# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from swiftclient.utils import prt_bytes POLICY_HEADER_PREFIX = 'x-account-storage-policy-' def stat_account(conn, options): items = [] headers = conn.head_account() if options['verbose'] > 1: items.extend([ ('StorageURL', conn.url), ('Auth Token', conn.token), ]) container_count = int(headers.get('x-account-container-count', 0)) object_count = prt_bytes(headers.get('x-account-object-count', 0), options['human']).lstrip() bytes_used = prt_bytes(headers.get('x-account-bytes-used', 0), options['human']).lstrip() items.extend([ ('Account', conn.url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]), ('Containers', container_count), ('Objects', object_count), ('Bytes', bytes_used), ]) policies = set() for header_key, header_value in headers.items(): if header_key.lower().startswith(POLICY_HEADER_PREFIX): policy_name = header_key.rsplit('-', 2)[0].split('-', 4)[-1] policies.add(policy_name) for policy in policies: container_count_header = (POLICY_HEADER_PREFIX + policy + '-container-count') if container_count_header in headers: items.append( ('Containers in policy "' + policy + '"', prt_bytes(headers[container_count_header], options['human']).lstrip()) ) items.extend(( ('Objects in policy "' + policy + '"', prt_bytes( headers.get( POLICY_HEADER_PREFIX + policy + '-object-count', 0), options['human'] ).lstrip()), ('Bytes in policy "' + policy + '"', prt_bytes( headers.get( POLICY_HEADER_PREFIX + policy + '-bytes-used', 0), options['human'] ).lstrip()), )) return items, headers def print_account_stats(items, headers, output_manager): exclude_policy_headers = [] for header_key, header_value in headers.items(): if header_key.lower().startswith(POLICY_HEADER_PREFIX): exclude_policy_headers.append(header_key) items.extend(headers_to_items( headers, meta_prefix='x-account-meta-', exclude_headers=([ 'content-length', 'date', 'x-account-container-count', 'x-account-object-count', 'x-account-bytes-used'] + exclude_policy_headers))) # line up the items nicely offset = max(len(item) for item, value in items) output_manager.print_items(items, offset=offset) def stat_container(conn, options, container): headers = conn.head_container(container) items = [] if options['verbose'] > 1: path = '%s/%s' % (conn.url, container) items.extend([ ('URL', path), ('Auth Token', conn.token) ]) object_count = prt_bytes( headers.get('x-container-object-count', 0), options['human']).lstrip() bytes_used = prt_bytes(headers.get('x-container-bytes-used', 0), options['human']).lstrip() items.extend([ ('Account', conn.url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]), ('Container', container), ('Objects', object_count), ('Bytes', bytes_used), ('Read ACL', headers.get('x-container-read', '')), ('Write ACL', headers.get('x-container-write', '')), ('Sync To', headers.get('x-container-sync-to', '')), ('Sync Key', headers.get('x-container-sync-key', '')) ]) return items, headers def print_container_stats(items, headers, output_manager): items.extend(headers_to_items( headers, meta_prefix='x-container-meta-', exclude_headers=( 'content-length', 'date', 'x-container-object-count', 'x-container-bytes-used', 'x-container-read', 'x-container-write', 'x-container-sync-to', 'x-container-sync-key' ) )) # line up the items nicely offset = max(len(item) for item, value in items) output_manager.print_items(items, offset=offset) def stat_object(conn, options, container, obj): headers = conn.head_object(container, obj) items = [] if options['verbose'] > 1: path = '%s/%s/%s' % (conn.url, container, obj) items.extend([ ('URL', path), ('Auth Token', conn.token) ]) content_length = prt_bytes(headers.get('content-length', 0), options['human']).lstrip() items.extend([ ('Account', conn.url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]), ('Container', container), ('Object', obj), ('Content Type', headers.get('content-type')), ('Content Length', content_length), ('Last Modified', headers.get('last-modified')), ('ETag', headers.get('etag')), ('Manifest', headers.get('x-object-manifest')) ]) return items, headers def print_object_stats(items, headers, output_manager): items.extend(headers_to_items( headers, meta_prefix='x-object-meta-', exclude_headers=( 'content-type', 'content-length', 'last-modified', 'etag', 'date', 'x-object-manifest') )) # line up the items nicely offset = max(len(item) for item, value in items) output_manager.print_items(items, offset=offset, skip_missing=True) def headers_to_items(headers, meta_prefix='', exclude_headers=None): exclude_headers = exclude_headers or [] other_items = [] meta_items = [] for key, value in headers.items(): if key not in exclude_headers: if key.startswith(meta_prefix): meta_key = 'Meta %s' % key[len(meta_prefix):].title() meta_items.append((meta_key, value)) else: other_items.append((key.title(), value)) return meta_items + other_items