========= aggregate ========= Host aggregates provide a mechanism to group hosts according to certain criteria. Compute v2 aggregate add host ------------------ Add host to aggregate .. program:: aggregate add host .. code:: bash os aggregate add host <aggregate> <host> .. _aggregate_add_host-aggregate: .. describe:: <aggregate> Aggregate (name or ID) .. describe:: <host> Host to add to :ref:`\<aggregate\> <aggregate_add_host-aggregate>` aggregate create ---------------- Create a new aggregate .. program:: aggregate create .. code:: bash os aggregate create [--zone <availability-zone>] [--property <key=value> [...] ] <name> .. option:: --zone <availability-zone> Availability zone name .. option:: --property <key=value> Property to add to this aggregate (repeat option to set multiple properties) .. describe:: <name> New aggregate name aggregate delete ---------------- Delete existing aggregate(s) .. program:: aggregate delete .. code:: bash os aggregate delete <aggregate> [<aggregate> ...] .. describe:: <aggregate> Aggregate(s) to delete (name or ID) aggregate list -------------- List all aggregates .. program:: aggregate list .. code:: bash os aggregate list [--long] .. option:: --long List additional fields in output aggregate remove host --------------------- Remove host from aggregate .. program:: aggregate remove host .. code:: bash os aggregate remove host <aggregate> <host> .. _aggregate_remove_host-aggregate: .. describe:: <aggregate> Aggregate (name or ID) .. describe:: <host> Host to remove from :ref:`\<aggregate\> <aggregate_remove_host-aggregate>` aggregate set ------------- Set aggregate properties .. program:: aggregate set .. code:: bash os aggregate set [--name <new-name>] [--zone <availability-zone>] [--property <key=value> [...] ] [--no-property] <aggregate> .. option:: --name <name> Set aggregate name .. option:: --zone <availability-zone> Set availability zone name .. option:: --property <key=value> Property to set on :ref:`\<aggregate\> <aggregate_set-aggregate>` (repeat option to set multiple properties) .. option:: --no-property Remove all properties from :ref:`\<aggregate\> <aggregate_set-aggregate>` (specify both --property and --no-property to overwrite the current properties) .. _aggregate_set-aggregate: .. describe:: <aggregate> Aggregate to modify (name or ID) aggregate show -------------- Display aggregate details .. program:: aggregate show .. code:: bash os aggregate show <aggregate> .. describe:: <aggregate> Aggregate to display (name or ID) aggregate unset --------------- Unset aggregate properties .. program:: aggregate unset .. code-block:: bash os aggregate unset [--property <key> [...] ] <aggregate> .. option:: --property <key> Property to remove from :ref:`\<aggregate\> <aggregate_unset-aggregate>` (repeat option to remove multiple properties) .. _aggregate_unset-aggregate: .. describe:: <aggregate> Aggregate to modify (name or ID)