binding-profile>
-    Custom data to be passed as binding:profile. Data may
-    be passed as <key>=<value> or JSON.
-    (repeat option to set multiple binding:profile data)
-.. option:: --no-binding-profile
-    Clear existing information of binding:profile.
-    Specify both :option:`--binding-profile` and :option:`--no-binding-profile`
-    to overwrite the current binding:profile information.
-.. option:: --host <host-id>
-    Allocate port on host ``<host-id>`` (ID only)
-.. option:: --qos-policy <qos-policy>
-    Attach QoS policy to this port (name or ID)
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable port
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable port
-.. option:: --name
-    Set port name
-.. option:: --mac-address
-    Set port's MAC address (admin only)
-.. option:: --security-group <security-group>
-    Security group to associate with this port (name or ID)
-    (repeat option to set multiple security groups)
-.. option::  --no-security-group
-    Clear existing security groups associated with this port
-.. option::  --enable-port-security
-    Enable port security for this port
-.. option::  --disable-port-security
-    Disable port security for this port
-.. option:: --dns-domain <dns-domain>
-    Set DNS domain for this port
-    (requires dns_domain for ports extension)
-.. option:: --dns-name <dns-name>
-    Set DNS name for this port
-    (requires DNS integration extension)
-.. option:: --allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]
-    Add allowed-address pair associated with this port:
-    ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]
-    (repeat option to set multiple allowed-address pairs)
-.. option:: --no-allowed-address
-    Clear existing allowed-address pairs associated
-    with this port.
-    (Specify both --allowed-address and --no-allowed-address
-    to overwrite the current allowed-address pairs)
-.. option:: --data-plane-status
-    Set data plane status of this port (ACTIVE | DOWN).
-    Unset it to None with the 'port unset' command
-    (requires data plane status extension)
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the port (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    Clear tags associated with the port. Specify both --tag
-    and --no-tag to overwrite current tags
-.. _port_set-port:
-.. describe:: <port>
-    Port to modify (name or ID)
-port show
-Display port details
-.. program:: port show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack port show
-        <port>
-.. _port_show-port:
-.. describe:: <port>
-    Port to display (name or ID)
-port unset
-Unset port properties
-.. program:: port unset
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack port unset
-        [--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address> [...]]
-        [--binding-profile <binding-profile-key> [...]]
-        [--security-group <security-group> [...]]
-        [--allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>] [...]]
-        [--qos-policy]
-        [--data-plane-status]
-        [--tag <tag> | --all-tag]
-        <port>
-.. option:: --fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>
-    Desired IP and/or subnet which should be removed
-    from this port (name or ID): subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>
-    (repeat option to unset multiple fixed IP addresses)
-.. option:: --binding-profile <binding-profile-key>
-    Desired key which should be removed from binding-profile
-    (repeat option to unset multiple binding:profile data)
-.. option:: --security-group <security-group>
-    Security group which should be removed from this port (name or ID)
-    (repeat option to unset multiple security groups)
-.. option:: --allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]
-    Desired allowed-address pair which should be removed from this port:
-    ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]
-    (repeat option to unset multiple allowed-address pairs)
-.. option:: --qos-policy
-    Remove the QoS policy attached to the port
-.. option:: --data-plane-status
-    Clear existing information of data plane status
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be removed from the port
-    (repeat option to remove multiple tags)
-.. option:: --all-tag
-    Clear all tags associated with the port
-.. _port_unset-port:
-.. describe:: <port>
-    Port to modify (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: port *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/router.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/router.rst
index 9c9364bc75..6e8e05d7c0 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/router.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/router.rst
@@ -8,402 +8,5 @@ network access for servers on project networks.
 Network v2
-router add port
-Add a port to a router
-.. program:: router add port
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router add port
-        <router>
-        <port>
-.. _router_add_port:
-.. describe:: <router>
-    Router to which port will be added (name or ID)
-.. describe:: <port>
-    Port to be added (name or ID)
-router add subnet
-Add a subnet to a router
-.. program:: router add subnet
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router add subnet
-        <router>
-        <subnet>
-.. _router_add_subnet:
-.. describe:: <router>
-    Router to which subnet will be added (name or ID)
-.. describe:: <subnet>
-    Subnet to be added (name or ID)
-router create
-Create new router
-.. program:: router create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router create
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--distributed | --centralized]
-        [--ha | --no-ha]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--availability-zone-hint <availability-zone>]
-        [--tag <tag> | --no-tag]
-        <name>
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable router (default)
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable router
-.. option:: --distributed
-    Create a distributed router
-    The default router type (distributed vs centralized) is determined by a
-    configuration setting in the OpenStack deployment.  Since we are unable
-    to know that default wihtout attempting to actually create a router it
-    is suggested to use either :option:`--distributed` or :option:`--centralized`
-    in situations where multiple cloud deployments may be used.
-.. option:: --centralized
-    Create a centralized router
-    See the note in :option:`--distributed` regarding the default used when
-    creating a new router.
-.. option:: --ha
-    Create a highly available router
-.. option:: --no-ha
-    Create a legacy router
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set router description
-.. option:: --availability-zone-hint <availability-zone>
-    Availability Zone in which to create this router
-    (Router Availability Zone extension required,
-    repeat option to set multiple availability zones)
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the router (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    No tags associated with the router
-.. _router_create-name:
-.. describe:: <name>
-    New router name
-router delete
-Delete router(s)
-.. program:: router delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router delete
-        <router> [<router> ...]
-.. _router_delete-router:
-.. describe:: <router>
-    Router(s) to delete (name or ID)
-router list
-List routers
-.. program:: router list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router list
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--long]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--agent <agent-id>]
-        [--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-        [--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-.. option:: --agent <agent-id>
-    List routers hosted by an agent (ID only)
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    List routers according to their name
-.. option:: --enable
-    List enabled routers
-.. option:: --disable
-    List disabled routers
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List routers according to their project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List routers which have all given tag(s)
-.. option:: --any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List routers which have any given tag(s)
-.. option:: --not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude routers which have all given tag(s)
-.. option:: --not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude routers which have any given tag(s)
-router remove port
-Remove a port from a router
-.. program:: router remove port
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router remove port
-        <router>
-        <port>
-.. _router_remove_port:
-.. describe:: <router>
-    Router from which port will be removed (name or ID)
-.. describe:: <port>
-    Port to be removed and deleted (name or ID)
-router remove subnet
-Remove a subnet from a router
-.. program:: router remove subnet
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router remove subnet
-        <router>
-        <subnet>
-.. _router_remove_subnet:
-.. describe:: <router>
-    Router from which subnet will be removed (name or ID)
-.. describe:: <subnet>
-    Subnet to be removed (name or ID)
-router set
-Set router properties
-.. program:: router set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router set
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--enable | --disable]
-        [--distributed | --centralized]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address> | --no-route]
-        [--ha | --no-ha]
-        [--external-gateway <network> [--enable-snat|--disable-snat] [--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>]]
-        [--tag <tag>] [--no-tag]
-        <router>
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    Set router name
-.. option:: --enable
-    Enable router
-.. option:: --disable
-    Disable router
-.. option:: --distributed
-    Set router to distributed mode (disabled router only)
-.. option:: --centralized
-    Set router to centralized mode (disabled router only)
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set router description
-.. option:: --route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address>
-    Routes associated with the router
-    destination: destination subnet (in CIDR notation)
-    gateway: nexthop IP address
-    (repeat option to set multiple routes)
-.. option:: --no-route
-    Clear routes associated with the router.
-    Specify both --route and --no-route to overwrite
-    current value of route.
