======= keypair ======= The badly named keypair is really the public key of an OpenSSH key pair to be used for access to created servers. Compute v2 keypair create -------------- Create new public key .. program:: keypair create .. code:: bash os keypair create [--public-key <file>] <name> .. option:: --public-key <file> Filename for public key to add .. describe:: <name> New public key name keypair delete -------------- Delete public key(s) .. program:: keypair delete .. code:: bash os keypair delete <key> [<key> ...] .. describe:: <key> Public key(s) to delete (name only) keypair list ------------ List public key fingerprints .. program:: keypair list .. code:: bash os keypair list keypair show ------------ Display public key details .. program:: keypair show .. code:: bash os keypair show [--public-key] <key> .. option:: --public-key Show only bare public key (name only) .. describe:: <key> Public key to display (name only)