diff --git a/swiftclient/client.py b/swiftclient/client.py
index 2fda8ab7..896dd354 100644
--- a/swiftclient/client.py
+++ b/swiftclient/client.py
@@ -921,9 +921,10 @@ def delete_object(url, token=None, container=None, name=None, http_conn=None,
 class Connection(object):
     """Convenience class to make requests that will also retry the request"""
-    def __init__(self, authurl, user, key, retries=5, preauthurl=None,
-                 preauthtoken=None, snet=False, starting_backoff=1,
-                 tenant_name=None, os_options=None, auth_version="1"):
+    def __init__(self, authurl=None, user=None, key=None, retries=5,
+                 preauthurl=None, preauthtoken=None, snet=False,
+                 starting_backoff=1, tenant_name=None, os_options=None,
+                 auth_version="1"):
         :param authurl: authentication URL
         :param user: user name to authenticate as
@@ -931,7 +932,8 @@ class Connection(object):
         :param retries: Number of times to retry the request before failing
         :param preauthurl: storage URL (if you have already authenticated)
         :param preauthtoken: authentication token (if you have already
-                             authenticated)
+                             authenticated) note authurl/user/key/tenant_name
+                             are not required when specifying preauthtoken
         :param snet: use SERVICENET internal network default is False
         :param auth_version: OpenStack auth version, default is 1.0
         :param tenant_name: The tenant/account name, required when connecting
diff --git a/tests/test_swiftclient.py b/tests/test_swiftclient.py
index 80e7a22b..121456c1 100644
--- a/tests/test_swiftclient.py
+++ b/tests/test_swiftclient.py
@@ -407,6 +407,20 @@ class TestConnection(MockHttpTest):
         conn = c.Connection('http://www.test.com', 'asdf', 'asdf')
         self.assertEquals(conn.retries, 5)
+    def test_instance_kwargs(self):
+        args = {'user':  'ausername',
+                'key':  'secretpass',
+                'authurl':  'http://www.test.com',
+                'tenant_name':  'atenant'}
+        conn = c.Connection(**args)
+        self.assertEquals(type(conn), c.Connection)
+    def test_instance_kwargs_token(self):
+        args = {'preauthtoken': 'atoken123',
+                'preauthurl':  'http://www.test.com:8080/v1/AUTH_123456'}
+        conn = c.Connection(**args)
+        self.assertEquals(type(conn), c.Connection)
     def test_retry(self):
         c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(500)