diff --git a/doc/source/command-objects/ip-floating.rst b/doc/source/command-objects/ip-floating.rst
index 8dd9478218..378812d123 100644
--- a/doc/source/command-objects/ip-floating.rst
+++ b/doc/source/command-objects/ip-floating.rst
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ ip floating add
 Add floating IP address to server
+(Deprecated, please use ``server add floating ip`` instead)
 .. program:: ip floating add
 .. code:: bash
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ ip floating remove
 Remove floating IP address from server
+(Deprecated, please use ``server remove floating ip`` instead)
 .. program:: ip floating remove
 .. code:: bash
diff --git a/doc/source/command-objects/server.rst b/doc/source/command-objects/server.rst
index f11355b6dc..3393e7fbd2 100644
--- a/doc/source/command-objects/server.rst
+++ b/doc/source/command-objects/server.rst
@@ -4,6 +4,26 @@ server
 Compute v2
+server add floating ip
+Add floating IP address to server
+.. program:: server add floating ip
+.. code:: bash
+    os server add floating ip
+        <server>
+        <ip-address>
+.. describe:: <server>
+    Server (name or ID) to receive the floating IP address
+.. describe:: <ip-address>
+    Floating IP address (IP address only) to assign to server
 server add security group
@@ -418,6 +438,26 @@ Rebuild server
     Server (name or ID)
+server remove floating ip
+Remove floating IP address from server
+.. program:: server remove floating ip
+.. code:: bash
+    os server remove floating ip
+        <server>
+        <ip-address>
+.. describe:: <server>
+    Server (name or ID) to remove the floating IP address from
+.. describe:: <ip-address>
+    Floating IP address (IP address only) to remove from server
 server remove security group
diff --git a/doc/source/commands.rst b/doc/source/commands.rst
index 42268c25bd..714cd518a8 100644
--- a/doc/source/commands.rst
+++ b/doc/source/commands.rst
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ referring to both Compute and Volume quotas.
 * ``extension``: (**Compute**, **Identity**, **Network**, **Volume**) OpenStack server API extensions
 * ``federation protocol``: (**Identity**) the underlying protocol used while federating identities
 * ``flavor``: (**Compute**) predefined server configurations: ram, root disk and so on
+* ``floating ip``: (**Compute**, **Network**) - a public IP address that can be mapped to a server
 * ``floating ip pool``: (**Compute**, **Network**) - a pool of public IP addresses
 * ``group``: (**Identity**) a grouping of users
 * ``host``: (**Compute**) - the physical computer running compute services
diff --git a/openstackclient/compute/v2/floatingip.py b/openstackclient/compute/v2/floatingip.py
index 98079fbc38..8398ea57db 100644
--- a/openstackclient/compute/v2/floatingip.py
+++ b/openstackclient/compute/v2/floatingip.py
@@ -15,28 +15,43 @@
 """Floating IP action implementations"""
+import logging
 from osc_lib.command import command
 from osc_lib import utils
+from openstackclient.i18n import _
 class AddFloatingIP(command.Command):
     """Add floating IP address to server"""
+    # TODO(tangchen): Remove this class and ``ip floating add`` command
+    #                 two cycles after Mitaka.
+    # This notifies cliff to not display the help for this command
+    deprecated = True
+    log = logging.getLogger('deprecated')
     def get_parser(self, prog_name):
         parser = super(AddFloatingIP, self).get_parser(prog_name)
-            help="IP address to add to server (name only)",
+            help=_("IP address to add to server (name only)"),
-            help="Server to receive the IP address (name or ID)",
+            help=_("Server to receive the IP address (name or ID)"),
         return parser
     def take_action(self, parsed_args):
+        self.log.warning(_('This command has been deprecated. '
+                           'Please use "server add floating ip" instead.'))
         compute_client = self.app.client_manager.compute
         server = utils.find_resource(
@@ -48,21 +63,32 @@ class AddFloatingIP(command.Command):
 class RemoveFloatingIP(command.Command):
     """Remove floating IP address from server"""
+    # TODO(tangchen): Remove this class and ``ip floating remove`` command
+    #                 two cycles after Mitaka.
+    # This notifies cliff to not display the help for this command
+    deprecated = True
+    log = logging.getLogger('deprecated')
     def get_parser(self, prog_name):
         parser = super(RemoveFloatingIP, self).get_parser(prog_name)
-            help="IP address to remove from server (name only)",
+            help=_("IP address to remove from server (name only)"),
-            help="Server to remove the IP address from (name or ID)",
+            help=_("Server to remove the IP address from (name or ID)"),
         return parser
     def take_action(self, parsed_args):
+        self.log.warning(_('This command has been deprecated. '
+                           'Please use "server remove floating ip" instead.'))
