remove unnecessary neutron file under neutronclient/tests

Change-Id: I72d48ced0199399c66949ef692ad965459ae7921
This commit is contained in:
Isaku Yamahata 2014-06-27 17:50:58 +09:00
parent e8debf8d55
commit 2acb813816
31 changed files with 0 additions and 5746 deletions

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@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Big Switch Networks Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: KC Wang, Big Switch Networks Inc.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.fw import firewall
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20FirewallJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_firewall_with_mandatory_params(self):
"""firewall-create with mandatory (none) params."""
resource = 'firewall'
cmd = firewall.CreateFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = ''
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
policy_id = 'my-policy-id'
args = ['--tenant-id', tenant_id, policy_id, ]
position_names = ['firewall_policy_id', ]
position_values = [policy_id, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
admin_state_up=True, tenant_id=tenant_id)
def test_create_firewall_with_all_params(self):
"""firewall-create with all params set."""
resource = 'firewall'
cmd = firewall.CreateFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'my-name'
description = 'my-desc'
policy_id = 'my-policy-id'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = ['--description', description,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
position_names = ['firewall_policy_id', ]
position_values = [policy_id, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
shared=True, admin_state_up=False,
def test_list_firewalls(self):
resources = "firewalls"
cmd = firewall.ListFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_firewalls_pagination(self):
"""firewall-list with pagination."""
resources = "firewalls"
cmd = firewall.ListFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_firewalls_sort(self):
"""sorted list: firewall-list --sort-key name --sort-key id
--sort-key asc --sort-key desc
resources = "firewalls"
cmd = firewall.ListFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_firewalls_limit(self):
"""size (1000) limited list: firewall-list -P."""
resources = "firewalls"
cmd = firewall.ListFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_firewall_id(self):
"""firewall-show test_id."""
resource = 'firewall'
cmd = firewall.ShowFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_firewall_id_name(self):
resource = 'firewall'
cmd = firewall.ShowFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_firewall(self):
"""firewall-update myid --name newname --tags a b."""
resource = 'firewall'
cmd = firewall.UpdateFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'newname'],
{'name': 'newname', })
def test_delete_firewall(self):
"""firewall-delete my-id."""
resource = 'firewall'
cmd = firewall.DeleteFirewall(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
class CLITestV20FirewallXML(CLITestV20FirewallJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Big Switch Networks Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: KC Wang, Big Switch Networks Inc.
import sys
import mox
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.fw import firewallpolicy
from neutronclient import shell
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20FirewallPolicyJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def setUp(self):
super(CLITestV20FirewallPolicyJSON, self).setUp()
def test_create_firewall_policy_with_mandatory_params(self):
"""firewall-policy-create with mandatory (none) params only."""
resource = 'firewall_policy'
cmd = firewallpolicy.CreateFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
name = 'my-name'
my_id = 'myid'
args = ['--tenant-id', tenant_id,
name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
admin_state_up=True, tenant_id=tenant_id)
def test_create_firewall_policy_with_all_params(self):
"""firewall-policy-create with all params set."""
resource = 'firewall_policy'
cmd = firewallpolicy.CreateFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
name = 'my-name'
description = 'my-desc'
firewall_rules_arg = 'rule_id1 rule_id2'
firewall_rules_res = ['rule_id1', 'rule_id2']
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'myid'
args = ['--description', description,
'--firewall-rules', firewall_rules_arg,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
description=description, shared=True,
audited=True, admin_state_up=True,
def test_list_firewall_policies(self):
resources = "firewall_policies"
cmd = firewallpolicy.ListFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_firewall_policies_pagination(self):
resources = "firewall_policies"
cmd = firewallpolicy.ListFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_firewall_policies_sort(self):
"""sorted list: firewall-policy-list --sort-key name --sort-key id
--sort-key asc --sort-key desc
resources = "firewall_policies"
cmd = firewallpolicy.ListFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_firewall_policies_limit(self):
"""size (1000) limited list: firewall-policy-list -P."""
resources = "firewall_policies"
cmd = firewallpolicy.ListFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_firewall_policy_id(self):
"""firewall-policy-show test_id."""
resource = 'firewall_policy'
cmd = firewallpolicy.ShowFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_firewall_policy_id_name(self):
resource = 'firewall_policy'
cmd = firewallpolicy.ShowFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_firewall_policy(self):
"""firewall-policy-update myid --name newname."""
resource = 'firewall_policy'
cmd = firewallpolicy.UpdateFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'newname'],
{'name': 'newname', })
def test_delete_firewall_policy(self):
"""firewall-policy-delete my-id."""
resource = 'firewall_policy'
cmd = firewallpolicy.DeleteFirewallPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
my_id = 'myid1'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
def test_insert_firewall_rule(self):
"""firewall-policy-insert-rule myid newruleid
--insert-before ruleAid
--insert-after ruleBid
resource = 'firewall_policy'
cmd = firewallpolicy.FirewallPolicyInsertRule(
myid = 'myid'
args = ['myid', 'newrule',
'--insert-before', 'rule2',
'--insert-after', 'rule1']
extrafields = {'firewall_rule_id': 'newrule',
'insert_before': 'rule2',
'insert_after': 'rule1'}
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
body = extrafields
path = getattr(self.client, resource + "_insert_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path % myid, format=self.format),
'PUT', body=test_cli20.MyComparator(body, self.client),
test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(204), None))
args.extend(['--request-format', self.format])
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser(resource + "_insert_rule")
shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args)
def test_remove_firewall_rule(self):
"""firewall-policy-remove-rule myid ruleid
resource = 'firewall_policy'
cmd = firewallpolicy.FirewallPolicyRemoveRule(
myid = 'myid'
args = ['myid', 'removerule']
extrafields = {'firewall_rule_id': 'removerule', }
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
body = extrafields
path = getattr(self.client, resource + "_remove_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path % myid, format=self.format),
'PUT', body=test_cli20.MyComparator(body, self.client),
test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(204), None))
args.extend(['--request-format', self.format])
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser(resource + "_remove_rule")
shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args)
class CLITestV20FirewallPolicyXML(CLITestV20FirewallPolicyJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Big Switch Networks Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: KC Wang, Big Switch Networks Inc.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.fw import firewallrule
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20FirewallRuleJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def _test_create_firewall_rule_with_mandatory_params(self, enabled):
"""firewall-rule-create with mandatory (none) params only."""
resource = 'firewall_rule'
cmd = firewallrule.CreateFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
name = ''
my_id = 'myid'
protocol = 'tcp'
action = 'allow'
enabled_flag = '--enabled' if enabled else '--disabled'
args = ['--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--protocol', protocol,
'--action', action,
position_names = []
position_values = []
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
protocol=protocol, action=action,
enabled=enabled, tenant_id=tenant_id)
def test_create_enabled_firewall_rule_with_mandatory_params(self):
def test_create_disabled_firewall_rule_with_mandatory_params(self):
def _setup_create_firewall_rule_with_all_params(self, protocol='tcp'):
"""firewall-rule-create with all params set."""
resource = 'firewall_rule'
cmd = firewallrule.CreateFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
name = 'my-name'
description = 'my-desc'
source_ip = ''
destination_ip = ''
source_port = '0:65535'
destination_port = '0:65535'
action = 'allow'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'myid'
args = ['--description', description,
'--protocol', protocol,
'--source-ip-address', source_ip,
'--destination-ip-address', destination_ip,
'--source-port', source_port,
'--destination-port', destination_port,
'--action', action,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id]
position_names = []
position_values = []
if protocol == 'any':
protocol = None
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
description=description, shared=True,
action=action, enabled=True,
def test_create_firewall_rule_with_all_params(self):
def test_create_firewall_rule_with_proto_any(self):
def test_list_firewall_rules(self):
resources = "firewall_rules"
cmd = firewallrule.ListFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_firewall_rules_pagination(self):
resources = "firewall_rules"
cmd = firewallrule.ListFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_firewall_rules_sort(self):
"""firewall-rule-list --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "firewall_rules"
cmd = firewallrule.ListFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_firewall_rules_limit(self):
"""firewall-rule-list -P."""
resources = "firewall_rules"
cmd = firewallrule.ListFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_firewall_rule_id(self):
"""firewall-rule-show test_id."""
resource = 'firewall_rule'
cmd = firewallrule.ShowFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_firewall_rule_id_name(self):
resource = 'firewall_rule'
cmd = firewallrule.ShowFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_firewall_rule(self):
"""firewall-rule-update myid --name newname."""
resource = 'firewall_rule'
cmd = firewallrule.UpdateFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'newname'],
{'name': 'newname', })
def test_update_firewall_rule_protocol(self):
"""firewall-rule-update myid --protocol any."""
resource = 'firewall_rule'
cmd = firewallrule.UpdateFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--protocol', 'any'],
{'protocol': None, })
def test_delete_firewall_rule(self):
"""firewall-rule-delete my-id."""
resource = 'firewall_rule'
cmd = firewallrule.DeleteFirewallRule(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
my_id = 'myid1'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
class CLITestV20FirewallRuleXML(CLITestV20FirewallRuleJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Ilya Shakhat, Mirantis Inc.
import sys
import mox
from import healthmonitor
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20LbHealthmonitorJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_healthmonitor_with_mandatory_params(self):
"""lb-healthmonitor-create with mandatory params only."""
resource = 'health_monitor'
cmd = healthmonitor.CreateHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
admin_state_up = False
delay = '60'
max_retries = '2'
timeout = '10'
type = 'TCP'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = ['--admin-state-down',
'--delay', delay,
'--max-retries', max_retries,
'--timeout', timeout,
'--type', type,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id]
position_names = ['admin_state_up', 'delay', 'max_retries', 'timeout',
'type', 'tenant_id']
position_values = [admin_state_up, delay, max_retries, timeout, type,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, '', my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_healthmonitor_with_all_params(self):
"""lb-healthmonitor-create with all params set."""
resource = 'health_monitor'
cmd = healthmonitor.CreateHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
admin_state_up = False
delay = '60'
expected_codes = '200-202,204'
http_method = 'HEAD'
max_retries = '2'
timeout = '10'
type = 'TCP'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
url_path = '/health'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = ['--admin-state-down',
'--delay', delay,
'--expected-codes', expected_codes,
'--http-method', http_method,
'--max-retries', max_retries,
'--timeout', timeout,
'--type', type,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--url-path', url_path]
position_names = ['admin_state_up', 'delay',
'expected_codes', 'http_method',
'max_retries', 'timeout',
'type', 'tenant_id', 'url_path']
position_values = [admin_state_up, delay,
expected_codes, http_method,
max_retries, timeout,
type, tenant_id, url_path]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, '', my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_healthmonitors(self):
resources = "health_monitors"
cmd = healthmonitor.ListHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_healthmonitors_pagination(self):
resources = "health_monitors"
cmd = healthmonitor.ListHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_healthmonitors_sort(self):
"""lb-healthmonitor-list --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "health_monitors"
cmd = healthmonitor.ListHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_healthmonitors_limit(self):
"""lb-healthmonitor-list -P."""
resources = "health_monitors"
cmd = healthmonitor.ListHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_healthmonitor_id(self):
"""lb-healthmonitor-show test_id."""
resource = 'health_monitor'
cmd = healthmonitor.ShowHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_healthmonitor_id_name(self):
resource = 'health_monitor'
cmd = healthmonitor.ShowHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_health_monitor(self):
"""lb-healthmonitor-update myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'health_monitor'
cmd = healthmonitor.UpdateHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--timeout', '5'],
{'timeout': '5', })
def test_delete_healthmonitor(self):
"""lb-healthmonitor-delete my-id."""
resource = 'health_monitor'
cmd = healthmonitor.DeleteHealthMonitor(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
def test_associate_healthmonitor(self):
cmd = healthmonitor.AssociateHealthMonitor(
resource = 'health_monitor'
health_monitor_id = 'hm-id'
pool_id = 'p_id'
args = [health_monitor_id, pool_id]
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
body = {resource: {'id': health_monitor_id}}
result = {resource: {'id': health_monitor_id}, }
result_str = self.client.serialize(result)
path = getattr(self.client,
"associate_pool_health_monitors_path") % pool_id
return_tup = (test_cli20.MyResp(200), result_str)
test_cli20.end_url(path), 'POST',
body=test_cli20.MyComparator(body, self.client),
'X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn(return_tup)
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('test_' + resource)
parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
def test_disassociate_healthmonitor(self):
cmd = healthmonitor.DisassociateHealthMonitor(
resource = 'health_monitor'
health_monitor_id = 'hm-id'
pool_id = 'p_id'
args = [health_monitor_id, pool_id]
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
path = (getattr(self.client,
"disassociate_pool_health_monitors_path") %
{'pool': pool_id, 'health_monitor': health_monitor_id})
return_tup = (test_cli20.MyResp(204), None)
test_cli20.end_url(path), 'DELETE',
'X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn(return_tup)
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('test_' + resource)
parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
class CLITestV20LbHealthmonitorXML(CLITestV20LbHealthmonitorJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Ilya Shakhat, Mirantis Inc.
import sys
from import member
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20LbMemberJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def setUp(self):
super(CLITestV20LbMemberJSON, self).setUp(plurals={'tags': 'tag'})
def test_create_member(self):
"""lb-member-create with mandatory params only."""
