#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#   a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.

"""Authentication Library"""

import argparse
import logging

from keystoneauth1.loading import base
from osc_lib import exceptions as exc
from osc_lib import utils

from openstackclient.i18n import _

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Initialize the list of Authentication plugins early in order
# to get the command-line options

# List of plugin command line options

def get_plugin_list():
    """Gather plugin list and cache it"""
    global PLUGIN_LIST

    if PLUGIN_LIST is None:
        PLUGIN_LIST = base.get_available_plugin_names()
    return PLUGIN_LIST

def get_options_list():
    """Gather plugin options so the help action has them available"""

    global OPTIONS_LIST

    if not OPTIONS_LIST:
        for plugin_name in get_plugin_list():
            plugin_options = base.get_plugin_options(plugin_name)
            for o in plugin_options:
                os_name = o.dest.lower().replace('_', '-')
                os_env_name = 'OS_' + os_name.upper().replace('-', '_')
                    os_name, {'env': os_env_name, 'help': ''},
                # TODO(mhu) simplistic approach, would be better to only add
                # help texts if they vary from one auth plugin to another
                # also the text rendering is ugly in the CLI ...
                OPTIONS_LIST[os_name]['help'] += 'With %s: %s\n' % (
    return OPTIONS_LIST

def select_auth_plugin(options):
    """Pick an auth plugin based on --os-auth-type or other options"""

    auth_plugin_name = None

    # Do the token/url check first as this must override the default
    # 'password' set by os-client-config
    # Also, url and token are not copied into o-c-c's auth dict (yet?)
    if options.auth.get('url') and options.auth.get('token'):
        # service token authentication
        auth_plugin_name = 'token_endpoint'
    elif options.auth_type in PLUGIN_LIST:
        # A direct plugin name was given, use it
        auth_plugin_name = options.auth_type
    elif options.auth.get('username'):
        if options.identity_api_version == '3':
            auth_plugin_name = 'v3password'
        elif options.identity_api_version.startswith('2'):
            auth_plugin_name = 'v2password'
            # let keystoneclient figure it out itself
            auth_plugin_name = 'osc_password'
    elif options.auth.get('token'):
        if options.identity_api_version == '3':
            auth_plugin_name = 'v3token'
        elif options.identity_api_version.startswith('2'):
            auth_plugin_name = 'v2token'
            # let keystoneclient figure it out itself
            auth_plugin_name = 'token'
        # The ultimate default is similar to the original behaviour,
        # but this time with version discovery
        auth_plugin_name = 'osc_password'
    LOG.debug("Auth plugin %s selected", auth_plugin_name)
    return auth_plugin_name

def build_auth_params(auth_plugin_name, cmd_options):

    auth_params = dict(cmd_options.auth)
    if auth_plugin_name:
        LOG.debug('auth_type: %s', auth_plugin_name)
        auth_plugin_loader = base.get_plugin_loader(auth_plugin_name)
        # grab tenant from project for v2.0 API compatibility
        if auth_plugin_name.startswith("v2"):
            if 'project_id' in auth_params:
                auth_params['tenant_id'] = auth_params['project_id']
                del auth_params['project_id']
            if 'project_name' in auth_params:
                auth_params['tenant_name'] = auth_params['project_name']
                del auth_params['project_name']
        LOG.debug('no auth_type')
        # delay the plugin choice, grab every option
        auth_plugin_loader = None
        plugin_options = set([o.replace('-', '_') for o in get_options_list()])
        for option in plugin_options:
            LOG.debug('fetching option %s', option)
            auth_params[option] = getattr(cmd_options.auth, option, None)
    return (auth_plugin_loader, auth_params)

def check_valid_auth_options(options, auth_plugin_name, required_scope=True):
    """Perform basic option checking, provide helpful error messages.

    :param required_scope: indicate whether a scoped token is required


    msgs = []
    if auth_plugin_name.endswith('password'):
        if not options.auth.get('username'):
            msgs.append(_('Set a username with --os-username, OS_USERNAME,'
                          ' or auth.username'))
        if not options.auth.get('auth_url'):
            msgs.append(_('Set an authentication URL, with --os-auth-url,'
                          ' OS_AUTH_URL or auth.auth_url'))
        if (required_scope and not
                options.auth.get('project_id') and not
                options.auth.get('domain_id') and not
                options.auth.get('domain_name') and not
                options.auth.get('project_name') and not
                options.auth.get('tenant_id') and not
            msgs.append(_('Set a scope, such as a project or domain, set a '
                          'project scope with --os-project-name, '
                          'OS_PROJECT_NAME or auth.project_name, set a domain '
                          'scope with --os-domain-name, OS_DOMAIN_NAME or '
    elif auth_plugin_name.endswith('token'):
        if not options.auth.get('token'):
            msgs.append(_('Set a token with --os-token, OS_TOKEN or '
        if not options.auth.get('auth_url'):
            msgs.append(_('Set a service AUTH_URL, with --os-auth-url, '
                          'OS_AUTH_URL or auth.auth_url'))
    elif auth_plugin_name == 'token_endpoint':
        if not options.auth.get('token'):
            msgs.append(_('Set a token with --os-token, OS_TOKEN or '
        if not options.auth.get('url'):
            msgs.append(_('Set a service URL, with --os-url, OS_URL or '

    if msgs:
        raise exc.CommandError(
            _('Missing parameter(s): \n%s') % '\n'.join(msgs))

def build_auth_plugins_option_parser(parser):
    """Auth plugins options builder

    Builds dynamically the list of options expected by each available
    authentication plugin.

    available_plugins = list(get_plugin_list())
        help=_('Select an authentication type. Available types: %s.'
               ' Default: selected based on --os-username/--os-token'
               ' (Env: OS_AUTH_TYPE)') % ', '.join(available_plugins),
    # Maintain compatibility with old tenant env vars
    envs = {
        'OS_PROJECT_NAME': utils.env(
        'OS_PROJECT_ID': utils.env(
    for o in get_options_list():
        # Remove tenant options from KSC plugins and replace them below
        if 'tenant' not in o:
                '--os-' + o,
                metavar='<auth-%s>' % o,
                dest=o.replace('-', '_'),
                help=_('%(help)s\n(Env: %(env)s)') % {
                    'help': OPTIONS_LIST[o]['help'],
                    'env': OPTIONS_LIST[o]['env'],
    # add tenant-related options for compatibility
    # this is deprecated but still used in some tempest tests...
    return parser