-.. option:: --ha
-    Set the router as highly available (disabled router only)
-.. option:: --no-ha
-    Clear high availablability attribute of the router (disabled router only)
-.. option:: --external-gateway <network>
-    External Network used as router's gateway (name or ID)
-.. option:: --enable-snat
-    Enable Source NAT on external gateway
-.. option:: --disable-snat
-    Disable Source NAT on external gateway
-.. option:: --fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>
-    Desired IP and/or subnet (name or ID) on external gateway:
-    subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>
-    (repeat option to set multiple fixed IP addresses)
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the router (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    Clear tags associated with the router. Specify both --tag
-    and --no-tag to overwrite current tags
-.. _router_set-router:
-.. describe:: <router>
-    Router to modify (name or ID)
-router show
-Display router details
-.. program:: router show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router show
-        <router>
-.. _router_show-router:
-.. describe:: <router>
-    Router to display (name or ID)
-router unset
-Unset router properties
-.. program:: router unset
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack router unset
-        [--route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address>]
-        [--external-gateway]
-        [--tag <tag> | --all-tag]
-        <router>
-.. option:: --route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address>
-    Routes to be removed from the router
-    destination: destination subnet (in CIDR notation)
-    gateway: nexthop IP address
-    (repeat option to unset multiple routes)
-.. option:: --external-gateway
-    Remove external gateway information from the router
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be removed from the router
-    (repeat option to remove multiple tags)
-.. option:: --all-tag
-    Clear all tags associated with the router
-.. _router_unset-router:
-.. describe:: <router>
-    Router to modify (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: router *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/security-group-rule.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/security-group-rule.rst
index 5a2d8342b3..429bcf270b 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/security-group-rule.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/security-group-rule.rst
@@ -7,194 +7,5 @@ and other resources on the network.
 Compute v2, Network v2
-security group rule create
-Create a new security group rule
-.. program:: security group rule create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack security group rule create
-        [--remote-ip <ip-address> | --remote-group <group>]
-        [--dst-port <port-range> | [--icmp-type <icmp-type> [--icmp-code <icmp-code>]]]
-        [--protocol <protocol>]
-        [--ingress | --egress]
-        [--ethertype <ethertype>]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--description <description>]
-        <group>
-.. option:: --remote-ip <ip-address>
-    Remote IP address block (may use CIDR notation;
-    default for IPv4 rule:,
-    default for IPv6 rule: ::/0)
-.. option:: --remote-group <group>
-    Remote security group (name or ID)
-.. option:: --dst-port <port-range>
-    Destination port, may be a single port or a starting and
-    ending port range: 137:139. Required for IP protocols TCP
-    and UDP. Ignored for ICMP IP protocols.
-.. option:: --icmp-type <icmp-type>
-    ICMP type for ICMP IP protocols
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --icmp-code <icmp-code>
-    ICMP code for ICMP IP protocols
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --protocol <protocol>
-    IP protocol (icmp, tcp, udp; default: tcp)
-    *Compute version 2*
-    IP protocol (ah, dccp, egp, esp, gre, icmp, igmp,
-    ipv6-encap, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-nonxt,
-    ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, ospf, pgm, rsvp, sctp, tcp,
-    udp, udplite, vrrp and integer representations [0-255]
-    or any; default: any (all protocols))
-    *Network version 2*
-.. option:: --ingress
-    Rule applies to incoming network traffic (default)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --egress
-    Rule applies to outgoing network traffic
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --ethertype <ethertype>
-    Ethertype of network traffic
-    (IPv4, IPv6; default: based on IP protocol)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set security group rule description
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. describe:: <group>
-    Create rule in this security group (name or ID)
-security group rule delete
-Delete security group rule(s)
-.. program:: security group rule delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack security group rule delete
-        <rule> [<rule> ...]
-.. describe:: <rule>
-    Security group rule(s) to delete (ID only)
-security group rule list
-List security group rules
-.. program:: security group rule list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack security group rule list
-        [--all-projects]
-        [--protocol <protocol>]
-        [--ethertype <ethertype>]
-        [--ingress | --egress]
-        [--long]
-        [<group>]
-.. option:: --all-projects
-    Display information from all projects (admin only)
-    *Network version 2 ignores this option and will always display information*
-    *for all projects (admin only).*
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-    *Compute version 2 does not have additional fields to display.*
-.. option:: --protocol
-    List rules by the IP protocol (ah, dhcp, egp, esp, gre, icmp, igmp,
-    ipv6-encap, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-nonxt,ipv6-opts, ipv6-route,
-    ospf, pgm, rsvp, sctp, tcp, udp, udplite, vrrp and integer
-    representations [0-255] or any; default: any (all protocols))
-    *Network version 2*
-.. option:: --ethertype
-    List rules by the Ethertype (IPv4 or IPv6)
-    *Network version 2*
-.. option:: --ingress
-    List rules applied to incoming network traffic
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --egress
-    List rules applied to outgoing network traffic
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. describe:: <group>
-    List all rules in this security group (name or ID)
-security group rule show
-Display security group rule details
-.. program:: security group rule show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack security group rule show
-        <rule>
-.. describe:: <rule>
-    Security group rule to display (ID only)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: security group rule *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/security-group.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/security-group.rst
index 403e5fc08f..4edc199547 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/security-group.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/security-group.rst
@@ -8,197 +8,23 @@ which specify the network access rules.
 Compute v2, Network v2
-security group create
+.. NOTE(efried): have to list these out one by one; 'security group *' pulls in
+                 ... rule *.
-Create a new security group
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: security group create
-.. program:: security group create
-.. code:: bash
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: security group delete
-    openstack security group create
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--tag <tag> | --no-tag]
-        <name>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: security group list
-.. option:: --description <description>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: security group set
-    Security group description
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: security group show
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the security group (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    No tags associated with the security group
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. describe:: <name>
-    New security group name
-security group delete
-Delete security group(s)
-.. program:: security group delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack security group delete
-        <group> [<group> ...]
-.. describe:: <group>
-    Security group(s) to delete (name or ID)
-security group list
-List security groups
-.. program:: security group list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack security group list
-        [--all-projects]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-        [--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-.. option:: --all-projects
-    Display information from all projects (admin only)
-    *Network version 2 ignores this option and will always display information*
-    *for all projects (admin only).*
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List security groups according to the project (name or ID)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List security groups which have all given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List security groups which have any given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude security groups which have all given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-.. option:: --not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude security groups which have any given tag(s)
-    *Network version 2 only*
-security group set
-Set security group properties
-.. program:: security group set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack security group set
-        [--name <new-name>]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--tag <tag>] [--no-tag]
-        <group>
-.. option:: --name <new-name>
-    New security group name
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    New security group description
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the security group (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    Clear tags associated with the security group. Specify both --tag
-    and --no-tag to overwrite current tags
-.. describe:: <group>
-    Security group to modify (name or ID)
-security group show
-Display security group details
-.. program:: security group show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack security group show
-        <group>
-.. describe:: <group>
-    Security group to display (name or ID)
-security group unset
-Unset security group properties
-.. program:: security group unset
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack security group unset
-        [--tag <tag> | --all-tag]
-        <group>
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be removed from the security group
-    (repeat option to remove multiple tags)
-.. option:: --all-tag
-    Clear all tags associated with the security group
-.. describe:: <group>
-    Security group to modify (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: security group unset
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/subnet-pool.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/subnet-pool.rst
index 77259a83fd..ce9649dc94 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/subnet-pool.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/subnet-pool.rst
@@ -7,304 +7,5 @@ that are available for IP address allocation.
 Network v2
-subnet pool create
-Create subnet pool
-.. program:: subnet pool create
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet pool create
-        [--default-prefix-length <default-prefix-length>]
-        [--min-prefix-length <min-prefix-length>]
-        [--max-prefix-length <max-prefix-length>]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--address-scope <address-scope>]
-        [--default | --no-default]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        [--default-quota <num-ip-addresses>]
-        [--tag <tag> | --no-tag]
-        --pool-prefix <pool-prefix> [...]
