# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import time import uuid from openstackclient.tests.functional.volume.v1 import common class VolumeTypeTests(common.BaseVolumeTests): """Functional tests for volume type. """ NAME = uuid.uuid4().hex @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(VolumeTypeTests, cls).setUpClass() cmd_output = json.loads(cls.openstack( 'volume type create -f json ' + cls.NAME)) cls.assertOutput(cls.NAME, cmd_output['name']) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): raw_output = cls.openstack('volume type delete ' + cls.NAME) cls.assertOutput('', raw_output) def test_volume_type_list(self): cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack('volume type list -f json')) self.assertIn(self.NAME, [t['Name'] for t in cmd_output]) def test_volume_type_show(self): cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type show -f json ' + self.NAME)) self.assertEqual(self.NAME, cmd_output['name']) def test_volume_type_set_unset_properties(self): raw_output = self.openstack( 'volume type set --property a=b --property c=d ' + self.NAME) self.assertEqual("", raw_output) cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type show -f json ' + self.NAME)) self.assertEqual("a='b', c='d'", cmd_output['properties']) raw_output = self.openstack('volume type unset --property a ' + self.NAME) self.assertEqual("", raw_output) cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type show -f json ' + self.NAME)) self.assertEqual("c='d'", cmd_output['properties']) def test_volume_type_set_unset_multiple_properties(self): raw_output = self.openstack( 'volume type set --property a=b --property c=d ' + self.NAME) self.assertEqual("", raw_output) cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type show -f json ' + self.NAME)) self.assertEqual("a='b', c='d'", cmd_output['properties']) raw_output = self.openstack( 'volume type unset --property a --property c ' + self.NAME) self.assertEqual("", raw_output) cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type show -f json ' + self.NAME)) self.assertEqual("", cmd_output['properties']) def test_multi_delete(self): vol_type1 = uuid.uuid4().hex vol_type2 = uuid.uuid4().hex self.openstack('volume type create ' + vol_type1) time.sleep(5) self.openstack('volume type create ' + vol_type2) time.sleep(5) cmd = 'volume type delete %s %s' % (vol_type1, vol_type2) raw_output = self.openstack(cmd) self.assertOutput('', raw_output) # NOTE: Add some basic funtional tests with the old format to # make sure the command works properly, need to change # these to new test format when beef up all tests for # volume tye commands. def test_encryption_type(self): encryption_type = uuid.uuid4().hex # test create new encryption type cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type create -f json ' '--encryption-provider LuksEncryptor ' '--encryption-cipher aes-xts-plain64 ' '--encryption-key-size 128 ' '--encryption-control-location front-end ' + encryption_type)) # TODO(amotoki): encryption output should be machine-readable expected = ["provider='LuksEncryptor'", "cipher='aes-xts-plain64'", "key_size='128'", "control_location='front-end'"] for attr in expected: self.assertIn(attr, cmd_output['encryption']) # test show encryption type cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type show -f json --encryption-type ' + encryption_type)) expected = ["provider='LuksEncryptor'", "cipher='aes-xts-plain64'", "key_size='128'", "control_location='front-end'"] for attr in expected: self.assertIn(attr, cmd_output['encryption']) # test list encryption type cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type list -f json --encryption-type')) encryption_output = [t['Encryption'] for t in cmd_output if t['Name'] == encryption_type][0] # TODO(amotoki): encryption output should be machine-readable expected = ["provider='LuksEncryptor'", "cipher='aes-xts-plain64'", "key_size='128'", "control_location='front-end'"] for attr in expected: self.assertIn(attr, encryption_output) # test set new encryption type raw_output = self.openstack( 'volume type set ' '--encryption-provider LuksEncryptor ' '--encryption-cipher aes-xts-plain64 ' '--encryption-key-size 128 ' '--encryption-control-location front-end ' + self.NAME) self.assertEqual('', raw_output) cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type show -f json --encryption-type ' + self.NAME)) expected = ["provider='LuksEncryptor'", "cipher='aes-xts-plain64'", "key_size='128'", "control_location='front-end'"] for attr in expected: self.assertIn(attr, cmd_output['encryption']) # test unset encryption type raw_output = self.openstack( 'volume type unset --encryption-type ' + self.NAME) self.assertEqual('', raw_output) cmd_output = json.loads(self.openstack( 'volume type show -f json --encryption-type ' + self.NAME)) self.assertEqual('', cmd_output['encryption']) # test delete encryption type raw_output = self.openstack('volume type delete ' + encryption_type) self.assertEqual('', raw_output)