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# Copyright (c) 2014 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import testtools
from hashlib import md5
from swiftclient.service import SwiftService, SwiftError
import swiftclient
class TestSwiftPostObject(testtools.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.spo = swiftclient.service.SwiftPostObject
super(TestSwiftPostObject, self).setUp()
def test_create(self):
spo = self.spo('obj_name')
self.assertEqual(spo.object_name, 'obj_name')
self.assertEqual(spo.options, None)
def test_create_with_invalid_name(self):
# empty strings are not allowed as names
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, self.spo, '')
# names cannot be anything but strings
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, self.spo, 1)
class TestSwiftReader(testtools.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.sr = swiftclient.service._SwiftReader
super(TestSwiftReader, self).setUp()
self.md5_type = type(md5())
def test_create(self):
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {})
self.assertEqual(sr._path, 'path')
self.assertEqual(sr._body, 'body')
self.assertEqual(sr._content_length, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._expected_etag, None)
self.assertNotEqual(sr._actual_md5, None)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(sr._actual_md5, self.md5_type))
def test_create_with_large_object_headers(self):
# md5 should not be initalized if large object headers are present
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'x-object-manifest': 'test'})
self.assertEqual(sr._path, 'path')
self.assertEqual(sr._body, 'body')
self.assertEqual(sr._content_length, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._expected_etag, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._actual_md5, None)
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'x-static-large-object': 'test'})
self.assertEqual(sr._path, 'path')
self.assertEqual(sr._body, 'body')
self.assertEqual(sr._content_length, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._expected_etag, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._actual_md5, None)
def test_create_with_content_length(self):
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'content-length': 5})
self.assertEqual(sr._path, 'path')
self.assertEqual(sr._body, 'body')
self.assertEqual(sr._content_length, 5)
self.assertEqual(sr._expected_etag, None)
self.assertNotEqual(sr._actual_md5, None)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(sr._actual_md5, self.md5_type))
# Check Contentlength raises error if it isnt an integer
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, self.sr, 'path', 'body',
{'content-length': 'notanint'})
def test_context_usage(self):
def _context(sr):
with sr:
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {})
# Check error is raised if expected etag doesnt match calculated md5.
# md5 for a SwiftReader that has done nothing is
# d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e i.e md5 of nothing
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'etag': 'doesntmatch'})
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, _context, sr)
sr = self.sr('path', 'body',
{'etag': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'})
# Check error is raised if SwiftReader doesnt read the same length
# as the content length it is created with
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'content-length': 5})
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, _context, sr)
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'content-length': 5})
sr._actual_read = 5
def test_buffer(self):
# md5 = 97ac82a5b825239e782d0339e2d7b910
mock_buffer_content = ['abc'.encode()] * 3
sr = self.sr('path', mock_buffer_content, {})
for x in sr.buffer():
self.assertEqual(sr._actual_read, 9)
class TestService(testtools.TestCase):
def test_upload_with_bad_segment_size(self):
for bad in ('ten', '1234X', '100.3'):
options = {'segment_size': bad}
service = SwiftService(options)
next(service.upload('c', 'o'))
self.fail('Expected SwiftError when segment_size=%s' % bad)
except SwiftError as exc:
self.assertEqual('Segment size should be an integer value',