explain,WONTFIX,Describe a specific model. image-create,image create,Create a new image. image-deactivate,image set --deactivate,Deactivate specified image. image-delete,image delete,Delete specified image. image-download,image save,Download a specific image. image-list,image list,List images you can access. image-reactivate,image set --activate,Reactivate specified image. image-show,image show,Describe a specific image. image-tag-delete,image unset --tag <tag>,Delete the tag associated with the given image. image-tag-update,image set --tag <tag>,Update an image with the given tag. image-update,image set,Update an existing image. image-upload,,Upload data for a specific image. location-add,,Add a location (and related metadata) to an image. location-delete,,Remove locations (and related metadata) from an image. location-update,,Update metadata of an image's location. member-create,image add project,Create member for a given image. member-delete,image remove project,Delete image member. member-list,,Describe sharing permissions by image. member-update,image set --accept --reject --status,Update the status of a member for a given image. task-create,,Create a new task. task-list,,List tasks you can access. task-show,,Describe a specific task. bash-completion,complete,Prints arguments for bash_completion. help,help,Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.