-        <name>
-.. option:: --default-prefix-length <default-prefix-length>
-    Set subnet pool default prefix length
-.. option:: --min-prefix-length <min-prefix-length>
-    Set subnet pool minimum prefix length
-.. option:: --max-prefix-length <max-prefix-length>
-    Set subnet pool maximum prefix length
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set subnet pool description
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case
-    collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --address-scope <address-scope>
-    Set address scope associated with the subnet pool (name or ID),
-    prefixes must be unique across address scopes
-.. option:: --default
-    Set this as a default subnet pool
-.. option:: --no-default
-    Set this as a non-default subnet pool
-.. option:: --share
-    Set this subnet pool as shared
-.. option:: --no-share
-    Set this subnet pool as not shared
-.. option:: --default-quota <num-ip-addresses>
-    Set default per-project quota for this subnet pool as the number of
-    IP addresses that can be allocated from the subnet pool
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the subnet pool (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    No tags associated with the subnet pool
-.. option:: --pool-prefix <pool-prefix>
-    Set subnet pool prefixes (in CIDR notation)
-    (repeat option to set multiple prefixes)
-.. _subnet_pool_create-name:
-.. describe:: <name>
-    Name of the new subnet pool
-subnet pool delete
-Delete subnet pool(s)
-.. program:: subnet pool delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet pool delete
-        <subnet-pool> [<subnet-pool> ...]
-.. _subnet_pool_delete-subnet-pool:
-.. describe:: <subnet-pool>
-    Subnet pool(s) to delete (name or ID)
-subnet pool list
-List subnet pools
-.. program:: subnet pool list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet pool list
-        [--long]
-        [--share | --no-share]
-        [--default | --no-default]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--address-scope <address-scope>]
-        [--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-        [--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-.. option:: --share
-    List subnet pools shared between projects
-.. option:: --no-share
-    List subnet pools not shared between projects
-.. option:: --default
-    List subnet pools used as the default external subnet pool
-.. option:: --no-default
-    List subnet pools not used as the default external subnet pool
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List subnet pools according to their project (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    List only subnet pools of given name in output
-.. option:: --address-scope <address-scope>
-    List only subnet pools of given address scope in output (name or ID)
-.. option:: --tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List subnet pools which have all given tag(s)
-.. option:: --any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List subnet pools which have any given tag(s)
-.. option:: --not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude subnet pools which have all given tag(s)
-.. option:: --not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude subnet pools which have any given tag(s)
-subnet pool set
-Set subnet pool properties
-.. program:: subnet pool set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet pool set
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--pool-prefix <pool-prefix> [...]]
-        [--default-prefix-length <default-prefix-length>]
-        [--min-prefix-length <min-prefix-length>]
-        [--max-prefix-length <max-prefix-length>]
-        [--address-scope <address-scope> | --no-address-scope]
-        [--default | --no-default]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--default-quota <num-ip-addresses>]
-        [--tag <tag>] [--no-tag]
-        <subnet-pool>
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    Set subnet pool name
-.. option:: --pool-prefix <pool-prefix>
-    Set subnet pool prefixes (in CIDR notation)
-    (repeat option to set multiple prefixes)
-.. option:: --default-prefix-length <default-prefix-length>
-    Set subnet pool default prefix length
-.. option:: --min-prefix-length <min-prefix-length>
-    Set subnet pool minimum prefix length
-.. option:: --max-prefix-length <max-prefix-length>
-    Set subnet pool maximum prefix length
-.. option:: --address-scope <address-scope>
-    Set address scope associated with the subnet pool (name or ID),
-    prefixes must be unique across address scopes
-.. option:: --no-address-scope
-    Remove address scope associated with the subnet pool
-.. option:: --default
-    Set this as a default subnet pool
-.. option:: --no-default
-    Set this as a non-default subnet pool
-.. option:: --description <description>
-    Set subnet pool description
-.. option:: --default-quota <num-ip-addresses>
-    Set default per-project quota for this subnet pool as the number of
-    IP addresses that can be allocated from the subnet pool
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the subnet pool (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    Clear tags associated with the subnet pool. Specify both --tag
-    and --no-tag to overwrite current tags
-.. _subnet_pool_set-subnet-pool:
-.. describe:: <subnet-pool>
-    Subnet pool to modify (name or ID)
-subnet pool show
-Display subnet pool details
-.. program:: subnet pool show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet pool show
-        <subnet-pool>
-.. _subnet_pool_show-subnet-pool:
-.. describe:: <subnet-pool>
-    Subnet pool to display (name or ID)
-subnet pool unset
-Unset subnet pool properties
-.. program:: subnet pool unset
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet pool unset
-        [--tag <tag> | --all-tag]
-        <subnet-pool>
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be removed from the subnet pool
-    (repeat option to remove multiple tags)
-.. option:: --all-tag
-    Clear all tags associated with the subnet pool
-.. _subnet_pool_unset-subnet-pool:
-.. describe:: <subnet-pool>
-    Subnet pool to modify (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: subnet pool *
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/subnet.rst b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/subnet.rst
index 73e656d895..488fc5a2f5 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/command-objects/subnet.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/command-objects/subnet.rst
@@ -8,427 +8,23 @@ network.
 Network v2
-subnet create
+.. NOTE(efried): have to list these out one by one; 'subnet *' pulls in
+                 subnet pool *.
-Create new subnet
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: subnet create
-.. program:: subnet create
-.. code:: bash
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: subnet delete
-    openstack subnet create
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--subnet-pool <subnet-pool> | --use-default-subnet-pool [--prefix-length <prefix-length>] | --use-prefix-delegation]
-        [--subnet-range <subnet-range>]
-        [--allocation-pool start=<ip-address>,end=<ip-address>]
-        [--dhcp | --no-dhcp]
-        [--dns-nameserver <dns-nameserver>]
-        [--gateway <gateway>]
-        [--host-route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address>]
-        [--ip-version {4,6}]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--ipv6-ra-mode {dhcpv6-stateful,dhcpv6-stateless,slaac}]
-        [--ipv6-address-mode {dhcpv6-stateful,dhcpv6-stateless,slaac}]
-        [--network-segment <network-segment>]
-        [--service-type <service-type>]
-        [--tag <tag> | --no-tag]
-        --network <network>
-        <name>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: subnet list
-.. option:: --project <project>
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: subnet set
-    Owner's project (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: subnet show
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --subnet-pool <subnet-pool>
-    Subnet pool from which this subnet will obtain a CIDR (name or ID)
-.. option:: --use-prefix-delegation
-    Use 'prefix-delegation' if IP is IPv6 format and IP would be delegated
-    externally
-.. option:: --use-default-subnet-pool
-    Use default subnet pool for :option:`--ip-version`
-.. option:: --prefix-length <prefix-length>
-    Prefix length for subnet allocation from subnet pool
-.. option:: --subnet-range <subnet-range>
-    Subnet range in CIDR notation
-    (required if :option:`--subnet-pool` is not specified, optional otherwise)
-.. option:: --allocation-pool start=<ip-address>,end=<ip-address>
-    Allocation pool IP addresses for this subnet e.g.:
-    ``start=,end=``
-    (repeat option to add multiple IP addresses)
-.. option:: --dhcp
-     Enable DHCP (default)
-.. option:: --no-dhcp
-     Disable DHCP
-.. option:: --dns-nameserver <dns-nameserver>
-     DNS server for this subnet (repeat option to set multiple DNS servers)
-.. option:: --gateway <gateway>
-     Specify a gateway for the subnet.  The three options are:
-     <ip-address>: Specific IP address to use as the gateway,
-     'auto': Gateway address should automatically be chosen from
-     within the subnet itself, 'none': This subnet will not use
-     a gateway, e.g.: ``--gateway``, ``--gateway auto``,
-     ``--gateway none`` (default is 'auto').