resource = 'member'
cmd = member.CreateMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
address = ''
port = '8080'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
pool_id = 'pool-id'
args = ['--address', address, '--protocol-port', port,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id, pool_id]
position_names = ['address', 'protocol_port', 'tenant_id', 'pool_id',
position_values = [address, port, tenant_id, pool_id, True]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, None, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_member_all_params(self):
"""lb-member-create with all available params."""
resource = 'member'
cmd = member.CreateMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
address = ''
admin_state_up = False
port = '8080'
weight = '1'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
pool_id = 'pool-id'
args = ['--address', address, '--admin-state-down',
'--protocol-port', port, '--weight', weight,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id, pool_id]
position_names = [
'address', 'admin_state_up', 'protocol_port', 'weight',
'tenant_id', 'pool_id'
position_values = [address, admin_state_up, port, weight,
tenant_id, pool_id]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, None, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_list_members(self):
resources = "members"
cmd = member.ListMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_members_pagination(self):
resources = "members"
cmd = member.ListMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_members_sort(self):
"""lb-member-list --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "members"
cmd = member.ListMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_members_limit(self):
"""lb-member-list -P."""
resources = "members"
cmd = member.ListMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_member_id(self):
"""lb-member-show test_id."""
resource = 'member'
cmd = member.ShowMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_member_id_name(self):
resource = 'member'
cmd = member.ShowMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_member(self):
"""lb-member-update myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'member'
cmd = member.UpdateMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname',
'--tags', 'a', 'b'],
{'name': 'myname', 'tags': ['a', 'b'], })
def test_delete_member(self):
"""lb-member-delete my-id."""
resource = 'member'
cmd = member.DeleteMember(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
class CLITestV20LbMemberXML(CLITestV20LbMemberJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Ilya Shakhat, Mirantis Inc.
import sys
import mox
from import pool
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20LbPoolJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_pool_with_mandatory_params(self):
"""lb-pool-create with mandatory params only."""
resource = 'pool'
cmd = pool.CreatePool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'my-name'
lb_method = 'ROUND_ROBIN'
protocol = 'HTTP'
subnet_id = 'subnet-id'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = ['--lb-method', lb_method,
'--name', name,
'--protocol', protocol,
'--subnet-id', subnet_id,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id]
position_names = ['admin_state_up', 'lb_method', 'name',
'protocol', 'subnet_id', 'tenant_id']
position_values = [True, lb_method, name,
protocol, subnet_id, tenant_id]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_pool_with_all_params(self):
"""lb-pool-create with all params set."""
resource = 'pool'
cmd = pool.CreatePool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'my-name'
description = 'my-desc'
lb_method = 'ROUND_ROBIN'
protocol = 'HTTP'
subnet_id = 'subnet-id'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
provider = 'lbaas'
args = ['--admin-state-down',
'--description', description,
'--lb-method', lb_method,
'--name', name,
'--protocol', protocol,
'--subnet-id', subnet_id,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--provider', provider]
position_names = ['admin_state_up', 'description', 'lb_method', 'name',
'protocol', 'subnet_id', 'tenant_id', 'provider']
position_values = [False, description, lb_method, name,
protocol, subnet_id, tenant_id, provider]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_pools(self):
resources = "pools"
cmd = pool.ListPool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_pools_pagination(self):
resources = "pools"
cmd = pool.ListPool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_pools_sort(self):
"""lb-pool-list --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "pools"
cmd = pool.ListPool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_pools_limit(self):
"""lb-pool-list -P."""
resources = "pools"
cmd = pool.ListPool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_pool_id(self):
"""lb-pool-show test_id."""
resource = 'pool'
cmd = pool.ShowPool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_pool_id_name(self):
resource = 'pool'
cmd = pool.ShowPool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_pool(self):
"""lb-pool-update myid --name newname --tags a b."""
resource = 'pool'
cmd = pool.UpdatePool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'newname'],
{'name': 'newname', })
def test_delete_pool(self):
"""lb-pool-delete my-id."""
resource = 'pool'
cmd = pool.DeletePool(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
def test_retrieve_pool_stats(self):
"""lb-pool-stats test_id."""
resource = 'pool'
cmd = pool.RetrievePoolStats(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
my_id = self.test_id
fields = ['bytes_in', 'bytes_out']
args = ['--fields', 'bytes_in', '--fields', 'bytes_out', my_id]
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
query = "&".join(["fields=%s" % field for field in fields])
expected_res = {'stats': {'bytes_in': '1234', 'bytes_out': '4321'}}
resstr = self.client.serialize(expected_res)
path = getattr(self.client, "pool_path_stats")
return_tup = (test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr)
test_cli20.end_url(path % my_id, query), 'GET',
'X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn(return_tup)
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("test_" + resource)
parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
self.assertIn('bytes_in', _str)
self.assertIn('bytes_out', _str)
class CLITestV20LbPoolXML(CLITestV20LbPoolJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Ilya Shakhat, Mirantis Inc.
import sys
from import vip
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20LbVipJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def setUp(self):
super(CLITestV20LbVipJSON, self).setUp(plurals={'tags': 'tag'})
def test_create_vip_with_mandatory_params(self):
"""lb-vip-create with all mandatory params."""
resource = 'vip'
cmd = vip.CreateVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
pool_id = 'my-pool-id'
name = 'my-name'
subnet_id = 'subnet-id'
protocol_port = '1000'
protocol = 'TCP'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = ['--name', name,
'--protocol-port', protocol_port,
'--protocol', protocol,
'--subnet-id', subnet_id,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
position_names = ['pool_id', 'name', 'protocol_port', 'protocol',
'subnet_id', 'tenant_id']
position_values = [pool_id, name, protocol_port, protocol,
subnet_id, tenant_id]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_vip_with_all_params(self):
"""lb-vip-create with all params."""
resource = 'vip'
cmd = vip.CreateVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
pool_id = 'my-pool-id'
name = 'my-name'
description = 'my-desc'
address = ''
admin_state = False
connection_limit = '1000'
subnet_id = 'subnet-id'
protocol_port = '80'
protocol = 'TCP'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = ['--name', name,
'--description', description,
'--address', address,
'--connection-limit', connection_limit,
'--protocol-port', protocol_port,
'--protocol', protocol,
'--subnet-id', subnet_id,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
position_names = ['pool_id', 'name', 'description', 'address',
'admin_state_up', 'connection_limit',
'protocol_port', 'protocol', 'subnet_id',
position_values = [pool_id, name, description, address,
admin_state, connection_limit, protocol_port,
protocol, subnet_id,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_vip_with_session_persistence_params(self):
"""lb-vip-create with mandatory and session-persistence params."""
resource = 'vip'
cmd = vip.CreateVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
pool_id = 'my-pool-id'
name = 'my-name'
subnet_id = 'subnet-id'
protocol_port = '1000'
protocol = 'TCP'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = ['--name', name,
'--protocol-port', protocol_port,
'--protocol', protocol,
'--subnet-id', subnet_id,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--session-persistence', 'type=dict',
'--optional-param', 'any']
position_names = ['pool_id', 'name', 'protocol_port', 'protocol',
'subnet_id', 'tenant_id', 'optional_param']
position_values = [pool_id, name, protocol_port, protocol,
subnet_id, tenant_id, 'any']
extra_body = {
'session_persistence': {
'type': 'cookie',
'cookie_name': 'pie',
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
admin_state_up=True, extra_body=extra_body)
def test_list_vips(self):
resources = "vips"
cmd = vip.ListVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_vips_pagination(self):
resources = "vips"
cmd = vip.ListVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_vips_sort(self):
"""lb-vip-list --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "vips"
cmd = vip.ListVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_vips_limit(self):
"""lb-vip-list -P."""
resources = "vips"
cmd = vip.ListVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_vip_id(self):
"""lb-vip-show test_id."""
resource = 'vip'
cmd = vip.ShowVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_vip_id_name(self):
resource = 'vip'
cmd = vip.ShowVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_vip(self):
"""lb-vip-update myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'vip'
cmd = vip.UpdateVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname',
'--tags', 'a', 'b'],
{'name': 'myname', 'tags': ['a', 'b'], })
def test_update_vip_with_session_persistence(self):
resource = 'vip'
cmd = vip.UpdateVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
body = {
'session_persistence': {
'type': 'source',
args = ['myid', '--session-persistence', 'type=dict',
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid', args, body)
def test_update_vip_with_session_persistence_and_name(self):
resource = 'vip'
cmd = vip.UpdateVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
body = {
'name': 'newname',
'session_persistence': {
'type': 'cookie',
'cookie_name': 'pie',
args = ['myid', '--name', 'newname',
'--session-persistence', 'type=dict',
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid', args, body)
def test_delete_vip(self):
"""lb-vip-delete my-id."""
resource = 'vip'
cmd = vip.DeleteVip(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
class CLITestV20LbVipXML(CLITestV20LbVipJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Oleg Bondarev, Mirantis Inc.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import agentscheduler
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20LBaaSAgentScheduler(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_list_pools_on_agent(self):
resources = 'pools'
cmd = agentscheduler.ListPoolsOnLbaasAgent(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
agent_id = 'agent_id1'
path = ((self.client.agent_path + self.client.LOADBALANCER_POOLS) %
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, base_args=[agent_id],
def test_get_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool(self):
resources = 'agent'
cmd = agentscheduler.GetLbaasAgentHostingPool(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
pool_id = 'pool_id1'
path = ((self.client.pool_path + self.client.LOADBALANCER_AGENT) %
contents = {self.id_field: 'myid1', 'alive': True}
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, base_args=[pool_id],
path=path, response_contents=contents)
class CLITestV20LBaaSAgentSchedulerXML(CLITestV20LBaaSAgentScheduler):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
import sys
from neutronclient.common import utils
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import agent
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20Agent(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_list_agents(self):
contents = {'agents': [{'id': 'myname', 'agent_type': 'mytype',
'alive': True}]}
args = ['-f', 'json']
resources = "agents"
cmd = agent.ListAgent(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_columns(cmd, resources, contents, args)
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
returned_agents = utils.loads(_str)
self.assertEqual(1, len(returned_agents))
ag = returned_agents[0]
self.assertEqual(3, len(ag))
self.assertEqual("alive", ag.keys()[2])
def test_list_agents_field(self):
contents = {'agents': [{'alive': True}]}
args = ['-f', 'json']
resources = "agents"
smile = ':-)'
cmd = agent.ListAgent(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_columns(cmd, resources, contents, args)
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
returned_agents = utils.loads(_str)
self.assertEqual(1, len(returned_agents))
ag = returned_agents[0]
self.assertEqual(1, len(ag))
self.assertEqual("alive", ag.keys()[0])
self.assertEqual(smile, ag.values()[0])

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Cisco Systems Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Kyle Mestery, Cisco Systems, Inc.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import credential
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20Credential(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_credential(self):
"""Create credential: myid."""
resource = 'credential'
cmd = credential.CreateCredential(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
type = 'mytype'
args = [name, type]
position_names = ['credential_name', 'type']
position_values = [name, type]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_credentials_detail(self):
"""List credentials: -D."""
resources = 'credentials'
cmd = credential.ListCredential(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
contents = [{'credential_name': 'myname', 'type': 'mytype'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True,
def test_list_credential_known_option_after_unknown(self):
"""List credential: -- --tags a b --request-format xml."""
resources = 'credentials'
cmd = credential.ListCredential(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
contents = [{'credential_name': 'myname', 'type': 'mytype'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, tags=['a', 'b'],
def test_list_credential_fields(self):
"""List credential: --fields a --fields b -- --fields c d."""
resources = 'credentials'
cmd = credential.ListCredential(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
contents = [{'credential_name': 'myname', 'type': 'mytype'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
fields_1=['a', 'b'], fields_2=['c', 'd'],
def test_show_credential(self):
"""Show credential: --fields id --fields name myid."""
resource = 'credential'
cmd = credential.ShowCredential(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args,
['id', 'name'])
def test_delete_credential(self):
"""Delete credential: myid."""
resource = 'credential'
cmd = credential.DeleteCredential(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)

View File

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012 Red Hat
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import floatingip as fip
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20FloatingIpsJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_floatingip(self):
"""Create floatingip: fip1."""
resource = 'floatingip'
cmd = fip.CreateFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'fip1'
myid = 'myid'
args = [name]
position_names = ['floating_network_id']
position_values = [name]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_floatingip_and_port(self):
"""Create floatingip: fip1."""
resource = 'floatingip'
cmd = fip.CreateFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'fip1'
myid = 'myid'
pid = 'mypid'
args = [name, '--port_id', pid]
position_names = ['floating_network_id', 'port_id']
position_values = [name, pid]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
# Test dashed options
args = [name, '--port-id', pid]
position_names = ['floating_network_id', 'port_id']
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_floatingip_and_port_and_address(self):
"""Create floatingip: fip1 with a given port and address."""
resource = 'floatingip'
cmd = fip.CreateFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'fip1'
myid = 'myid'
pid = 'mypid'
addr = ''
args = [name, '--port_id', pid, '--fixed_ip_address', addr]
position_names = ['floating_network_id', 'port_id', 'fixed_ip_address']
position_values = [name, pid, addr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
# Test dashed options
args = [name, '--port-id', pid, '--fixed-ip-address', addr]
position_names = ['floating_network_id', 'port_id', 'fixed_ip_address']
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_floatingips(self):
"""list floatingips: -D."""
resources = 'floatingips'
cmd = fip.ListFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_floatingips_pagination(self):
resources = 'floatingips'
cmd = fip.ListFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_floatingips_sort(self):
"""list floatingips: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = 'floatingips'
cmd = fip.ListFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_floatingips_limit(self):
"""list floatingips: -P."""
