# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import os from collections import defaultdict from concurrent.futures import as_completed, CancelledError, TimeoutError from copy import deepcopy from errno import EEXIST, ENOENT from hashlib import md5 from io import StringIO from os import environ, makedirs, stat, utime from os.path import ( basename, dirname, getmtime, getsize, isdir, join, sep as os_path_sep ) from posixpath import join as urljoin from random import shuffle from time import time from threading import Thread from queue import Queue from queue import Empty as QueueEmpty from urllib.parse import quote import json from swiftclient import Connection from swiftclient.command_helpers import ( stat_account, stat_container, stat_object ) from swiftclient.utils import ( config_true_value, ReadableToIterable, LengthWrapper, EMPTY_ETAG, parse_api_response, report_traceback, n_groups, split_request_headers, n_at_a_time, normalize_manifest_path ) from swiftclient.exceptions import ClientException from swiftclient.multithreading import MultiThreadingManager DISK_BUFFER = 2 ** 16 logger = logging.getLogger("swiftclient.service") class ResultsIterator: def __init__(self, futures): self.futures = interruptable_as_completed(futures) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): next_completed_future = next(self.futures) return next_completed_future.result() class SwiftError(Exception): def __init__(self, value, container=None, obj=None, segment=None, exc=None): self.value = value self.container = container self.obj = obj self.segment = segment self.exception = exc def __str__(self): value = repr(self.value) if self.container is not None: value += " container:%s" % self.container if self.obj is not None: value += " object:%s" % self.obj if self.segment is not None: value += " segment:%s" % self.segment return value def __repr__(self): return str(self) def process_options(options): # tolerate sloppy auth_version if options.get('auth_version') == '3.0': options['auth_version'] = '3' elif options.get('auth_version') == '2': options['auth_version'] = '2.0' if options.get('auth_version') not in ('2.0', '3') and not all( options.get(key) for key in ('auth', 'user', 'key')): # Use keystone auth if any of the new-style args are present if any(options.get(k) for k in ( 'os_user_domain_id', 'os_user_domain_name', 'os_project_domain_id', 'os_project_domain_name')): # Use v3 if there's any reference to domains options['auth_version'] = '3' else: options['auth_version'] = '2.0' if options.get('os_auth_type', None) == 'v3applicationcredential': options['auth_version'] == '3' # Use new-style args if old ones not present if not options['auth'] and options['os_auth_url']: options['auth'] = options['os_auth_url'] if not options['user'] and options['os_username']: options['user'] = options['os_username'] if not options['key'] and options['os_password']: options['key'] = options['os_password'] # Specific OpenStack options options['os_options'] = { 'user_id': options['os_user_id'], 'user_domain_id': options['os_user_domain_id'], 'user_domain_name': options['os_user_domain_name'], 'tenant_id': options['os_tenant_id'], 'tenant_name': options['os_tenant_name'], 'project_id': options['os_project_id'], 'project_name': options['os_project_name'], 'project_domain_id': options['os_project_domain_id'], 'project_domain_name': options['os_project_domain_name'], 'service_type': options['os_service_type'], 'endpoint_type': options['os_endpoint_type'], 'auth_token': options['os_auth_token'], 'object_storage_url': options['os_storage_url'], 'region_name': options['os_region_name'], 'auth_type': options['os_auth_type'], 'application_credential_id': options['os_application_credential_id'], 'application_credential_secret': options['os_application_credential_secret'], } def _build_default_global_options(): return { "snet": False, "verbose": 1, "debug": False, "info": False, "auth": environ.get('ST_AUTH'), "auth_version": environ.get('ST_AUTH_VERSION', '1.0'), "user": environ.get('ST_USER'), "key": environ.get('ST_KEY'), "retries": 5, "force_auth_retry": False, "os_username": environ.get('OS_USERNAME'), "os_user_id": environ.get('OS_USER_ID'), "os_user_domain_name": environ.get('OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME'), "os_user_domain_id": environ.get('OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID'), "os_password": environ.get('OS_PASSWORD'), "os_tenant_id": environ.get('OS_TENANT_ID'), "os_tenant_name": environ.get('OS_TENANT_NAME'), "os_project_name": environ.get('OS_PROJECT_NAME'), "os_project_id": environ.get('OS_PROJECT_ID'), "os_project_domain_name": environ.get('OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME'), "os_project_domain_id": environ.get('OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID'), "os_auth_url": environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL'), "os_auth_token": environ.get('OS_AUTH_TOKEN'), "os_auth_type": environ.get('OS_AUTH_TYPE'), "os_application_credential_id": environ.get('OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID'), "os_application_credential_secret": environ.get('OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET'), "os_storage_url": environ.get('OS_STORAGE_URL'), "os_region_name": environ.get('OS_REGION_NAME'), "os_service_type": environ.get('OS_SERVICE_TYPE'), "os_endpoint_type": environ.get('OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE'), "os_cacert": environ.get('OS_CACERT'), "os_cert": environ.get('OS_CERT'), "os_key": environ.get('OS_KEY'), "insecure": config_true_value(environ.get('SWIFTCLIENT_INSECURE')), "ssl_compression": False, 'segment_threads': 10, 'object_dd_threads': 10, 'object_uu_threads': 10, 'container_threads': 10 } _default_global_options = _build_default_global_options() _default_local_options = { 'sync_to': None, 'sync_key': None, 'use_slo': False, 'segment_size': None, 'segment_container': None, 'leave_segments': False, 'changed': None, 'skip_identical': False, 'version_id': None, 'yes_all': False, 'read_acl': None, 'write_acl': None, 'out_file': None, 'out_directory': None, 'remove_prefix': False, 'no_download': False, 'long': False, 'totals': False, 'marker': '', 'header': [], 'meta': [], 'prefix': None, 'delimiter': None, 'versions': False, 'fail_fast': False, 'human': False, 'dir_marker': False, 'checksum': True, 'shuffle': False, 'destination': None, 'fresh_metadata': False, 'ignore_mtime': False, } POLICY = 'X-Storage-Policy' KNOWN_DIR_MARKERS = ( 'application/directory', # Preferred 'text/directory', # Historically relevant ) def get_from_queue(q, timeout=864000): while True: try: item = q.get(timeout=timeout) return item except QueueEmpty: # Do nothing here, we only have a timeout to allow interruption pass def get_future_result(f, timeout=86400): while True: try: res = f.result(timeout=timeout) return res except TimeoutError: # Do nothing here, we only have a timeout to allow interruption pass def interruptable_as_completed(fs, timeout=86400): while True: try: for f in as_completed(fs, timeout=timeout): fs.remove(f) yield f return except TimeoutError: # Do nothing here, we only have a timeout to allow interruption pass def get_conn(options): """ Return a connection building it from the options. """ return Connection(options['auth'], options['user'], options['key'], retries=options['retries'], auth_version=options['auth_version'], os_options=options['os_options'], snet=options['snet'], cacert=options['os_cacert'], insecure=options['insecure'], cert=options['os_cert'], cert_key=options['os_key'], ssl_compression=options['ssl_compression'], force_auth_retry=options['force_auth_retry'], starting_backoff=options.get('starting_backoff', 1), max_backoff=options.get('max_backoff', 64)) def mkdirs(path): try: makedirs(path) except OSError as err: if err.errno != EEXIST: raise def split_headers(options, prefix=''): """ Splits 'Key: Value' strings and returns them as a dictionary. :param options: Must be one of: * an iterable of 'Key: Value' strings * an iterable of ('Key', 'Value') pairs * a dict of {'Key': 'Value'} pairs :param prefix: String to prepend to all of the keys in the dictionary. reporting. """ headers = {} try: headers = split_request_headers(options, prefix) except ValueError as e: raise SwiftError(e) return headers class SwiftUploadObject: """ Class for specifying an object upload, allowing the object source, name and options to be specified separately for each individual object. """ def __init__(self, source, object_name=None, options=None): if isinstance(source, str): self.object_name = object_name or source elif source is None or hasattr(source, 'read'): if not object_name or not isinstance(object_name, str): raise SwiftError('Object names must be specified as ' 'strings for uploads from None or file ' 'like objects.') self.object_name = object_name else: raise SwiftError('Unexpected source type for ' 'SwiftUploadObject: {0}'.format(type(source))) if not self.object_name: raise SwiftError('Object names must not be empty strings') self.object_name = self.object_name.lstrip('/') self.options = options self.source = source class SwiftPostObject: """ Class for specifying an object post, allowing the headers/metadata to