diff --git a/tests/unit/test_shell.py b/tests/unit/test_shell.py
index bdba1939..9d442486 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_shell.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_shell.py
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ import swiftclient
 from swiftclient.service import SwiftError
 import swiftclient.shell
 import swiftclient.utils
-from swiftclient.multithreading import OutputManager
 from os.path import basename, dirname
 from tests.unit.test_swiftclient import MockHttpTest
+from tests.unit.utils import CaptureOutput
 if six.PY2:
     BUILTIN_OPEN = '__builtin__.open'
@@ -562,20 +562,18 @@ class TestSubcommandHelp(unittest.TestCase):
         for command in swiftclient.shell.commands:
             help_var = 'st_%s_help' % command
             self.assertTrue(help_var in vars(swiftclient.shell))
-            out = six.StringIO()
-            with mock.patch('sys.stdout', out):
+            with CaptureOutput() as out:
                 argv = ['', command, '--help']
                 self.assertRaises(SystemExit, swiftclient.shell.main, argv)
             expected = vars(swiftclient.shell)[help_var]
-            self.assertEqual(out.getvalue().strip('\n'), expected)
+            self.assertEqual(out.strip('\n'), expected)
     def test_no_help(self):
-        out = six.StringIO()
-        with mock.patch('sys.stdout', out):
+        with CaptureOutput() as out:
             argv = ['', 'bad_command', '--help']
             self.assertRaises(SystemExit, swiftclient.shell.main, argv)
         expected = 'no help for bad_command'
-        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue().strip('\n'), expected)
+        self.assertEqual(out.strip('\n'), expected)
 class TestParsing(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -583,7 +581,7 @@ class TestParsing(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestParsing, self).setUp()
         self._environ_vars = {}
-        keys = os.environ.keys()
+        keys = list(os.environ.keys())
         for k in keys:
             if (k in ('ST_KEY', 'ST_USER', 'ST_AUTH')
                     or k.startswith('OS_')):
@@ -790,21 +788,15 @@ class TestParsing(unittest.TestCase):
                    "tenant_name": "",
                    "tenant_id": ""}
-        out = six.StringIO()
-        err = six.StringIO()
-        mock_output = _make_output_manager(out, err)
-        with mock.patch('swiftclient.shell.OutputManager', mock_output):
+        with CaptureOutput() as output:
             args = _make_args("stat", {}, os_opts)
             self.assertRaises(SystemExit, swiftclient.shell.main, args)
-        self.assertEqual(err.getvalue().strip(), 'No tenant specified')
+        self.assertEqual(output.err.strip(), 'No tenant specified')
-        out = six.StringIO()
-        err = six.StringIO()
-        mock_output = _make_output_manager(out, err)
-        with mock.patch('swiftclient.shell.OutputManager', mock_output):
+        with CaptureOutput() as output:
             args = _make_args("stat", {}, os_opts, cmd_args=["testcontainer"])
             self.assertRaises(SystemExit, swiftclient.shell.main, args)
-        self.assertEqual(err.getvalue().strip(), 'No tenant specified')
+        self.assertEqual(output.err.strip(), 'No tenant specified')
     def test_no_tenant_name_or_id_v3(self):
         os_opts = {"password": "secret",
@@ -813,23 +805,17 @@ class TestParsing(unittest.TestCase):
                    "tenant_name": "",
                    "tenant_id": ""}
-        out = six.StringIO()
-        err = six.StringIO()
-        mock_output = _make_output_manager(out, err)
-        with mock.patch('swiftclient.shell.OutputManager', mock_output):
+        with CaptureOutput() as output:
             args = _make_args("stat", {"auth_version": "3"}, os_opts)
             self.assertRaises(SystemExit, swiftclient.shell.main, args)
-        self.assertEqual(err.getvalue().strip(),
+        self.assertEqual(output.err.strip(),
                          'No project name or project id specified.')