resources = 'floatingips'
cmd = fip.ListFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_delete_floatingip(self):
"""Delete floatingip: fip1."""
resource = 'floatingip'
cmd = fip.DeleteFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_show_floatingip(self):
"""Show floatingip: --fields id."""
resource = 'floatingip'
cmd = fip.ShowFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id'])
def test_disassociate_ip(self):
"""Disassociate floating IP: myid."""
resource = 'floatingip'
cmd = fip.DisassociateFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid']
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
args, {"port_id": None}
def test_associate_ip(self):
"""Associate floating IP: myid portid."""
resource = 'floatingip'
cmd = fip.AssociateFloatingIP(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid', 'portid']
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
args, {"port_id": "portid"}
class CLITestV20FloatingIpsXML(CLITestV20FloatingIpsJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance SAS <>
# Author: Sylvain Afchain <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import metering
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20MeteringJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_metering_label(self):
"""Create a metering label."""
resource = 'metering_label'
cmd = metering.CreateMeteringLabel(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'my label'
myid = 'myid'
description = 'my description'
args = [name, '--description', description, '--shared']
position_names = ['name', 'description', 'shared']
position_values = [name, description, True]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_metering_labels(self):
resources = "metering_labels"
cmd = metering.ListMeteringLabel(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd)
def test_delete_metering_label(self):
"""Delete a metering label."""
resource = 'metering_label'
cmd = metering.DeleteMeteringLabel(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_show_metering_label(self):
resource = 'metering_label'
cmd = metering.ShowMeteringLabel(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id'])
def test_create_metering_label_rule(self):
resource = 'metering_label_rule'
cmd = metering.CreateMeteringLabelRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
metering_label_id = 'aaa'
remote_ip_prefix = ''
direction = 'ingress'
args = [metering_label_id, remote_ip_prefix, '--direction', direction,
position_names = ['metering_label_id', 'remote_ip_prefix', 'direction',
position_values = [metering_label_id, remote_ip_prefix,
direction, True]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, metering_label_id,
myid, args, position_names, position_values)
def test_list_metering_label_rules(self):
resources = "metering_label_rules"
cmd = metering.ListMeteringLabelRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd)
def test_delete_metering_label_rule(self):
resource = 'metering_label_rule'
cmd = metering.DeleteMeteringLabelRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_show_metering_label_rule(self):
resource = 'metering_label_rule'
cmd = metering.ShowMeteringLabelRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id'])
class CLITestV20MeteringXML(CLITestV20MeteringJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import mox
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.common import utils
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import network
from neutronclient import shell
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20NetworkJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def setUp(self):
super(CLITestV20NetworkJSON, self).setUp(plurals={'tags': 'tag'})
def test_create_network(self):
"""Create net: myname."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.CreateNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
args = [name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_network_with_unicode(self):
"""Create net: u'\u7f51\u7edc'."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.CreateNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = u'\u7f51\u7edc'
myid = 'myid'
args = [name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_network_tenant(self):
"""Create net: --tenant_id tenantid myname."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.CreateNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid', name]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
# Test dashed options
args = ['--tenant-id', 'tenantid', name]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_network_tags(self):
"""Create net: myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.CreateNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
args = [name, '--tags', 'a', 'b']
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_create_network_state(self):
"""Create net: --admin_state_down myname."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.CreateNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--admin_state_down', name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
# Test dashed options
args = ['--admin-state-down', name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_list_nets_empty_with_column(self):
resources = "networks"
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(network.ListNetwork, "extend_list")
network.ListNetwork.extend_list(mox.IsA(list), mox.IgnoreArg())
reses = {resources: []}
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
# url method body
query = "id=myfakeid"
args = ['-c', 'id', '--', '--id', 'myfakeid']
path = getattr(self.client, resources + "_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path, query), 'GET',
(test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr))
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_" + resources)
shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args)
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
self.assertEqual('\n', _str)
def _test_list_networks(self, cmd, detail=False, tags=[],
fields_1=[], fields_2=[], page_size=None,
sort_key=[], sort_dir=[]):
resources = "networks"
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(network.ListNetwork, "extend_list")
network.ListNetwork.extend_list(mox.IsA(list), mox.IgnoreArg())
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, detail, tags,
fields_1, fields_2, page_size=page_size,
sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)
def test_list_nets_pagination(self):
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(network.ListNetwork, "extend_list")
network.ListNetwork.extend_list(mox.IsA(list), mox.IgnoreArg())
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination("networks", cmd)
def test_list_nets_sort(self):
"""list nets: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-dir asc
--sort-dir desc
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_networks(cmd, sort_key=['name', 'id'],
sort_dir=['asc', 'desc'])
def test_list_nets_sort_with_keys_more_than_dirs(self):
"""list nets: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-dir desc
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_networks(cmd, sort_key=['name', 'id'],
def test_list_nets_sort_with_dirs_more_than_keys(self):
"""list nets: --sort-key name --sort-dir desc --sort-dir asc
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_networks(cmd, sort_key=['name'],
sort_dir=['desc', 'asc'])
def test_list_nets_limit(self):
"""list nets: -P."""
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_networks(cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_list_nets_detail(self):
"""list nets: -D."""
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_networks(cmd, True)
def test_list_nets_tags(self):
"""List nets: -- --tags a b."""
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_networks(cmd, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_nets_tags_with_unicode(self):
"""List nets: -- --tags u'\u7f51\u7edc'."""
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_networks(cmd, tags=[u'\u7f51\u7edc'])
def test_list_nets_detail_tags(self):
"""List nets: -D -- --tags a b."""
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_networks(cmd, detail=True, tags=['a', 'b'])
def _test_list_nets_extend_subnets(self, data, expected):
def setup_list_stub(resources, data, query):
reses = {resources: data}
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
resp = (test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr)
path = getattr(self.client, resources + '_path')
test_cli20.end_url(path, query), 'GET',
'X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn(resp)
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, 'get_client')
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, 'request')
setup_list_stub('networks', data, '')
filters = ''
for n in data:
for s in n['subnets']:
filters = filters + "&id=%s" % s
[{'id': 'mysubid1', 'cidr': ''},
{'id': 'mysubid2', 'cidr': ''},
{'id': 'mysubid3', 'cidr': ''}],
query='fields=id&fields=cidr' + filters)
args = []
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('list_networks')
parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
result = cmd.get_data(parsed_args)
_result = [x for x in result[1]]
self.assertEqual(len(_result), len(expected))
for res, exp in zip(_result, expected):
self.assertEqual(len(res), len(exp))
for a, b in zip(res, exp):
self.assertEqual(a, b)
def test_list_nets_extend_subnets(self):
data = [{'id': 'netid1', 'name': 'net1', 'subnets': ['mysubid1']},
{'id': 'netid2', 'name': 'net2', 'subnets': ['mysubid2',
# id, name, subnets
expected = [('netid1', 'net1', 'mysubid1'),
('netid2', 'net2',
self._test_list_nets_extend_subnets(data, expected)
def test_list_nets_extend_subnets_no_subnet(self):
data = [{'id': 'netid1', 'name': 'net1', 'subnets': ['mysubid1']},
{'id': 'netid2', 'name': 'net2', 'subnets': ['mysubid4']}]
# id, name, subnets
expected = [('netid1', 'net1', 'mysubid1'),
('netid2', 'net2', 'mysubid4 ')]
self._test_list_nets_extend_subnets(data, expected)
def test_list_nets_fields(self):
"""List nets: --fields a --fields b -- --fields c d."""
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
fields_1=['a', 'b'], fields_2=['c', 'd'])
def _test_list_nets_columns(self, cmd, returned_body,
args=['-f', 'json']):
resources = 'networks'
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(network.ListNetwork, "extend_list")
network.ListNetwork.extend_list(mox.IsA(list), mox.IgnoreArg())
self._test_list_columns(cmd, resources, returned_body, args=args)
def test_list_nets_defined_column(self):
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
returned_body = {"networks": [{"name": "buildname3",
"id": "id3",
"tenant_id": "tenant_3",
"subnets": []}]}
self._test_list_nets_columns(cmd, returned_body,
args=['-f', 'json', '-c', 'id'])
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
returned_networks = utils.loads(_str)
self.assertEqual(1, len(returned_networks))
net = returned_networks[0]
self.assertEqual(1, len(net))
self.assertEqual("id", net.keys()[0])
def test_list_nets_with_default_column(self):
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
returned_body = {"networks": [{"name": "buildname3",
"id": "id3",
"tenant_id": "tenant_3",
"subnets": []}]}
self._test_list_nets_columns(cmd, returned_body)
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
returned_networks = utils.loads(_str)
self.assertEqual(1, len(returned_networks))
net = returned_networks[0]
self.assertEqual(3, len(net))
self.assertEqual(0, len(set(net) ^ set(cmd.list_columns)))
def test_list_external_nets_empty_with_column(self):
resources = "networks"
cmd = network.ListExternalNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(network.ListNetwork, "extend_list")
network.ListNetwork.extend_list(mox.IsA(list), mox.IgnoreArg())
reses = {resources: []}
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
# url method body
query = "router%3Aexternal=True&id=myfakeid"
args = ['-c', 'id', '--', '--id', 'myfakeid']
path = getattr(self.client, resources + "_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path, query), 'GET',
(test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr))
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_" + resources)
shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args)
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
self.assertEqual('\n', _str)
def _test_list_external_nets(self, resources, cmd,
detail=False, tags=[],
fields_1=[], fields_2=[]):
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(network.ListNetwork, "extend_list")
network.ListNetwork.extend_list(mox.IsA(list), mox.IgnoreArg())
reses = {resources: [{'id': 'myid1', },
{'id': 'myid2', }, ], }
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
# url method body
query = ""
args = detail and ['-D', ] or []
if fields_1:
for field in fields_1:
if tags:
for tag in tags:
if (not tags) and fields_2:
if fields_2:
for field in fields_2:
for field in fields_1:
if query:
query += "&fields=" + field
query = "fields=" + field
if query:
query += '&router%3Aexternal=True'
query += 'router%3Aexternal=True'
for tag in tags:
if query:
query += "&tag=" + tag
query = "tag=" + tag
if detail:
query = query and query + '&verbose=True' or 'verbose=True'
path = getattr(self.client, resources + "_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path, query), 'GET',
headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)
).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr))
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_" + resources)
shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args)
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
self.assertIn('myid1', _str)
def test_list_external_nets_detail(self):
"""list external nets: -D."""
resources = "networks"
cmd = network.ListExternalNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_external_nets(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_external_nets_tags(self):
"""List external nets: -- --tags a b."""
resources = "networks"
cmd = network.ListExternalNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
cmd, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_external_nets_detail_tags(self):
"""List external nets: -D -- --tags a b."""
resources = "networks"
cmd = network.ListExternalNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_external_nets(resources, cmd,
detail=True, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_externel_nets_fields(self):
"""List external nets: --fields a --fields b -- --fields c d."""
resources = "networks"
cmd = network.ListExternalNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_external_nets(resources, cmd,
fields_1=['a', 'b'],
fields_2=['c', 'd'])
def test_update_network_exception(self):
"""Update net: myid."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.UpdateNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandError, self._test_update_resource,
resource, cmd, 'myid', ['myid'], {})
def test_update_network(self):
"""Update net: myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.UpdateNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname',
'--tags', 'a', 'b'],
{'name': 'myname', 'tags': ['a', 'b'], }
def test_update_network_with_unicode(self):
"""Update net: myid --name u'\u7f51\u7edc' --tags a b."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.UpdateNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', u'\u7f51\u7edc',
'--tags', 'a', 'b'],
{'name': u'\u7f51\u7edc',
'tags': ['a', 'b'], }
def test_show_network(self):
"""Show net: --fields id --fields name myid."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.ShowNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args,
['id', 'name'])
def test_delete_network(self):
"""Delete net: myid."""
resource = 'network'
cmd = network.DeleteNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
def _test_extend_list(self, mox_calls):
data = [{'id': 'netid%d' % i, 'name': 'net%d' % i,
'subnets': ['mysubid%d' % i]}
for i in range(10)]
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
path = getattr(self.client, 'subnets_path')
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
mox_calls(path, data)
known_args, _vs = cmd.get_parser('create_subnets').parse_known_args()
cmd.extend_list(data, known_args)
def _build_test_data(self, data):
subnet_ids = []
response = []
filters = ""
for n in data:
if 'subnets' in n:
for subnet_id in n['subnets']:
filters = "%s&id=%s" % (filters, subnet_id)
response.append({'id': subnet_id,
'cidr': ''})
resp_str = self.client.serialize({'subnets': response})
resp = (test_cli20.MyResp(200), resp_str)
return filters, resp
def test_extend_list(self):
def mox_calls(path, data):
filters, response = self._build_test_data(data)
test_cli20.end_url(path, 'fields=id&fields=cidr' + filters),
'X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn(response)
def test_extend_list_exceed_max_uri_len(self):
def mox_calls(path, data):
sub_data_lists = [data[:len(data) - 1], data[len(data) - 1:]]
filters, response = self._build_test_data(data)
# 1 char of extra URI len will cause a split in 2 requests
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client, "_check_uri_length")
for data in sub_data_lists:
filters, response = self._build_test_data(data)
'fields=id&fields=cidr%s' % filters),
'X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn(response)
class CLITestV20NetworkXML(CLITestV20NetworkJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Cisco Systems Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Kyle Mestery, Cisco Systems, Inc.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import networkprofile
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20NetworkProfile(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_networkprofile(self):
"""Create networkprofile: myid."""
resource = 'network_profile'
cmd = networkprofile.CreateNetworkProfile(test_cli20.
MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
segment_type = 'vlan'
args = [name, segment_type]
position_names = ['name', 'segment_type']
position_values = [name, segment_type]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_networkprofile_detail(self):
"""List networkprofile: -D."""
resources = 'network_profiles'
cmd = networkprofile.ListNetworkProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
contents = [{'name': 'myname', 'segment_type': 'vlan'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True,
def test_list_networkprofile_known_option_after_unknown(self):
"""List networkprofile: -- --tags a b --request-format xml."""
resources = 'network_profiles'
cmd = networkprofile.ListNetworkProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
contents = [{'name': 'myname', 'segment_type': 'vlan'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, tags=['a', 'b'],
def test_list_networkprofile_fields(self):
"""List networkprofile: --fields a --fields b -- --fields c d."""
resources = 'network_profiles'
cmd = networkprofile.ListNetworkProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
contents = [{'name': 'myname', 'segment_type': 'vlan'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
fields_1=['a', 'b'], fields_2=['c', 'd'],
def test_show_networkprofile(self):
"""Show networkprofile: --fields id --fields name myid."""
resource = 'network_profile'
cmd = networkprofile.ShowNetworkProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args,
['id', 'name'])
def test_delete_networkprofile(self):
"""Delete networkprofile: myid."""
resource = 'network_profile'
cmd = networkprofile.DeleteNetworkProfile(test_cli20.
MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_create_networkprofile_trunk(self):
"""Create networkprofile: myid."""
resource = 'network_profile'
cmd = networkprofile.CreateNetworkProfile(test_cli20.
MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
segment_type = 'trunk'
args = [name, segment_type, '--sub_type', 'vlan']
position_names = ['name', 'segment_type', ]
position_values = [name, segment_type, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_list_networkprofile_trunk_detail(self):
"""List networkprofile: -D."""
resources = 'network_profiles'
cmd = networkprofile.ListNetworkProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
contents = [{'name': 'myname', 'segment_type': 'trunk',
'--sub_type': 'vlan'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True,

View File

@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2012 VMware, Inc
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import mox
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.nsx import networkgateway as nwgw
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20NetworkGatewayJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
gw_resource = "network_gateway"
dev_resource = "gateway_device"
def setUp(self):
super(CLITestV20NetworkGatewayJSON, self).setUp(
plurals={'devices': 'device',
'network_gateways': 'network_gateway'})
def test_create_gateway(self):
cmd = nwgw.CreateNetworkGateway(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'gw-test'
myid = 'myid'
args = [name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(self.gw_resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_gateway_with_tenant(self):
cmd = nwgw.CreateNetworkGateway(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'gw-test'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid', name]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(self.gw_resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_gateway_with_device(self):
cmd = nwgw.CreateNetworkGateway(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'gw-test'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--device', 'device_id=test', name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(self.gw_resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
devices=[{'device_id': 'test'}])
def test_list_gateways(self):
resources = '%ss' % self.gw_resource
cmd = nwgw.ListNetworkGateway(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_update_gateway(self):
cmd = nwgw.UpdateNetworkGateway(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(self.gw_resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'higuain'],
{'name': 'higuain'})
def test_delete_gateway(self):
cmd = nwgw.DeleteNetworkGateway(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(self.gw_resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_show_gateway(self):
cmd = nwgw.ShowNetworkGateway(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(self.gw_resource, cmd, self.test_id, args,
['id', 'name'])
def test_connect_network_to_gateway(self):
cmd = nwgw.ConnectNetworkGateway(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['gw_id', 'net_id',
'--segmentation-type', 'edi',
'--segmentation-id', '7']
self._test_update_resource_action(self.gw_resource, cmd, 'gw_id',
{'network_id': 'net_id',
'segmentation_type': 'edi',
'segmentation_id': '7'})
def test_disconnect_network_from_gateway(self):
cmd = nwgw.DisconnectNetworkGateway(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['gw_id', 'net_id',
'--segmentation-type', 'edi',
'--segmentation-id', '7']
self._test_update_resource_action(self.gw_resource, cmd, 'gw_id',
{'network_id': 'net_id',
'segmentation_type': 'edi',
'segmentation_id': '7'})
def _test_create_gateway_device(self,
cmd = nwgw.CreateGatewayDevice(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
extra_body = {'connector_type': connector_type,
'connector_ip': connector_ip,
'client_certificate': client_certificate}
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(nwgw, 'read_cert_file')
if client_certificate_file:
extra_body['client_certificate'] = 'xyz'
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
args = []
for (k, v) in extra_body.iteritems():
if (k == 'client_certificate' and client_certificate_file):
v = client_certificate_file
k = 'client_certificate_file'
# Append argument only if value for it was specified
if v:
args.extend(['--%s' % k.replace('_', '-'), v])
# The following is just for verifying the call fails as expected when
# both certificate and certificate file are specified. The extra
# argument added is client-certificate since the loop above added
# client-certificate-file
if client_certificate_file and client_certificate:
args.extend(['--client-certificate', client_certificate_file])
if must_raise:
with test_cli20.capture_std_streams():
SystemExit, self._test_create_resource,
self.dev_resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values, extra_body=extra_body)
self.dev_resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values, extra_body=extra_body)
def test_create_gateway_device(self):
self._test_create_gateway_device('dev_test', 'stt', '', 'xyz')
def test_create_gateway_device_with_certfile(self):
self._test_create_gateway_device('dev_test', 'stt', '',
def test_create_gateway_device_invalid_connector_type_fails(self):
self._test_create_gateway_device('dev_test', 'ciccio',
'', client_certificate='xyz',
def test_create_gateway_device_missing_connector_ip_fails(self):
self._test_create_gateway_device('dev_test', 'stt',
None, client_certificate='xyz',
def test_create_gateway_device_missing_certificates_fails(self):
self._test_create_gateway_device('dev_test', 'stt', '',
def test_create_gateway_device_with_cert_and_cert_file_fails(self):
self._test_create_gateway_device('dev_test', 'stt', '',
def _test_update_gateway_device(self,
cmd = nwgw.UpdateGatewayDevice(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
extra_body = {}
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(nwgw, 'read_cert_file')
if client_certificate_file:
args = [myid]
def process_arg(argname, arg):
if arg:
extra_body[argname] = arg
args.extend(['--%s' % argname.replace('_', '-'), arg])
process_arg('name', name)
process_arg('connector_type', connector_type)
process_arg('connector_ip', connector_ip)
process_arg('client_certificate', client_certificate)
if client_certificate_file:
extra_body['client_certificate'] = 'xyz'
if must_raise:
with test_cli20.capture_std_streams():
SystemExit, self._test_update_resource,
self.dev_resource, cmd, myid, args,
self.dev_resource, cmd, myid, args,
def test_update_gateway_device(self):
self._test_update_gateway_device('dev_test', 'stt', '', 'xyz')
def test_update_gateway_device_partial_body(self):
def test_update_gateway_device_with_certfile(self):
self._test_update_gateway_device('dev_test', 'stt', '',
def test_update_gateway_device_invalid_connector_type_fails(self):
self._test_update_gateway_device('dev_test', 'ciccio',
'', client_certificate='xyz',
def test_update_gateway_device_with_cert_and_cert_file_fails(self):
self._test_update_gateway_device('dev_test', 'stt', '',
def test_delete_gateway_device(self):
cmd = nwgw.DeleteGatewayDevice(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(self.dev_resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_show_gateway_device(self):
cmd = nwgw.ShowGatewayDevice(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(self.dev_resource, cmd, self.test_id, args,
['id', 'name'])
class CLITestV20NetworkGatewayXML(CLITestV20NetworkGatewayJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2013 VMware Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.nsx import qos_queue as qos
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20QosQueueJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def setUp(self):
super(CLITestV20QosQueueJSON, self).setUp(
plurals={'qos_queues': 'qos_queue'})
def test_create_qos_queue(self):
"""Create a qos queue."""
resource = 'qos_queue'
cmd = qos.CreateQoSQueue(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
name = 'my_queue'
default = False
args = ['--default', default, name]
position_names = ['name', 'default']
position_values = [name, default]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_qos_queue_all_values(self):
"""Create a qos queue."""
resource = 'qos_queue'
cmd = qos.CreateQoSQueue(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
name = 'my_queue'
default = False
min = '10'
max = '40'
qos_marking = 'untrusted'
dscp = '0'
args = ['--default', default, '--min', min, '--max', max,
'--qos-marking', qos_marking, '--dscp', dscp, name]
position_names = ['name', 'default', 'min', 'max', 'qos_marking',
position_values = [name, default, min, max, qos_marking, dscp]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_qos_queue(self):
resources = "qos_queues"
cmd = qos.ListQoSQueue(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_show_qos_queue_id(self):
resource = 'qos_queue'
cmd = qos.ShowQoSQueue(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id'])
def test_delete_qos_queue(self):
resource = 'qos_queue'
cmd = qos.DeleteQoSQueue(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
class CLITestV20QosQueueXML(CLITestV20QosQueueJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2014 Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Ronak Shah, Nuage Networks, Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import netpartition
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20NetPartitionJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
resource = 'net_partition'
def test_create_netpartition(self):
cmd = netpartition.CreateNetPartition(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
args = [name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(self.resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_netpartitions(self):
resources = '%ss' % self.resource
cmd = netpartition.ListNetPartition(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_show_netpartition(self):
cmd = netpartition.ShowNetPartition(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(self.resource, cmd, self.test_id, args,
['id', 'name'])
def test_delete_netpartition(self):
cmd = netpartition.DeleteNetPartition(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(self.resource, cmd, myid, args)
class CLITestV20NetPartitionXML(CLITestV20NetPartitionJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2014 NEC Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import mox
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from import packetfilter as pf
from neutronclient import shell
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20PacketFilterJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_packetfilter_with_mandatory_params(self):
"""Create packetfilter: packetfilter1."""
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.CreatePacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'packetfilter1'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--priority', '30000', '--action', 'allow', 'net1']
position_names = ['network_id', 'action', 'priority']
position_values = ['net1', 'allow', '30000']
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_packetfilter_with_all_params(self):
"""Create packetfilter: packetfilter1."""
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.CreatePacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'packetfilter1'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--name', name,
'--in-port', 'port1',
'--src-mac', '00:11:22:33:44:55',
'--dst-mac', 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',
'--eth-type', '0x0800',
'--protocol', 'tcp',
'--src-cidr', '',
'--dst-cidr', '',
'--src-port', '40001',
'--dst-port', '4000',
'--priority', '30000',
'--action', 'drop', 'net1']
params = {'network_id': 'net1',
'action': 'drop',
'priority': '30000',
'name': name,
'admin_state_up': False,
'in_port': 'port1',
'src_mac': '00:11:22:33:44:55',
'dst_mac': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',
'eth_type': '0x0800',
'protocol': 'tcp',
'src_cidr': '',
'dst_cidr': '',
'src_port': '40001',
'dst_port': '4000',
position_names = sorted(params)
position_values = [params[k] for k in sorted(params)]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_packetfilters_detail(self):
"""list packetfilters: -D."""
resources = "packet_filters"
cmd = pf.ListPacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
response_contents = [{'id': 'myid1', 'network_id': 'net1'},
{'id': 'myid2', 'network_id': 'net2'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True,
def _stubout_extend_list(self):
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(pf.ListPacketFilter, "extend_list")
pf.ListPacketFilter.extend_list(mox.IsA(list), mox.IgnoreArg())
def test_list_packetfilters_pagination(self):
resources = "packet_filters"
cmd = pf.ListPacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_packetfilters_sort(self):
"""list packetfilters: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "packet_filters"
cmd = pf.ListPacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_packetfilters_limit(self):
"""list packetfilters: -P."""
resources = "packet_filters"
cmd = pf.ListPacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_update_packetfilter(self):
"""Update packetfilter: myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.UpdatePacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname'],
{'name': 'myname'}
def test_update_packetfilter_with_all_params(self):
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.UpdatePacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'packetfilter1'
args = ['--name', name,
'--admin-state', 'True',
'--src-mac', '00:11:22:33:44:55',
'--dst-mac', 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',
'--eth-type', '0x0800',
'--protocol', 'tcp',
'--src-cidr', '',
'--dst-cidr', '',
'--src-port', '40001',
'--dst-port', '4000',
'--priority', '30000',
'--action', 'drop',
params = {'action': 'drop',
'priority': '30000',
'name': name,
'admin_state_up': True,
'src_mac': '00:11:22:33:44:55',
'dst_mac': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',
'eth_type': '0x0800',
'protocol': 'tcp',
'src_cidr': '',
'dst_cidr': '',
'src_port': '40001',
'dst_port': '4000',
# position_names = sorted(params)
# position_values = [params[k] for k in sorted(params)]
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
args, params)
def test_update_packetfilter_admin_state_false(self):
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.UpdatePacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--admin-state', 'False', 'myid']
params = {'admin_state_up': False}
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
args, params)
def test_update_packetfilter_exception(self):
"""Update packetfilter: myid."""
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.UpdatePacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
exc = self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandError,
resource, cmd, 'myid', ['myid'], {})
self.assertEqual('Must specify new values to update packet_filter',
def test_delete_packetfilter(self):
"""Delete packetfilter: myid."""
