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subnet pool

Network v2

subnet pool create

Create subnet pool

subnet pool create

os subnet pool create
    [--pool-prefix <pool-prefix> [...]]
    [--default-prefix-length <default-prefix-length>]
    [--min-prefix-length <min-prefix-length>]
    [--max-prefix-length <max-prefix-length>]
    [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
    [--address-scope <address-scope>]

--pool-prefix <pool-prefix>

Set subnet pool prefixes (in CIDR notation). Repeat this option to set multiple prefixes.

--default-prefix-length <default-prefix-length>

Set subnet pool default prefix length

--min-prefix-length <min-prefix-length>

Set subnet pool minimum prefix length

--max-prefix-length <max-prefix-length>

Set subnet pool maximum prefix length

--project <project>

Owner's project (name or ID)

--project-domain <project-domain>

Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.

--address-scope <address-scope>

Set address scope associated with the subnet pool (name or ID). Prefixes must be unique across address scopes.

Name of the new subnet pool

subnet pool delete

Delete subnet pool

subnet pool delete

os subnet pool delete

Subnet pool to delete (name or ID)

subnet pool list

List subnet pools

subnet pool list

os subnet pool list


List additional fields in output

subnet pool set

Set subnet pool properties

subnet pool set

os subnet pool set
    [--name <name>]
    [--pool-prefix <pool-prefix> [...]]
    [--default-prefix-length <default-prefix-length>]
    [--min-prefix-length <min-prefix-length>]
    [--max-prefix-length <max-prefix-length>]
    [--address-scope <address-scope> | --no-address-scope]

--name <name>

Set subnet pool name

--pool-prefix <pool-prefix>

Set subnet pool prefixes (in CIDR notation). Repeat this option to set multiple prefixes.

--default-prefix-length <default-prefix-length>

Set subnet pool default prefix length

--min-prefix-length <min-prefix-length>

Set subnet pool minimum prefix length

--max-prefix-length <max-prefix-length>

Set subnet pool maximum prefix length

--address-scope <address-scope>

Set address scope associated with the subnet pool (name or ID). Prefixes must be unique across address scopes.


Remove address scope associated with the subnet pool

Subnet pool to modify (name or ID)

subnet pool show

Display subnet pool details

subnet pool show

os subnet pool show

Subnet pool to display (name or ID)