Current "volume list --name" command use "display_name" as search_opts to send to cinder API, and show the result table with "Display Name" column title in osc, cinder list API support "name" as search opts too, and there is "name" attribute in volume response body, so we can replace all "Display Name" by "Name" in order to keep "volume list" command consistent with other commands, like: server list, network list and so on, only use "Name" attribute for all objects. Support a mapping for volume list -c "Display Name" (Volume v1 and v2) and volume create/show -c "display_name" (Volume v1) for minimal backward compatibility until R release. Change-Id: I120be0118e7bb30093b4237c5eeb69a9eedef077 Closes-Bug: #1657956 Depends-On: I1fb62219b092346ea380099811cbd082cae5bafe
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Change column name ``Display Name`` to ``Name`` in ``volume list`` output.
Current ``volume list --name`` command uses ``display_name`` as search_opts
to send to cinder API, and show the result table with ``Display Name``
as column title. Replace all ``Display Name`` by ``Name`` to be consistent
with other list commands.
Support a mapping for volume list -c ``Display Name`` (Volume v1 and v2)
and volume create/show -c ``display_name`` (Volume v1) to maintain backward
compatibility until the next major release.
[Bug `1657956 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/1657956>`_]