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.DeletePacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_show_packetfilter(self):
"""Show packetfilter: myid."""
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.ShowPacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args,
['id', 'name'])
class CLITestV20PacketFilterXML(CLITestV20PacketFilterJSON):
format = 'xml'
class CLITestV20PacketFilterValidateParam(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def _test_create_packetfilter_pass_validation(self, cmdline=None,
params=None, base_args=None):
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.CreatePacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'packetfilter1'
myid = 'myid'
if base_args is None:
args = '--priority 30000 --action allow net1'.split()
args = base_args.split()
if cmdline:
args += cmdline.split()
_params = {'network_id': 'net1',
'action': 'allow',
'priority': '30000'}
if params:
position_names = sorted(_params)
position_values = [_params[k] for k in sorted(_params)]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def _test_create_packetfilter_negative_validation(self, cmdline):
resource = 'packet_filter'
cmd = pf.CreatePacketFilter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('create_' + resource)
args = cmdline.split()
cmd, cmd_parser, args)
def test_create_pf_hex_priority(self):
base_args='--priority 0xffff --action allow net1',
params={'priority': '0xffff'})
def test_create_pf_hex_src_port(self):
cmdline='--src-port 0xffff', params={'src_port': '0xffff'})
def test_create_pf_hex_dst_port(self):
cmdline='--dst-port 0xffff', params={'dst_port': '0xffff'})
def test_create_pf_ip_proto_zero(self):
cmdline='--protocol 0', params={'protocol': '0'})
def test_create_pf_ip_proto_max_hex(self):
cmdline='--protocol 0xff', params={'protocol': '0xff'})
def test_create_pf_ip_proto_with_names(self):
for proto in ['tcp', 'xxxx']:
cmdline='--protocol ' + proto, params={'protocol': proto})
def test_create_pf_negative_priority(self):
'--priority -1 --action allow net1')
def test_create_pf_too_big_priority(self):
'--priority 65536 --action allow net1')
def test_create_pf_negative_src_port(self):
'--src-port -1 --priority 20000 --action allow net1')
def test_create_pf_too_big_src_port(self):
'--src-port 65536 --priority 20000 --action allow net1')
def test_create_pf_negative_dst_port(self):
'--dst-port -1 --priority 20000 --action allow net1')
def test_create_pf_too_big_dst_port(self):
'--dst-port 65536 --priority 20000 --action allow net1')
def test_create_pf_negative_protocol(self):
'--protocol -1 --priority 20000 --action allow net1')
def test_create_pf_too_big_hex_protocol(self):
'--protocol 0x100 --priority 20000 --action allow net1')
def test_create_pf_invalid_src_cidr(self):
'--src-cidr invalid --priority 20000 --action allow net1')
def test_create_pf_invalid_dst_cidr(self):
'--dst-cidr invalid --priority 20000 --action allow net1')

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Cisco Systems Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Kyle Mestery, Cisco Systems, Inc.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import policyprofile
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20PolicyProfile(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_list_policyprofile_detail(self):
"""List policyprofile: -D."""
resources = 'policy_profiles'
cmd = policyprofile.ListPolicyProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
contents = [{'name': 'myname', 'segment_type': 'vlan'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True,
def test_list_policyprofile_known_option_after_unknown(self):
"""List policyprofile: -- --tags a b --request-format xml."""
resources = 'policy_profiles'
cmd = policyprofile.ListPolicyProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
contents = [{'name': 'myname', 'segment_type': 'vlan'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, tags=['a', 'b'],
def test_list_policyprofile_fields(self):
"""List policyprofile: --fields a --fields b -- --fields c d."""
resources = 'policy_profiles'
cmd = policyprofile.ListPolicyProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
contents = [{'name': 'myname', 'segment_type': 'vlan'}]
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
fields_1=['a', 'b'], fields_2=['c', 'd'],
def test_show_policyprofile(self):
"""Show policyprofile: --fields id --fields name myid."""
resource = 'policy_profile'
cmd = policyprofile.ShowPolicyProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args,
['id', 'name'])
def test_update_policyprofile(self):
"""Update policyprofile: myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'policy_profile'
cmd = policyprofile.UpdatePolicyProfile(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname',
'--tags', 'a', 'b'],
{'name': 'myname', 'tags': ['a', 'b'], }

View File

@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import mox
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import port
from neutronclient import shell
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20PortJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def setUp(self):
super(CLITestV20PortJSON, self).setUp(plurals={'tags': 'tag'})
def test_create_port(self):
"""Create port: netid."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.CreatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
args = [netid]
position_names = ['network_id']
position_values = []
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_port_extra_dhcp_opts_args(self):
"""Create port: netid --extra_dhcp_opt."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.CreatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
extra_dhcp_opts = [{'opt_name': 'bootfile-name',
'opt_value': 'pxelinux.0'},
{'opt_name': 'tftp-server',
'opt_value': ''},
{'opt_name': 'server-ip-address',
'opt_value': ''}]
args = [netid]
for dhcp_opt in extra_dhcp_opts:
args += ['--extra-dhcp-opt',
('opt_name=%(opt_name)s,opt_value=%(opt_value)s' %
position_names = ['network_id', 'extra_dhcp_opts']
position_values = [netid, extra_dhcp_opts]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_port_full(self):
"""Create port: --mac_address mac --device_id deviceid netid."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.CreatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
args = ['--mac_address', 'mac', '--device_id', 'deviceid', netid]
position_names = ['network_id', 'mac_address', 'device_id']
position_values = [netid, 'mac', 'deviceid']
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
# Test dashed options
args = ['--mac-address', 'mac', '--device-id', 'deviceid', netid]
position_names = ['network_id', 'mac_address', 'device_id']
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_port_tenant(self):
"""Create port: --tenant_id tenantid netid."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.CreatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid', netid, ]
position_names = ['network_id']
position_values = []
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
# Test dashed options
args = ['--tenant-id', 'tenantid', netid, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_port_tags(self):
"""Create port: netid mac_address device_id --tags a b."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.CreatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
args = [netid, '--tags', 'a', 'b']
position_names = ['network_id']
position_values = []
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_create_port_secgroup(self):
"""Create port: --security-group sg1_id netid."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.CreatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
args = ['--security-group', 'sg1_id', netid]
position_names = ['network_id', 'security_groups']
position_values = [netid, ['sg1_id']]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_port_secgroups(self):
"""Create port: <security_groups> netid
The <security_groups> are
--security-group sg1_id --security-group sg2_id
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.CreatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
args = ['--security-group', 'sg1_id',
'--security-group', 'sg2_id',
position_names = ['network_id', 'security_groups']
position_values = [netid, ['sg1_id', 'sg2_id']]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_port_secgroup_off(self):
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.CreatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
args = ['--no-security-group', netid]
position_names = ['network_id', 'security_groups']
position_values = [netid, []]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_port_secgroups_list(self):
"""Create port: netid <security_groups>
The <security_groups> are
--security-groups list=true sg_id1 sg_id2
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.CreatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
args = [netid, '--security-groups', 'list=true', 'sg_id1', 'sg_id2']
position_names = ['network_id', 'security_groups']
position_values = [netid, ['sg_id1', 'sg_id2']]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_ports(self):
"""List ports: -D."""
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_ports_pagination(self):
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_ports_sort(self):
"""list ports: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_ports_limit(self):
"""list ports: -P."""
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_list_ports_tags(self):
"""List ports: -- --tags a b."""
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_ports_detail_tags(self):
"""List ports: -D -- --tags a b."""
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, detail=True, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_ports_fields(self):
"""List ports: --fields a --fields b -- --fields c d."""
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
fields_1=['a', 'b'], fields_2=['c', 'd'])
def _test_list_router_port(self, resources, cmd,
myid, detail=False, tags=[],
fields_1=[], fields_2=[]):
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client")
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
reses = {resources: [{'id': 'myid1', },
{'id': 'myid2', }, ], }
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
# url method body
query = ""
args = detail and ['-D', ] or []
if fields_1:
for field in fields_1:
if tags:
for tag in tags:
if (not tags) and fields_2:
if fields_2:
for field in fields_2:
for field in fields_1:
if query:
query += "&fields=" + field
query = "fields=" + field
for tag in tags:
if query:
query += "&tag=" + tag
query = "tag=" + tag
if detail:
query = query and query + '&verbose=True' or 'verbose=True'
query = query and query + '&device_id=%s' or 'device_id=%s'
path = getattr(self.client, resources + "_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path, query % myid), 'GET',
headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)
).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr))
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_" + resources)
shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args)
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
self.assertIn('myid1', _str)
def test_list_router_ports(self):
"""List router ports: -D."""
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListRouterPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_router_port(resources, cmd,
self.test_id, True)
def test_list_router_ports_tags(self):
"""List router ports: -- --tags a b."""
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListRouterPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_router_port(resources, cmd,
self.test_id, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_router_ports_detail_tags(self):
"""List router ports: -D -- --tags a b."""
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListRouterPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_router_port(resources, cmd, self.test_id,
detail=True, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_router_ports_fields(self):
"""List ports: --fields a --fields b -- --fields c d."""
resources = "ports"
cmd = port.ListRouterPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_router_port(resources, cmd, self.test_id,
fields_1=['a', 'b'],
fields_2=['c', 'd'])
def test_update_port(self):
"""Update port: myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.UpdatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname',
'--tags', 'a', 'b'],
{'name': 'myname', 'tags': ['a', 'b'], }
def test_update_port_secgroup(self):
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.UpdatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--security-group', 'sg1_id', myid]
updatefields = {'security_groups': ['sg1_id']}
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args, updatefields)
def test_update_port_secgroups(self):
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.UpdatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--security-group', 'sg1_id',
'--security-group', 'sg2_id',
updatefields = {'security_groups': ['sg1_id', 'sg2_id']}
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args, updatefields)
def test_update_port_extra_dhcp_opts(self):
"""Update port: myid --extra_dhcp_opt."""
resource = 'port'
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid,
updatedfields = {'extra_dhcp_opts': [{'opt_name': 'bootfile-name',
'opt_value': 'pxelinux.0'},
{'opt_name': 'tftp-server',
'opt_value': ''},
{'opt_name': 'server-ip-address',
'opt_value': ''}]}
cmd = port.UpdatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args, updatedfields)
def test_delete_extra_dhcp_opts_from_port(self):
resource = 'port'
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid,
# the client code will change the null to None and send to server,
# where its interpreted as delete the DHCP option on the port.
updatedfields = {'extra_dhcp_opts': [{'opt_name': 'bootfile-name',
'opt_value': None},
{'opt_name': 'tftp-server',
'opt_value': ''},
{'opt_name': 'server-ip-address',
'opt_value': ''}]}
cmd = port.UpdatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args, updatedfields)
def test_update_port_security_group_off(self):
"""Update port: --no-security-groups myid."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.UpdatePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['--no-security-groups', 'myid'],
{'security_groups': []})
def test_show_port(self):
"""Show port: --fields id --fields name myid."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.ShowPort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_delete_port(self):
"""Delete port: myid."""
resource = 'port'
cmd = port.DeletePort(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
class CLITestV20PortXML(CLITestV20PortJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2012 VMware, Inc
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import router
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20RouterJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_router(self):
"""Create router: router1."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.CreateRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'router1'
myid = 'myid'
args = [name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_router_tenant(self):
"""Create router: --tenant_id tenantid myname."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.CreateRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid', name]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_router_admin_state(self):
"""Create router: --admin_state_down myname."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.CreateRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--admin_state_down', name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_router_distributed(self):
"""Create router: --distributed myname."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.CreateRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--distributed', name, ]
position_names = ['name', ]
position_values = [name, ]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_list_routers_detail(self):
"""list routers: -D."""
resources = "routers"
cmd = router.ListRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_routers_pagination(self):
resources = "routers"
cmd = router.ListRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_routers_sort(self):
"""list routers: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "routers"
cmd = router.ListRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_routers_limit(self):
"""list routers: -P."""
resources = "routers"
cmd = router.ListRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_update_router_exception(self):
"""Update router: myid."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.UpdateRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandError, self._test_update_resource,
resource, cmd, 'myid', ['myid'], {})
def test_update_router(self):
"""Update router: myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.UpdateRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname'],
{'name': 'myname'}
def test_delete_router(self):
"""Delete router: myid."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.DeleteRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_show_router(self):
"""Show router: myid."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.ShowRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args,
['id', 'name'])
def _test_add_remove_interface(self, action, mode, cmd, args):
resource = 'router'
subcmd = '%s_router_interface' % action
if mode == 'port':
body = {'port_id': 'portid'}
body = {'subnet_id': 'subnetid'}
if action == 'add':
retval = {'subnet_id': 'subnetid', 'port_id': 'portid'}
retval = None
self._test_update_resource_action(resource, cmd, 'myid',
subcmd, args,
body, retval)
def test_add_interface_compat(self):
"""Add interface to router: myid subnetid."""
cmd = router.AddInterfaceRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid', 'subnetid']
self._test_add_remove_interface('add', 'subnet', cmd, args)
def test_add_interface_by_subnet(self):
"""Add interface to router: myid subnet=subnetid."""
cmd = router.AddInterfaceRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid', 'subnet=subnetid']
self._test_add_remove_interface('add', 'subnet', cmd, args)
def test_add_interface_by_port(self):
"""Add interface to router: myid port=portid."""
cmd = router.AddInterfaceRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid', 'port=portid']
self._test_add_remove_interface('add', 'port', cmd, args)
def test_del_interface_compat(self):
"""Delete interface from router: myid subnetid."""
