#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#   a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.

"""OpenStackConfig subclass for argument compatibility"""

import logging

from os_client_config import exceptions as occ_exceptions
from osc_lib.cli import client_config

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Sublcass OpenStackConfig in order to munge config values
# before auth plugins are loaded
class OSC_Config(client_config.OSC_Config):

    # TODO(dtroyer): Once os-client-config with pw_func argument is in
    #                global-requirements we can remove __init()__
    def __init__(
        ret = super(OSC_Config, self).__init__(

        # NOTE(dtroyer): This will be pushed down into os-client-config
        #                The default is there is no callback, the calling
        #                application must specify what to use, typically
        #                it will be osc_lib.shell.prompt_for_password()
        if '_pw_callback' not in vars(self):
            # Set the default if it doesn't already exist
            self._pw_callback = None
        if pw_func is not None:
            # Set the passed in value
            self._pw_callback = pw_func

        return ret

    # TODO(dtroyer): Remove _auth_default_domain when the v3otp fix is
    #                backported to osc-lib, should be in release 1.3.0
    def _auth_default_domain(self, config):
        """Set a default domain from available arguments

        Migrated from clientmanager.setup_auth()

        identity_version = config.get('identity_api_version', '')
        auth_type = config.get('auth_type', None)

        # TODO(mordred): This is a usability improvement that's broadly useful
        # We should port it back up into os-client-config.
        default_domain = config.get('default_domain', None)
        if (identity_version == '3' and
                not auth_type.startswith('v2') and

            # NOTE(stevemar): If PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID or PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME is
            # present, then do not change the behaviour. Otherwise, set the
            # PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID to 'OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN' for better usability.
            if (
                    auth_type in ("password", "v3password", "v3totp") and
                    not config['auth'].get('project_domain_id') and
                    not config['auth'].get('project_domain_name')
                config['auth']['project_domain_id'] = default_domain

            # NOTE(stevemar): If USER_DOMAIN_ID or USER_DOMAIN_NAME is present,
            # then do not change the behaviour. Otherwise, set the
            # USER_DOMAIN_ID to 'OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN' for better usability.
            # NOTE(aloga): this should only be set if there is a username.
            # TODO(dtroyer): Move this to os-client-config after the plugin has
            # been loaded so we can check directly if the options are accepted.
            if (
                    auth_type in ("password", "v3password", "v3totp") and
                    not config['auth'].get('user_domain_id') and
                    not config['auth'].get('user_domain_name')
                config['auth']['user_domain_id'] = default_domain
        return config

    def load_auth_plugin(self, config):
        """Get auth plugin and validate args"""

        loader = self._get_auth_loader(config)
        config = self._validate_auth(config, loader)
        auth_plugin = loader.load_from_options(**config['auth'])
        return auth_plugin

    # TODO(dtroyer): Remove _validate_auth_ksc when it is in osc-lib 1.3.0
    def _validate_auth_ksc(self, config, cloud, fixed_argparse=None):
        """Old compatibility hack for OSC, no longer needed/wanted"""
        return config

    # TODO(dtroyer): Remove _validate_auth when it is in osc-lib 1.3.0
    def _validate_auth(self, config, loader, fixed_argparse=None):
        """Validate auth plugin arguments"""
        # May throw a keystoneauth1.exceptions.NoMatchingPlugin

        plugin_options = loader.get_options()

        msgs = []
        prompt_options = []
        for p_opt in plugin_options:
            # if it's in config, win, move it and kill it from config dict
            # if it's in config.auth but not in config we're good
            # deprecated loses to current
            # provided beats default, deprecated or not
            winning_value = self._find_winning_auth_value(p_opt, config)
            if not winning_value:
                winning_value = self._find_winning_auth_value(
                    p_opt, config['auth'])

            # if the plugin tells us that this value is required
            # then error if it's doesn't exist now
            if not winning_value and p_opt.required:
                    'Missing value {auth_key}'
                    ' required for auth plugin {plugin}'.format(
                        auth_key=p_opt.name, plugin=config.get('auth_type'),

            # Clean up after ourselves
            for opt in [p_opt.name] + [o.name for o in p_opt.deprecated]:
                opt = opt.replace('-', '_')
                config.pop(opt, None)
                config['auth'].pop(opt, None)

            if winning_value:
                # Prefer the plugin configuration dest value if the value's key
                # is marked as depreciated.
                if p_opt.dest is None:
                    config['auth'][p_opt.name.replace('-', '_')] = (
                    config['auth'][p_opt.dest] = winning_value

            # See if this needs a prompting
            if (
                    'prompt' in vars(p_opt) and
                    p_opt.prompt is not None and
                    p_opt.dest not in config['auth'] and
                    self._pw_callback is not None
                # Defer these until we know all required opts are present

        if msgs:
            raise occ_exceptions.OpenStackConfigException('\n'.join(msgs))
            for p_opt in prompt_options:
                config['auth'][p_opt.dest] = self._pw_callback(p_opt.prompt)

        return config