be specified separately for each individual object. """ def __init__(self, object_name, options=None): if not (isinstance(object_name, str) and object_name): raise SwiftError( "Object names must be specified as non-empty strings" ) self.object_name = object_name self.options = options class SwiftDeleteObject: """ Class for specifying an object delete, allowing the headers/metadata to be specified separately for each individual object. """ def __init__(self, object_name, options=None): if not (isinstance(object_name, str) and object_name): raise SwiftError( "Object names must be specified as non-empty strings" ) self.object_name = object_name self.options = options class SwiftCopyObject: """ Class for specifying an object copy, allowing the destination/headers/metadata/fresh_metadata to be specified separately for each individual object. destination and fresh_metadata should be set in options """ def __init__(self, object_name, options=None): if not (isinstance(object_name, str) and object_name): raise SwiftError( "Object names must be specified as non-empty strings" ) self.object_name = object_name self.options = options if self.options is None: self.destination = None self.fresh_metadata = False else: self.destination = self.options.get('destination') self.fresh_metadata = self.options.get('fresh_metadata', False) if self.destination is not None: destination_components = self.destination.split('/') if destination_components[0] or len(destination_components) < 2: raise SwiftError("destination must be in format /cont[/obj]") if not destination_components[-1]: raise SwiftError("destination must not end in a slash") if len(destination_components) == 2: # only container set in destination self.destination = "{0}/{1}".format( self.destination, object_name ) class _SwiftReader: """ Class for downloading objects from swift and raising appropriate errors on failures caused by either invalid md5sum or size of the data read. """ def __init__(self, path, body, headers, checksum=True): self._path = path self._body = body self._actual_read = 0 self._content_length = None self._actual_md5 = None self._expected_md5 = headers.get('etag', '') if len(self._expected_md5) > 1 and self._expected_md5[0] == '"' \ and self._expected_md5[-1] == '"': self._expected_md5 = self._expected_md5[1:-1] # Some headers indicate the MD5 of the response # definitely *won't* match the ETag bad_md5_headers = set([ 'content-range', 'x-object-manifest', 'x-static-large-object', ]) if bad_md5_headers.intersection(headers): # This isn't a useful checksum self._expected_md5 = '' if self._expected_md5 and checksum: self._actual_md5 = md5() if 'content-length' in headers: try: self._content_length = int(headers.get('content-length')) except ValueError: raise SwiftError('content-length header must be an integer') def __iter__(self): for chunk in self._body: if self._actual_md5: self._actual_md5.update(chunk) self._actual_read += len(chunk) yield chunk self._check_contents() def _check_contents(self): if self._actual_md5 and self._expected_md5: etag = self._actual_md5.hexdigest() if etag != self._expected_md5: raise SwiftError('Error downloading {0}: md5sum != etag, ' '{1} != {2}'.format( self._path, etag, self._expected_md5)) if (self._content_length is not None and self._actual_read != self._content_length): raise SwiftError('Error downloading {0}: read_length != ' 'content_length, {1:d} != {2:d}'.format( self._path, self._actual_read, self._content_length)) def bytes_read(self): return self._actual_read class SwiftService: """ Service for performing swift operations """ def __init__(self, options=None): if options is not None: self._options = dict( _default_global_options, **dict(_default_local_options, **options) ) else: self._options = dict( _default_global_options, **_default_local_options ) process_options(self._options) def create_connection(): return get_conn(self._options) self.thread_manager = MultiThreadingManager( create_connection, segment_threads=self._options['segment_threads'], object_dd_threads=self._options['object_dd_threads'], object_uu_threads=self._options['object_uu_threads'], container_threads=self._options['container_threads'] ) self.capabilities_cache = {} # Each instance should have its own cache def __enter__(self): self.thread_manager.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.thread_manager.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) # Stat related methods # def stat(self, container=None, objects=None, options=None): """ Get account stats, container stats or information about a list of objects in a container. :param container: The container to query. :param objects: A list of object paths about which to return information (a list of strings). :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation. These options are applied to all stat operations performed by this call:: { 'human': False, 'version_id': None, 'header': [] } :returns: Either a single dictionary containing stats about an account or container, or an iterator for returning the results of the stat operations on a list of objects. :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options if not container: if objects: raise SwiftError('Objects specified without container') else: res = { 'action': 'stat_account', 'success': True, 'container': container, 'object': None, } try: stats_future = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( stat_account, options ) items, headers = get_future_result(stats_future) res.update({ 'items': items, 'headers': headers }) return res except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res raise SwiftError('Account not found', exc=err) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res else: if not objects: res = { 'action': 'stat_container', 'container': container, 'object': None, 'success': True, } try: stats_future = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( stat_container, options, container ) items, headers = get_future_result(stats_future) res.update({ 'items': items, 'headers': headers }) return res except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res raise SwiftError('Container %r not found' % container, container=container, exc=err) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res else: stat_futures = [] for stat_o in objects: stat_future = self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._stat_object, container, stat_o, options ) stat_futures.append(stat_future) return ResultsIterator(stat_futures) @staticmethod def _stat_object(conn, container, obj, options): res = { 'action': 'stat_object', 'object': obj, 'container': container, 'success': True, } try: items, headers = stat_object(conn, options, container, obj) res.update({ 'items': items, 'headers': headers }) return res except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # Post related methods # def post(self, container=None, objects=None, options=None): """ Post operations on an account, container or list of objects :param container: The container to make the post operation against. :param objects: A list of object names (strings) or SwiftPostObject instances containing an object name, and an options dict (can be None) to override the options for that individual post operation:: [ 'object_name', SwiftPostObject('object_name', options={...}), ... ] The options dict is described below. :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation. These options are applied to all post operations performed by this call, unless overridden on a per object basis. Possible options are given below:: { 'meta': [], 'header': [], 'read_acl': None, # For containers only 'write_acl': None, # For containers only 'sync_to': None, # For containers only 'sync_key': None # For containers only } :returns: Either a single result dictionary in the case of a post to a container/account, or an iterator for returning the results of posts to a list of objects. :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options res = { 'success': True, 'container': container, 'object': None, 'headers': {}, } if not container: res["action"] = "post_account" if objects: raise SwiftError('Objects specified without container') else: response_dict = {} headers = split_headers( options['meta'], 'X-Account-Meta-') headers.update( split_headers(options['header'], '')) res['headers'] = headers try: post = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._post_account_job, headers, response_dict ) get_future_result(post) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': response_dict }) return res raise SwiftError('Account not found', exc=err) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'response_dict': response_dict, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res if not objects: res["action"] = "post_container" response_dict = {} headers = split_headers( options['meta'], 'X-Container-Meta-') headers.update( split_headers(options['header'], '')) if options['read_acl'] is not None: headers['X-Container-Read'] = options['read_acl'] if options['write_acl'] is not None: headers['X-Container-Write'] = options['write_acl'] if options['sync_to'] is not None: headers['X-Container-Sync-To'] = options['sync_to'] if options['sync_key'] is not None: headers['X-Container-Sync-Key'] = options['sync_key'] res['headers'] = headers try: post = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._post_container_job, container, headers, response_dict ) get_future_result(post) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'action': 'post_container', 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': response_dict }) return res raise SwiftError( "Container '%s' not found" % container, container=container, exc=err ) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'action': 'post_container', 'success': False, 'error': err, 'response_dict': response_dict, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res else: post_futures = [] post_objects = self._make_post_objects(objects) for post_object in post_objects: obj = post_object.object_name obj_options = post_object.options response_dict = {} headers = split_headers( options['meta'], 'X-Object-Meta-') # add header options to the headers object for the request. headers.update( split_headers(options['header'], '')) if obj_options is not None: if 'meta' in obj_options: headers.update( split_headers( obj_options['meta'], 'X-Object-Meta-' ) ) if 'header' in obj_options: headers.update( split_headers(obj_options['header'], '') ) post = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._post_object_job, container, obj, headers, response_dict ) post_futures.append(post) return ResultsIterator(post_futures) @staticmethod def _make_post_objects(objects): post_objects = [] for o in objects: if isinstance(o, str): obj = SwiftPostObject(o) post_objects.append(obj) elif isinstance(o, SwiftPostObject): post_objects.append(o) else: raise SwiftError( "The post operation takes only strings or " "SwiftPostObjects as input", obj=o) return post_objects @staticmethod def _post_account_job(conn, headers, result): return conn.post_account(headers=headers, response_dict=result) @staticmethod def _post_container_job(conn, container, headers, result): try: res = conn.post_container( container, headers=headers, response_dict=result) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: raise _response_dict = {} res = conn.put_container( container, headers=headers, response_dict=_response_dict) result['post_put'] = _response_dict return res @staticmethod def _post_object_job(conn, container, obj, headers, result): res = { 'success': True, 'action': 'post_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'headers': headers, 'response_dict': result } try: conn.post_object( container, obj, headers=headers, response_dict=result) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # List related methods # def list(self, container=None, options=None): """ List operations on an account, container. :param container: The container to make the list operation against. :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation:: { 'long': False, 'prefix': None, 'delimiter': None, 'versions': False, 'header': [] } :returns: A generator for returning the results of the list operation on an account or container. Each result yielded from the generator is either a 'list_account_part' or 'list_container_part', containing part of the listing. """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options rq = Queue(maxsize=10) # Just stop list running away consuming memory if container is None: listing_future = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._list_account_job, options, rq ) else: listing_future = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._list_container_job, container, options, rq ) res = get_from_queue(rq) while res is not None: yield res res = get_from_queue(rq) # Make sure the future has completed get_future_result(listing_future) @staticmethod def _list_account_job(conn, options, result_queue): marker = '' error = None req_headers = split_headers(options.get('header', [])) try: while True: _, items = conn.get_account( marker=marker, prefix=options['prefix'], headers=req_headers ) if not items: result_queue.put(None) return if options['long']: for i in items: name = i['name'] i['meta'] = conn.head_container(name) res = { 'action': 'list_account_part', 'container': None, 'prefix': options['prefix'], 'success': True, 'listing': items, 'marker': marker, } result_queue.put(res) marker = items[-1].get('name', items[-1].get('subdir')) except ClientException as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) if err.http_status != 404: error = (err, traceback, err_time) else: error = ( SwiftError('Account not found', exc=err), traceback, err_time ) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) error = (err, traceback, err_time) res = { 'action': 'list_account_part', 'container': None, 'prefix': options['prefix'], 'success': False, 'marker': marker, 'error': error[0], 'traceback': error[1], 'error_timestamp': error[2] } result_queue.put(res) result_queue.put(None) @staticmethod def _list_container_job(conn, container, options, result_queue): marker = options.get('marker', '') version_marker = options.get('version_marker', '') error = None req_headers = split_headers(options.get('header', [])) if options.get('versions', False): query_string = 'versions=true' else: query_string = None try: while True: _, items = conn.get_container( container, marker=marker, version_marker=version_marker, prefix=options['prefix'], delimiter=options['delimiter'], headers=req_headers, query_string=query_string ) if not items: result_queue.put(None) return res = { 'action': 'list_container_part', 'container': container, 'prefix': options['prefix'], 'success': True, 'marker': marker, 'listing': items, } result_queue.put(res) marker = items[-1].get('name', items[-1].get('subdir')) version_marker = items[-1].get('version_id', '') except ClientException as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() if err.http_status != 404: logger.exception(err) error = (err, traceback, err_time) else: error = ( SwiftError( 'Container %r not found' % container, container=container, exc=err ), traceback, err_time ) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) error = (err, traceback, err_time) res = { 'action': 'list_container_part', 'container': container, 'prefix': options['prefix'], 'success': False, 'marker': marker, 'version_marker': version_marker, 'error': error[0], 'traceback': error[1], 'error_timestamp': error[2] } result_queue.put(res) result_queue.put(None) # Download related methods # def download(self, container=None, objects=None, options=None): """ Download operations on an account, optional container and optional list of objects. :param container: The container to download from. :param objects: A list of object names to download (a list of strings). :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation:: { 'yes_all': False, 'marker': '', 'prefix': None, 'no_download': False, 'header': [], 'skip_identical': False, 'version_id': None, 'out_directory': None, 'checksum': True, 'out_file': None, 'remove_prefix': False, 'shuffle' : False } :returns: A generator for returning the results of the download operations. Each result yielded from the generator is a 'download_object' dictionary containing the results of an individual file download. :raises ClientException: :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options if not container: # Download everything if options['yes_all'] is set if options['yes_all']: try: options_copy = deepcopy(options) options_copy["long"] = False for part in self.list(options=options_copy): if part["success"]: containers = [i['name'] for i in part["listing"]] if options['shuffle']: shuffle(containers) for con in containers: for res in self._download_container( con, options_copy): yield res else: raise part["error"] # If we see a 404 here, the listing of the account failed except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: raise raise SwiftError('Account not found', exc=err) elif objects is None: if '/' in container: raise SwiftError('\'/\' in container name', container=container) for res in self._download_container(container, options): yield res else: if '/' in container: raise SwiftError('\'/\' in container name', container=container) if options['out_file'] and len(objects) > 1: options['out_file'] = None o_downs = [ self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._download_object_job, container, obj, options ) for obj in objects ] for o_down in interruptable_as_completed(o_downs): yield o_down.result() def _download_object_job(self, conn, container, obj, options): out_file = options['out_file'] results_dict = {} req_headers = split_headers(options['header'], '') pseudodir = False path = join(container, obj) if options['yes_all'] else obj path = path.lstrip(os_path_sep) options['skip_identical'] = (options['skip_identical'] and out_file != '-') if options['prefix'] and options['remove_prefix']: path = path[len(options['prefix']):].lstrip('/') if options['out_directory']: path = os.path.join(options['out_directory'], path) if options['skip_identical']: filename = out_file if out_file else path try: fp = open(filename, 'rb', DISK_BUFFER) except IOError: pass else: with fp: md5sum = md5() while True: data = fp.read(DISK_BUFFER) if not data: break md5sum.update(data) req_headers['If-None-Match'] = md5sum.hexdigest() try: start_time = time() get_args = {'resp_chunk_size': DISK_BUFFER, 'headers': req_headers, 'response_dict': results_dict} if options.get('version_id') is not None: get_args['query_string'] = ( 'version-id=%s' % options['version_id']) if options['skip_identical']: # Assume the file is a large object; if we're wrong, the query # string is ignored and the If-None-Match header will trigger # the behavior we want get_args['query_string'] = 'multipart-manifest=get' try: headers, body = conn.get_object(container, obj, **get_args) except ClientException as e: if not options['skip_identical']: raise if e.http_status != 304: # Only handling Not Modified raise headers = results_dict['headers'] if 'x-object-manifest' in headers: # DLO: most likely it has more than one page worth of # segments and we have an empty file locally body = [] elif config_true_value(headers.get('x-static-large-object')): # SLO: apparently we have a copy of the manifest locally? # provide no chunking data to force a fresh download body = [b'[]'] else: # Normal object: let it bubble up raise if options['skip_identical']: if config_true_value(headers.get('x-static-large-object')) or \ 'x-object-manifest' in headers: # The request was chunked, so stitch it back together chunk_data = self._get_chunk_data(conn, container, obj, headers, b''.join(body)) else: chunk_data = None if chunk_data is not None: if self._is_identical(chunk_data, filename): raise ClientException('Large object is identical', http_status=304) # Large objects are different; start the real download del get_args['query_string'] get_args['response_dict'].clear() headers, body = conn.get_object(container, obj, **get_args) headers_receipt = time() obj_body = _SwiftReader(path, body, headers, options.get('checksum', True)) no_file = options['no_download'] if out_file == "-" and not no_file: res = { 'action': 'download_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'path': path, 'pseudodir': pseudodir, 'contents': obj_body } return res fp = None try: content_type = headers.get('content-type', '').split(';', 1)[0] if content_type in KNOWN_DIR_MARKERS: make_dir = not no_file and out_file != "-" if make_dir and not isdir(path): mkdirs(path) else: make_dir = not (no_file or out_file) if make_dir: dirpath = dirname(path) if dirpath and not isdir(dirpath): mkdirs(dirpath) if not no_file: if out_file: fp = open(out_file, 'wb', DISK_BUFFER) else: if basename(path): fp = open(path, 'wb', DISK_BUFFER) else: pseudodir = True for chunk in obj_body: if fp is not None: fp.write(chunk) finish_time = time() finally: bytes_read = obj_body.bytes_read() if fp is not None: fp.close() if ('x-object-meta-mtime' in headers and not no_file and not options['ignore_mtime']): try: mtime = float(headers['x-object-meta-mtime']) except ValueError: pass # no real harm; couldn't trust it anyway else: if options['out_file']: utime(options['out_file'], (mtime, mtime)) else: utime(path, (mtime, mtime)) res = { 'action': 'download_object', 'success': True, 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'path': path, 'pseudodir': pseudodir, 'start_time': start_time, 'finish_time': finish_time, 'headers_receipt': headers_receipt, 'auth_end_time': conn.auth_end_time, 'read_length': bytes_read, 'attempts': conn.attempts, 'response_dict': results_dict } return res except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res = { 'action': 'download_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': results_dict, 'path': path, 'pseudodir': pseudodir, 'attempts': conn.attempts } return res def _submit_page_downloads(self, container, page_generator, options): try: list_page = next(page_generator) except StopIteration: return None if list_page["success"]: objects = [o["name"] for o in list_page["listing"]] if options["shuffle"]: shuffle(objects) o_downs = [ self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._download_object_job, container, obj, options ) for obj in objects ] return o_downs else: raise list_page["error"] def _download_container(self, container, options): _page_generator = self.list(container=container, options=options) try: next_page_downs = self._submit_page_downloads( container, _page_generator, options ) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: raise raise SwiftError( 'Container %r not found' % container, container=container, exc=err ) error = None while next_page_downs: page_downs = next_page_downs next_page_downs = None # Start downloading the next page of list results when # we have completed 80% of the previous page next_page_triggered = False next_page_trigger_point = 0.8 * len(page_downs) page_results_yielded = 0 for o_down in interruptable_as_completed(page_downs): yield o_down.result() # Do we need to start the next set of downloads yet? if not next_page_triggered: page_results_yielded += 1 if page_results_yielded >= next_page_trigger_point: try: next_page_downs = self._submit_page_downloads( container, _page_generator, options ) except ClientException as err: # Allow the current page to finish downloading logger.exception(err) error = err except Exception: # Something unexpected went wrong - cancel # remaining downloads for _d in page_downs: _d.cancel() raise finally: # Stop counting and testing next_page_triggered = True if error: raise error # Upload related methods # def upload(self, container, objects, options=None): """ Upload a list of objects to a given container. :param container: The container (or pseudo-folder path) to put the uploads into. :param objects: A list of file/directory names (strings) or SwiftUploadObject instances containing a source for the created object, an object name, and an options dict (can be None) to override the options for that individual upload operation:: [ '/path/to/file', SwiftUploadObject('/path', object_name='obj1'), ... ] The options dict is as described below. The SwiftUploadObject source may be one of: * A file-like object (with a read method) * A string containing the path to a local file or directory * None, to indicate that we want an empty object :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation. These options are applied to all upload operations performed by this call, unless overridden on a per object basis. Possible options are given below:: { 'meta': [], 'header': [], 'segment_size': None, 'use_slo': False, 'segment_container': None, 'leave_segments': False, 'changed': None, 'skip_identical': False, 'fail_fast': False, 'dir_marker': False # Only for None sources } :returns: A generator for returning the results of the uploads. :raises SwiftError: :raises ClientException: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options try: segment_size = int(0 if options['segment_size'] is None else options['segment_size']) except ValueError: raise SwiftError('Segment size should be an integer value') # Incase we have a psudeo-folder path for arg, derive # the container name from the top path and prepend the rest to # the object name. (same as passing --object-name). container, _sep, pseudo_folder = container.partition('/') # Try to create the container, just in case it doesn't exist. If this # fails, it might just be because the user doesn't have container PUT # permissions, so we'll ignore any error. If there's really a problem, # it'll surface on the first object PUT. policy_header = {} _header = split_headers(options["header"]) if POLICY in _header: policy_header[POLICY] = \ _header[POLICY] create_containers = [ self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._create_container_job, container, headers=policy_header) ] # wait for first container job to complete before possibly attempting # segment container job because segment container job may attempt # to HEAD the first container for r in interruptable_as_completed(create_containers): res = r.result() yield res if segment_size: seg_container = container + '_segments' if options['segment_container']: seg_container = options['segment_container'] if seg_container != container: if not policy_header: # Since no storage policy was specified on the command # line, rather than just letting swift pick the default # storage policy, we'll try to create the segments # container with the same policy as the upload container create_containers = [ self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._create_container_job, seg_container, policy_source=container ) ] else: create_containers = [ self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._create_container_job, seg_container, headers=policy_header ) ] for r in interruptable_as_completed(create_containers): res = r.result() yield res # We maintain a results queue here and a separate thread to monitor # the futures because we want to get results back from potential # segment uploads too rq = Queue() file_jobs = {} upload_objects = self._make_upload_objects(objects, pseudo_folder) for upload_object in upload_objects: s = upload_object.source o = upload_object.object_name o_opts = upload_object.options details = {'action': 'upload', 'container': container} if o_opts is not None: object_options = deepcopy(options) object_options.update(o_opts) else: object_options = options if hasattr(s, 'read'): # We've got a file like object to