cmd = router.RemoveInterfaceRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid', 'subnetid']
self._test_add_remove_interface('remove', 'subnet', cmd, args)
def test_del_interface_by_subnet(self):
"""Delete interface from router: myid subnet=subnetid."""
cmd = router.RemoveInterfaceRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid', 'subnet=subnetid']
self._test_add_remove_interface('remove', 'subnet', cmd, args)
def test_del_interface_by_port(self):
"""Delete interface from router: myid port=portid."""
cmd = router.RemoveInterfaceRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid', 'port=portid']
self._test_add_remove_interface('remove', 'port', cmd, args)
def test_set_gateway(self):
"""Set external gateway for router: myid externalid."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.SetGatewayRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid', 'externalid']
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
{"network_id": "externalid"}}
def test_set_gateway_disable_snat(self):
"""set external gateway for router: myid externalid."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.SetGatewayRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['myid', 'externalid', '--disable-snat']
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
{"network_id": "externalid",
"enable_snat": False}}
def test_remove_gateway(self):
"""Remove external gateway from router: externalid."""
resource = 'router'
cmd = router.RemoveGatewayRouter(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['externalid']
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'externalid',
args, {"external_gateway_info": {}}
class CLITestV20RouterXML(CLITestV20RouterJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012 Red Hat
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import mox
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import securitygroup
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20SecurityGroupsJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_security_group(self):
"""Create security group: webservers."""
resource = 'security_group'
cmd = securitygroup.CreateSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'webservers'
myid = 'myid'
args = [name, ]
position_names = ['name']
position_values = [name]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_security_group_tenant(self):
"""Create security group: webservers."""
resource = 'security_group'
cmd = securitygroup.CreateSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'webservers'
description = 'my webservers'
myid = 'myid'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenant_id', '--description', description, name]
position_names = ['name', 'description']
position_values = [name, description]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_security_group_with_description(self):
"""Create security group: webservers."""
resource = 'security_group'
cmd = securitygroup.CreateSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'webservers'
description = 'my webservers'
myid = 'myid'
args = [name, '--description', description]
position_names = ['name', 'description']
position_values = [name, description]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_security_groups(self):
resources = "security_groups"
cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_security_groups_pagination(self):
resources = "security_groups"
cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_security_groups_sort(self):
resources = "security_groups"
cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_security_groups_limit(self):
resources = "security_groups"
cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_security_group_id(self):
resource = 'security_group'
cmd = securitygroup.ShowSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id'])
def test_show_security_group_id_name(self):
resource = 'security_group'
cmd = securitygroup.ShowSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_delete_security_group(self):
"""Delete security group: myid."""
resource = 'security_group'
cmd = securitygroup.DeleteSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_update_security_group(self):
"""Update security group: myid --name myname --description desc."""
resource = 'security_group'
cmd = securitygroup.UpdateSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname',
'--description', 'mydescription'],
{'name': 'myname',
'description': 'mydescription'}
def test_update_security_group_with_unicode(self):
resource = 'security_group'
cmd = securitygroup.UpdateSecurityGroup(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', u'\u7f51\u7edc',
'--description', u'\u7f51\u7edc'],
{'name': u'\u7f51\u7edc',
'description': u'\u7f51\u7edc'}
def test_create_security_group_rule_full(self):
"""Create security group rule."""
resource = 'security_group_rule'
cmd = securitygroup.CreateSecurityGroupRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
direction = 'ingress'
ethertype = 'IPv4'
protocol = 'tcp'
port_range_min = '22'
port_range_max = '22'
remote_ip_prefix = ''
security_group_id = '1'
remote_group_id = '1'
args = ['--remote_ip_prefix', remote_ip_prefix, '--direction',
direction, '--ethertype', ethertype, '--protocol', protocol,
'--port_range_min', port_range_min, '--port_range_max',
port_range_max, '--remote_group_id', remote_group_id,
position_names = ['remote_ip_prefix', 'direction', 'ethertype',
'protocol', 'port_range_min', 'port_range_max',
'remote_group_id', 'security_group_id']
position_values = [remote_ip_prefix, direction, ethertype, protocol,
port_range_min, port_range_max, remote_group_id,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, None, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_delete_security_group_rule(self):
"""Delete security group rule: myid."""
resource = 'security_group_rule'
cmd = securitygroup.DeleteSecurityGroupRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
def test_list_security_group_rules(self):
resources = "security_group_rules"
cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroupRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_security_group_rules_pagination(self):
resources = "security_group_rules"
cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroupRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_security_group_rules_sort(self):
resources = "security_group_rules"
cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroupRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_security_group_rules_limit(self):
resources = "security_group_rules"
cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroupRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_security_group_rule(self):
resource = 'security_group_rule'
cmd = securitygroup.ShowSecurityGroupRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id'])
def _test_list_security_group_rules_extend(self, data=None, expected=None,
args=[], conv=True,
def setup_list_stub(resources, data, query):
reses = {resources: data}
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
resp = (test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr)
path = getattr(self.client, resources + '_path')
test_cli20.end_url(path, query), 'GET',
'X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)).AndReturn(resp)
# Setup the default data
_data = {'cols': ['id', 'security_group_id', 'remote_group_id'],
'data': [('ruleid1', 'myid1', 'myid1'),
('ruleid2', 'myid2', 'myid3'),
('ruleid3', 'myid2', 'myid2')]}
_expected = {'cols': ['id', 'security_group', 'remote_group'],
'data': [('ruleid1', 'group1', 'group1'),
('ruleid2', 'group2', 'group3'),
('ruleid3', 'group2', 'group2')]}
if data is None:
data = _data
list_data = [dict(zip(data['cols'], d)) for d in data['data']]
if expected is None:
expected = {}
expected['cols'] = expected.get('cols', _expected['cols'])
expected['data'] = expected.get('data', _expected['data'])
cmd = securitygroup.ListSecurityGroupRule(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, 'get_client')
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, 'request')
query = ''
if query_field:
query = '&'.join(['fields=' + f for f in data['cols']])
setup_list_stub('security_group_rules', list_data, query)
if conv:
sec_ids = set()
for n in data['data']:
filters = ''
for id in sec_ids:
filters = filters + "&id=%s" % id
[{'id': 'myid1', 'name': 'group1'},
{'id': 'myid2', 'name': 'group2'},
{'id': 'myid3', 'name': 'group3'}],
query='fields=id&fields=name' + filters)
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('list_security_group_rules')
parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args)
result = cmd.get_data(parsed_args)
# Check columns
self.assertEqual(result[0], expected['cols'])
# Check data
_result = [x for x in result[1]]
self.assertEqual(len(_result), len(expected['data']))
for res, exp in zip(_result, expected['data']):
self.assertEqual(len(res), len(exp))
self.assertEqual(res, exp)
def test_list_security_group_rules_extend_source_id(self):
def test_list_security_group_rules_extend_no_nameconv(self):
expected = {'cols': ['id', 'security_group_id', 'remote_group_id'],
'data': [('ruleid1', 'myid1', 'myid1'),
('ruleid2', 'myid2', 'myid3'),
('ruleid3', 'myid2', 'myid2')]}
args = ['--no-nameconv']
args=args, conv=False)
def test_list_security_group_rules_extend_with_columns(self):
args = '-c id -c security_group_id -c remote_group_id'.split()
def test_list_security_group_rules_extend_with_columns_no_id(self):
args = '-c id -c security_group -c remote_group'.split()
def test_list_security_group_rules_extend_with_fields(self):
args = '-F id -F security_group_id -F remote_group_id'.split()
def test_list_security_group_rules_extend_with_fields_no_id(self):
args = '-F id -F security_group -F remote_group'.split()
class CLITestV20SecurityGroupsXML(CLITestV20SecurityGroupsJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Eugene Nikanorov, Mirantis Inc.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import servicetype
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20ServiceProvidersJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
id_field = "name"
def setUp(self):
super(CLITestV20ServiceProvidersJSON, self).setUp(
plurals={'tags': 'tag'}
def test_list_service_providers(self):
resources = "service_providers"
cmd = servicetype.ListServiceProvider(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_service_providers_pagination(self):
resources = "service_providers"
cmd = servicetype.ListServiceProvider(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_service_providers_sort(self):
resources = "service_providers"
cmd = servicetype.ListServiceProvider(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_service_providers_limit(self):
resources = "service_providers"
cmd = servicetype.ListServiceProvider(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout),
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
class CLITestV20ServiceProvidersXML(CLITestV20ServiceProvidersJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import subnet
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20SubnetJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def setUp(self):
super(CLITestV20SubnetJSON, self).setUp(plurals={'tags': 'tag'})
def test_create_subnet(self):
"""Create subnet: --gateway gateway netid cidr."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'cidrvalue'
gateway = 'gatewayvalue'
args = ['--gateway', gateway, netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'network_id', 'cidr', 'gateway_ip']
position_values = [4, netid, cidr, gateway]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_subnet_with_no_gateway(self):
"""Create subnet: --no-gateway netid cidr."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'cidrvalue'
args = ['--no-gateway', netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'network_id', 'cidr', 'gateway_ip']
position_values = [4, netid, cidr, None]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_subnet_with_bad_gateway_option(self):
"""Create sbunet: --no-gateway netid cidr."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'cidrvalue'
gateway = 'gatewayvalue'
args = ['--gateway', gateway, '--no-gateway', netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'network_id', 'cidr', 'gateway_ip']
position_values = [4, netid, cidr, None]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
except Exception:
return'No exception for bad gateway option')
def test_create_subnet_with_enable_and_disable_dhcp(self):
"""Create sbunet: --enable-dhcp and --disable-dhcp."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'cidrvalue'
args = ['--enable-dhcp', '--disable-dhcp', netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'network_id', 'cidr', 'gateway_ip']
position_values = [4, netid, cidr, None]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values)
except exceptions.CommandError:
return'No exception for --enable-dhcp --disable-dhcp option')
def test_create_subnet_tenant(self):
"""Create subnet: --tenant_id tenantid netid cidr."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid', netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'network_id', 'cidr']
position_values = [4, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_subnet_tags(self):
"""Create subnet: netid cidr --tags a b."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = [netid, cidr, '--tags', 'a', 'b']
position_names = ['ip_version', 'network_id', 'cidr']
position_values = [4, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_create_subnet_allocation_pool(self):
"""Create subnet: --tenant_id tenantid <allocation_pool> netid cidr.
The <allocation_pool> is --allocation_pool start=,end=
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid',
'--allocation_pool', 'start=,end=',
netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'allocation_pools', 'network_id',
pool = [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
position_values = [4, pool, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_subnet_allocation_pools(self):
"""Create subnet: --tenant-id tenantid <pools> netid cidr.
The <pools> are --allocation_pool start=,end= and
--allocation_pool start=,end=
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid',
'--allocation_pool', 'start=,end=',
'--allocation_pool', 'start=,end=',
netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'allocation_pools', 'network_id',
pools = [{'start': '', 'end': ''},
{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
position_values = [4, pools, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_subnet_host_route(self):
"""Create subnet: --tenant_id tenantid <host_route> netid cidr.
The <host_route> is
--host-route destination=,nexthop=
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid',
'--host-route', 'destination=,nexthop=',
netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'host_routes', 'network_id',
route = [{'destination': '', 'nexthop': ''}]
position_values = [4, route, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_subnet_host_routes(self):
"""Create subnet: --tenant-id tenantid <host_routes> netid cidr.
The <host_routes> are
--host-route destination=,nexthop= and
--host-route destination=,nexthop=
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid',
'--host-route', 'destination=,nexthop=',
'--host-route', 'destination=,nexthop=',
netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'host_routes', 'network_id',
routes = [{'destination': '', 'nexthop': ''},
{'destination': '', 'nexthop': ''}]
position_values = [4, routes, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_subnet_dns_nameservers(self):
"""Create subnet: --tenant-id tenantid <dns-nameservers> netid cidr.
The <dns-nameservers> are
--dns-nameserver and --dns-nameserver
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid',
'--dns-nameserver', '',
'--dns-nameserver', '',
netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'dns_nameservers', 'network_id',
nameservers = ['', '']
position_values = [4, nameservers, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_subnet_with_disable_dhcp(self):
"""Create subnet: --tenant-id tenantid --disable-dhcp netid cidr."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid',
netid, cidr]
position_names = ['ip_version', 'enable_dhcp', 'network_id',
position_values = [4, False, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_subnet_merge_single_plurar(self):
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid',
'--allocation-pool', 'start=,end=',
netid, cidr,
'--allocation-pools', 'list=true', 'type=dict',
position_names = ['ip_version', 'allocation_pools', 'network_id',
pools = [{'start': '', 'end': ''},
{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
position_values = [4, pools, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_subnet_merge_plurar(self):
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid',
netid, cidr,
'--allocation-pools', 'list=true', 'type=dict',
position_names = ['ip_version', 'allocation_pools', 'network_id',
pools = [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
position_values = [4, pools, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_subnet_merge_single_single(self):
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.CreateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'myname'
myid = 'myid'
netid = 'netid'
cidr = 'prefixvalue'
args = ['--tenant_id', 'tenantid',
'--allocation-pool', 'start=,end=',
netid, cidr,
position_names = ['ip_version', 'allocation_pools', 'network_id',
pools = [{'start': '', 'end': ''},
{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
position_values = [4, pools, netid, cidr]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, myid, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_list_subnets_detail(self):
"""List subnets: -D."""
resources = "subnets"
cmd = subnet.ListSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_subnets_tags(self):
"""List subnets: -- --tags a b."""
resources = "subnets"
cmd = subnet.ListSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_subnets_known_option_after_unknown(self):
"""List subnets: -- --tags a b --request-format xml."""
resources = "subnets"
cmd = subnet.ListSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_subnets_detail_tags(self):
"""List subnets: -D -- --tags a b."""
resources = "subnets"
cmd = subnet.ListSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, detail=True, tags=['a', 'b'])
def test_list_subnets_fields(self):
"""List subnets: --fields a --fields b -- --fields c d."""
resources = "subnets"
cmd = subnet.ListSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
fields_1=['a', 'b'], fields_2=['c', 'd'])
def test_list_subnets_pagination(self):
resources = "subnets"
cmd = subnet.ListSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_subnets_sort(self):
"""List subnets: --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "subnets"
cmd = subnet.ListSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_subnets_limit(self):
"""List subnets: -P."""
resources = "subnets"
cmd = subnet.ListSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_update_subnet(self):
"""Update subnet: myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.UpdateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname',
'--tags', 'a', 'b'],
{'name': 'myname', 'tags': ['a', 'b'], }
def test_update_subnet_known_option_before_id(self):
"""Update subnet: --request-format json myid --name myname."""
