diff --git a/swiftclient/multithreading.py b/swiftclient/multithreading.py
index 6e7f143f..7ae82fa3 100644
--- a/swiftclient/multithreading.py
+++ b/swiftclient/multithreading.py
@@ -67,6 +67,17 @@ class OutputManager(object):
         self.error_print_pool.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
         self.print_pool.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
+    def print_raw(self, data):
+        self.print_pool.submit(self._write, data, self.print_stream)
+    def _write(self, data, stream):
+        if six.PY3:
+            stream.buffer.write(data)
+            stream.flush()
+        if six.PY2:
+            stream.write(data)
+            stream.flush()
     def print_msg(self, msg, *fmt_args):
         if fmt_args:
             msg = msg % fmt_args
diff --git a/swiftclient/service.py b/swiftclient/service.py
index 32d3bd0f..d7a57952 100644
--- a/swiftclient/service.py
+++ b/swiftclient/service.py
@@ -319,10 +319,15 @@ class _SwiftReader(object):
             except ValueError:
                 raise SwiftError('content-length header must be an integer')
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
+    def __iter__(self):
+        for chunk in self._body:
+            if self._actual_md5:
+                self._actual_md5.update(chunk)
+            self._actual_read += len(chunk)
+            yield chunk
+        self._check_contents()
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+    def _check_contents(self):
         if self._actual_md5 and self._expected_etag:
             etag = self._actual_md5.hexdigest()
             if etag != self._expected_etag:
@@ -337,13 +342,6 @@ class _SwiftReader(object):
                                  self._path, self._actual_read,
-    def buffer(self):
-        for chunk in self._body:
-            if self._actual_md5:
-                self._actual_md5.update(chunk)
-            self._actual_read += len(chunk)
-            yield chunk
     def bytes_read(self):
         return self._actual_read
@@ -1003,64 +1001,67 @@ class SwiftService(object):
             start_time = time()
             headers, body = \
                 conn.get_object(container, obj, resp_chunk_size=65536,
             headers_receipt = time()
-            reader = _SwiftReader(path, body, headers)
-            with reader as obj_body:
-                fp = None
-                try:
-                    no_file = options['no_download']
-                    content_type = headers.get('content-type')
-                    if (content_type and
-                       content_type.split(';', 1)[0] == 'text/directory'):
-                        make_dir = not no_file and out_file != "-"
-                        if make_dir and not isdir(path):
-                            mkdirs(path)
+            obj_body = _SwiftReader(path, body, headers)
-                    else:
-                        make_dir = not (no_file or out_file)
-                        if make_dir:
-                            dirpath = dirname(path)
-                            if dirpath and not isdir(dirpath):
-                                mkdirs(dirpath)
+            no_file = options['no_download']
+            if out_file == "-" and not no_file:
+                res = {
+                    'action': 'download_object',
+                    'container': container,
+                    'object': obj,
+                    'path': path,
+                    'pseudodir': pseudodir,
+                    'contents': obj_body
+                }
+                return res
-                        if not no_file:
-                            if out_file == "-":
-                                res = {
-                                    'path': path,
-                                    'contents': obj_body
-                                }
-                                return res
-                            if out_file:
-                                fp = open(out_file, 'wb')
+            fp = None
+            try:
+                content_type = headers.get('content-type')
+                if (content_type and
+                   content_type.split(';', 1)[0] == 'text/directory'):
+                    make_dir = not no_file and out_file != "-"
+                    if make_dir and not isdir(path):
+                        mkdirs(path)
+                else:
+                    make_dir = not (no_file or out_file)
+                    if make_dir:
+                        dirpath = dirname(path)
+                        if dirpath and not isdir(dirpath):
+                            mkdirs(dirpath)
+                    if not no_file:
+                        if out_file:
+                            fp = open(out_file, 'wb')
+                        else:
+                            if basename(path):
+                                fp = open(path, 'wb')
-                                if basename(path):
-                                    fp = open(path, 'wb')
-                                else:
-                                    pseudodir = True
+                                pseudodir = True
-                    for chunk in obj_body.buffer():
-                        if fp is not None:
-                            fp.write(chunk)
-                    finish_time = time()
-                finally:
-                    bytes_read = obj_body.bytes_read()
+                for chunk in obj_body:
                     if fp is not None:
-                        fp.close()
-                        if 'x-object-meta-mtime' in headers and not no_file:
-                            mtime = float(headers['x-object-meta-mtime'])
-                            if options['out_file'] \