upload to o file_future = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._upload_object_job, container, s, o, object_options, results_queue=rq ) details['file'] = s details['object'] = o file_jobs[file_future] = details elif s is not None: # We've got a path to upload to o details['path'] = s details['object'] = o if isdir(s): dir_future = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._create_dir_marker_job, container, o, object_options, path=s ) file_jobs[dir_future] = details else: try: stat(s) file_future = \ self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._upload_object_job, container, s, o, object_options, results_queue=rq ) file_jobs[file_future] = details except OSError as err: # Avoid tying up threads with jobs that will fail traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res = { 'action': 'upload_object', 'container': container, 'object': o, 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'path': s } rq.put(res) else: # Create an empty object (as a dir marker if is_dir) details['file'] = None details['object'] = o if object_options['dir_marker']: dir_future = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._create_dir_marker_job, container, o, object_options ) file_jobs[dir_future] = details else: file_future = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._upload_object_job, container, StringIO(), o, object_options ) file_jobs[file_future] = details # Start a thread to watch for upload results Thread( target=self._watch_futures, args=(file_jobs, rq) ).start() # yield results as they become available, including those from # segment uploads. res = get_from_queue(rq) cancelled = False while res is not None: yield res if not res['success']: if not cancelled and options['fail_fast']: cancelled = True for f in file_jobs: f.cancel() res = get_from_queue(rq) @staticmethod def _make_upload_objects(objects, pseudo_folder=''): upload_objects = [] for o in objects: if isinstance(o, str): obj = SwiftUploadObject(o, urljoin(pseudo_folder, o.lstrip('/'))) upload_objects.append(obj) elif isinstance(o, SwiftUploadObject): o.object_name = urljoin(pseudo_folder, o.object_name) upload_objects.append(o) else: raise SwiftError( "The upload operation takes only strings or " "SwiftUploadObjects as input", obj=o) return upload_objects @staticmethod def _create_container_job( conn, container, headers=None, policy_source=None): """ Create a container using the given connection :param conn: The swift connection used for requests. :param container: The container name to create. :param headers: An optional dict of headers for the put_container request. :param policy_source: An optional name of a container whose policy we should duplicate. :return: A dict containing the results of the operation. """ res = { 'action': 'create_container', 'container': container, 'headers': headers } create_response = {} try: if policy_source is not None: _meta = conn.head_container(policy_source) if 'x-storage-policy' in _meta: policy_header = { POLICY: _meta.get('x-storage-policy') } if headers is None: headers = policy_header else: headers.update(policy_header) conn.put_container( container, headers, response_dict=create_response ) res.update({ 'success': True, 'response_dict': create_response }) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': create_response }) return res @staticmethod def _create_dir_marker_job(conn, container, obj, options, path=None): res = { 'action': 'create_dir_marker', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'path': path } results_dict = {} if obj.startswith('./') or obj.startswith('.\\'): obj = obj[2:] if obj.startswith('/'): obj = obj[1:] if path is not None: put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': "%f" % getmtime(path)} else: put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': "%f" % round(time())} res['headers'] = put_headers if options['changed']: try: headers = conn.head_object(container, obj) ct = headers.get('content-type', '').split(';', 1)[0] cl = int(headers.get('content-length')) et = headers.get('etag') mt = headers.get('x-object-meta-mtime') if (ct in KNOWN_DIR_MARKERS and cl == 0 and et == EMPTY_ETAG and mt == put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime']): res['success'] = True return res except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res try: conn.put_object(container, obj, '', content_length=0, content_type=KNOWN_DIR_MARKERS[0], headers=put_headers, response_dict=results_dict) res.update({ 'success': True, 'response_dict': results_dict}) return res except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': results_dict}) return res @staticmethod def _upload_segment_job(conn, path, container, segment_name, segment_start, segment_size, segment_index, obj_name, options, results_queue=None): results_dict = {} if options['segment_container']: segment_container = options['segment_container'] else: segment_container = container + '_segments' res = { 'action': 'upload_segment', 'for_container': container, 'for_object': obj_name, 'segment_index': segment_index, 'segment_size': segment_size, 'segment_location': '/%s/%s' % (segment_container, segment_name), 'log_line': '%s segment %s' % (obj_name, segment_index), } fp = None try: fp = open(path, 'rb', DISK_BUFFER) fp.seek(segment_start) contents = LengthWrapper(fp, segment_size, md5=options['checksum']) etag = conn.put_object( segment_container, segment_name, contents, content_length=segment_size, content_type='application/swiftclient-segment', response_dict=results_dict) if options['checksum'] and etag and etag != contents.get_md5sum(): raise SwiftError('Segment {0}: upload verification failed: ' 'md5 mismatch, local {1} != remote {2} ' '(remote segment has not been removed)' .format(segment_index, contents.get_md5sum(), etag)) res.update({ 'success': True, 'response_dict': results_dict, 'segment_etag': etag, 'attempts': conn.attempts }) if results_queue is not None: results_queue.put(res) return res except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': results_dict, 'attempts': conn.attempts }) if results_queue is not None: results_queue.put(res) return res finally: if fp is not None: fp.close() @staticmethod def _put_object(conn, container, name, content, headers=None, md5=None): """ Upload object into a given container and verify the resulting ETag, if the md5 optional parameter is passed. :param conn: The Swift connection to use for uploads. :param container: The container to put the object into. :param name: The name of the object. :param content: Object content. :param headers: Headers (optional) to associate with the object. :param md5: MD5 sum of the content. If passed in, will be used to verify the returned ETag. :returns: A dictionary as the response from calling put_object. The keys are: - status - reason - headers On error, the dictionary contains the following keys: - success (with value False) - error - the encountered exception (object) - error_timestamp - response_dict - results from the put_object call, as documented above - attempts - number of attempts made """ if headers is None: headers = {} else: headers = dict(headers) if md5 is not None: headers['etag'] = md5 results = {} try: etag = conn.put_object( container, name, content, content_length=len(content), headers=headers, response_dict=results) if md5 is not None and etag != md5: raise SwiftError('Upload verification failed for {0}: md5 ' 'mismatch {1} != {2}'.format(name, md5, etag)) results['success'] = True except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) return { 'success': False, 'error': err, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': results, 'attempts': conn.attempts, 'traceback': traceback } return results @staticmethod def _upload_stream_segment(conn, container, object_name, segment_container, segment_name, segment_size, segment_index, headers, fd): """ Upload a segment from a stream, buffering it in memory first. The resulting object is placed either as a segment in the segment container, or if it is smaller than a single segment, as the given object name. :param conn: Swift Connection to use. :param container: Container in which the object would be placed. :param object_name: Name of the final object (used in case the stream is smaller than the segment_size) :param segment_container: Container to hold the object segments. :param segment_name: The name of the segment. :param segment_size: Minimum segment size. :param segment_index: The segment index. :param headers: Headers to attach to the segment/object. :param fd: File-like handle for the content. Must implement read(). :returns: Dictionary, containing the following keys: - complete -- whether the stream is exhausted - segment_size - the actual size of the segment (may be smaller than the passed in segment_size) - segment_location - path to the segment - segment_index - index of the segment - segment_etag - the ETag for the segment """ buf = [] dgst = md5() bytes_read = 0 while bytes_read < segment_size: data = fd.read(segment_size - bytes_read) if not data: break bytes_read += len(data) dgst.update(data) buf.append(data) buf = b''.join(buf) segment_hash = dgst.hexdigest() if not buf and segment_index > 0: # Happens if the