# --request-format xml is known option
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.UpdateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['--request-format', 'json',
'myid', '--name', 'myname'],
{'name': 'myname', }
def test_update_subnet_known_option_after_id(self):
"""Update subnet: myid --name myname --request-format json."""
# --request-format xml is known option
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.UpdateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname',
'--request-format', 'json'],
{'name': 'myname', }
def test_update_subnet_allocation_pools(self):
"""Update subnet: myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.UpdateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--allocation-pool',
'--request-format', 'json'],
{'allocation_pools': [{'start': '',
'end': ''}]}
def test_update_subnet_enable_disable_dhcp(self):
"""Update sbunet: --enable-dhcp and --disable-dhcp."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.UpdateSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'myname',
'--enable-dhcp', '--disable-dhcp'],
{'name': 'myname', }
except exceptions.CommandError:
return'No exception for --enable-dhcp --disable-dhcp option')
def test_show_subnet(self):
"""Show subnet: --fields id --fields name myid."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.ShowSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_delete_subnet(self):
"""Delete subnet: subnetid."""
resource = 'subnet'
cmd = subnet.DeleteSubnet(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
myid = 'myid'
args = [myid]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, myid, args)
class CLITestV20SubnetXML(CLITestV20SubnetJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import uuid
import mox
import testtools
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.neutron import v2_0 as neutronV20
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
class CLITestNameorID(testtools.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
"""Prepare the test environment."""
super(CLITestNameorID, self).setUp()
self.mox = mox.Mox()
self.endurl = test_cli20.ENDURL
self.client = client.Client(token=test_cli20.TOKEN,
def test_get_id_from_id(self):
_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
reses = {'networks': [{'id': _id, }, ], }
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
path = getattr(self.client, "networks_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path, "fields=id&id=" + _id), 'GET',
headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)
).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr))
returned_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(
self.client, 'network', _id)
self.assertEqual(_id, returned_id)
def test_get_id_from_id_then_name_empty(self):
_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
reses = {'networks': [{'id': _id, }, ], }
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
resstr1 = self.client.serialize({'networks': []})
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
path = getattr(self.client, "networks_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path, "fields=id&id=" + _id), 'GET',
headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)
).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr1))
test_cli20.end_url(path, "fields=id&name=" + _id), 'GET',
headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)
).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr))
returned_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(
self.client, 'network', _id)
self.assertEqual(_id, returned_id)
def test_get_id_from_name(self):
name = 'myname'
_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
reses = {'networks': [{'id': _id, }, ], }
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
path = getattr(self.client, "networks_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path, "fields=id&name=" + name), 'GET',
headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)
).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr))
returned_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(
self.client, 'network', name)
self.assertEqual(_id, returned_id)
def test_get_id_from_name_multiple(self):
name = 'myname'
reses = {'networks': [{'id': str(uuid.uuid4())},
{'id': str(uuid.uuid4())}]}
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
path = getattr(self.client, "networks_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path, "fields=id&name=" + name), 'GET',
headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)
).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr))
self.client, 'network', name)
except exceptions.NeutronClientNoUniqueMatch as ex:
self.assertIn('Multiple', ex.message)
def test_get_id_from_name_notfound(self):
name = 'myname'
reses = {'networks': []}
resstr = self.client.serialize(reses)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request")
path = getattr(self.client, "networks_path")
test_cli20.end_url(path, "fields=id&name=" + name), 'GET',
headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', test_cli20.TOKEN)
).AndReturn((test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr))
self.client, 'network', name)
except exceptions.NeutronClientException as ex:
self.assertIn('Unable to find', ex.message)
self.assertEqual(404, ex.status_code)

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2013 Yahoo! Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import quota as test_quota
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20Quota(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_show_quota(self):
resource = 'quota'
cmd = test_quota.ShowQuota(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--tenant-id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args)
def test_update_quota(self):
resource = 'quota'
cmd = test_quota.UpdateQuota(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--tenant-id', self.test_id, '--network', 'test']
exceptions.NeutronClientException, self._test_update_resource,
resource, cmd, self.test_id, args=args,
extrafields={'network': 'new'})
def test_delete_quota_get_parser(self):
cmd = test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout)
test_quota.DeleteQuota(cmd, None).get_parser(cmd)

View File

@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
# (c) Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Swaminathan Vasudevan, Hewlett Packard.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.vpn import ikepolicy
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20VpnIkePolicyJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_ikepolicy_all_params(self):
"""vpn-ikepolicy-create all params."""
resource = 'ikepolicy'
cmd = ikepolicy.CreateIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'ikepolicy1'
description = 'my-ike-policy'
auth_algorithm = 'sha1'
encryption_algorithm = 'aes-256'
ike_version = 'v1'
phase1_negotiation_mode = 'main'
pfs = 'group5'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
lifetime = 'units=seconds,value=20000'
args = [name,
'--description', description,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--auth-algorithm', auth_algorithm,
'--encryption-algorithm', encryption_algorithm,
'--ike-version', ike_version,
'--phase1-negotiation-mode', phase1_negotiation_mode,
'--lifetime', lifetime,
'--pfs', pfs]
position_names = ['name', 'description',
'auth_algorithm', 'encryption_algorithm',
'ike_version', 'pfs',
position_values = [name, description,
auth_algorithm, encryption_algorithm,
phase1_negotiation_mode, ike_version, pfs,
extra_body = {
'lifetime': {
'units': 'seconds',
'value': 20000,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_ikepolicy_with_limited_params(self):
"""vpn-ikepolicy-create with limited params."""
resource = 'ikepolicy'
cmd = ikepolicy.CreateIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'ikepolicy1'
auth_algorithm = 'sha1'
encryption_algorithm = 'aes-128'
ike_version = 'v1'
phase1_negotiation_mode = 'main'
pfs = 'group5'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [name,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id]
position_names = ['name',
'auth_algorithm', 'encryption_algorithm',
'ike_version', 'pfs',
position_values = [name,
auth_algorithm, encryption_algorithm,
ike_version, pfs,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def _test_lifetime_values(self, lifetime):
resource = 'ikepolicy'
cmd = ikepolicy.CreateIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'ikepolicy1'
description = 'my-ike-policy'
auth_algorithm = 'sha1'
encryption_algorithm = 'aes-256'
ike_version = 'v1'
phase1_negotiation_mode = 'main'
pfs = 'group5'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [name,
'--description', description,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--auth-algorithm', auth_algorithm,
'--encryption-algorithm', encryption_algorithm,
'--ike-version', ike_version,
'--phase1-negotiation-mode', phase1_negotiation_mode,
'--lifetime', lifetime,
'--pfs', pfs]
position_names = ['name', 'description',
'auth_algorithm', 'encryption_algorithm',
'ike_version', 'pfs',
position_values = [name, description,
auth_algorithm, encryption_algorithm,
phase1_negotiation_mode, ike_version, pfs,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
except Exception:
return"IKEPolicy Lifetime Error")
def test_create_ikepolicy_with_invalid_lifetime_keys(self):
lifetime = 'uts=seconds,val=20000'
def test_create_ikepolicy_with_invalid_lifetime_value(self):
lifetime = 'units=seconds,value=-1'
def test_list_ikepolicy(self):
resources = "ikepolicies"
cmd = ikepolicy.ListIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_ikepolicy_pagination(self):
resources = "ikepolicies"
cmd = ikepolicy.ListIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_ikepolicy_sort(self):
"""vpn-ikepolicy-list --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "ikepolicies"
cmd = ikepolicy.ListIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_ikepolicy_limit(self):
"""vpn-ikepolicy-list -P."""
resources = "ikepolicies"
cmd = ikepolicy.ListIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_ikepolicy_id(self):
"""vpn-ikepolicy-show ikepolicy_id."""
resource = 'ikepolicy'
cmd = ikepolicy.ShowIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_ikepolicy_id_name(self):
resource = 'ikepolicy'
cmd = ikepolicy.ShowIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_ikepolicy(self):
"""vpn-ikepolicy-update myid --name newname --tags a b."""
resource = 'ikepolicy'
cmd = ikepolicy.UpdateIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'newname'],
{'name': 'newname', })
def test_delete_ikepolicy(self):
"""vpn-ikepolicy-delete my-id."""
resource = 'ikepolicy'
cmd = ikepolicy.DeleteIKEPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
class CLITestV20VpnIkePolicyXML(CLITestV20VpnIkePolicyJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
# (c) Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Swaminathan Vasudevan, Hewlett Packard.
import sys
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.vpn import ipsec_site_connection
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20IPsecSiteConnectionJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_ipsec_site_connection_all_params(self):
"""ipsecsite-connection-create all params."""
resource = 'ipsec_site_connection'
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.CreateIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
tenant_id = 'mytenant_id'
name = 'connection1'
my_id = 'my_id'
peer_address = ''
peer_id = ''
psk = 'abcd'
mtu = '1500'
initiator = 'bi-directional'
vpnservice_id = 'vpnservice_id'
ikepolicy_id = 'ikepolicy_id'
ipsecpolicy_id = 'ipsecpolicy_id'
peer_cidrs = ['', '']
admin_state = True
description = 'my-vpn-connection'
dpd = 'action=restart,interval=30,timeout=120'
args = ['--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--peer-address', peer_address, '--peer-id', peer_id,
'--psk', psk, '--initiator', initiator,
'--vpnservice-id', vpnservice_id,
'--ikepolicy-id', ikepolicy_id, '--name', name,
'--ipsecpolicy-id', ipsecpolicy_id, '--mtu', mtu,
'--description', description,
'--peer-cidr', '',
'--peer-cidr', '',
'--dpd', dpd]
position_names = ['name', 'tenant_id', 'admin_state_up',
'peer_address', 'peer_id', 'peer_cidrs',
'psk', 'mtu', 'initiator', 'description',
'vpnservice_id', 'ikepolicy_id',
position_values = [name, tenant_id, admin_state, peer_address,
peer_id, peer_cidrs, psk, mtu,
initiator, description,
vpnservice_id, ikepolicy_id, ipsecpolicy_id]
extra_body = {
'dpd': {
'action': 'restart',
'interval': 30,
'timeout': 120,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_ipsec_site_connection_with_limited_params(self):
"""ipsecsite-connection-create with limited params."""
resource = 'ipsec_site_connection'
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.CreateIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
tenant_id = 'mytenant_id'
my_id = 'my_id'
peer_address = ''
peer_id = ''
psk = 'abcd'
mtu = '1500'
initiator = 'bi-directional'
vpnservice_id = 'vpnservice_id'
ikepolicy_id = 'ikepolicy_id'
ipsecpolicy_id = 'ipsecpolicy_id'
peer_cidrs = ['', '']
admin_state = True
args = ['--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--peer-address', peer_address,
'--peer-id', peer_id,
'--psk', psk,
'--vpnservice-id', vpnservice_id,
'--ikepolicy-id', ikepolicy_id,
'--ipsecpolicy-id', ipsecpolicy_id,
'--peer-cidr', '',
'--peer-cidr', '']
position_names = ['tenant_id', 'admin_state_up',
'peer_address', 'peer_id', 'peer_cidrs',
'psk', 'mtu', 'initiator',
'vpnservice_id', 'ikepolicy_id',
position_values = [tenant_id, admin_state, peer_address,
peer_id, peer_cidrs, psk, mtu,
vpnservice_id, ikepolicy_id, ipsecpolicy_id]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, None, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def _test_dpd_values(self, dpd):
"""ipsecsite-connection-create with invalid dpd values."""