-        out = six.StringIO()
-        err = six.StringIO()
-        mock_output = _make_output_manager(out, err)
-        with mock.patch('swiftclient.shell.OutputManager', mock_output):
+        with CaptureOutput() as output:
             args = _make_args("stat", {"auth_version": "3"},
                               os_opts, cmd_args=["testcontainer"])
             self.assertRaises(SystemExit, swiftclient.shell.main, args)
-        self.assertEqual(err.getvalue().strip(),
+        self.assertEqual(output.err.strip(),
                          'No project name or project id specified.')
     def test_insufficient_env_vars_v3(self):
@@ -858,10 +844,8 @@ class TestParsing(unittest.TestCase):
         opts = {"help": ""}
         os_opts = {}
         args = _make_args("stat", opts, os_opts)
-        mock_stdout = six.StringIO()
-        with mock.patch('sys.stdout', mock_stdout):
+        with CaptureOutput() as out:
             self.assertRaises(SystemExit, swiftclient.shell.main, args)
-        out = mock_stdout.getvalue()
         self.assertTrue(out.find('[--key <api_key>]') > 0)
         self.assertEqual(-1, out.find('--os-username=<auth-user-name>'))
@@ -872,20 +856,16 @@ class TestParsing(unittest.TestCase):
                    # "username": "user",
                    # "auth_url": "http://example.com:5000/v3"}
         args = _make_args("", opts, os_opts)
-        mock_stdout = six.StringIO()
-        with mock.patch('sys.stdout', mock_stdout):
+        with CaptureOutput() as out:
             self.assertRaises(SystemExit, swiftclient.shell.main, args)
-        out = mock_stdout.getvalue()
         self.assertTrue(out.find('[--key <api_key>]') > 0)
         self.assertEqual(-1, out.find('--os-username=<auth-user-name>'))
         ## --os-help return os options help
         opts = {}
         args = _make_args("", opts, os_opts)
-        mock_stdout = six.StringIO()
-        with mock.patch('sys.stdout', mock_stdout):
+        with CaptureOutput() as out:
             self.assertRaises(SystemExit, swiftclient.shell.main, args)
-        out = mock_stdout.getvalue()
         self.assertTrue(out.find('[--key <api_key>]') > 0)
         self.assertTrue(out.find('--os-username=<auth-user-name>') > 0)
@@ -1150,18 +1130,3 @@ class TestKeystoneOptions(MockHttpTest):
         opts = {'auth-version': '2.0'}
         self._test_options(opts, os_opts)
-def _make_output_manager(stdout, stderr):
-    class MockOutputManager(OutputManager):
-        # This class is used to mock OutputManager so that we can
-        # override stdout and stderr. Mocking sys.stdout & sys.stdout
-        # doesn't work because they are argument defaults in the
-        # OutputManager constructor and those defaults are pinned to
-        # the value of sys.stdout/stderr before we get chance to mock them.
-        def __init__(self, print_stream=None, error_stream=None):
-            super(MockOutputManager, self).__init__()
-            self.print_stream = stdout
-            self.error_stream = stderr
-    return MockOutputManager
diff --git a/tests/unit/utils.py b/tests/unit/utils.py
index c149abf2..3cbb1606 100644
--- a/tests/unit/utils.py
+++ b/tests/unit/utils.py
@@ -12,11 +12,16 @@
 # implied.
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import functools
+import sys
 from requests import RequestException
 from time import sleep
 import testtools
+import mock
+import six
 from six.moves import reload_module
 from swiftclient import client as c
+from swiftclient import shell as s
 def fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, exc=None, **kwargs):
@@ -213,3 +218,70 @@ class MockHttpTest(testtools.TestCase):
     def tearDown(self):
         super(MockHttpTest, self).tearDown()
+class CaptureStream(object):
+    def __init__(self, stream):
+        self.stream = stream
+        self._capture = six.StringIO()
+        self.streams = [self.stream, self._capture]
+    def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        for stream in self.streams:
+            stream.write(*args, **kwargs)
+    def writelines(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        for stream in self.streams:
+            stream.writelines(*args, **kwargs)
+    def getvalue(self):
+        return self._capture.getvalue()
+class CaptureOutput(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._out = CaptureStream(sys.stdout)
+        self._err = CaptureStream(sys.stderr)
+        WrappedOutputManager = functools.partial(s.OutputManager,
+                                                 print_stream=self._out,
+                                                 error_stream=self._err)
+        self.patchers = [
+            mock.patch('swiftclient.shell.OutputManager',
+                       WrappedOutputManager),
+            mock.patch('sys.stdout', self._out),
+            mock.patch('sys.stderr', self._err),
+        ]
+    def __enter__(self):
+        for patcher in self.patchers:
+            patcher.start()
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        for patcher in self.patchers:
+            patcher.stop()
+    @property
+    def out(self):
+        return self._out.getvalue()
+    @property
+    def err(self):
+        return self._err.getvalue()
+    # act like the string captured by stdout
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.out
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.out)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.out == other
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        return getattr(self.out, name)