# Copyright 2013 Nebula Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import copy import mock import uuid from openstackclient.api import compute_v2 from openstackclient.tests.unit import fakes from openstackclient.tests.unit.identity.v2_0 import fakes as identity_fakes from openstackclient.tests.unit.image.v2 import fakes as image_fakes from openstackclient.tests.unit.network.v2 import fakes as network_fakes from openstackclient.tests.unit import utils from openstackclient.tests.unit.volume.v2 import fakes as volume_fakes floating_ip_num = 100 fix_ip_num = 100 injected_file_num = 100 injected_file_size_num = 10240 injected_path_size_num = 255 key_pair_num = 100 core_num = 20 ram_num = 51200 instance_num = 10 property_num = 128 secgroup_rule_num = 20 secgroup_num = 10 servgroup_num = 10 servgroup_members_num = 10 project_name = 'project_test' QUOTA = { 'project': project_name, 'floating-ips': floating_ip_num, 'fix-ips': fix_ip_num, 'injected-files': injected_file_num, 'injected-file-size': injected_file_size_num, 'injected-path-size': injected_path_size_num, 'key-pairs': key_pair_num, 'cores': core_num, 'ram': ram_num, 'instances': instance_num, 'properties': property_num, 'secgroup_rules': secgroup_rule_num, 'secgroups': secgroup_num, 'server-groups': servgroup_num, 'server-group-members': servgroup_members_num } QUOTA_columns = tuple(sorted(QUOTA)) QUOTA_data = tuple(QUOTA[x] for x in sorted(QUOTA)) class FakeAggregate(object): """Fake one aggregate.""" @staticmethod def create_one_aggregate(attrs=None): """Create a fake aggregate. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id and other attributes """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attribute aggregate_info = { "name": "aggregate-name-" + uuid.uuid4().hex, "availability_zone": "ag_zone", "hosts": [], "id": "aggregate-id-" + uuid.uuid4().hex, "metadata": { "availability_zone": "ag_zone", "key1": "value1", } } # Overwrite default attributes. aggregate_info.update(attrs) aggregate = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(aggregate_info), loaded=True) return aggregate @staticmethod def create_aggregates(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake aggregates. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of aggregates to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the aggregates """ aggregates = [] for i in range(0, count): aggregates.append(FakeAggregate.create_one_aggregate(attrs)) return aggregates @staticmethod def get_aggregates(aggregates=None, count=2): """Get an iterable MagicMock object with a list of faked aggregates. If aggregates list is provided, then initialize the Mock object with the list. Otherwise create one. :param List aggregates: A list of FakeResource objects faking aggregates :param int count: The number of aggregates to fake :return: An iterable Mock object with side_effect set to a list of faked aggregates """ if aggregates is None: aggregates = FakeAggregate.create_aggregates(count) return mock.Mock(side_effect=aggregates) class FakeComputev2Client(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.agents = mock.Mock() self.agents.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.aggregates = mock.Mock() self.aggregates.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.availability_zones = mock.Mock() self.availability_zones.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.images = mock.Mock() self.images.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.servers = mock.Mock() self.servers.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.services = mock.Mock() self.services.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.extensions = mock.Mock() self.extensions.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.flavors = mock.Mock() self.flavors.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.flavor_access = mock.Mock() self.flavor_access.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.quotas = mock.Mock() self.quotas.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.quota_classes = mock.Mock() self.quota_classes.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.usage = mock.Mock() self.usage.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.volumes = mock.Mock() self.volumes.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.hypervisors = mock.Mock() self.hypervisors.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.hypervisors_stats = mock.Mock() self.hypervisors_stats.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.security_group_rules = mock.Mock() self.security_group_rules.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.floating_ips = mock.Mock() self.floating_ips.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.floating_ip_pools = mock.Mock() self.floating_ip_pools.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.networks = mock.Mock() self.networks.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.keypairs = mock.Mock() self.keypairs.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.hosts = mock.Mock() self.hosts.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.server_groups = mock.Mock() self.server_groups.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.instance_action = mock.Mock() self.instance_action.