segment size aligns with the object size return {'complete': True, 'segment_size': 0, 'segment_index': None, 'segment_etag': None, 'segment_location': None, 'success': True} if segment_index == 0 and len(buf) < segment_size: ret = SwiftService._put_object( conn, container, object_name, buf, headers, segment_hash) ret['segment_location'] = '/%s/%s' % (container, object_name) else: ret = SwiftService._put_object( conn, segment_container, segment_name, buf, headers, segment_hash) ret['segment_location'] = '/%s/%s' % ( segment_container, segment_name) ret.update( dict(complete=len(buf) < segment_size, segment_size=len(buf), segment_index=segment_index, segment_etag=segment_hash, for_object=object_name)) return ret def _get_chunk_data(self, conn, container, obj, headers, manifest=None): chunks = [] if 'x-object-manifest' in headers: scontainer, sprefix = headers['x-object-manifest'].split('/', 1) for part in self.list(scontainer, {'prefix': sprefix}): if part["success"]: chunks.extend(part["listing"]) else: raise part["error"] elif config_true_value(headers.get('x-static-large-object')): if manifest is None: headers, manifest = conn.get_object( container, obj, query_string='multipart-manifest=get') manifest = parse_api_response(headers, manifest) for chunk in manifest: if chunk.get('sub_slo'): scont, sobj = chunk['name'].lstrip('/').split('/', 1) chunks.extend(self._get_chunk_data( conn, scont, sobj, {'x-static-large-object': True})) else: chunks.append(chunk) else: chunks.append({'hash': headers.get('etag').strip('"'), 'bytes': int(headers.get('content-length'))}) return chunks def _is_identical(self, chunk_data, path): if path is None: return False try: fp = open(path, 'rb', DISK_BUFFER) except IOError: return False with fp: for chunk in chunk_data: to_read = chunk['bytes'] md5sum = md5() while to_read: data = fp.read(min(DISK_BUFFER, to_read)) if not data: return False md5sum.update(data) to_read -= len(data) if md5sum.hexdigest() != chunk['hash']: return False # Each chunk is verified; check that we're at the end of the file return not fp.read(1) @staticmethod def _upload_slo_manifest(conn, segment_results, container, obj, headers): """ Upload an SLO manifest, given the results of uploading each segment, to the specified container. :param segment_results: List of response_dict structures, as populated by _upload_segment_job. Specifically, each entry must container the following keys: - segment_location - segment_etag - segment_size - segment_index :param container: The container to put the manifest into. :param obj: The name of the manifest object to use. :param headers: Optional set of headers to attach to the manifest. """ if headers is None: headers = {} segment_results.sort(key=lambda di: di['segment_index']) for seg in segment_results: seg_loc = seg['segment_location'].lstrip('/') if isinstance(seg_loc, str): seg_loc = seg_loc.encode('utf-8') manifest_data = json.dumps([ { 'path': d['segment_location'], 'etag': d['segment_etag'], 'size_bytes': d['segment_size'] } for d in segment_results ]) response = {} conn.put_object( container, obj, manifest_data, headers=headers, query_string='multipart-manifest=put', response_dict=response) return response def _upload_object_job(self, conn, container, source, obj, options, results_queue=None): if obj.startswith('./') or obj.startswith('.\\'): obj = obj[2:] if obj.startswith('/'): obj = obj[1:] res = { 'action': 'upload_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj } if hasattr(source, 'read'): stream = source path = None else: path = source res['path'] = path try: if path is not None: put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': "%f" % getmtime(path)} else: put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': "%f" % round(time())} res['headers'] = put_headers # We need to HEAD all objects now in case we're overwriting a # manifest object and need to delete the old segments # ourselves. old_manifest = None old_slo_manifest_paths = [] new_slo_manifest_paths = set() segment_size = int(0 if options['segment_size'] is None else options['segment_size']) if (options['changed'] or options['skip_identical'] or not options['leave_segments']): try: headers = conn.head_object(container, obj) is_slo = config_true_value( headers.get('x-static-large-object')) if options['skip_identical'] or ( is_slo and not options['leave_segments']): chunk_data = self._get_chunk_data( conn, container, obj, headers) if options['skip_identical'] and self._is_identical( chunk_data, path): res.update({ 'success': True, 'status': 'skipped-identical' }) return res cl = int(headers.get('content-length')) mt = headers.get('x-object-meta-mtime') if (path is not None and options['changed'] and cl == getsize(path) and mt == put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime']): res.update({ 'success': True, 'status': 'skipped-changed' }) return res if not options['leave_segments'] and not headers.get( 'content-location'): old_manifest = headers.get('x-object-manifest') if is_slo: old_slo_manifest_paths.extend( normalize_manifest_path(old_seg['name']) for old_seg in chunk_data) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # Merge the command line header options to the put_headers put_headers.update(split_headers( options['meta'], 'X-Object-Meta-')) put_headers.update(split_headers(options['header'], '')) # Don't do segment job if object is not big enough, and never do # a segment job if we're reading from a stream - we may fail if we # go over the single object limit, but this gives us a nice way # to create objects from memory if (path is not None and segment_size and (getsize(path) > segment_size)): res['large_object'] = True seg_container = container + '_segments' if options['segment_container']: seg_container = options['segment_container'] full_size = getsize(path) segment_futures = [] segment_pool = self.thread_manager.segment_pool segment = 0 segment_start = 0 while segment_start < full_size: if segment_start + segment_size > full_size: segment_size = full_size - segment_start if options['use_slo']: segment_name = '%s/slo/%s/%s/%s/%08d' % ( obj, put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'], full_size, options['segment_size'], segment ) else: segment_name = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%08d' % ( obj, put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'], full_size, options['segment_size'], segment ) seg = segment_pool.submit( self._upload_segment_job, path, container, segment_name, segment_start, segment_size, segment, obj, options, results_queue=results_queue ) segment_futures.append(seg) segment += 1 segment_start += segment_size segment_results = [] errors = False exceptions = [] for f in interruptable_as_completed(segment_futures): try: r = f.result() if not r['success']: errors = True segment_results.append(r) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) errors = True exceptions.append((err, traceback, err_time)) if errors: err = ClientException( 'Aborting manifest creation ' 'because not all segments could be uploaded. %s/%s' % (container, obj)) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'exceptions': exceptions, 'segment_results': segment_results }) return res res['segment_results'] = segment_results if options['use_slo']: response = self._upload_slo_manifest( conn, segment_results, container, obj, put_headers) res['manifest_response_dict'] = response new_slo_manifest_paths.update( normalize_manifest_path(new_seg['segment_location']) for new_seg in segment_results) else: new_object_manifest = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/' % ( quote(seg_container.encode('utf8')), quote(obj.encode('utf8')), put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'], full_size, options['segment_size']) if old_manifest and old_manifest.rstrip('/') == \ new_object_manifest.rstrip('/'): old_manifest = None put_headers['x-object-manifest'] = new_object_manifest mr = {} conn.put_object( container, obj, '', content_length=0, headers=put_headers, response_dict=mr ) res['manifest_response_dict'] = mr elif options['use_slo'] and segment_size and not path: segment = 0 results = [] while True: segment_name = '%s/slo/%s/%s/%08d' % ( obj, put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'], segment_size, segment ) seg_container = container + '_segments' if options['segment_container']: seg_container = options['segment_container'] ret = self._upload_stream_segment( conn, container, obj, seg_container, segment_name, segment_size, segment, put_headers, stream ) if not ret['success']: return ret if (ret['complete'] and segment == 0) or\ ret['segment_size'] > 0: results.append(ret) if results_queue is not None: # Don't insert the 0-sized segments or objects # themselves if ret['segment_location'] != '/%s/%s' % ( container, obj) and ret['segment_size'] > 0: results_queue.put(ret) if ret['complete']: break segment += 1 if results[0]['segment_location'] != '/%s/%s' % ( container, obj): response = self._upload_slo_manifest( conn, results, container, obj, put_headers) res['manifest_response_dict'] = response new_slo_manifest_paths.update( normalize_manifest_path(new_seg['segment_location']) for new_seg in results) res['large_object'] = True else: res['response_dict'] = ret res['large_object'] = False else: res['large_object'] = False obr = {} fp = None try: if path is not None: content_length = getsize(path) fp = open(path, 'rb', DISK_BUFFER) contents = LengthWrapper(fp, content_length, md5=options['checksum']) else: content_length = None contents = ReadableToIterable(stream, md5=options['checksum']) etag = conn.put_object( container, obj, contents, content_length=content_length, headers=put_headers, response_dict=obr ) res['response_dict'] = obr if (options['checksum'] and etag and etag != contents.get_md5sum()): raise SwiftError( 'Object upload verification failed: ' 'md5 mismatch, local {0} != remote {1} ' '(remote object has not been removed)' .format(contents.get_md5sum(), etag)) finally: if fp is not None: fp.close() if old_manifest or old_slo_manifest_paths: drs = [] delobjsmap = defaultdict(list) if old_manifest: scontainer, sprefix = old_manifest.split('/', 1) sprefix = sprefix.rstrip('/') + '/' for part in self.list(scontainer, {'prefix': sprefix}): if not part["success"]: raise part["error"] delobjsmap[scontainer].extend( seg['name'] for seg in part['listing']) if old_slo_manifest_paths: for seg_to_delete in old_slo_manifest_paths: if seg_to_delete in new_slo_manifest_paths: continue scont, sobj = \ seg_to_delete.split('/', 1) delobjsmap[scont].append(sobj) del_segs = [] for dscont, dsobjs in delobjsmap.items(): for dsobj in dsobjs: del_seg = self.thread_manager.segment_pool.submit( self._delete_segment, dscont, dsobj, results_queue=results_queue ) del_segs.append(del_seg) for del_seg in interruptable_as_completed(del_segs): drs.append(del_seg.result()) res['segment_delete_results'] = drs # return dict for printing res.update({ 'success': True, 'status': 'uploaded', 'attempts': conn.attempts}) return res except OSError as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) if err.errno == ENOENT: error = SwiftError('Local file %r not found' % path, exc=err) else: error = err res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': error, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # Delete related methods # def delete(self, container=None, objects=None, options=None): """ Delete operations on an account, optional container and optional list of objects. :param container: The container to delete or delete from. :param objects: A list of object names (strings) or SwiftDeleteObject instances containing an object name, and an options dict (can be None) to override the options for that individual delete operation:: [ 'object_name', SwiftDeleteObject('object_name', options={...}), ... ] The options dict is described below. :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation:: { 'yes_all': False, 'leave_segments': False, 'version_id': None, 'prefix': None, 'versions': False, 'header': [], } :returns: A generator for returning the results of the delete operations. Each result yielded from the generator is either a 'delete_container', 'delete_object', 'delete_segment', or 'bulk_delete' dictionary containing the results of an individual delete operation. :raises ClientException: :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options if container is not None: if objects is not None: delete_objects = self._make_delete_objects(objects) if options['prefix']: delete_objects = [ obj for obj in delete_objects if obj.object_name.startswith(options['prefix'])] rq = Queue() obj_dels = {} bulk_page_size = self._bulk_delete_page_size(delete_objects) if bulk_page_size > 1: page_at_a_time = n_at_a_time(delete_objects, bulk_page_size) for page_slice in page_at_a_time: for obj_slice in n_groups( page_slice, self._options['object_dd_threads']): object_names = [ obj.object_name for obj in obj_slice] self._bulk_delete(container, object_names, options, obj_dels) else: self._per_item_delete(container, delete_objects, options, obj_dels, rq) # Start a thread to watch for delete results Thread( target=self._watch_futures, args=(obj_dels, rq) ).start() # yield results as they become available, raising the first # encountered exception res = get_from_queue(rq) while res is not None: yield res # Cancel the remaining jobs if necessary if options['fail_fast'] and not res['success']: for d in obj_dels.keys(): d.cancel() res = get_from_queue(rq) else: for res in self._delete_container(container, options): yield res else: if objects: raise SwiftError('Objects specified without container') if options['prefix']: raise SwiftError('Prefix specified without container') if options['yes_all']: cancelled = False containers = [] for part in self.list(): if part["success"]: containers.extend(c['name'] for c in part['listing']) else: raise part["error"] for con in containers: if cancelled: break else: for res in self._delete_container( con, options=options): yield res # Cancel the remaining container deletes, but yield # any pending results if (not cancelled and options['fail_fast'] and not res['success']): cancelled = True def _bulk_delete_page_size(self, objects): ''' Given the iterable 'objects', will return how many items should be deleted at a time. :param objects: An iterable that supports 'len()' :returns: The bulk delete page size (i.e. the max number of objects that can be bulk deleted at once, as reported by the cluster). If bulk delete is disabled, return 1 ''' if len(objects) <= 2 * self._options['object_dd_threads']: # Not many objects; may as well delete one-by-one return 1 if any(obj.options for obj in objects if isinstance(obj, SwiftDeleteObject)): # we can't do per option deletes for bulk return 1 try: cap_result = self.capabilities() if not cap_result['success']: # This shouldn't actually happen, but just in case we start # being more nuanced about our capabilities result... return 1 except ClientException: # Old swift, presumably; assume no bulk middleware return 1 swift_info = cap_result['capabilities'] if 'bulk_delete' in swift_info: return swift_info['bulk_delete'].get( 'max_deletes_per_request', 10000) else: return 1 def _per_item_delete(self, container, objects, options, rdict, rq): for delete_obj in objects: obj = delete_obj.object_name obj_options = dict(options, **delete_obj.options or {}) obj_del = self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._delete_object, container, obj, obj_options, results_queue=rq ) obj_details = {'container': container, 'object': obj} rdict[obj_del] = obj_details @staticmethod def _delete_segment(conn, container, obj, results_queue=None): results_dict = {} try: res = {'success': True} conn.delete_object(container, obj, response_dict=results_dict) except Exception as err: if not isinstance(err, ClientException) or err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res = { 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time } res.update({ 'action': 'delete_segment', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'attempts': conn.attempts, 'response_dict': results_dict }) if results_queue is not None: results_queue.put(res) return res @staticmethod def _make_delete_objects(objects): delete_objects = [] for o in objects: if isinstance(o, str): obj = SwiftDeleteObject(o) delete_objects.append(obj) elif isinstance(o, SwiftDeleteObject): delete_objects.append(o) else: raise SwiftError( "The delete operation takes only strings or " "SwiftDeleteObjects as input", obj=o) return delete_objects def _delete_object(self, conn, container, obj, options, results_queue=None): _headers = {} _headers = split_headers(options.get('header', [])) res = { 'action': 'delete_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj } try: old_manifest = None query_params = {} if not options['leave_segments']: try: headers = conn.head_object(container, obj, headers=_headers, query_string='symlink=get') old_manifest = headers.get('x-object-manifest') if config_true_value(headers.get('x-static-large-object')): query_params['multipart-manifest'] = 'delete' except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: raise if options.get('version_id') is not None: query_params['version-id'] = options['version_id'] query_string = '&'.