With python3.x, classes can use 'metaclass=' instead of
'six.add_metaclass', 'six.iteritems' and 'six.iterkeys' can
be replaced by 'items' and 'keys', 'six.moves.urllib.parse'
can be replaced by 'urllib.parse', 'six.StringIO' and
'six.moves.cStringIO' can be replaced by 'io.StringIO',
'six.text_type' and 'six.string_type' are just 'str'.
Change-Id: I84848c0bf8ab3c36dd821141191e2725e4e3b58b
This commit introduces the --access-rules option for 'application
credential create' as well as new 'access rule' commands for listing,
showing, and deleting access rules.
bp whitelist-extension-for-app-creds
Change-Id: I04834b2874ec2a70da456a380b5bef03a392effa