-                                    and not options['out_file'] == "-":
-                                utime(options['out_file'], (mtime, mtime))
-                            else:
-                                utime(path, (mtime, mtime))
+                        fp.write(chunk)
+                finish_time = time()
+            finally:
+                bytes_read = obj_body.bytes_read()
+                if fp is not None:
+                    fp.close()
+                    if 'x-object-meta-mtime' in headers and not no_file:
+                        mtime = float(headers['x-object-meta-mtime'])
+                        if options['out_file']:
+                            utime(options['out_file'], (mtime, mtime))
+                        else:
+                            utime(path, (mtime, mtime))
             res = {
                 'action': 'download_object',
diff --git a/swiftclient/shell.py b/swiftclient/shell.py
index 6b3ee3f6..ce779b33 100755
--- a/swiftclient/shell.py
+++ b/swiftclient/shell.py
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import logging
 import signal
 import socket
-import logging
 from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, SUPPRESS_HELP
 from os import environ, walk, _exit as os_exit
@@ -261,8 +261,9 @@ def st_download(parser, args, output_manager):
             for down in down_iter:
                 if options.out_file == '-' and 'contents' in down:
-                    for chunk in down['contents']:
-                        output_manager.print_msg(chunk)
+                    contents = down['contents']
+                    for chunk in contents:
+                        output_manager.print_raw(chunk)
                     if down['success']:
                         if options.verbose:
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_multithreading.py b/tests/unit/test_multithreading.py
index cd2e9a67..5f85b1c7 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_multithreading.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_multithreading.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from six.moves.queue import Queue, Empty
 from time import sleep
 from swiftclient import multithreading as mt
+from .utils import CaptureStream
 class ThreadTestCase(testtools.TestCase):
@@ -175,8 +176,8 @@ class TestOutputManager(testtools.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(sys.stderr, output_manager.error_stream)
     def test_printers(self):
-        out_stream = six.StringIO()
-        err_stream = six.StringIO()
+        out_stream = CaptureStream(sys.stdout)
+        err_stream = CaptureStream(sys.stderr)
         starting_thread_count = threading.active_count()
         with mt.OutputManager(
@@ -201,6 +202,8 @@ class TestOutputManager(testtools.TestCase):
             thread_manager.error('Sometimes\n%.1f%% just\ndoes not\nwork!',
+            thread_manager.print_raw(
+                u'some raw bytes: \u062A\u062A'.encode('utf-8'))
             # Now we have a thread for error printing and a thread for
             # normal print messages
@@ -210,25 +213,30 @@ class TestOutputManager(testtools.TestCase):
         # The threads should have been cleaned up
         self.assertEqual(starting_thread_count, threading.active_count())
-        out_stream.seek(0)
         if six.PY3:
             over_the = "over the '\u062a\u062a'\n"
+            # The CaptureStreamBuffer just encodes all bytes written to it by
+            # mapping chr over the byte string to produce a str.
+            raw_bytes = ''.join(
+                map(chr, u'some raw bytes: \u062A\u062A'.encode('utf-8'))
+            )
             over_the = "over the u'\\u062a\\u062a'\n"
-        self.assertEqual([
+            # We write to the CaptureStream so no decoding is performed
+            raw_bytes = 'some raw bytes: \xd8\xaa\xd8\xaa'
+        self.assertEqual(''.join([
             'one fish, 88 fish\n',
-            'some\n', 'where\n', over_the,
-        ], list(out_stream.readlines()))
+            'some\n', 'where\n', over_the, raw_bytes
+        ]), out_stream.getvalue())
-        err_stream.seek(0)
         first_item = u'I have 99 problems, but a \u062A\u062A is not one\n'
         if six.PY2:
             first_item = first_item.encode('utf8')
-        self.assertEqual([
+        self.assertEqual(''.join([
-            'Sometimes\n', '3.1% just\n', 'does not\n', 'work!\n',
-        ], list(err_stream.readlines()))
+            'Sometimes\n', '3.1% just\n', 'does not\n', 'work!\n'
+        ]), err_stream.getvalue())
         self.assertEqual(3, thread_manager.error_count)
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_service.py b/tests/unit/test_service.py
index 3267cd6a..0a0af89b 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_service.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_service.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import testtools
 from hashlib import md5
 from mock import Mock, PropertyMock
 from six.moves.queue import Queue, Empty as QueueEmptyError
+from six import BytesIO
 import swiftclient
 from swiftclient.service import SwiftService, SwiftError
@@ -101,41 +102,35 @@ class TestSwiftReader(testtools.TestCase):
         self.assertRaises(SwiftError, self.sr, 'path', 'body',
                           {'content-length': 'notanint'})
-    def test_context_usage(self):
-        def _context(sr):
-            with sr:
+    def test_iterator_usage(self):
+        def _consume(sr):
+            for _ in sr:
-        sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {})
-        _context(sr)
+        sr = self.sr('path', BytesIO(b'body'), {})
+        _consume(sr)
