endpoint group

A **endpoint group** is used to create groups of endpoints that then
can be used to filter the endpoints that are available to a project.
Applicable to Identity v3

.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.identity.v3
   :command: endpoint group add project

.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.identity.v3
   :command: endpoint group create

.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.identity.v3
   :command: endpoint group delete

.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.identity.v3
   :command: endpoint group list

.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.identity.v3
   :command: endpoint group remove project

.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.identity.v3
   :command: endpoint group set

.. autoprogram-cliff:: openstack.identity.v3
   :command: endpoint group show