resource = 'ipsec_site_connection'
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.CreateIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
tenant_id = 'mytenant_id'
name = 'connection1'
my_id = 'my_id'
peer_address = ''
peer_id = ''
psk = 'abcd'
mtu = '1500'
initiator = 'bi-directional'
vpnservice_id = 'vpnservice_id'
ikepolicy_id = 'ikepolicy_id'
ipsecpolicy_id = 'ipsecpolicy_id'
peer_cidrs = ['', '']
admin_state = True
description = 'my-vpn-connection'
args = ['--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--peer-address', peer_address, '--peer-id', peer_id,
'--psk', psk, '--initiator', initiator,
'--vpnservice-id', vpnservice_id,
'--ikepolicy-id', ikepolicy_id, '--name', name,
'--ipsecpolicy-id', ipsecpolicy_id, '--mtu', mtu,
'--description', description,
'--peer-cidr', '',
'--peer-cidr', '',
'--dpd', dpd]
position_names = ['name', 'tenant_id', 'admin_state_up',
'peer_address', 'peer_id', 'peer_cidrs',
'psk', 'mtu', 'initiator', 'description',
'vpnservice_id', 'ikepolicy_id',
position_values = [name, tenant_id, admin_state, peer_address,
peer_id, peer_cidrs, psk, mtu,
initiator, description,
vpnservice_id, ikepolicy_id, ipsecpolicy_id]
resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_invalid_mtu(self):
"""ipsecsite-connection-create with invalid dpd values."""
resource = 'ipsec_site_connection'
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.CreateIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
tenant_id = 'mytenant_id'
name = 'connection1'
my_id = 'my_id'
peer_address = ''
peer_id = ''
psk = 'abcd'
mtu = '67'
initiator = 'bi-directional'
vpnservice_id = 'vpnservice_id'
ikepolicy_id = 'ikepolicy_id'
ipsecpolicy_id = 'ipsecpolicy_id'
peer_cidrs = ['', '']
admin_state = True
description = 'my-vpn-connection'
args = ['--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--peer-address', peer_address, '--peer-id', peer_id,
'--psk', psk, '--initiator', initiator,
'--vpnservice-id', vpnservice_id,
'--ikepolicy-id', ikepolicy_id, '--name', name,
'--ipsecpolicy-id', ipsecpolicy_id, '--mtu', mtu,
'--description', description,
'--peer-cidr', '',
'--peer-cidr', '']
position_names = ['name', 'tenant_id', 'admin_state_up',
'peer_address', 'peer_id', 'peer_cidrs',
'psk', 'mtu', 'initiator', 'description',
'vpnservice_id', 'ikepolicy_id',
position_values = [name, tenant_id, admin_state, peer_address,
peer_id, peer_cidrs, psk, mtu,
initiator, description,
vpnservice_id, ikepolicy_id, ipsecpolicy_id]
resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_ipsec_site_connection_with_invalid_dpd_keys(self):
dpd = 'act=restart,interval=30,time=120'
def test_create_ipsec_site_connection_with_invalid_dpd_values(self):
dpd = 'action=hold,interval=30,timeout=-1'
def test_list_ipsec_site_connection(self):
resources = "ipsec_site_connections"
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.ListIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_ipsec_site_connection_pagination(self):
resources = "ipsec_site_connections"
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.ListIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_ipsec_site_connection_sort(self):
--sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc --sort-key desc
resources = "ipsec_site_connections"
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.ListIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_ipsec_site_connection_limit(self):
"""ipsecsite-connection-list -P."""
resources = "ipsec_site_connections"
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.ListIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_delete_ipsec_site_connection(self):
"""ipsecsite-connection-delete my-id."""
resource = 'ipsec_site_connection'
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.DeleteIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
def test_update_ipsec_site_connection(self):
"""ipsecsite-connection-update myid --name myname --tags a b."""
resource = 'ipsec_site_connection'
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.UpdateIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'Branch-new',
'--tags', 'a', 'b'],
{'name': 'Branch-new',
'tags': ['a', 'b'], })
def test_show_ipsec_site_connection_id(self):
"""ipsecsite-connection-show test_id."""
resource = 'ipsec_site_connection'
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.ShowIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_ipsec_site_connection_id_name(self):
resource = 'ipsec_site_connection'
cmd = ipsec_site_connection.ShowIPsecSiteConnection(
test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
class CLITestV20IPsecSiteConnectionXML(CLITestV20IPsecSiteConnectionJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
# (c) Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Swaminathan Vasudevan, Hewlett Packard.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.vpn import ipsecpolicy
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20VpnIpsecPolicyJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_ipsecpolicy_all_params(self):
"""vpn-ipsecpolicy-create all params with dashes."""
resource = 'ipsecpolicy'
cmd = ipsecpolicy.CreateIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'ipsecpolicy1'
description = 'first-ipsecpolicy1'
auth_algorithm = 'sha1'
encryption_algorithm = 'aes-256'
encapsulation_mode = 'tunnel'
pfs = 'group5'
transform_protocol = 'ah'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
lifetime = 'units=seconds,value=20000'
args = [name,
'--description', description,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--auth-algorithm', auth_algorithm,
'--encryption-algorithm', encryption_algorithm,
'--transform-protocol', transform_protocol,
'--encapsulation-mode', encapsulation_mode,
'--lifetime', lifetime,
'--pfs', pfs]
position_names = ['name', 'auth_algorithm', 'encryption_algorithm',
'encapsulation_mode', 'description',
'transform_protocol', 'pfs',
position_values = [name, auth_algorithm, encryption_algorithm,
encapsulation_mode, description,
transform_protocol, pfs,
extra_body = {
'lifetime': {
'units': 'seconds',
'value': 20000,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values,
def test_create_ipsecpolicy_with_limited_params(self):
"""vpn-ipsecpolicy-create with limited params."""
resource = 'ipsecpolicy'
cmd = ipsecpolicy.CreateIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'ipsecpolicy1'
auth_algorithm = 'sha1'
encryption_algorithm = 'aes-128'
encapsulation_mode = 'tunnel'
pfs = 'group5'
transform_protocol = 'esp'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [name,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id]
position_names = ['name', 'auth_algorithm', 'encryption_algorithm',
'transform_protocol', 'pfs',
position_values = [name, auth_algorithm, encryption_algorithm,
transform_protocol, pfs,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def _test_lifetime_values(self, lifetime):
resource = 'ipsecpolicy'
cmd = ipsecpolicy.CreateIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
name = 'ipsecpolicy1'
description = 'my-ipsec-policy'
auth_algorithm = 'sha1'
encryption_algorithm = 'aes-256'
ike_version = 'v1'
phase1_negotiation_mode = 'main'
pfs = 'group5'
tenant_id = 'my-tenant'
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [name,
'--description', description,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id,
'--auth-algorithm', auth_algorithm,
'--encryption-algorithm', encryption_algorithm,
'--ike-version', ike_version,
'--phase1-negotiation-mode', phase1_negotiation_mode,
'--lifetime', lifetime,
'--pfs', pfs]
position_names = ['name', 'description',
'auth_algorithm', 'encryption_algorithm',
'ike_version', 'pfs',
position_values = [name, description,
auth_algorithm, encryption_algorithm,
phase1_negotiation_mode, ike_version, pfs,
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
except Exception:
return"IPsecPolicy Lifetime Error")
def test_create_ipsecpolicy_with_invalid_lifetime_keys(self):
lifetime = 'uts=seconds,val=20000'
def test_create_ipsecpolicy_with_invalide_lifetime_values(self):
lifetime = 'units=minutes,value=0'
def test_list_ipsecpolicy(self):
resources = "ipsecpolicies"
cmd = ipsecpolicy.ListIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_ipsecpolicy_pagination(self):
resources = "ipsecpolicies"
cmd = ipsecpolicy.ListIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_ipsecpolicy_sort(self):
"""vpn-ipsecpolicy-list --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "ipsecpolicies"
cmd = ipsecpolicy.ListIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_ipsecpolicy_limit(self):
"""vpn-ipsecpolicy-list -P."""
resources = "ipsecpolicies"
cmd = ipsecpolicy.ListIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_ipsecpolicy_id(self):
"""vpn-ipsecpolicy-show ipsecpolicy_id."""
resource = 'ipsecpolicy'
cmd = ipsecpolicy.ShowIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_ipsecpolicy_id_name(self):
resource = 'ipsecpolicy'
cmd = ipsecpolicy.ShowIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_ipsecpolicy(self):
"""vpn-ipsecpolicy-update myid --name newname --tags a b."""
resource = 'ipsecpolicy'
cmd = ipsecpolicy.UpdateIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'newname'],
{'name': 'newname', })
def test_delete_ipsecpolicy(self):
"""vpn-ipsecpolicy-delete my-id."""
resource = 'ipsecpolicy'
cmd = ipsecpolicy.DeleteIPsecPolicy(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
class CLITestV20VpnIpsecPolicyXML(CLITestV20VpnIpsecPolicyJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
# (c) Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Swaminathan Vasudevan, Hewlett Packard.
import sys
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.vpn import vpnservice
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20VpnServiceJSON(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def test_create_vpnservice_all_params(self):
"""vpn-service-create all params."""
resource = 'vpnservice'
cmd = vpnservice.CreateVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
subnet = 'mysubnet-id'
router = 'myrouter-id'
tenant_id = 'mytenant-id'
my_id = 'my-id'
name = 'myvpnservice'
description = 'my-vpn-service'
admin_state = True
args = ['--name', name,
'--description', description,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id]
position_names = ['admin_state_up', 'name', 'description',
'subnet_id', 'router_id',
position_values = [admin_state, name, description,
subnet, router, tenant_id]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, name, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_create_vpnservice_with_limited_params(self):
"""vpn-service-create with limited params."""
resource = 'vpnservice'
cmd = vpnservice.CreateVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
subnet = 'mysubnet-id'
router = 'myrouter-id'
tenant_id = 'mytenant-id'
my_id = 'my-id'
admin_state = True
args = [router,
'--tenant-id', tenant_id]
position_names = ['admin_state_up',
'subnet_id', 'router_id',
position_values = [admin_state, subnet, router, tenant_id]
self._test_create_resource(resource, cmd, None, my_id, args,
position_names, position_values)
def test_list_vpnservice(self):
resources = "vpnservices"
cmd = vpnservice.ListVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, True)
def test_list_vpnservice_pagination(self):
resources = "vpnservices"
cmd = vpnservice.ListVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources_with_pagination(resources, cmd)
def test_list_vpnservice_sort(self):
"""vpn-service-list --sort-key name --sort-key id --sort-key asc
--sort-key desc
resources = "vpnservices"
cmd = vpnservice.ListVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd,
sort_key=["name", "id"],
sort_dir=["asc", "desc"])
def test_list_vpnservice_limit(self):
"""vpn-service-list -P."""
resources = "vpnservices"
cmd = vpnservice.ListVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_list_resources(resources, cmd, page_size=1000)
def test_show_vpnservice_id(self):
"""vpn-service-show test_id."""
resource = 'vpnservice'
cmd = vpnservice.ShowVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id, args, ['id'])
def test_show_vpnservice_id_name(self):
resource = 'vpnservice'
cmd = vpnservice.ShowVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
args = ['--fields', 'id', '--fields', 'name', self.test_id]
self._test_show_resource(resource, cmd, self.test_id,
args, ['id', 'name'])
def test_update_vpnservice(self):
"""vpn-service-update myid --name newname --tags a b."""
resource = 'vpnservice'
cmd = vpnservice.UpdateVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
self._test_update_resource(resource, cmd, 'myid',
['myid', '--name', 'newname'],
{'name': 'newname', })
def test_delete_vpnservice(self):
"""vpn-service-delete my-id."""
resource = 'vpnservice'
cmd = vpnservice.DeleteVPNService(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
my_id = 'my-id'
args = [my_id]
self._test_delete_resource(resource, cmd, my_id, args)
class CLITestV20VpnServiceXML(CLITestV20VpnServiceJSON):
format = 'xml'

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
# (c) Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Swaminathan Vasudevan, Hewlett Packard.
import testtools
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.common import utils
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.vpn import utils as vpn_utils
class TestVPNUtils(testtools.TestCase):
def test_validate_lifetime_dictionary_seconds(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict("units=seconds,value=3600")
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_action_hold(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict("action=hold,interval=30,timeout=120")
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_action_restart(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict("action=restart,interval=30,timeout=120")
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_action_restart_by_peer(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict(
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_action_clear(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=clear,interval=30,timeout=120')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_action_disabled(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=disabled,interval=30,timeout=120')
def test_validate_lifetime_dictionary_invalid_unit_key(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('ut=seconds,value=3600')
def test_validate_lifetime_dictionary_invalid_unit_key_value(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('units=seconds,val=3600')
def test_validate_lifetime_dictionary_unsupported_units(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('units=minutes,value=3600')
def test_validate_lifetime_dictionary_invalid_empty_unit(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('units=,value=3600')
def test_validate_lifetime_dictionary_under_minimum_integer_value(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('units=seconds,value=59')
def test_validate_lifetime_dictionary_negative_integer_value(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('units=seconds,value=-1')
def test_validate_lifetime_dictionary_empty_value(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('units=seconds,value=')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_invalid_key_action(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('act=hold,interval=30,timeout=120')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_invalid_key_interval(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=hold,int=30,timeout=120')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_invalid_key_timeout(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=hold,interval=30,tiut=120')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_unsupported_action(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=bye-bye,interval=30,timeout=120')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_empty_action(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=,interval=30,timeout=120')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_empty_interval(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=hold,interval=,timeout=120')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_negative_interval_value(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=hold,interval=-1,timeout=120')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_zero_timeout(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=hold,interval=30,timeout=0')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_empty_timeout(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=hold,interval=30,timeout=')
def test_validate_dpd_dictionary_negative_timeout_value(self):
input_str = utils.str2dict('action=hold,interval=30,timeout=-1')
def _test_validate_lifetime_negative_test_case(self, input_str):
"""Generic handler for negative lifetime tests."""
def _test_validate_dpd_negative_test_case(self, input_str):
"""Generic handler for negative lifetime tests."""