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in sorted(query_params.items())) results_dict = {} conn.delete_object(container, obj, headers=_headers, query_string=query_string, response_dict=results_dict) if old_manifest: dlo_segments_deleted = True segment_pool = self.thread_manager.segment_pool s_container, s_prefix = old_manifest.split('/', 1) s_prefix = s_prefix.rstrip('/') + '/' del_segs = [] for part in self.list( container=s_container, options={'prefix': s_prefix}): if part["success"]: seg_list = [o["name"] for o in part["listing"]] else: raise part["error"] for seg in seg_list: del_seg = segment_pool.submit( self._delete_segment, s_container, seg, results_queue=results_queue ) del_segs.append(del_seg) for del_seg in interruptable_as_completed(del_segs): del_res = del_seg.result() if not del_res["success"]: dlo_segments_deleted = False res['dlo_segments_deleted'] = dlo_segments_deleted res.update({ 'success': True, 'response_dict': results_dict, 'attempts': conn.attempts, }) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res return res @staticmethod def _delete_empty_container(conn, container, options): results_dict = {} _headers = {} _headers = split_headers(options.get('header', [])) try: conn.delete_container(container, headers=_headers, response_dict=results_dict) res = {'success': True} except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res = { 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time } res.update({ 'action': 'delete_container', 'container': container, 'object': None, 'attempts': conn.attempts, 'response_dict': results_dict }) return res def _delete_container(self, container, options): try: for part in self.list(container=container, options=options): if not part["success"]: raise part["error"] delete_objects = [] for item in part['listing']: delete_opts = {} if options.get('versions', False) and 'version_id' in item: delete_opts['version_id'] = item['version_id'] delete_obj = SwiftDeleteObject(item['name'], delete_opts) delete_objects.append(delete_obj) for res in self.delete( container=container, objects=delete_objects, options=options): yield res if options['prefix']: # We're only deleting a subset of objects within the container return con_del = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._delete_empty_container, container, options ) con_del_res = get_future_result(con_del) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) con_del_res = { 'action': 'delete_container', 'container': container, 'object': None, 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time } yield con_del_res # Bulk methods # def _bulk_delete(self, container, objects, options, rdict): if objects: bulk_del = self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._bulkdelete, container, objects, options ) bulk_details = {'container': container, 'objects': objects} rdict[bulk_del] = bulk_details @staticmethod def _bulkdelete(conn, container, objects, options): results_dict = {} try: headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', } res = {'container': container, 'objects': objects} objects = [quote(('/%s/%s' % (container, obj)).encode('utf-8')) for obj in objects] headers, body = conn.post_account( headers=headers, query_string='bulk-delete', data=b''.join(obj.encode('utf-8') + b'\n' for obj in objects), response_dict=results_dict) if body: res.update({'success': True, 'result': parse_api_response(headers, body)}) else: res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': SwiftError( 'No content received on account POST. ' 'Is the bulk operations middleware enabled?')}) except Exception as e: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(e) res.update({'success': False, 'error': e, 'traceback': traceback}) res.update({ 'action': 'bulk_delete', 'attempts': conn.attempts, 'response_dict': results_dict }) return res # Copy related methods # def copy(self, container, objects, options=None): """ Copy operations on a list of objects in a container. Destination containers will be created. :param container: The container from which to copy the objects. :param objects: A list of object names (strings) or SwiftCopyObject instances containing an object name and an options dict (can be None) to override the options for that individual copy operation:: [ 'object_name', SwiftCopyObject( 'object_name', options={ 'destination': '/container/object', 'fresh_metadata': False, ... }), ... ] The options dict is described below. :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation. These options are applied to all copy operations performed by this call, unless overridden on a per object basis. The options "destination" and "fresh_metadata" do not need to be set, in this case objects will be copied onto themselves and metadata will not be refreshed. The option "destination" can also be specified in the format '/container', in which case objects without an explicit destination will be copied to the destination /container/original_object_name. Combinations of multiple objects and a destination in the format '/container/object' is invalid. Possible options are given below:: { 'meta': [], 'header': [], 'destination': '/container/object', 'fresh_metadata': False, } :returns: A generator returning the results of copying the given list of objects. :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options # Try to create the container, just in case it doesn't exist. If this # fails, it might just be because the user doesn't have container PUT # permissions, so we'll ignore any error. If there's really a problem, # it'll surface on the first object COPY. containers = set( next(p for p in obj.destination.split("/") if p) for obj in objects if isinstance(obj, SwiftCopyObject) and obj.destination ) if options.get('destination'): destination_split = options['destination'].split('/') if destination_split[0]: raise SwiftError("destination must be in format /cont[/obj]") _str_objs = [ o for o in objects if not isinstance(o, SwiftCopyObject) ] if len(destination_split) > 2 and len(_str_objs) > 1: # TODO (clayg): could be useful to copy multiple objects into # a destination like "/container/common/prefix/for/objects/" # where the trailing "/" indicates the destination option is a # prefix! raise SwiftError("Combination of multiple objects and " "destination including object is invalid") if destination_split[-1] == '': # N.B. this protects the above case raise SwiftError("destination can not end in a slash") containers.add(destination_split[1]) policy_header = {} _header = split_headers(options["header"]) if POLICY in _header: policy_header[POLICY] = _header[POLICY] create_containers = [ self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._create_container_job, cont, headers=policy_header) for cont in containers ] # wait for container creation jobs to complete before any COPY for r in interruptable_as_completed(create_containers): res = r.result() yield res copy_futures = [] copy_objects = self._make_copy_objects(objects, options) for copy_object in copy_objects: obj = copy_object.object_name obj_options = copy_object.options destination = copy_object.destination fresh_metadata = copy_object.fresh_metadata headers = split_headers( options['meta'], 'X-Object-Meta-') # add header options to the headers object for the request. headers.update( split_headers(options['header'], '')) if obj_options is not None: if 'meta' in obj_options: headers.update( split_headers( obj_options['meta'], 'X-Object-Meta-' ) ) if 'header' in obj_options: headers.update( split_headers(obj_options['header'], '') ) copy = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._copy_object_job, container, obj, destination, headers, fresh_metadata ) copy_futures.append(copy) for r in interruptable_as_completed(copy_futures): res = r.result() yield res @staticmethod def _make_copy_objects(objects, options): copy_objects = [] for o in objects: if isinstance(o, str): obj = SwiftCopyObject(o, options) copy_objects.append(obj) elif isinstance(o, SwiftCopyObject): copy_objects.append(o) else: raise SwiftError( "The copy operation takes only strings or " "SwiftCopyObjects as input", obj=o) return copy_objects @staticmethod def _copy_object_job(conn, container, obj, destination, headers, fresh_metadata): response_dict = {} res = { 'success': True, 'action': 'copy_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'destination': destination, 'headers': headers, 'fresh_metadata': fresh_metadata, 'response_dict': response_dict } try: conn.copy_object( container, obj, destination=destination, headers=headers, fresh_metadata=fresh_metadata, response_dict=response_dict) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # Capabilities related methods # def capabilities(self, url=None, refresh_cache=False): """ List the cluster capabilities. :param url: Proxy URL of the cluster to retrieve capabilities. :returns: A dictionary containing the capabilities of the cluster. :raises ClientException: """ if not refresh_cache and url in self.capabilities_cache: return self.capabilities_cache[url] res = { 'action': 'capabilities', 'timestamp': time(), } cap = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._get_capabilities, url ) capabilities = get_future_result(cap) res.update({ 'success': True, 'capabilities': capabilities }) if url is not None: res.update({ 'url': url }) self.capabilities_cache[url] = res return res @staticmethod def _get_capabilities(conn, url): return conn.get_capabilities(url) # Helper methods # @staticmethod def _watch_futures(futures, result_queue): """ Watches a dict of futures and pushes their results onto the given queue. We use this to wait for a set of futures which may create futures of their own to wait for, whilst also allowing us to immediately return the results of those sub-jobs. When all futures have completed, None is pushed to the queue If the future is cancelled, we use the dict to return details about the cancellation. """ futures_only = list(futures.keys()) for f in interruptable_as_completed(futures_only): try: r = f.result() if r is not None: result_queue.put(r) except CancelledError: details = futures[f] res = details res['status'] = 'cancelled' result_queue.put(res) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) details = futures[f] res = details res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) result_queue.put(res) result_queue.put(None)