The response dictionary in _delete_segment attach's any error it encounters to the dict key 'exception', all other response dict's use 'error' to store the exception. Changed to make it consistent and added tests Also added a third branch in st_delete as messages created in _delete_container where being silently dropped. Change-Id: Ifbc3b1fae78910fbc6acf4a86cfb0f60bb1aa336
366 lines
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366 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2014 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import mock
import testtools
from mock import Mock, PropertyMock
from six.moves.queue import Queue, Empty as QueueEmptyError
from hashlib import md5
import swiftclient
from swiftclient.service import SwiftService, SwiftError
from swiftclient.client import Connection
class TestSwiftPostObject(testtools.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.spo = swiftclient.service.SwiftPostObject
super(TestSwiftPostObject, self).setUp()
def test_create(self):
spo = self.spo('obj_name')
self.assertEqual(spo.object_name, 'obj_name')
self.assertEqual(spo.options, None)
def test_create_with_invalid_name(self):
# empty strings are not allowed as names
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, self.spo, '')
# names cannot be anything but strings
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, self.spo, 1)
class TestSwiftReader(testtools.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.sr = swiftclient.service._SwiftReader
super(TestSwiftReader, self).setUp()
self.md5_type = type(md5())
def test_create(self):
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {})
self.assertEqual(sr._path, 'path')
self.assertEqual(sr._body, 'body')
self.assertEqual(sr._content_length, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._expected_etag, None)
self.assertNotEqual(sr._actual_md5, None)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(sr._actual_md5, self.md5_type))
def test_create_with_large_object_headers(self):
# md5 should not be initialized if large object headers are present
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'x-object-manifest': 'test'})
self.assertEqual(sr._path, 'path')
self.assertEqual(sr._body, 'body')
self.assertEqual(sr._content_length, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._expected_etag, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._actual_md5, None)
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'x-static-large-object': 'test'})
self.assertEqual(sr._path, 'path')
self.assertEqual(sr._body, 'body')
self.assertEqual(sr._content_length, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._expected_etag, None)
self.assertEqual(sr._actual_md5, None)
def test_create_with_content_length(self):
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'content-length': 5})
self.assertEqual(sr._path, 'path')
self.assertEqual(sr._body, 'body')
self.assertEqual(sr._content_length, 5)
self.assertEqual(sr._expected_etag, None)
self.assertNotEqual(sr._actual_md5, None)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(sr._actual_md5, self.md5_type))
# Check Contentlength raises error if it isnt an integer
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, self.sr, 'path', 'body',
{'content-length': 'notanint'})
def test_context_usage(self):
def _context(sr):
with sr:
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {})
# Check error is raised if expected etag doesnt match calculated md5.
# md5 for a SwiftReader that has done nothing is
# d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e i.e md5 of nothing
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'etag': 'doesntmatch'})
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, _context, sr)
sr = self.sr('path', 'body',
{'etag': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'})
# Check error is raised if SwiftReader doesnt read the same length
# as the content length it is created with
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'content-length': 5})
self.assertRaises(SwiftError, _context, sr)
sr = self.sr('path', 'body', {'content-length': 5})
sr._actual_read = 5
def test_buffer(self):
# md5 = 97ac82a5b825239e782d0339e2d7b910
mock_buffer_content = ['abc'.encode()] * 3
sr = self.sr('path', mock_buffer_content, {})
for x in sr.buffer():
self.assertEqual(sr._actual_read, 9)
class TestServiceDelete(testtools.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestServiceDelete, self).setUp()
self.opts = {'leave_segments': False, 'yes_all': False}
self.exc = Exception('test_exc')
# Base response to be copied and updated to matched the expected
# response for each test
self.expected = {
'action': None, # Should be string in the form delete_XX
'container': 'test_c',
'object': 'test_o',
'attempts': 2,
'response_dict': {},
'success': None # Should be a bool
def _get_mock_connection(self, attempts=2):
m = Mock(spec=Connection)
type(m).attempts = PropertyMock(return_value=attempts)
return m
def _get_queue(self, q):
