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consistency group snapshot

Block Storage v2

consistency group snapshot create

Create new consistency group snapshot.

consistency group snapshot create

openstack consistency group snapshot create
    [--consistency-group <consistency-group>]
    [--description <description>]

--consistency-group <consistency-group>

Consistency group to snapshot (name or ID) (default to be the same as <snapshot-name>)

--description <description>

Description of this consistency group snapshot

Name of new consistency group snapshot (default to None)

consistency group snapshot delete

Delete consistency group snapshot(s)

consistency group snapshot delete

openstack consistency group snapshot delete
    <consistency-group-snapshot> [<consistency-group-snapshot> ...]

Consistency group snapshot(s) to delete (name or ID)

consistency group snapshot list

List consistency group snapshots.

consistency group snapshot list

openstack consistency group snapshot list
    [--status <status>]
    [--consistency-group <consistency-group>]


Show detail for all projects. Admin only. (defaults to False)


List additional fields in output

--status <status>

Filters results by a status ("available", "error", "creating", "deleting" or "error_deleting")

--consistency-group <consistency-group>

Filters results by a consistency group (name or ID)

consistency group snapshot show

Display consistency group snapshot details.

consistency group snapshot show

openstack consistency group snapshot show

Consistency group snapshot to display (name or ID)