-.. option:: --host-route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address>
-     Additional route for this subnet e.g.:
-     ``destination=,gateway=``
-     destination: destination subnet (in CIDR notation)
-     gateway: nexthop IP address
-     (repeat option to add multiple routes)
-.. option:: --ip-version {4,6}
-     IP version (default is 4).  Note that when subnet pool is specified,
-     IP version is determined from the subnet pool and this option
-     is ignored.
-.. option:: --description <description>
-     Set subnet description
-.. option:: --ipv6-ra-mode {dhcpv6-stateful,dhcpv6-stateless,slaac}
-     IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) mode,
-     valid modes: [dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, slaac]
-.. option:: --ipv6-address-mode {dhcpv6-stateful,dhcpv6-stateless,slaac}
-     IPv6 address mode, valid modes: [dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, slaac]
-.. option:: --network-segment <network-segment>
-     Network segment to associate with this subnet (name or ID)
-.. option:: --service-type <service-type>
-     Service type for this subnet e.g.:
-     ``network:floatingip_agent_gateway``.
-     Must be a valid device owner value for a network port
-     (repeat option to set multiple service types)
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the subnet (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    No tags associated with the subnet
-.. option:: --network <network>
-     Network this subnet belongs to (name or ID)
-.. _subnet_create-name:
-.. describe:: <name>
-     Name of subnet to create
-subnet delete
-Delete subnet(s)
-.. program:: subnet delete
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet delete
-        <subnet> [<subnet> ...]
-.. _subnet_delete-subnet:
-.. describe:: <subnet>
-    Subnet(s) to delete (name or ID)
-subnet list
-List subnets
-.. program:: subnet list
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet list
-        [--long]
-        [--ip-version {4,6}]
-        [--dhcp | --no-dhcp]
-        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
-        [--network <network>]
-        [--gateway <gateway>]
-        [--name <name>]
-        [--subnet-range <subnet-range>]
-        [--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-        [--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]] [--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
-.. option:: --long
-    List additional fields in output
-.. option:: --ip-version {4, 6}
-    List only subnets of given IP version in output.
-    Allowed values for IP version are 4 and 6.
-.. option:: --dhcp
-    List subnets which have DHCP enabled
-.. option:: --no-dhcp
-    List subnets which have DHCP disabled
-.. option:: --service-type <service-type>
-    List only subnets of a given service type in output
-    e.g.: ``network:floatingip_agent_gateway``.
-    Must be a valid device owner value for a network port
-    (repeat option to list multiple service types)
-.. option:: --project <project>
-    List only subnets which belong to a given project in output (name or ID)
-.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
-    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
-    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
-.. option:: --network <network>
-    List only subnets which belong to a given network in output (name or ID)
-.. option:: --gateway <gateway>
-    List only subnets of given gateway IP in output
-.. option:: --name <name>
-    List only subnets of given name in output
-.. option:: --subnet-range <subnet-range>
-    List only subnets of given subnet range (in CIDR notation) in output
-    e.g.: ``--subnet-range``
-.. option:: --tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List subnets which have all given tag(s)
-.. option:: --any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    List subnets which have any given tag(s)
-.. option:: --not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude subnets which have all given tag(s)
-.. option:: --not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]
-    Exclude subnets which have any given tag(s)
-subnet set
-Set subnet properties
-.. program:: subnet set
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet set
-        [--allocation-pool start=<ip-address>,end=<ip-address>]
-        [--no-allocation-pool]
-        [--dhcp | --no-dhcp]
-        [--dns-nameserver <dns-nameserver>]
-        [--no-dns-nameserver]
-        [--gateway <gateway-ip>]
-        [--network-segment <network-segment>]
-        [--host-route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address>]
-        [--no-host-route]
-        [--service-type <service-type>]
-        [--name <new-name>]
-        [--description <description>]
-        [--tag <tag>] [--no-tag]
-        <subnet>
-.. option:: --allocation-pool start=<ip-address>,end=<ip-address>
-    Allocation pool IP addresses for this subnet e.g.:
-    ``start=,end=``
-    (repeat option to add multiple IP addresses)
-.. option:: --no-allocation-pool
-     Clear associated allocation pools from this subnet.
-     Specify both :option:`--allocation-pool` and :option:`--no-allocation-pool`
-     to overwrite the current allocation pool information.
-.. option:: --dhcp
-     Enable DHCP
-.. option:: --no-dhcp
-     Disable DHCP
-.. option:: --dns-nameserver <dns-nameserver>
-     DNS server for this subnet (repeat option to set multiple DNS servers)
-.. option:: --no-dns-nameservers
-     Clear existing information of DNS servers.
-     Specify both :option:`--dns-nameserver` and :option:`--no-dns-nameservers`
-     to overwrite the current DNS server information.
-.. option:: --gateway <gateway>
-     Specify a gateway for the subnet. The options are:
-     <ip-address>: Specific IP address to use as the gateway,
-     'none': This subnet will not use a gateway,
-     e.g.: ``--gateway``, ``--gateway none``.
-.. option:: --network-segment <network-segment>
-     Network segment to associate with this subnet (name or ID). It is only
-     allowed to set the segment if the current value is `None`, the network
-     must also have only one segment and only one subnet can exist on the
-     network.
-.. option:: --host-route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address>
-     Additional route for this subnet e.g.:
-     ``destination=,gateway=``
-     destination: destination subnet (in CIDR notation)
-     gateway: nexthop IP address
-.. option:: --no-host-route
-     Clear associated host routes from this subnet.
-     Specify both :option:`--host-route` and :option:`--no-host-route`
-     to overwrite the current host route information.
-.. option:: --service-type <service-type>
-     Service type for this subnet e.g.:
-     ``network:floatingip_agent_gateway``.
-     Must be a valid device owner value for a network port
-     (repeat option to set multiple service types)
-.. option:: --description <description>
-     Set subnet description
-.. option:: --name
-     Updated name of the subnet
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be added to the subnet (repeat option to set multiple tags)
-.. option:: --no-tag
-    Clear tags associated with the subnet. Specify both --tag
-    and --no-tag to overwrite current tags
-.. _subnet_set-subnet:
-.. describe:: <subnet>
-    Subnet to modify (name or ID)
-subnet show
-Display subnet details
-.. program:: subnet show
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet show
-        <subnet>
-.. _subnet_show-subnet:
-.. describe:: <subnet>
-    Subnet to display (name or ID)
-subnet unset
-Unset subnet properties
-.. program:: subnet unset
-.. code:: bash
-    openstack subnet unset
-        [--allocation-pool start=<ip-address>,end=<ip-address> [...]]
-        [--dns-nameserver <dns-nameserver> [...]]
-        [--host-route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address> [...]]
-        [--service-type <service-type>]
-        [--tag <tag> | --all-tag]
-        <subnet>
-.. option:: --dns-nameserver <dns-nameserver>
-     DNS server to be removed from this subnet
-     (repeat option to unset multiple DNS servers)
-.. option:: --allocation-pool start=<ip-address>,end=<ip-address>
-    Allocation pool IP addresses to be removed from this
-    subnet e.g.: ``start=,end=``
-    (repeat option to unset multiple allocation pools)
-.. option:: --host-route destination=<subnet>,gateway=<ip-address>
-     Route to be removed from this subnet e.g.:
-     ``destination=,gateway=``
-     destination: destination subnet (in CIDR notation)
-     gateway: nexthop IP address
-     (repeat option to unset multiple host routes)
-.. option:: --service-type <service-type>
-     Service type to be removed from this subnet e.g.:
-     ``network:floatingip_agent_gateway``.
