# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import urllib import contextlib import fixtures import mock import six import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse import sys import testtools from tackerclient.common import constants from tackerclient.common import exceptions from tackerclient import shell from tackerclient.tacker import v1_0 as tackerV1_0 from tackerclient.tacker.v1_0 import TackerCommand from tackerclient.tests.unit import test_utils from tackerclient.v1_0 import client API_VERSION = "1.0" FORMAT = 'json' TOKEN = 'testtoken' ENDURL = 'localurl' @contextlib.contextmanager def capture_std_streams(): fake_stdout, fake_stderr = six.StringIO(), six.StringIO() stdout, stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr try: sys.stdout, sys.stderr = fake_stdout, fake_stderr yield fake_stdout, fake_stderr finally: sys.stdout, sys.stderr = stdout, stderr class FakeStdout(object): def __init__(self): self.content = [] def write(self, text): self.content.append(text) def make_string(self): result = '' for line in self.content: result = result + line return result class MyResp(object): def __init__(self, status_code, headers=None, reason=None): self.status_code = status_code self.headers = headers or {} self.reason = reason class MyApp(object): def __init__(self, _stdout): self.stdout = _stdout def end_url(path, query=None, format=FORMAT): _url_str = ENDURL + "/v" + API_VERSION + path + "." + format return query and _url_str + "?" + query or _url_str class MyUrlComparator(object): def __init__(self, lhs, client): self.lhs = lhs self.client = client def equals(self, rhs): lhsp = urlparse.urlparse(self.lhs) rhsp = urlparse.urlparse(rhs) lhs_qs = urlparse.parse_qsl(lhsp.query) rhs_qs = urlparse.parse_qsl(rhsp.query) return (lhsp.scheme == rhsp.scheme and lhsp.netloc == rhsp.netloc and lhsp.path == rhsp.path and len(lhs_qs) == len(rhs_qs) and set(lhs_qs) == set(rhs_qs)) def __str__(self): if self.client and self.client.format != FORMAT: lhs_parts = self.lhs.split("?", 1) if len(lhs_parts) == 2: lhs = ("%s.%s?%s" % (lhs_parts[0][:-4], self.client.format, lhs_parts[1])) else: lhs = ("%s.%s" % (lhs_parts[0][:-4], self.client.format)) return lhs return self.lhs def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __eq__(self, rhs): return self.equals(rhs) def __ne__(self, rhs): return not self.__eq__(rhs) class MyComparator(object): def __init__(self, lhs, client): self.lhs = lhs self.client = client def _com_dict(self, lhs, rhs): if len(lhs) != len(rhs): return False for key, value in lhs.items(): if key not in rhs: return False rhs_value = rhs[key] if not self._com(value, rhs_value): return False return True def _com_list(self, lhs, rhs): if len(lhs) != len(rhs): return False for lhs_value in lhs: if lhs_value not in rhs: return False return True def _com(self, lhs, rhs): if lhs is None: return rhs is None if isinstance(lhs, dict): if not isinstance(rhs, dict): return False return self._com_dict(lhs, rhs) if isinstance(lhs, list): if not isinstance(rhs, list): return False return self._com_list(lhs, rhs) if isinstance(lhs, tuple): if not isinstance(rhs, tuple): return False return self._com_list(lhs, rhs) return lhs == rhs def equals(self, rhs): if self.client: rhs = self.client.deserialize(rhs, 200) return self._com(self.lhs, rhs) def __repr__(self): if self.client: return self.client.serialize(self.lhs) return str(self.lhs) def __eq__(self, rhs): return self.equals(rhs) def __ne__(self, rhs): return not self.__eq__(rhs) class CLITestV10Base(testtools.TestCase): format = 'json' test_id = 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa' id_field = 'id' def _find_resourceid(self, client, resource, name_or_id): return name_or_id def setUp(self, plurals={}): """Prepare the test environment.""" super(CLITestV10Base, self).setUp() client.Client.EXTED_PLURALS.update(constants.PLURALS) client.Client.EXTED_PLURALS.update(plurals) self.metadata = {'plurals': client.Client.EXTED_PLURALS, 'xmlns': constants.XML_NS_V10, constants.EXT_NS: {'prefix': 'http://xxxx.yy.com'}} self.endurl = ENDURL self.fake_stdout = FakeStdout() self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', self.fake_stdout)) self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch( 'tackerclient.tacker.v1_0.