From 5050027610cb4c8f20c85b7c60c1cc7f2c44121c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tim Burke <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 11:31:32 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] _RetryBody doesn't need to take explicit etag/content-length

Also, don't try to do int(None) for chunk-encoded responses (like DLOs
that are longer than a single container listing).

Change-Id: Ibacd75d5ee46135d62388786903c895fda8ed3ba
 swiftclient/          | 18 +++++-------
 tests/unit/ | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/swiftclient/ b/swiftclient/
index 406149f4..a5c4dc3f 100644
--- a/swiftclient/
+++ b/swiftclient/
@@ -202,15 +202,13 @@ class _RetryBody(_ObjectBody):
     (from offset) if the connection is dropped after partially
     downloading the object.
-    def __init__(self, resp, expected_length, etag, connection, container, obj,
+    def __init__(self, resp, connection, container, obj,
                  resp_chunk_size=None, query_string=None, response_dict=None,
         Wrap the underlying response
         :param resp: the response to wrap
-        :param expected_length: the object size in bytes
-        :param etag: the object's etag
         :param connection: Connection class instance
         :param container: the name of the container the object is in
         :param obj: the name of object we are downloading
@@ -222,8 +220,7 @@ class _RetryBody(_ObjectBody):
                          include in the request
         super(_RetryBody, self).__init__(resp, resp_chunk_size)
-        self.expected_length = expected_length
-        self.expected_etag = etag
+        self.expected_length = int(self.resp.getheader('Content-Length'))
         self.conn = connection
         self.container = container
         self.obj = obj
@@ -244,7 +241,7 @@ class _RetryBody(_ObjectBody):
         if (not buf and self.bytes_read < self.expected_length and
                 self.conn.attempts <= self.conn.retries):
             self.headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%d-' % self.bytes_read
-            self.headers['If-Match'] = self.expected_etag
+            self.headers['If-Match'] = self.resp.getheader('ETag')
             hdrs, body = self.conn._retry(None, get_object,
                                           self.container, self.obj,
@@ -252,7 +249,7 @@ class _RetryBody(_ObjectBody):
-            self.resp = body
+            self.resp = body.resp
             buf =
         return buf
@@ -1593,11 +1590,10 @@ class Connection(object):
             not headers or 'range' not in (k.lower() for k in headers))
         retry_is_possible = (
             is_not_range_request and resp_chunk_size and
-            self.attempts <= self.retries)
+            self.attempts <= self.retries and
+            rheaders.get('transfer-encoding') is None)
         if retry_is_possible:
-            body = _RetryBody(body.resp, int(rheaders['content-length']),
-                              rheaders['etag'],
-                              self, container, obj,
+            body = _RetryBody(body.resp, self, container, obj,
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 56d3ff86..b2453b0a 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -835,6 +835,58 @@ class TestGetObject(MockHttpTest):
             self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, resp)
             self.assertEqual(, '')
+    def test_chunk_size_iter_chunked_no_retry(self):
+        conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key')
+        with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+            mock_get_auth.return_value = ('http://auth.url/', 'tToken')
+            c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+                200, body='abcdef', headers={'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'})
+            __, resp = conn.get_object('asdf', 'asdf', resp_chunk_size=2)
+            self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'ab')
+            # simulate a dropped connection
+            self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, resp)
+    def test_chunk_size_iter_retry(self):
+        conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key')
+        with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+            mock_get_auth.return_value = ('http://auth.url', 'tToken')
+            c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+                StubResponse(200, 'abcdef', {'etag': 'some etag',
+                                             'content-length': '6'}),
+                StubResponse(206, 'cdef', {'etag': 'some etag',
+                                           'content-length': '4'}),
+                StubResponse(206, 'ef', {'etag': 'some etag',
+                                         'content-length': '2'}),
+            )
+            __, resp = conn.get_object('asdf', 'asdf', resp_chunk_size=2)
+            self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'ab')
+            self.assertEqual(1, conn.attempts)
+            # simulate a dropped connection
+            self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'cd')
+            self.assertEqual(2, conn.attempts)
+            # simulate a dropped connection
+            self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'ef')
+            self.assertEqual(3, conn.attempts)
+            self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, resp)
+        self.assertRequests([
+            ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+                'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+            }),
+            ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+                'range': 'bytes=2-',
+                'if-match': 'some etag',
+                'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+            }),
+            ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+                'range': 'bytes=4-',
+                'if-match': 'some etag',
+                'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+            }),
+        ])
     def test_get_object_with_resp_chunk_size_zero(self):
         def get_connection(self):
             def get_auth():