-     Must be a valid device owner value for a network port
-     (repeat option to unset multiple service types)
-.. option:: --tag <tag>
-    Tag to be removed from the subnet
-    (repeat option to remove multiple tags)
-.. option:: --all-tag
-    Clear all tags associated with the subnet
-.. _subnet_unset-subnet:
-.. describe:: <subnet>
-    Subnet to modify (name or ID)
+.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.network.v2
+   :command: subnet unset
diff --git a/openstackclient/identity/common.py b/openstackclient/identity/common.py
index d125d2851d..7be2a17b72 100644
--- a/openstackclient/identity/common.py
+++ b/openstackclient/identity/common.py
@@ -233,13 +233,13 @@ def add_group_domain_option_to_parser(parser):
-def add_project_domain_option_to_parser(parser):
+def add_project_domain_option_to_parser(parser, enhance_help=lambda _h: _h):
-        help=_('Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). '
-               'This can be used in case collisions between project names '
-               'exist.'),
+        help=enhance_help(_('Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This '
+                            'can be used in case collisions between project '
+                            'names exist.')),
diff --git a/openstackclient/network/common.py b/openstackclient/network/common.py
index d22b2caa3c..e68628b3f1 100644
--- a/openstackclient/network/common.py
+++ b/openstackclient/network/common.py
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ _required_opt_extensions_map = {
     'security_groups': 'security-groups',
+_NET_TYPE_NEUTRON = 'neutron'
+_NET_TYPE_COMPUTE = 'nova-network'
+_QUALIFIER_FMT = "%s\n\n*%s*"
 def check_missing_extension_if_error(client_manager, attrs):
@@ -51,35 +55,87 @@ def check_missing_extension_if_error(client_manager, attrs):
-class NetworkAndComputeCommand(command.Command):
-    """Network and Compute Command
+class NetDetectionMixin(object):
+    """Convenience methods for nova-network vs. neutron decisions.
-    Command class for commands that support implementation via
-    the network or compute endpoint. Such commands have different
-    implementations for take_action() and may even have different
-    arguments.
+    A live environment detects which network type it is running and creates its
+    parser with only the options relevant to that network type.
+    But the command classes are used for docs builds as well, and docs must
+    present the options for both network types, often qualified accordingly.
+    @property
+    def _network_type(self):
+        """Discover whether the running cloud is using neutron or nova-network.
-    def take_action(self, parsed_args):
-        if self.app.client_manager.is_network_endpoint_enabled():
-            return self.take_action_network(self.app.client_manager.network,
-                                            parsed_args)
-        else:
-            return self.take_action_compute(self.app.client_manager.compute,
-                                            parsed_args)
+        :return:
+            * ``NET_TYPE_NEUTRON`` if neutron is detected
+            * ``NET_TYPE_COMPUTE`` if running in a cloud but neutron is not
+              detected.
+            * ``None`` if not running in a cloud, which hopefully means we're
+              building docs.
+        """
+        # Have we set it up yet for this command?
+        if not hasattr(self, '_net_type'):
+            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+            try:
+                if self.app.client_manager.is_network_endpoint_enabled():
+                    net_type = _NET_TYPE_NEUTRON
+                else:
+                    net_type = _NET_TYPE_COMPUTE
+            except AttributeError:
+                LOG.warning(
+                    "%s: Could not detect a network type. Assuming we are "
+                    "building docs.", self.__class__.__name__)
+                net_type = None
+            self._net_type = net_type
+        return self._net_type
+    @property
+    def is_neutron(self):
+        return self._network_type is _NET_TYPE_NEUTRON
+    @property
+    def is_nova_network(self):
+        return self._network_type is _NET_TYPE_COMPUTE
+    @property
+    def is_docs_build(self):
+        return self._network_type is None
+    def enhance_help_neutron(self, _help):
+        if self.is_docs_build:
+            # Why can't we say 'neutron'?
+            return _QUALIFIER_FMT % (_help, _("Network version 2 only"))
+        return _help
+    def enhance_help_nova_network(self, _help):
+        if self.is_docs_build:
+            # Why can't we say 'nova-network'?
+            return _QUALIFIER_FMT % (_help, _("Compute version 2 only"))
+        return _help
+    @staticmethod
+    def split_help(network_help, compute_help):
+        return (
+            "*%(network_qualifier)s:*\n  %(network_help)s\n\n"
+            "*%(compute_qualifier)s:*\n  %(compute_help)s" % dict(
+                network_qualifier=_("Network version 2"),
+                network_help=network_help,
+                compute_qualifier=_("Compute version 2"),
+                compute_help=compute_help))
     def get_parser(self, prog_name):
         LOG.debug('get_parser(%s)', prog_name)
-        parser = super(NetworkAndComputeCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name)
+        parser = super(NetDetectionMixin, self).get_parser(prog_name)
         parser = self.update_parser_common(parser)
         LOG.debug('common parser: %s', parser)
-        if (
-            self.app is None or
-            self.app.client_manager.is_network_endpoint_enabled()
-        ):
-            return self.update_parser_network(parser)
-        else:
-            return self.update_parser_compute(parser)
+        if self.is_neutron or self.is_docs_build:
+            parser = self.update_parser_network(parser)
+        if self.is_nova_network or self.is_docs_build:
+            # Add nova-net options if running nova-network or building docs
+            parser = self.update_parser_compute(parser)
+        return parser
     def update_parser_common(self, parser):
         """Default is no updates to parser."""
@@ -93,17 +149,35 @@ class NetworkAndComputeCommand(command.Command):
         """Default is no updates to parser."""
         return parser
-    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def take_action(self, parsed_args):
+        if self.is_neutron:
+            return self.take_action_network(self.app.client_manager.network,
+                                            parsed_args)
+        elif self.is_nova_network:
+            return self.take_action_compute(self.app.client_manager.compute,
+                                            parsed_args)
     def take_action_network(self, client, parsed_args):
         """Override to do something useful."""
-    @abc.abstractmethod
     def take_action_compute(self, client, parsed_args):
         """Override to do something useful."""
+class NetworkAndComputeCommand(NetDetectionMixin, command.Command):
+    """Network and Compute Command
+    Command class for commands that support implementation via
+    the network or compute endpoint. Such commands have different
+    implementations for take_action() and may even have different
+    arguments.
+    """
+    pass
 class NetworkAndComputeDelete(NetworkAndComputeCommand):
     """Network and Compute Delete
@@ -149,7 +223,7 @@ class NetworkAndComputeDelete(NetworkAndComputeCommand):
-class NetworkAndComputeLister(command.Lister):
+class NetworkAndComputeLister(NetDetectionMixin, command.Lister):
     """Network and Compute Lister
     Lister class for commands that support implementation via
@@ -157,50 +231,11 @@ class NetworkAndComputeLister(command.Lister):
     implementations for take_action() and may even have different
-    def take_action(self, parsed_args):
-        if self.app.client_manager.is_network_endpoint_enabled():
-            return self.take_action_network(self.app.client_manager.network,
-                                            parsed_args)
-        else:
-            return self.take_action_compute(self.app.client_manager.compute,
-                                            parsed_args)
-    def get_parser(self, prog_name):
-        LOG.debug('get_parser(%s)', prog_name)
-        parser = super(NetworkAndComputeLister, self).get_parser(prog_name)
-        parser = self.update_parser_common(parser)
-        LOG.debug('common parser: %s', parser)
-        if self.app.client_manager.is_network_endpoint_enabled():
-            return self.update_parser_network(parser)
-        else:
-            return self.update_parser_compute(parser)
-    def update_parser_common(self, parser):
-        """Default is no updates to parser."""
-        return parser
-    def update_parser_network(self, parser):
-        """Default is no updates to parser."""
