======== Commands ======== Command Structure ================= OpenStack Client uses a command form ``verb object``. Note that 'object' here refers to the target of a command's action. In coding discussions 'object' has its usual Python meaning. Go figure. Commands take the form:: openstack [<global-options>] <verb> <object> [<command-local-arguments>] Command Arguments ----------------- * All long option names use two dashes ('--') as the prefix and a single dash ('-') as the interpolation character. Some common options also have the traditional single letter name prefixed by a single dash ('-'). * Global options generally have a corresponding environment variable that may also be used to set the value. If both are present, the command-line option takes priority. The environment variable names can be derived from the option name by dropping the leading '--', converting all embedded dashes ('-') to underscores ('_'), and converting the name to upper case. * Positional arguments trail command options. In commands that require two or more objects be acted upon, such as 'attach A to B', both objects appear as positional arguments. If they also appear in the command object they are in the same order. Implementation ============== The command structure is designed to support seamless addition of extension command modules via entry points. The extensions are assumed to be subclasses of Cliff's command.Command object. Command Entry Points -------------------- Commands are added to the client using distribute's entry points in ``setup.py``. There is a single common group ``openstack.cli`` for commands that are not versioned, and a group for each combination of OpenStack API and version that is supported. For example, to support Identity API v3 there is a group called ``openstack.identity.v3`` that contains the individual commands. The command entry points have the form:: "verb_object=fully.qualified.module.vXX.object:VerbObject" For example, the 'list user' command fir the Identity API is identified in ``setup.py`` with:: 'openstack.identity.v3': [ # ... 'list_user=openstackclient.identity.v3.user:ListUser', # ... ],