From dcf2124d4190ec8d1b99e3e42cdafdafc92d6cf9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alistair Coles <>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 10:01:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add tests for uploads deleting DLO segments

This patch adds unit tests to verify that
uploads overwriting an existing DLO manifest
will delete any segments pointed to by the
manifest, unless --leave-segments is specified.

Also test the --leave-segments option with an
existing SLO manifest.

Related-Bug: 1418007

Change-Id: I54e8eb138976269bb36392a811089c33c1ace4d3
 tests/unit/ | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 89 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 28aea7d6..5f2d91cb 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -458,9 +458,8 @@ class TestShell(unittest.TestCase):
                      'x-object-meta-mtime': mock.ANY},
-    @mock.patch('')
-    def test_upload_delete(self, connection, walk):
+    def test_upload_delete_slo_segments(self, connection):
         # Upload delete existing segments
         connection.return_value.head_container.return_value = {
             'x-storage-policy': 'one'}
@@ -502,6 +501,94 @@ class TestShell(unittest.TestCase):
+    @mock.patch('swiftclient.service.Connection')
+    def test_upload_leave_slo_segments(self, connection):
+        # Test upload overwriting a manifest respects --leave-segments
+        connection.return_value.head_container.return_value = {
+            'x-storage-policy': 'one'}
+        connection.return_value.attempts = 0
+        argv = ["", "upload", "container", self.tmpfile, "--leave-segments"]
+        connection.return_value.head_object.side_effect = [
+            {'x-static-large-object': 'true',  # For the upload call
+             'content-length': '2'}]
+        connection.return_value.put_object.return_value = (
+            'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e')
+        connection.return_value.put_object.assert_called_with(
+            'container',
+            self.tmpfile.lstrip('/'),
+            mock.ANY,
+            content_length=0,
+            headers={'x-object-meta-mtime': mock.ANY},
+            response_dict={})
+        self.assertFalse(connection.return_value.delete_object.mock_calls)
+    @mock.patch('swiftclient.service.Connection')
+    def test_upload_delete_dlo_segments(self, connection):
+        # Upload delete existing segments
+        connection.return_value.head_container.return_value = {
+            'x-storage-policy': 'one'}
+        connection.return_value.attempts = 0
+        argv = ["", "upload", "container", self.tmpfile]
+        connection.return_value.head_object.side_effect = [
+            {'x-object-manifest': 'container1/prefix',
+             'content-length': '0'},
+            {},
+            {}
+        ]
+        connection.return_value.get_container.side_effect = [
+            [None, [{'name': 'prefix_a', 'bytes': 0,
+                     'last_modified': '123T456'},
+                    {'name': 'prefix_b', 'bytes': 0,
+                     'last_modified': '123T456'}]]
+        ]
+        connection.return_value.put_object.return_value = (
+            'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e')
+        connection.return_value.put_object.assert_called_with(
+            'container',
+            self.tmpfile.lstrip('/'),
+            mock.ANY,
+            content_length=0,
+            headers={'x-object-meta-mtime': mock.ANY},
+            response_dict={})
+        expected_delete_calls = [
+                'container1', 'prefix_a',
+                query_string=None, response_dict={}
+            ),
+                'container1', 'prefix_b',
+                query_string=None, response_dict={}
+            )
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(
+            sorted(expected_delete_calls),
+            sorted(connection.return_value.delete_object.mock_calls)
+        )
+    @mock.patch('swiftclient.service.Connection')
+    def test_upload_leave_dlo_segments(self, connection):
+        # Upload delete existing segments
+        connection.return_value.head_container.return_value = {
+            'x-storage-policy': 'one'}
+        connection.return_value.attempts = 0
+        argv = ["", "upload", "container", self.tmpfile, "--leave-segments"]
+        connection.return_value.head_object.side_effect = [
+            {'x-object-manifest': 'container1/prefix',
+             'content-length': '0'}]
+        connection.return_value.put_object.return_value = (
+            'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e')
+        connection.return_value.put_object.assert_called_with(
+            'container',
+            self.tmpfile.lstrip('/'),
+            mock.ANY,
+            content_length=0,
+            headers={'x-object-meta-mtime': mock.ANY},
+            response_dict={})
+        self.assertFalse(connection.return_value.delete_object.mock_calls)
     def test_upload_segments_to_same_container(self, connection):
         # Upload in segments to same container