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {}) self.auth_token = kwargs['token'] self.management_url = kwargs['endpoint'] class TestComputev2(utils.TestCommand): def setUp(self): super(TestComputev2, self).setUp() self.app.client_manager.compute = FakeComputev2Client( endpoint=fakes.AUTH_URL, token=fakes.AUTH_TOKEN, ) self.app.client_manager.compute.api = compute_v2.APIv2( session=self.app.client_manager.session, endpoint=fakes.AUTH_URL, ) self.app.client_manager.identity = identity_fakes.FakeIdentityv2Client( endpoint=fakes.AUTH_URL, token=fakes.AUTH_TOKEN, ) self.app.client_manager.image = image_fakes.FakeImagev2Client( endpoint=fakes.AUTH_URL, token=fakes.AUTH_TOKEN, ) self.app.client_manager.network = network_fakes.FakeNetworkV2Client( endpoint=fakes.AUTH_URL, token=fakes.AUTH_TOKEN, ) self.app.client_manager.volume = volume_fakes.FakeVolumeClient( endpoint=fakes.AUTH_URL, token=fakes.AUTH_TOKEN, ) class FakeAgent(object): """Fake one or more agent.""" @staticmethod def create_one_agent(attrs=None): """Create a fake agent. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with agent_id, os, and so on """ attrs = attrs or {} # set default attributes. agent_info = { 'agent_id': 'agent-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'os': 'agent-os-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'architecture': 'agent-architecture', 'version': '8.0', 'url': '', 'md5hash': 'agent-md5hash', 'hypervisor': 'hypervisor', } # Overwrite default attributes. agent_info.update(attrs) agent = fakes.FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(agent_info), loaded=True) return agent @staticmethod def create_agents(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake agents. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of agents to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the agents """ agents = [] for i in range(0, count): agents.append(FakeAgent.create_one_agent(attrs)) return agents class FakeExtension(object): """Fake one or more extension.""" @staticmethod def create_one_extension(attrs=None): """Create a fake extension. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object with name, namespace, etc. """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. extension_info = { 'name': 'name-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'namespace': ( 'http://docs.openstack.org/compute/ext/multinic/api/v1.1'), 'description': 'description-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'updated': '2014-01-07T12:00:0-00:00', 'alias': 'NMN', 'links': ('[{"href":' '"https://github.com/openstack/compute-api", "type":' ' "text/html", "rel": "describedby"}]') } # Overwrite default attributes. extension_info.update(attrs) extension = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(extension_info), loaded=True) return extension class FakeHypervisor(object): """Fake one or more hypervisor.""" @staticmethod def create_one_hypervisor(attrs=None): """Create a fake hypervisor. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id, hypervisor_hostname, and so on """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. hypervisor_info = { 'id': 'hypervisor-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hypervisor-hostname-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'status': 'enabled', 'host_ip': '', 'cpu_info': { 'aaa': 'aaa', }, 'free_disk_gb': 50, 'hypervisor_version': 2004001, 'disk_available_least': 50, 'local_gb': 50, 'free_ram_mb': 1024, 'service': { 'host': 'aaa', 'disabled_reason': None, 'id': 1, }, 'vcpus_used': 0, 'hypervisor_type': 'QEMU', 'local_gb_used': 0, 'vcpus': 4, 'memory_mb_used': 512, 'memory_mb': 1024, 'current_workload': 0, 'state': 'up', 'running_vms': 0, } # Overwrite default attributes. hypervisor_info.update(attrs) hypervisor = fakes.FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(hypervisor_info), loaded=True) return hypervisor @staticmethod def create_hypervisors(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake hypervisors. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of hypervisors to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the hypervisors """ hypervisors = [] for i in range(0, count): hypervisors.append(FakeHypervisor.create_one_hypervisor(attrs)) return hypervisors class FakeHypervisorStats(object): """Fake one or more hypervisor stats.""" @staticmethod def create_one_hypervisor_stats(attrs=None): """Create a fake hypervisor stats. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with count, current_workload, and so on """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. stats_info = { 'count': 2, 'current_workload': 0, 'disk_available_least': 50, 'free_disk_gb': 100, 'free_ram_mb': 23000, 'local_gb': 100, 'local_gb_used': 0, 'memory_mb': 23800, 'memory_mb_used': 1400, 'running_vms': 3, 'vcpus': 8, 'vcpus_used': 3, } # Overwrite default attributes. stats_info.update(attrs) # Set default method. hypervisor_stats_method = {'to_dict': stats_info} hypervisor_stats = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(stats_info), methods=copy.deepcopy(hypervisor_stats_method), loaded=True) return hypervisor_stats @staticmethod def create_hypervisors_stats(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake hypervisors stats. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of hypervisors to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the hypervisors """ hypervisors = [] for i in range(0, count): hypervisors.append( FakeHypervisorStats.create_one_hypervisor_stats(attrs)) return hypervisors class FakeSecurityGroup(object): """Fake one or more security groups.""" @staticmethod def create_one_security_group(attrs=None): """Create a fake security group. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id, name, etc. """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. security_group_attrs = { 'id': 'security-group-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': 'security-group-name-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'description': 'security-group-description-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'tenant_id': 'project-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'rules': [], } # Overwrite default attributes. security_group_attrs.update(attrs) return security_group_attrs @staticmethod def create_security_groups(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake security groups. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of security groups to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the security groups """ security_groups = [] for i in range(0, count): security_groups.append( FakeSecurityGroup.create_one_security_group(attrs)) return security_groups @staticmethod def get_security_groups(security_groups=None, count=2): """Get an iterable MagicMock object with a list of faked security groups. If security groups list is provided, then initialize the Mock object with the list. Otherwise create one. :param List security groups: A list of FakeResource objects faking security groups :param int count: The number of security groups to fake :return: An iterable Mock object with side_effect set to a list of faked security groups """ if security_groups is None: security_groups = FakeSecurityGroup.create_security_groups(count) return mock.Mock(side_effect=security_groups) class FakeSecurityGroupRule(object): """Fake one or more security group rules.""" @staticmethod def create_one_security_group_rule(attrs=None): """Create a fake security group rule. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id, etc. """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. security_group_rule_attrs = { 'from_port': 0, 'group': {}, 'id': 'security-group-rule-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'ip_protocol': 'tcp', 'ip_range': {'cidr': ''}, 'parent_group_id': 'security-group-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'to_port': 0, } # Overwrite default attributes. security_group_rule_attrs.update(attrs) security_group_rule = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(security_group_rule_attrs), loaded=True) return security_group_rule @staticmethod def create_security_group_rules(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake security group rules. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of security group rules to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the security group rules """ security_group_rules = [] for i in range(0, count): security_group_rules.append( FakeSecurityGroupRule.create_one_security_group_rule(attrs)) return security_group_rules class FakeServer(object): """Fake one or more compute servers.""" @staticmethod def create_one_server(attrs=None, methods=None): """Create a fake server. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param Dictionary methods: A dictionary with all methods :return: A FakeResource object, with id, name, metadata, and so on """ attrs = attrs or {} methods = methods or {} # Set default attributes. server_info = { 'id': 'server-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': 'server-name-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'metadata': {}, 'image': { 'id': 'image-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, }, 'flavor': { 'id': 'flavor-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, }, 'OS-EXT-STS:power_state': 1, } # Overwrite default attributes. server_info.update(attrs) server = fakes.FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(server_info), methods=methods, loaded=True) return server @staticmethod def create_servers(attrs=None, methods=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake servers. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param Dictionary methods: A dictionary with all methods :param int count: The number of servers to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the servers """ servers = [] for i in range(0, count): servers.append(FakeServer.create_one_server(attrs, methods)) return servers @staticmethod def get_servers(servers=None, count=2): """Get an iterable MagicMock object with a list of faked servers. If servers list is provided, then initialize the Mock object with the list. Otherwise create one. :param List servers: A list of FakeResource objects faking servers :param int count: The number of servers to fake :return: An iterable Mock object with side_effect set to a list of faked servers """ if servers is None: servers = FakeServer.create_servers(count) return mock.Mock(side_effect=servers) class FakeServerEvent(object): """Fake one or more server event.""" @staticmethod def create_one_server_event(attrs=None): """Create a fake server event. :param attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id and other attributes """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes server_event_info = { "instance_uuid": "server-event-" + uuid.uuid4().hex, "user_id": "user-id-" + uuid.uuid4().hex, "start_time": "2017-02-27T07:47:13.000000", "request_id": "req-" + uuid.uuid4().hex, "action": "create", "message": None, "project_id": "project-id-" + uuid.uuid4().hex, "events": [{ "finish_time": "2017-02-27T07:47:25.000000", "start_time": "2017-02-27T07:47:15.000000", "traceback": None, "event": "compute__do_build_and_run_instance", "result": "Success" }] } # Overwrite default attributes server_event_info.update(attrs) server_event = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(server_event_info), loaded=True, ) return server_event class FakeService(object): """Fake one or more services.""" @staticmethod def create_one_service(attrs=None): """Create a fake service. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id, host, binary, and so on """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. service_info = { 'id': 'id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'host': 'host-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'binary': 'binary-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'status': 'enabled', 'zone': 'zone-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'state': 'state-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'updated_at': 'time-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'disabled_reason': 'earthquake', } # Overwrite default attributes. service_info.update(attrs) service = fakes.FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(service_info), loaded=True) return service @staticmethod def create_services(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake services. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of services to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the services """ services = [] for i in range(0, count): services.append(FakeService.create_one_service(attrs)) return services class FakeFlavor(object): """Fake one or more flavors.""" @staticmethod def create_one_flavor(attrs=None): """Create a fake flavor. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id, name, ram, vcpus, and so on """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. flavor_info = { 'id': 'flavor-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': 'flavor-name-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'ram': 8192, 'vcpus': 4, 'disk': 128, 'swap': 0, 'rxtx_factor': 1.0, 'OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled': False, 'os-flavor-access:is_public': True, 'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral': 0, 'properties': {'property': 'value'}, } # Overwrite default attributes. flavor_info.update(attrs) # Set default methods. flavor_methods = { 'set_keys': None, 'unset_keys': None, 'get_keys': {'property': 'value'}, } flavor = fakes.FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(flavor_info), methods=flavor_methods, loaded=True) # Set attributes with special mappings in nova client. flavor.disabled = flavor_info['OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled'] flavor.is_public = flavor_info['os-flavor-access:is_public'] flavor.ephemeral = flavor_info['OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral'] return flavor @staticmethod def create_flavors(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake flavors. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of flavors to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the flavors """ flavors = [] for i in range(0, count): flavors.append(FakeFlavor.create_one_flavor(attrs)) return flavors @staticmethod def get_flavors(flavors=None, count=2): """Get an iterable MagicMock object with a list of faked flavors. If flavors list is provided, then initialize the Mock object with the list. Otherwise create one. :param List flavors: A list of FakeResource objects faking flavors :param int count: The number of flavors to fake :return: An iterable Mock object with side_effect set to a list of faked flavors """ if flavors is None: flavors = FakeFlavor.create_flavors(count) return mock.Mock(side_effect=flavors) class FakeFlavorAccess(object): """Fake one or more flavor accesses.""" @staticmethod def create_one_flavor_access(attrs=None): """Create a fake flavor access. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with flavor_id, tenat_id """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. flavor_access_info = { 'flavor_id': 'flavor-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'tenant_id': 'tenant-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, } # Overwrite default attributes. flavor_access_info.update(attrs) flavor_access = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(flavor_access_info), loaded=True) return flavor_access class FakeKeypair(object): """Fake one or more keypairs.""" @staticmethod def create_one_keypair(attrs=None, no_pri=False): """Create a fake keypair :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, name, fingerprint, and so on """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. keypair_info = { 'name': 'keypair-name-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'fingerprint': 'dummy', 'public_key': 'dummy', 'user_id': 'user' } if not no_pri: keypair_info['private_key'] = 'private_key' # Overwrite default attributes. keypair_info.update(attrs) keypair = fakes.FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(keypair_info), loaded=True) return keypair @staticmethod def create_keypairs(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake keypairs. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of keypairs to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the keypairs """ keypairs = [] for i in range(0, count): keypairs.append(FakeKeypair.create_one_keypair(attrs)) return keypairs @staticmethod def get_keypairs(keypairs=None, count=2): """Get an iterable MagicMock object with a list of faked keypairs. If keypairs list is provided, then initialize the Mock object with the list. Otherwise create one. :param List keypairs: A list of FakeResource objects faking keypairs :param int count: The number of keypairs to fake :return: An iterable Mock object with side_effect set to a list of faked keypairs """ if keypairs is None: keypairs = FakeKeypair.create_keypairs(count) return mock.Mock(side_effect=keypairs) class FakeAvailabilityZone(object): """Fake one or more compute availability zones (AZs).""" @staticmethod def create_one_availability_zone(attrs=None): """Create a fake AZ. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object with zoneName, zoneState, etc. """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. host_name = uuid.uuid4().hex service_name = uuid.uuid4().hex service_updated_at = uuid.uuid4().hex availability_zone = { 'zoneName': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'zoneState': {'available': True}, 'hosts': {host_name: {service_name: { 'available': True, 'active': True, 'updated_at': service_updated_at, }}}, } # Overwrite default attributes. availability_zone.update(attrs) availability_zone = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(availability_zone), loaded=True) return availability_zone @staticmethod def create_availability_zones(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake AZs. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of AZs to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the AZs """ availability_zones = [] for i in range(0, count): availability_zone = \ FakeAvailabilityZone.create_one_availability_zone(attrs) availability_zones.append(availability_zone) return availability_zones class FakeFloatingIP(object): """Fake one or more floating ip.""" @staticmethod def create_one_floating_ip(attrs=None): """Create a fake floating ip. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id, ip, and so on """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. floating_ip_attrs = { 'id': 'floating-ip-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'ip': '', 'fixed_ip': '', 'instance_id': 'server-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'pool': 'public', } # Overwrite default attributes. floating_ip_attrs.update(attrs) floating_ip = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(floating_ip_attrs), loaded=True) return floating_ip @staticmethod def create_floating_ips(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake floating ips. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of floating ips to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the floating ips """ floating_ips = [] for i in range(0, count): floating_ips.append(FakeFloatingIP.create_one_floating_ip(attrs)) return floating_ips @staticmethod def get_floating_ips(floating_ips=None, count=2): """Get an iterable MagicMock object with a list of faked floating ips. If floating_ips list is provided, then initialize the Mock object with the list. Otherwise create one. :param List floating ips: A list of FakeResource objects faking floating ips :param int count: The number of floating ips to fake :return: An iterable Mock object with side_effect set to a list of faked floating ips """ if floating_ips is None: floating_ips = FakeFloatingIP.create_floating_ips(count) return mock.Mock(side_effect=floating_ips) class FakeFloatingIPPool(object): """Fake one or more floating ip pools.""" @staticmethod def create_one_floating_ip_pool(attrs=None): """Create a fake floating ip pool. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with name, etc """ if attrs is None: attrs = {} # Set default attributes. floating_ip_pool_attrs = { 'name': 'floating-ip-pool-name-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, } # Overwrite default attributes. floating_ip_pool_attrs.update(attrs) floating_ip_pool = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(floating_ip_pool_attrs), loaded=True) return floating_ip_pool @staticmethod def create_floating_ip_pools(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake floating ip pools. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of floating ip pools to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the floating ip pools """ floating_ip_pools = [] for i in range(0, count): floating_ip_pools.append( FakeFloatingIPPool.create_one_floating_ip_pool(attrs) ) return floating_ip_pools class FakeNetwork(object): """Fake one or more networks.""" @staticmethod def create_one_network(attrs=None): """Create a fake network. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id, label, cidr and so on """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. network_attrs = { 'bridge': 'br100', 'bridge_interface': None, 'broadcast': '', 'cidr': '', 'cidr_v6': None, 'created_at': '2016-02-11T11:17:37.000000', 'deleted': False, 'deleted_at': None, 'dhcp_server': '', 'dhcp_start': '', 'dns1': '', 'dns2': None, 'enable_dhcp': True, 'gateway': '', 'gateway_v6': None, 'host': None, 'id': 'network-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'injected': False, 'label': 'network-label-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'mtu': None, 'multi_host': False, 'netmask': '', 'netmask_v6': None, 'priority': None, 'project_id': 'project-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'rxtx_base': None, 'share_address': False, 'updated_at': None, 'vlan': None, 'vpn_private_address': None, 'vpn_public_address': None, 'vpn_public_port': None, } # Overwrite default attributes. network_attrs.update(attrs) network = fakes.FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(network_attrs), loaded=True) return network @staticmethod def create_networks(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake networks. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of networks to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the networks """ networks = [] for i in range(0, count): networks.append(FakeNetwork.create_one_network(attrs)) return networks @staticmethod def get_networks(networks=None, count=2): """Get an iterable MagicMock object with a list of faked networks. If networks list is provided, then initialize the Mock object with the list. Otherwise create one. :param List networks: A list of FakeResource objects faking networks :param int count: The number of networks to fake :return: An iterable Mock object with side_effect set to a list of faked networks """ if networks is None: networks = FakeNetwork.create_networks(count=count) return mock.Mock(side_effect=networks) class FakeHost(object): """Fake one host.""" @staticmethod def create_one_host(attrs=None): """Create a fake host. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with uuid and other attributes """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. host_info = { "service_id": 1, "host": "host1", "uuid": 'host-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, "vcpus": 10, "memory_mb": 100, "local_gb": 100, "vcpus_used": 5, "memory_mb_used": 50, "local_gb_used": 10, "hypervisor_type": "xen", "hypervisor_version": 1, "hypervisor_hostname": "devstack1", "free_ram_mb": 50, "free_disk_gb": 50, "current_workload": 10, "running_vms": 1, "cpu_info": "", "disk_available_least": 1, "host_ip": "", "supported_instances": "", "metrics": "", "pci_stats": "", "extra_resources": "", "stats": "", "numa_topology": "", "ram_allocation_ratio": 1.0, "cpu_allocation_ratio": 1.0, "zone": 'zone-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, "host_name": 'name-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, "service": 'service-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, "cpu": 4, "disk_gb": 100, 'project': 'project-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, } host_info.update(attrs) host = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(host_info), loaded=True) return host class FakeServerGroup(object): """Fake one server group""" @staticmethod def create_one_server_group(attrs=None): """Create a fake server group :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with id and other attributes """ if attrs is None: attrs = {} # Set default attributes. server_group_info = { 'id': 'server-group-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'members': [], 'metadata': {}, 'name': 'server-group-name-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'policies': [], 'project_id': 'server-group-project-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'user_id': 'server-group-user-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, } # Overwrite default attributes. server_group_info.update(attrs) server_group = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(server_group_info), loaded=True) return server_group class FakeUsage(object): """Fake one or more usage.""" @staticmethod def create_one_usage(attrs=None): """Create a fake usage. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object, with tenant_id and other attributes """ if attrs is None: attrs = {} # Set default attributes. usage_info = { 'tenant_id': 'usage-tenant-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'total_memory_mb_usage': 512.0, 'total_vcpus_usage': 1.0, 'total_local_gb_usage': 1.0, 'server_usages': [ { 'ended_at': None, 'flavor': 'usage-flavor-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'hours': 1.0, 'local_gb': 1, 'memory_mb': 512, 'name': 'usage-name-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'state': 'active', 'uptime': 3600, 'vcpus': 1 } ] } # Overwrite default attributes. usage_info.update(attrs) usage = fakes.FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(usage_info), loaded=True) return usage @staticmethod def create_usages(attrs=None, count=2): """Create multiple fake services. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param int count: The number of services to fake :return: A list of FakeResource objects faking the services """ usages = [] for i in range(0, count): usages.append(FakeUsage.create_one_usage(attrs)) return usages class FakeQuota(object): """Fake quota""" @staticmethod def create_one_comp_quota(attrs=None): """Create one quota""" attrs = attrs or {} quota_attrs = { 'id': 'project-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'cores': 20, 'fixed_ips': 30, 'injected_files': 100, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 10240, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 255, 'instances': 50, 'key_pairs': 20, 'metadata_items': 10, 'ram': 51200, 'server_groups': 10, 'server_group_members': 10 } quota_attrs.update(attrs) quota = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(quota_attrs), loaded=True) quota.project_id = quota_attrs['id'] return quota @staticmethod def create_one_default_comp_quota(attrs=None): """Crate one quota""" attrs = attrs or {} quota_attrs = { 'id': 'project-id-' + uuid.uuid4().hex, 'cores': 10, 'fixed_ips': 10, 'injected_files': 100, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 10240, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 255, 'instances': 20, 'key_pairs': 20, 'metadata_items': 10, 'ram': 51200, 'server_groups': 10, 'server_group_members': 10 } quota_attrs.update(attrs) quota = fakes.FakeResource( info=copy.deepcopy(quota_attrs), loaded=True) quota.project_id = quota_attrs['id'] return quota