========= :program:`openstack` ========= SYNOPSIS ======== :program:`openstack` [<global-options>] <command> [<command-arguments>] :program:`openstack help` <command> DESCRIPTION =========== :program:`openstack` provides a common command-line interface to OpenStack APIs. It is generally equivalent to the CLIs provided by the OpenStack project client librariess, but with a distinct and consistent command structure. :program:`openstack` uses a similar authentication scheme as the OpenStack project CLIs, with the credential information supplied either as environment variables or as options on the command line. The primary difference is a preference for using ``OS_PROJECT_NAME``/``OS_PROJECT_ID`` over the old tenant-based names. The old names work for now though. :: export OS_AUTH_URL=<url-to-openstack-identity> export OS_PROJECT_NAME=<project-name> export OS_USERNAME=<user-name> export OS_PASSWORD=<password> # (optional) OPTIONS ======= :program:`openstack` recognizes the following global topions: :option:`--os-auth-url <auth-url>` Authentication URL :option:`--os-project-name <auth-project-name>` Authentication project name (only one of :option:`--os-project-name` or :option:`--os-project-id` need be supplied) :option:`--os-project-id <auth-project-id>` Authentication tenant ID (only one of :option:`--os-project-name` or :option:`--os-project-id` need be supplied) :option:`--os-username <auth-username>` Authentication username :option:`--os-password <auth-password>` Authentication password :option:`--os-region-name <auth-region-name>` Authentication region name :option:`--os-default-domain <auth-domain>` Default domain ID (defaults to 'default') NOTES ===== [This section intentionally left blank. So there.] COMMANDS ======== To get a list of the available commands:: openstack -h To get a description of a specific command:: openstack help <command> FILES ===== :file:`~/.openstack` ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ===================== The following environment variables can be set to alter the behaviour of :program:`openstack` :envvar:`OS_USERNAME` Set the username :envvar:`OS_PASSWORD` Set the password BUGS ==== Bug reports are accepted at the python-openstackclient LaunchPad project "https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bugs". AUTHORS ======= Please refer to the AUTHORS file distributed with OpenStackClient. COPYRIGHT ========= Copyright 2011-2013 OpenStack Foundation and the authors listed in the AUTHORS file. LICENSE ======= http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 SEE ALSO ======== The OpenStack project CLIs, the OpenStack API references. <links TBD>