Davide Guerri 716b4e722c Enable usage of proxies defined in environment (http(s)_proxy).
As far as proxies usage is concerned, keystone-client API and swift-client API behave differently because the former uses python Request library while the latter uses raw httplib. As a result, Keystone authentication honors environment variables http_proxy, https_proxy and no_proxy while Swift doesn't.

This patch, which code is mainly borrowed from Python Requests, makes Swift
data connections and Swift authentication connections behaving homogeneously.

Change-Id: Ic8a0089c35c458d7ed96e572e22429014298fe4c
2013-12-10 12:12:28 +00:00

200 lines
7.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import testtools
import os
from swiftclient import utils as u
class TestConfigTrueValue(testtools.TestCase):
def test_TRUE_VALUES(self):
for v in u.TRUE_VALUES:
self.assertEqual(v, v.lower())
def test_config_true_value(self):
orig_trues = u.TRUE_VALUES
u.TRUE_VALUES = 'hello world'.split()
for val in 'hello world HELLO WORLD'.split():
self.assertTrue(u.config_true_value(val) is True)
self.assertTrue(u.config_true_value(True) is True)
self.assertTrue(u.config_true_value('foo') is False)
self.assertTrue(u.config_true_value(False) is False)
u.TRUE_VALUES = orig_trues
class TestPrtBytes(testtools.TestCase):
def test_zero_bytes(self):
bytes_ = 0
raw = '0'
human = '0'
self.assertEquals(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip())
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_one_byte(self):
bytes_ = 1
raw = '1'
human = '1'
self.assertEquals(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip())
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_less_than_one_k(self):
bytes_ = (2 ** 10) - 1
raw = '1023'
human = '1023'
self.assertEquals(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip())
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_one_k(self):
bytes_ = 2 ** 10
raw = '1024'
human = '1.0K'
self.assertEquals(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip())
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_a_decimal_k(self):
bytes_ = (3 * 2 ** 10) + 512
raw = '3584'
human = '3.5K'
self.assertEquals(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip())
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_a_bit_less_than_one_meg(self):
bytes_ = (2 ** 20) - (2 ** 10)
raw = '1047552'
human = '1023K'
self.assertEquals(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip())
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_just_a_hair_less_than_one_meg(self):
bytes_ = (2 ** 20) - (2 ** 10) + 1
raw = '1047553'
human = '1.0M'
self.assertEquals(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip())
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_one_meg(self):
bytes_ = 2 ** 20
raw = '1048576'
human = '1.0M'
self.assertEquals(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip())
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_ten_meg(self):
bytes_ = 10 * 2 ** 20
human = '10M'
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_bit_less_than_ten_meg(self):
bytes_ = (10 * 2 ** 20) - (100 * 2 ** 10)
human = '9.9M'
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_just_a_hair_less_than_ten_meg(self):
bytes_ = (10 * 2 ** 20) - 1
human = '10.0M'
self.assertEquals(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_a_yotta(self):
bytes_ = 42 * 2 ** 80
self.assertEquals('42Y', u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
def test_overflow(self):
bytes_ = 2 ** 90
self.assertEquals('1024Y', u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip())
class TestGetEnvironProxy(testtools.TestCase):
ENV_VARS = ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy', 'no_proxy',
def setUp(self):
self.proxy_dict = {}
super(TestGetEnvironProxy, self).setUp()
for proxy_s in TestGetEnvironProxy.ENV_VARS:
# Save old env value
self.proxy_dict[proxy_s] = os.environ.get(proxy_s, None)
def tearDown(self):
super(TestGetEnvironProxy, self).tearDown()
for proxy_s in TestGetEnvironProxy.ENV_VARS:
if self.proxy_dict[proxy_s]:
os.environ[proxy_s] = self.proxy_dict[proxy_s]
elif os.environ.get(proxy_s):
del os.environ[proxy_s]
def setup_env(self, new_env={}):
for proxy_s in TestGetEnvironProxy.ENV_VARS:
# Set new env value
if new_env.get(proxy_s):
os.environ[proxy_s] = new_env.get(proxy_s)
elif os.environ.get(proxy_s):
del os.environ[proxy_s]
def test_http_proxy(self):
self.setup_env({'http_proxy': ''})
proxy_dict = u.get_environ_proxies('')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict['http'], '')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict.get('https'), None)
self.assertEquals(len(proxy_dict), 1)
self.setup_env({'HTTP_PROXY': ''})
proxy_dict = u.get_environ_proxies('')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict['http'], '')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict.get('https'), None)
self.assertEquals(len(proxy_dict), 1)
def test_https_proxy(self):
self.setup_env({'https_proxy': ''})
proxy_dict = u.get_environ_proxies('')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict['https'], '')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict.get('http'), None)
self.assertEquals(len(proxy_dict), 1)
self.setup_env({'HTTPS_PROXY': ''})
proxy_dict = u.get_environ_proxies('')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict['https'], '')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict.get('http'), None)
self.assertEquals(len(proxy_dict), 1)
def test_http_https_proxy(self):
self.setup_env({'http_proxy': '',
'https_proxy': ''})
proxy_dict = u.get_environ_proxies('')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict['http'], '')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict['https'], '')
self.assertEquals(len(proxy_dict), 2)
self.setup_env({'http_proxy': '',
proxy_dict = u.get_environ_proxies('')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict['http'], '')
self.assertEquals(proxy_dict['https'], '')
self.assertEquals(len(proxy_dict), 2)
def test_proxy_exclusion(self):
self.setup_env({'http_proxy': '',
'https_proxy': '',
'no_proxy': ''})
proxy_dict = u.get_environ_proxies('')
self.assertEquals(len(proxy_dict), 0)
self.setup_env({'http_proxy': '',
'NO_PROXY': ''})
proxy_dict = u.get_environ_proxies('')
self.assertEquals(len(proxy_dict), 0)