         # Check error is raised if expected etag doesnt match calculated md5.
         # md5 for a SwiftReader that has done nothing is
         # d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  i.e md5 of nothing
-        sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'etag': 'doesntmatch'})
-        self.assertRaises(SwiftError, _context, sr)
+        sr = self.sr('path', BytesIO(b'body'), {'etag': 'doesntmatch'})
+        self.assertRaises(SwiftError, _consume, sr)
-        sr = self.sr('path', 'body',
-                     {'etag': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'})
-        _context(sr)
+        sr = self.sr('path', BytesIO(b'body'),
+                     {'etag': '841a2d689ad86bd1611447453c22c6fc'})
+        _consume(sr)
         # Check error is raised if SwiftReader doesnt read the same length
         # as the content length it is created with
-        sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'content-length': 5})
-        self.assertRaises(SwiftError, _context, sr)
+        sr = self.sr('path', BytesIO(b'body'), {'content-length': 5})
+        self.assertRaises(SwiftError, _consume, sr)
-        sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'content-length': 5})
-        sr._actual_read = 5
-        _context(sr)
-    def test_buffer(self):
-        # md5 = 97ac82a5b825239e782d0339e2d7b910
-        mock_buffer_content = ['abc'.encode()] * 3
-        sr = self.sr('path', mock_buffer_content, {})
-        for x in sr.buffer():
-            pass
+        sr = self.sr('path', BytesIO(b'body'), {'content-length': 4})
+        _consume(sr)
+        # Check that the iterator generates expected length and etag values
+        sr = self.sr('path', ['abc'.encode()] * 3, {})
+        _consume(sr)
         self.assertEqual(sr._actual_read, 9)
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_shell.py b/tests/unit/test_shell.py
index 40cd77b2..34473bfe 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_shell.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_shell.py
@@ -307,10 +307,15 @@ class TestShell(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_download(self, connection, makedirs):
-        connection.return_value.get_object.return_value = [
-            {'content-type': 'text/plain',
-             'etag': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'},
-            '']
+        objcontent = six.BytesIO(b'objcontent')
+        connection.return_value.get_object.side_effect = [
+            ({'content-type': 'text/plain',
+              'etag': '2cbbfe139a744d6abbe695e17f3c1991'},
+             objcontent),
+            ({'content-type': 'text/plain',
+              'etag': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'},
+             '')
+        ]
         # Test downloading whole container
         connection.return_value.get_container.side_effect = [
@@ -335,6 +340,12 @@ class TestShell(unittest.TestCase):
             mock_open.assert_called_once_with('object', 'wb')
         # Test downloading single object
+        objcontent = six.BytesIO(b'objcontent')
+        connection.return_value.get_object.side_effect = [
+            ({'content-type': 'text/plain',
+              'etag': '2cbbfe139a744d6abbe695e17f3c1991'},
+             objcontent)
+        ]
         with mock.patch(BUILTIN_OPEN) as mock_open:
             argv = ["", "download", "container", "object"]
@@ -343,6 +354,18 @@ class TestShell(unittest.TestCase):
             mock_open.assert_called_with('object', 'wb')
+        # Test downloading single object to stdout
+        objcontent = six.BytesIO(b'objcontent')
+        connection.return_value.get_object.side_effect = [
+            ({'content-type': 'text/plain',
+              'etag': '2cbbfe139a744d6abbe695e17f3c1991'},
+             objcontent)
+        ]
+        with CaptureOutput() as output:
+            argv = ["", "download", "--output", "-", "container", "object"]
+            swiftclient.shell.main(argv)
+            self.assertEqual('objcontent', output.out)
     def test_download_no_content_type(self, connection):
         connection.return_value.get_object.return_value = [
diff --git a/tests/unit/utils.py b/tests/unit/utils.py
index 201a8a80..2467ca6d 100644
--- a/tests/unit/utils.py
+++ b/tests/unit/utils.py
@@ -370,13 +370,41 @@ class MockHttpTest(testtools.TestCase):
+class CaptureStreamBuffer(object):
+    """
+    CaptureStreamBuffer is used for testing raw byte writing for PY3. Anything
+    written here is decoded as utf-8 and written to the parent CaptureStream
+    """
+    def __init__(self, captured_stream):
+        self._captured_stream = captured_stream
+    def write(self, bytes_data):
+        # No encoding, just convert the raw bytes into a str for testing
+        # The below call also validates that we have a byte string.
+        self._captured_stream.write(
+            ''.join(map(chr, bytes_data))
+        )
 class CaptureStream(object):
     def __init__(self, stream):
         self.stream = stream
         self._capture = six.StringIO()
+        self._buffer = CaptureStreamBuffer(self)
         self.streams = [self.stream, self._capture]
+    @property
+    def buffer(self):
+        if six.PY3:
+            return self._buffer
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError(
+                'Output stream has no attribute "buffer" in Python2')
+    def flush(self):
+        pass
     def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
         for stream in self.streams:
             stream.write(*args, **kwargs)