# Instead of blocking pull items straight from the queue.
# expects at least one item otherwise the test will fail.
return q.get_nowait()
except QueueEmptyError:
self.fail('Expected item in queue but found none')
def _get_expected(self, update=None):
expected = self.expected.copy()
if update:
return expected
def _assertDictEqual(self, a, b, m=None):
# assertDictEqual is not available in py2.6 so use a shallow check
# instead
if hasattr(self, 'assertDictEqual'):
self.assertDictEqual(a, b, m)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(a, dict))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(b, dict))
self.assertEqual(len(a), len(b), m)
for k, v in a.items():
self.assertTrue(k in b, m)
self.assertEqual(b[k], v, m)
def test_delete_segment(self):
mock_q = Queue()
mock_conn = self._get_mock_connection()
expected_r = self._get_expected({
'action': 'delete_segment',
'object': 'test_s',
'success': True,
r = SwiftService._delete_segment(mock_conn, 'test_c', 'test_s', mock_q)
'test_c', 'test_s', response_dict={}
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, r)
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, self._get_queue(mock_q))
def test_delete_segment_exception(self):
mock_q = Queue()
mock_conn = self._get_mock_connection()
mock_conn.delete_object = Mock(side_effect=self.exc)
expected_r = self._get_expected({
'action': 'delete_segment',
'object': 'test_s',
'success': False,
'error': self.exc
r = SwiftService._delete_segment(mock_conn, 'test_c', 'test_s', mock_q)
'test_c', 'test_s', response_dict={}
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, r)
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, self._get_queue(mock_q))
def test_delete_object(self):
mock_q = Queue()
mock_conn = self._get_mock_connection()
mock_conn.head_object = Mock(return_value={})
expected_r = self._get_expected({
'action': 'delete_object',
'success': True
s = SwiftService()
r = s._delete_object(mock_conn, 'test_c', 'test_o', self.opts, mock_q)
mock_conn.head_object.assert_called_once_with('test_c', 'test_o')
'test_c', 'test_o', query_string=None, response_dict={}
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, r)
def test_delete_object_exception(self):
mock_q = Queue()
mock_conn = self._get_mock_connection()
mock_conn.delete_object = Mock(side_effect=self.exc)
expected_r = self._get_expected({
'action': 'delete_object',
'success': False,
'error': self.exc
# _delete_object doesnt populate attempts or response dict if it hits
# an error. This may not be the correct behaviour.
del expected_r['response_dict'], expected_r['attempts']
s = SwiftService()
r = s._delete_object(mock_conn, 'test_c', 'test_o', self.opts, mock_q)
mock_conn.head_object.assert_called_once_with('test_c', 'test_o')
'test_c', 'test_o', query_string=None, response_dict={}
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, r)
def test_delete_object_slo_support(self):
# If SLO headers are present the delete call should include an
# additional query string to cause the right delete server side
mock_q = Queue()
mock_conn = self._get_mock_connection()
mock_conn.head_object = Mock(
return_value={'x-static-large-object': True}
expected_r = self._get_expected({
'action': 'delete_object',
'success': True
s = SwiftService()
r = s._delete_object(mock_conn, 'test_c', 'test_o', self.opts, mock_q)
mock_conn.head_object.assert_called_once_with('test_c', 'test_o')
'test_c', 'test_o',
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, r)
def test_delete_object_dlo_support(self):
mock_q = Queue()
s = SwiftService()
mock_conn = self._get_mock_connection()
expected_r = self._get_expected({
'action': 'delete_object',
'success': True,
'dlo_segments_deleted': True
# A DLO object is determined in _delete_object by heading the object
# and checking for the existence of a x-object-manifest header.
# Mock that here.
mock_conn.head_object = Mock(
return_value={'x-object-manifest': 'manifest_c/manifest_p'}
mock_conn.get_container = Mock(
side_effect=[(None, [{'name': 'test_seg_1'},
{'name': 'test_seg_2'}]),
(None, {})]
def get_mock_list_conn(options):
return mock_conn
with mock.patch('swiftclient.service.get_conn', get_mock_list_conn):
r = s._delete_object(
mock_conn, 'test_c', 'test_o', self.opts, mock_q
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, r)
expected = [
mock.call('test_c', 'test_o', query_string=None, response_dict={}),
mock.call('manifest_c', 'test_seg_1', response_dict={}),
mock.call('manifest_c', 'test_seg_2', response_dict={})]
mock_conn.delete_object.assert_has_calls(expected, any_order=True)
def test_delete_empty_container(self):
mock_conn = self._get_mock_connection()
expected_r = self._get_expected({
'action': 'delete_container',
'success': True,
'object': None
r = SwiftService._delete_empty_container(mock_conn, 'test_c')
'test_c', response_dict={}
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, r)
def test_delete_empty_container_excpetion(self):
mock_conn = self._get_mock_connection()
mock_conn.delete_container = Mock(side_effect=self.exc)
expected_r = self._get_expected({
'action': 'delete_container',
'success': False,
'object': None,
'error': self.exc
s = SwiftService()
r = s._delete_empty_container(mock_conn, 'test_c')
'test_c', response_dict={}
self._assertDictEqual(expected_r, r)
class TestService(testtools.TestCase):
def test_upload_with_bad_segment_size(self):
for bad in ('ten', '1234X', '100.3'):
options = {'segment_size': bad}
service = SwiftService(options)
next(service.upload('c', 'o'))
self.fail('Expected SwiftError when segment_size=%s' % bad)
except SwiftError as exc:
self.assertEqual('Segment size should be an integer value',