-        return parser
-    def update_parser_compute(self, parser):
-        """Default is no updates to parser."""
-        return parser
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def take_action_network(self, client, parsed_args):
-        """Override to do something useful."""
-        pass
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def take_action_compute(self, client, parsed_args):
-        """Override to do something useful."""
-        pass
+    pass
-class NetworkAndComputeShowOne(command.ShowOne):
+class NetworkAndComputeShowOne(NetDetectionMixin, command.ShowOne):
     """Network and Compute ShowOne
     ShowOne class for commands that support implementation via
@@ -222,35 +257,3 @@ class NetworkAndComputeShowOne(command.ShowOne):
             if exc.details:
                 msg += ", " + six.text_type(exc.details)
             raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
-    def get_parser(self, prog_name):
-        LOG.debug('get_parser(%s)', prog_name)
-        parser = super(NetworkAndComputeShowOne, self).get_parser(prog_name)
-        parser = self.update_parser_common(parser)
-        LOG.debug('common parser: %s', parser)
-        if self.app.client_manager.is_network_endpoint_enabled():
-            return self.update_parser_network(parser)
-        else:
-            return self.update_parser_compute(parser)
-    def update_parser_common(self, parser):
-        """Default is no updates to parser."""
-        return parser
-    def update_parser_network(self, parser):
-        """Default is no updates to parser."""
-        return parser
-    def update_parser_compute(self, parser):
-        """Default is no updates to parser."""
-        return parser
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def take_action_network(self, client, parsed_args):
-        """Override to do something useful."""
-        pass
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def take_action_compute(self, client, parsed_args):
-        """Override to do something useful."""
-        pass
diff --git a/openstackclient/network/v2/_tag.py b/openstackclient/network/v2/_tag.py
index ce39f35ec0..e1cba22ea9 100644
--- a/openstackclient/network/v2/_tag.py
+++ b/openstackclient/network/v2/_tag.py
@@ -22,34 +22,39 @@ class _CommaListAction(argparse.Action):
         setattr(namespace, self.dest, values.split(','))
-def add_tag_filtering_option_to_parser(parser, collection_name):
+def add_tag_filtering_option_to_parser(parser, collection_name,
+                                       enhance_help=lambda _h: _h):
-        help=_('List %s which have all given tag(s) '
-               '(Comma-separated list of tags)') % collection_name
+        help=enhance_help(
+            _('List %s which have all given tag(s) (Comma-separated list of '
+              'tags)') % collection_name)
-        help=_('List %s which have any given tag(s) '
-               '(Comma-separated list of tags)') % collection_name
+        help=enhance_help(
+            _('List %s which have any given tag(s) (Comma-separated list of '
+              'tags)') % collection_name)
-        help=_('Exclude %s which have all given tag(s) '
-               '(Comma-separated list of tags)') % collection_name
+        help=enhance_help(
+            _('Exclude %s which have all given tag(s) (Comma-separated list '
+              'of tags)') % collection_name)
-        help=_('Exclude %s which have any given tag(s) '
-               '(Comma-separated list of tags)') % collection_name
+        help=enhance_help(
+            _('Exclude %s which have any given tag(s) (Comma-separated list '
+              'of tags)') % collection_name)
@@ -64,37 +69,42 @@ def get_tag_filtering_args(parsed_args, args):
         args['not_any_tags'] = ','.join(parsed_args.not_any_tags)
-def add_tag_option_to_parser_for_create(parser, resource_name):
+def add_tag_option_to_parser_for_create(parser, resource_name,
+                                        enhance_help=lambda _h: _h):
     tag_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-        help=_("Tag to be added to the %s "
-               "(repeat option to set multiple tags)") % resource_name
+        help=enhance_help(
+            _("Tag to be added to the %s "
+              "(repeat option to set multiple tags)") % resource_name)
-        help=_("No tags associated with the %s") % resource_name
+        help=enhance_help(_("No tags associated with the %s") % resource_name)
-def add_tag_option_to_parser_for_set(parser, resource_name):
+def add_tag_option_to_parser_for_set(parser, resource_name,
+                                     enhance_help=lambda _h: _h):
-        help=_("Tag to be added to the %s "
-               "(repeat option to set multiple tags)") % resource_name
+        help=enhance_help(
+            _("Tag to be added to the %s (repeat option to set multiple "
+              "tags)") % resource_name)
-        help=_("Clear tags associated with the %s. Specify both "
-               "--tag and --no-tag to overwrite current tags") % resource_name
+        help=enhance_help(
+            _("Clear tags associated with the %s. Specify both --tag and "
+              "--no-tag to overwrite current tags") % resource_name)
diff --git a/openstackclient/network/v2/floating_ip.py b/openstackclient/network/v2/floating_ip.py
index e0aa0435ed..bd43379aff 100644
--- a/openstackclient/network/v2/floating_ip.py
+++ b/openstackclient/network/v2/floating_ip.py
@@ -114,57 +114,65 @@ class CreateFloatingIP(common.NetworkAndComputeShowOne):
-            help=_("Subnet on which you want to create the floating IP "
-                   "(name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Subnet on which you want to create the floating IP "
+                  "(name or ID)"))
-            help=_("Port to be associated with the floating IP "
-                   "(name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Port to be associated with the floating IP "
+                  "(name or ID)"))
-            help=_("Floating IP address")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("Floating IP address"))
-            help=_("Fixed IP address mapped to the floating IP")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Fixed IP address mapped to the floating IP"))
-            help=_("Attach QoS policy to the floating IP (name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Attach QoS policy to the floating IP (name or ID)"))
-            help=_('Set floating IP description')
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_('Set floating IP description'))
-            help=_("Owner's project (name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("Owner's project (name or ID)"))
-            help=_("Set DNS domain for this floating IP")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Set DNS domain for this floating IP"))
-            help=_("Set DNS name for this floating IP")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Set DNS name for this floating IP"))
-        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(parser)
-        _tag.add_tag_option_to_parser_for_create(parser, _('floating IP'))
+        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(
+            parser, enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
+        _tag.add_tag_option_to_parser_for_create(
+            parser, _('floating IP'), enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
         return parser
     def take_action_network(self, client, parsed_args):
@@ -217,60 +225,68 @@ class DeleteFloatingIP(common.NetworkAndComputeDelete):
 class ListFloatingIP(common.NetworkAndComputeLister):
     # TODO(songminglong): Use SDK resource mapped attribute names once
     # the OSC minimum requirements include SDK 1.0
     _description = _("List floating IP(s)")
     def update_parser_network(self, parser):
-            help=_("List floating IP(s) according to "
-                   "given network (name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List floating IP(s) according to "
+                  "given network (name or ID)"))
-            help=_("List floating IP(s) according to "
-                   "given port (name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List floating IP(s) according to given port (name or ID)"))
-            help=_("List floating IP(s) according to "
-                   "given fixed IP address")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List floating IP(s) according to given fixed IP address"))
-            help=_("List floating IP(s) according to "
-                   "given floating IP address")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List floating IP(s) according to given floating IP "
+                  "address"))
-            help=_("List additional fields in output")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List additional fields in output"))
             choices=['ACTIVE', 'DOWN'],
-            help=_("List floating IP(s) according to "
-                   "given status ('ACTIVE', 'DOWN')")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List floating IP(s) according to given status ('ACTIVE', "
+                  "'DOWN')"))
-            help=_("List floating IP(s) according to "
-                   "given project (name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List floating IP(s) according to given project (name or "
+                  "ID)"))
-            help=_("List floating IP(s) according to "
-                   "given router (name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List floating IP(s) according to given router (name or "
+                  "ID)"))
-        _tag.add_tag_filtering_option_to_parser(parser, _('floating IP'))
+        _tag.add_tag_filtering_option_to_parser(
+            parser, _('floating IP'), enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
         return parser
diff --git a/openstackclient/network/v2/network.py b/openstackclient/network/v2/network.py
index 09f3556c43..e7031266ec 100644
--- a/openstackclient/network/v2/network.py
+++ b/openstackclient/network/v2/network.py
@@ -219,27 +219,27 @@ class CreateNetwork(common.NetworkAndComputeShowOne):
-            help=_("Enable network (default)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("Enable network (default)"))
-            help=_("Disable network")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("Disable network"))
-            help=_("Owner's project (name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("Owner's project (name or ID)"))
-            help=_("Set network description")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("Set network description"))
-            help=_("Set network mtu")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("Set network mtu"))
@@ -247,65 +247,76 @@ class CreateNetwork(common.NetworkAndComputeShowOne):
-            help=_("Availability Zone in which to create this network "
