
Compute v2

ip floating add

Add floating-ip to server

.. program:: ip floating add
.. code:: bash

    os ip floating add

.. describe:: <ip_address>

    IP address to add to server

.. describe:: <server>

    Server to receive the IP address (name or ID)

ip floating create

Create new floating-ip

.. program:: ip floating create
.. code:: bash

    os ip floating create

.. describe:: <pool>

    Pool to fetch floating IP from

ip floating delete

Delete a floating-ip

.. program:: ip floating delete
.. code:: bash

    os ip floating delete

.. describe:: <ip_address>

    IP address to delete

ip floating list

List floating-ips

.. program:: ip floating list
.. code:: bash

    os ip floating list

ip floating remove

Remove floating-ip from server

.. program:: ip floating remove
.. code:: bash

    os ip floating remove

.. describe:: <ip_address>

    IP address to remove from server

.. describe:: <server>

    Server to remove the IP address from (name or ID)