The --enable option on commands is ignored when the arguments are parsed. This is related to the --enable-beta-commands option. Renaming the option to --os-beta-command fixes the problem. There's no need to handle backwards compatibility for the option name change because there hasn't been an OSC release yet with beta commands. Change-Id: I0327ba8a2058858a83e9a42e231470ed733cc834 Closes-Bug: #1588384
8 lines
329 B
8 lines
329 B
- Fix the ``--enable`` option on all commands by changing the
``--enable-beta-commands`` global option to ``--os-beta-command``.
There are no upgrade impacts for the global option rename since
the old name isn't used.
[Bug `1588384 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/1588384>`_]