-                   "(Network Availability Zone extension required, "
-                   "repeat option to set multiple availability zones)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Availability Zone in which to create this network "
+                  "(Network Availability Zone extension required, "
+                  "repeat option to set multiple availability zones)"))
         port_security_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-            help=_("Enable port security by default for ports created on "
-                   "this network (default)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Enable port security by default for ports created on "
+                  "this network (default)"))
-            help=_("Disable port security by default for ports created on "
-                   "this network")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Disable port security by default for ports created on "
+                  "this network"))
         external_router_grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-            help=_("Set this network as an external network "
-                   "(external-net extension required)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Set this network as an external network "
+                  "(external-net extension required)"))
-            help=_("Set this network as an internal network (default)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Set this network as an internal network (default)"))
         default_router_grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-            help=_("Specify if this network should be used as "
-                   "the default external network")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Specify if this network should be used as the default "
+                  "external network"))
-            help=_("Do not use the network as the default external network "
-                   "(default)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Do not use the network as the default external network "
+                  "(default)"))
-            help=_("QoS policy to attach to this network (name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("QoS policy to attach to this network (name or ID)"))
         vlan_transparent_grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-            help=_("Make the network VLAN transparent"))
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Make the network VLAN transparent")))
-            help=_("Do not make the network VLAN transparent"))
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Do not make the network VLAN transparent")))
-        _tag.add_tag_option_to_parser_for_create(parser, _('network'))
+        _tag.add_tag_option_to_parser_for_create(
+            parser, _('network'), enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
         return parser
     def update_parser_compute(self, parser):
@@ -313,7 +324,8 @@ class CreateNetwork(common.NetworkAndComputeShowOne):
-            help=_("IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs (in CIDR notation)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_nova_network(
+                _("IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs (in CIDR notation)"))
         return parser
@@ -376,87 +388,98 @@ class ListNetwork(common.NetworkAndComputeLister):
-            help=_("List external networks")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("List external networks"))
-            help=_("List internal networks")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("List internal networks"))
-            help=_("List additional fields in output")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List additional fields in output"))
-            help=_("List networks according to their name")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List networks according to their name"))
         admin_state_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-            help=_("List enabled networks")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("List enabled networks"))
-            help=_("List disabled networks")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("List disabled networks"))
             help=_("List networks according to their project (name or ID)")
-        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(parser)
+        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(
+            parser, enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
         shared_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-            help=_("List networks shared between projects")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List networks shared between projects"))
-            help=_("List networks not shared between projects")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List networks not shared between projects"))
             choices=['ACTIVE', 'BUILD', 'DOWN', 'ERROR'],
-            help=_("List networks according to their status "
-                   "('ACTIVE', 'BUILD', 'DOWN', 'ERROR')")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List networks according to their status "
+                  "('ACTIVE', 'BUILD', 'DOWN', 'ERROR')"))
             choices=['flat', 'geneve', 'gre', 'local',
                      'vlan', 'vxlan'],
-            help=_("List networks according to their physical mechanisms. "
-                   "The supported options are: flat, geneve, gre, local, "
-                   "vlan, vxlan.")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List networks according to their physical mechanisms. The "
+                  "supported options are: flat, geneve, gre, local, vlan, "
+                  "vxlan."))
-            help=_("List networks according to name of the physical network")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List networks according to name of the physical network"))
-            help=_("List networks according to VLAN ID for VLAN networks "
-                   "or Tunnel ID for GENEVE/GRE/VXLAN networks")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List networks according to VLAN ID for VLAN networks or "
+                  "Tunnel ID for GENEVE/GRE/VXLAN networks"))
-            help=_('List networks hosted by agent (ID only)')
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _('List networks hosted by agent (ID only)'))
-        _tag.add_tag_filtering_option_to_parser(parser, _('networks'))
+        _tag.add_tag_filtering_option_to_parser(
+            parser, _('networks'), enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
         return parser
     def take_action_network(self, client, parsed_args):
diff --git a/openstackclient/network/v2/security_group.py b/openstackclient/network/v2/security_group.py
index 38b4e97a80..9f0ca0a1f4 100644
--- a/openstackclient/network/v2/security_group.py
+++ b/openstackclient/network/v2/security_group.py
@@ -119,10 +119,13 @@ class CreateSecurityGroup(common.NetworkAndComputeShowOne):
-            help=_("Owner's project (name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("Owner's project (name or ID)"))
-        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(parser)
-        _tag.add_tag_option_to_parser_for_create(parser, _('security group'))
+        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(
+            parser, enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
+        _tag.add_tag_option_to_parser_for_create(
+            parser, _('security group'),
+            enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
         return parser
     def _get_description(self, parsed_args):
@@ -202,22 +205,28 @@ class ListSecurityGroup(common.NetworkAndComputeLister):
     _description = _("List security groups")
     def update_parser_network(self, parser):
-        # Maintain and hide the argument for backwards compatibility.
-        # Network will always return all projects for an admin.
-        parser.add_argument(
-            '--all-projects',
-            action='store_true',
-            default=False,
-            help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
-        )
+        if not self.is_docs_build:
+            # Maintain and hide the argument for backwards compatibility.
+            # Network will always return all projects for an admin.
+            parser.add_argument(
+                '--all-projects',
+                action='store_true',
+                default=False,
+                help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+            )
-            help=_("List security groups according to the project "
-                   "(name or ID)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List security groups according to the project (name or "
+                  "ID)"))
-        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(parser)
-        _tag.add_tag_filtering_option_to_parser(parser, _('security group'))
+        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(
+            parser, enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
+        _tag.add_tag_filtering_option_to_parser(
+            parser, _('security group'),
+            enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
         return parser
     def update_parser_compute(self, parser):
@@ -225,7 +234,8 @@ class ListSecurityGroup(common.NetworkAndComputeLister):
-            help=_("Display information from all projects (admin only)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_nova_network(
+                _("Display information from all projects (admin only)"))
         return parser
@@ -307,7 +317,9 @@ class SetSecurityGroup(common.NetworkAndComputeCommand):
         return parser
     def update_parser_network(self, parser):
-        _tag.add_tag_option_to_parser_for_set(parser, _('security group'))
+        _tag.add_tag_option_to_parser_for_set(
+            parser, _('security group'),
+            enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
         return parser
     def take_action_network(self, client, parsed_args):
diff --git a/openstackclient/network/v2/security_group_rule.py b/openstackclient/network/v2/security_group_rule.py
index 15f099b1eb..a38587fa52 100644
--- a/openstackclient/network/v2/security_group_rule.py
+++ b/openstackclient/network/v2/security_group_rule.py
@@ -133,109 +133,120 @@ class CreateSecurityGroupRule(common.NetworkAndComputeShowOne):
             help=_("Remote security group (name or ID)"),
+        # NOTE(efried): The --dst-port, --protocol, and --proto options exist
+        # for both nova-network and neutron, but differ slightly. For the sake
+        # of the docs build, which has to account for both variants, but only
+        # add each to the parser once, they are handled here rather than in the
+        # _network- or _compute-specific methods below.