         compute_client = self.app.client_manager.compute
         server = utils.find_resource(
diff --git a/openstackclient/compute/v2/server.py b/openstackclient/compute/v2/server.py
index 7e4b0dc1f7..d7c3a6566e 100644
--- a/openstackclient/compute/v2/server.py
+++ b/openstackclient/compute/v2/server.py
@@ -174,6 +174,33 @@ def _show_progress(progress):
+class AddFloatingIP(command.Command):
+    """Add floating IP address to server"""
+    def get_parser(self, prog_name):
+        parser = super(AddFloatingIP, self).get_parser(prog_name)
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "server",
+            metavar="<server>",
+            help=_("Server (name or ID) to receive the floating IP address"),
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "ip_address",
+            metavar="<ip-address>",
+            help=_("Floating IP address (IP address only) to assign "
+                   "to server"),
+        )
+        return parser
+    def take_action(self, parsed_args):
+        compute_client = self.app.client_manager.compute
+        server = utils.find_resource(
+            compute_client.servers, parsed_args.server)
+        server.add_floating_ip(parsed_args.ip_address)
 class AddServerSecurityGroup(command.Command):
     """Add security group to server"""
@@ -1081,6 +1108,34 @@ class RebuildServer(command.ShowOne):
         return zip(*sorted(six.iteritems(details)))
+class RemoveFloatingIP(command.Command):
+    """Remove floating IP address from server"""
+    def get_parser(self, prog_name):
+        parser = super(RemoveFloatingIP, self).get_parser(prog_name)
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "server",
+            metavar="<server>",
+            help=_("Server (name or ID) to remove the "
+                   "floating IP address from"),
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "ip_address",
+            metavar="<ip-address>",
+            help=_("Floating IP address (IP address only) "
+                   "to remove from server"),
+        )
+        return parser
+    def take_action(self, parsed_args):
+        compute_client = self.app.client_manager.compute
+        server = utils.find_resource(
+            compute_client.servers, parsed_args.server)
+        server.remove_floating_ip(parsed_args.ip_address)
 class RemoveServerSecurityGroup(command.Command):
     """Remove security group from server"""
diff --git a/openstackclient/tests/compute/v2/test_server.py b/openstackclient/tests/compute/v2/test_server.py
index 0f155601a8..81f2185698 100644
--- a/openstackclient/tests/compute/v2/test_server.py
+++ b/openstackclient/tests/compute/v2/test_server.py
@@ -88,6 +88,41 @@ class TestServer(compute_fakes.TestComputev2):
+class TestServerAddFloatingIP(TestServer):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestServerAddFloatingIP, self).setUp()
+        # Get a shortcut to the compute client ServerManager Mock
+        self.networks_mock = self.app.client_manager.compute.networks
+        # Get the command object to test
+        self.cmd = server.AddFloatingIP(self.app, None)
+        # Set add_floating_ip method to be tested.
+        self.methods = {
+            'add_floating_ip': None,
+        }
+    def test_server_add_floating_ip(self):
+        servers = self.setup_servers_mock(count=1)
+        arglist = [
+            servers[0].id,
+            '',
+        ]
+        verifylist = [
+            ('server', servers[0].id),
+            ('ip_address', ''),
+        ]
+        parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, verifylist)
+        result = self.cmd.take_action(parsed_args)
+        servers[0].add_floating_ip.assert_called_once_with('')
+        self.assertIsNone(result)
 class TestServerCreate(TestServer):
     columns = (
@@ -843,6 +878,38 @@ class TestServerRebuild(TestServer):
         self.server.rebuild.assert_called_with(self.image, None)
+class TestServerRemoveFloatingIP(TestServer):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestServerRemoveFloatingIP, self).setUp()
+        # Get the command object to test
+        self.cmd = server.RemoveFloatingIP(self.app, None)
+        # Set unshelve method to be tested.
+        self.methods = {
+            'remove_floating_ip': None,
+        }
+    def test_server_remove_floating_ip(self):
+        servers = self.setup_servers_mock(count=1)
+        arglist = [
+            servers[0].id,
+            '',
+        ]
+        verifylist = [
+            ('server', servers[0].id),
+            ('ip_address', ''),
+        ]
+        parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, verifylist)
+        result = self.cmd.take_action(parsed_args)
+        servers[0].remove_floating_ip.assert_called_once_with('')
+        self.assertIsNone(result)
 class TestServerResize(TestServer):
     def setUp(self):
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/ip-command-rework-8d3fe0858f51e6b8.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/ip-command-rework-8d3fe0858f51e6b8.yaml
index c5e36cfa08..3cfb11badd 100644
--- a/releasenotes/notes/ip-command-rework-8d3fe0858f51e6b8.yaml
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/ip-command-rework-8d3fe0858f51e6b8.yaml
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ features:
     pools. This command is used to replace the old command
     ``ip floating pool list``.
     [Blueprint rework-ip-commands `<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+spec/rework-ip-commands>`_]
+  - Add new commands ``server add/remove floating ip``. They are used to
+    replace the old commands ``ip floating add/remove``.
+    [Blueprint rework-ip-commands `<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+spec/rework-ip-commands>`_]
   - Deprecate command ``ip floating pool list``.
     [Blueprint rework-ip-commands `<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+spec/rework-ip-commands>`_]
+  - Deprecate commands ``ip floating add/remove``.
+    [Blueprint rework-ip-commands `<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+spec/rework-ip-commands>`_]
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index cf78baf798..bab657ff2d 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ openstack.compute.v2 =
     keypair_list = openstackclient.compute.v2.keypair:ListKeypair
     keypair_show = openstackclient.compute.v2.keypair:ShowKeypair
+    server_add_floating_ip = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:AddFloatingIP
     server_add_security_group = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:AddServerSecurityGroup
     server_add_volume = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:AddServerVolume
     server_create = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:CreateServer
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ openstack.compute.v2 =
     server_pause = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:PauseServer
     server_reboot = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:RebootServer
     server_rebuild = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:RebuildServer
+    server_remove_floating_ip = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:RemoveFloatingIP
     server_remove_security_group = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:RemoveServerSecurityGroup
     server_remove_volume = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:RemoveServerVolume
     server_rescue = openstackclient.compute.v2.server:RescueServer