+        # --dst-port has a default for nova-net only
+        if self.is_nova_network:
+            dst_port_default = dict(default=(0, 0))
+        else:
+            dst_port_default = {}
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '--dst-port',
+            metavar='<port-range>',
+            action=parseractions.RangeAction,
+            help=_("Destination port, may be a single port or a starting and "
+                   "ending port range: 137:139. Required for IP protocols TCP "
+                   "and UDP. Ignored for ICMP IP protocols."),
+            **dst_port_default
+        )
+        # NOTE(rtheis): Support either protocol option name for now.
+        # However, consider deprecating and then removing --proto in
+        # a future release.
+        protocol_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+        # --proto[col] has choices for nova-network only
+        if self.is_nova_network:
+            proto_choices = dict(choices=['icmp', 'tcp', 'udp'])
+        else:
+            proto_choices = {}
+        protocol_help_compute = _("IP protocol (icmp, tcp, udp; default: tcp)")
+        protocol_help_network = _(
+            "IP protocol (ah, dccp, egp, esp, gre, icmp, igmp, ipv6-encap, "
+            "ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-nonxt, ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, ospf, "
+            "pgm, rsvp, sctp, tcp, udp, udplite, vrrp and integer "
+            "representations [0-255] or any; default: any (all protocols))")
+        if self.is_nova_network:
+            protocol_help = protocol_help_compute
+        elif self.is_neutron:
+            protocol_help = protocol_help_network
+        else:
+            # Docs build: compose help for both nova-network and neutron
+            protocol_help = self.split_help(
+                protocol_help_network, protocol_help_compute)
+        protocol_group.add_argument(
+            '--protocol',
+            metavar='<protocol>',
+            type=_convert_to_lowercase,
+            help=protocol_help,
+            **proto_choices
+        )
+        if not self.is_docs_build:
+            protocol_group.add_argument(
+                '--proto',
+                metavar='<proto>',
+                type=_convert_to_lowercase,
+                help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+                **proto_choices
+            )
         return parser
     def update_parser_network(self, parser):
-            help=_("Set security group rule description")
-        )
-        parser.add_argument(
-            '--dst-port',
-            metavar='<port-range>',
-            action=parseractions.RangeAction,
-            help=_("Destination port, may be a single port or a starting and "
-                   "ending port range: 137:139. Required for IP protocols TCP "
-                   "and UDP. Ignored for ICMP IP protocols.")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Set security group rule description"))
-            help=_("ICMP type for ICMP IP protocols")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("ICMP type for ICMP IP protocols"))
-            help=_("ICMP code for ICMP IP protocols")
-        )
-        # NOTE(rtheis): Support either protocol option name for now.
-        # However, consider deprecating and then removing --proto in
-        # a future release.
-        protocol_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-        protocol_group.add_argument(
-            '--protocol',
-            metavar='<protocol>',
-            type=_convert_to_lowercase,
-            help=_("IP protocol (ah, dccp, egp, esp, gre, icmp, igmp, "
-                   "ipv6-encap, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-nonxt, "
-                   "ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, ospf, pgm, rsvp, sctp, tcp, "
-                   "udp, udplite, vrrp and integer representations [0-255] "
-                   "or any; default: any (all protocols))")
-        )
-        protocol_group.add_argument(
-            '--proto',
-            metavar='<proto>',
-            type=_convert_to_lowercase,
-            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("ICMP code for ICMP IP protocols"))
         direction_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-            help=_("Rule applies to incoming network traffic (default)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Rule applies to incoming network traffic (default)"))
-            help=_("Rule applies to outgoing network traffic")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Rule applies to outgoing network traffic"))
             choices=['IPv4', 'IPv6'],
-            help=_("Ethertype of network traffic "
-                   "(IPv4, IPv6; default: based on IP protocol)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("Ethertype of network traffic "
+                  "(IPv4, IPv6; default: based on IP protocol)"))
-            help=_("Owner's project (name or ID)")
-        )
-        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(parser)
-        return parser
-    def update_parser_compute(self, parser):
-        parser.add_argument(
-            '--dst-port',
-            metavar='<port-range>',
-            default=(0, 0),
-            action=parseractions.RangeAction,
-            help=_("Destination port, may be a single port or a starting and "
-                   "ending port range: 137:139. Required for IP protocols TCP "
-                   "and UDP. Ignored for ICMP IP protocols.")
-        )
-        # NOTE(rtheis): Support either protocol option name for now.
-        # However, consider deprecating and then removing --proto in
-        # a future release.
-        protocol_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-        protocol_group.add_argument(
-            '--protocol',
-            metavar='<protocol>',
-            choices=['icmp', 'tcp', 'udp'],
-            type=_convert_to_lowercase,
-            help=_("IP protocol (icmp, tcp, udp; default: tcp)")
-        )
-        protocol_group.add_argument(
-            '--proto',
-            metavar='<proto>',
-            choices=['icmp', 'tcp', 'udp'],
-            type=_convert_to_lowercase,
-            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(_("Owner's project (name or ID)"))
+        identity_common.add_project_domain_option_to_parser(
+            parser, enhance_help=self.enhance_help_neutron)
         return parser
     def _get_protocol(self, parsed_args, default_protocol='any'):
@@ -424,47 +435,53 @@ class ListSecurityGroupRule(common.NetworkAndComputeLister):
         return parser
     def update_parser_network(self, parser):
-        # Accept but hide the argument for consistency with compute.
-        # Network will always return all projects for an admin.
-        parser.add_argument(
-            '--all-projects',
-            action='store_true',
-            default=False,
-            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
-        )
+        if not self.is_docs_build:
+            # Accept but hide the argument for consistency with compute.
+            # Network will always return all projects for an admin.
+            parser.add_argument(
+                '--all-projects',
+                action='store_true',
+                default=False,
+                help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+            )
-            help=_("List rules by the IP protocol ("
-                   "ah, dhcp, egp, esp, gre, icmp, igmp, "
-                   "ipv6-encap, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-nonxt, "
-                   "ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, ospf, pgm, rsvp, sctp, tcp, "
-                   "udp, udplite, vrrp and integer representations [0-255] "
-                   "or any; default: any (all protocols))")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List rules by the IP protocol (ah, dhcp, egp, esp, gre, "
+                  "icmp, igmp, ipv6-encap, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-nonxt, "
+                  "ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, ospf, pgm, rsvp, sctp, tcp, udp, "
+                  "udplite, vrrp and integer representations [0-255] or any; "
+                  "default: any (all protocols))"))
-            help=_("List rules by the Ethertype (IPv4 or IPv6)")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List rules by the Ethertype (IPv4 or IPv6)"))
         direction_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-            help=_("List rules applied to incoming network traffic")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List rules applied to incoming network traffic"))
-            help=_("List rules applied to outgoing network traffic")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List rules applied to outgoing network traffic"))
-            help=_("List additional fields in output")
+            help=self.enhance_help_neutron(
+                _("List additional fields in output"))
         return parser
@@ -473,16 +490,18 @@ class ListSecurityGroupRule(common.NetworkAndComputeLister):
-            help=_("Display information from all projects (admin only)")
-        )
-        # Accept but hide the argument for consistency with network.
-        # There are no additional fields to display at this time.
-        parser.add_argument(
-            '--long',
-            action='store_false',
-            default=False,
-            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+            help=self.enhance_help_nova_network(
+                _("Display information from all projects (admin only)"))
+        if not self.is_docs_build:
+            # Accept but hide the argument for consistency with network.
+            # There are no additional fields to display at this time.
+            parser.add_argument(
+                '--long',
+                action='store_false',
+                default=False,
+                help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+            )
         return parser
     def _get_column_headers(self, parsed_args):