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id', self._find_resourceid)) self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch( 'tackerclient.tacker.v1_0.find_resourceid_by_id', self._find_resourceid)) self.client = client.Client(token=TOKEN, endpoint_url=self.endurl) @mock.patch.object(TackerCommand, 'get_client') def _test_create_resource(self, resource, cmd, name, myid, args, position_names, position_values, mock_get, tenant_id=None, get_client_called_count=1, tags=None, admin_state_up=True, extra_body=None, **kwargs): mock_get.return_value = self.client non_admin_status_resources = ['vnfd', 'vnf', 'vim', 'vnffgd', 'vnffg'] if (resource in non_admin_status_resources): body = {resource: {}, } else: body = {resource: {'admin_state_up': admin_state_up, }, } if tenant_id: body[resource].update({'tenant_id': tenant_id}) if tags: body[resource].update({'tags': tags}) if extra_body: body[resource].update(extra_body) body[resource].update(kwargs) for i in range(len(position_names)): body[resource].update({position_names[i]: position_values[i]}) ress = {resource: {self.id_field: myid}, } if name: ress[resource].update({'name': name}) self.client.format = self.format resstr = self.client.serialize(ress) # url method body resource_plural = tackerV1_0._get_resource_plural(resource, self.client) path = getattr(self.client, resource_plural + "_path") # Work around for LP #1217791. XML deserializer called from # MyComparator does not decodes XML string correctly. if self.format == 'json': _body = MyComparator(body, self.client) else: _body = self.client.serialize(body) with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as mock_req: mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(200), resstr) args.extend(['--request-format', self.format]) cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('create_' + resource) shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) mock_req.assert_called_once_with( end_url(path, format=self.format), 'POST', body=_body, headers=test_utils.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)) self.assertEqual(get_client_called_count, mock_get.call_count) _str = self.fake_stdout.make_string() self.assertIn(myid, _str) if name: self.assertIn(name, _str) @mock.patch.object(TackerCommand, 'get_client') def _test_list_columns(self, cmd, resources_collection, resources_out, mock_get, args=['-f', 'json']): mock_get.return_value = self.client self.client.format = self.format resstr = self.client.serialize(resources_out) path = getattr(self.client, resources_collection + "_path") with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as mock_req: mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(200), resstr) args.extend(['--request-format', self.format]) cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_" + resources_collection) shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) mock_req.assert_called_once_with( end_url(path, format=self.format), 'GET', body=None, headers=test_utils.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)) mock_get.assert_called_once_with() def _test_list_resources(self, resources, cmd, detail=False, tags=[], fields_1=[], fields_2=[], page_size=None, sort_key=[], sort_dir=[], response_contents=None, base_args=None, path=None, template_source=None): if response_contents is None: contents = [{self.id_field: 'myid1', }, {self.id_field: 'myid2', }, ] else: contents = response_contents reses = {resources: contents} self.client.format = self.format resstr = self.client.serialize(reses) # url method body query = "" args = base_args if base_args is not None else [] if detail: args.append('-D') args.extend(['--request-format', self.format]) if fields_1: for field in fields_1: args.append('--fields') args.append(field) if template_source is not None: args.append("--template-source") args.append(template_source) query += 'template_source=' + template_source if tags: args.append('--') args.append("--tag") for tag in tags: args.append(tag) if isinstance(tag, six.string_types): tag = urllib.quote(tag.encode('utf-8')) if query: query += "&tag=" + tag else: query = "tag=" + tag if (not tags) and fields_2: args.append('--') if fields_2: args.append("--fields") for field in fields_2: args.append(field) if detail: query = query and query + '&verbose=True' or 'verbose=True' fields_1.extend(fields_2) for field in fields_1: if query: query += "&fields=" + field else: query = "fields=" + field if page_size: args.append("--page-size") args.append(str(page_size)) if query: query += "&limit=%s" % page_size else: query = "limit=%s" % page_size if sort_key: for key in sort_key: args.append('--sort-key') args.append(key) if query: query += '&' query += 'sort_key=%s' % key if sort_dir: len_diff = len(sort_key) - len(sort_dir) if len_diff > 0: sort_dir += ['asc'] * len_diff elif len_diff < 0: sort_dir = sort_dir[:len(sort_key)] for dir in sort_dir: args.append('--sort-dir') args.append(dir) if query: query += '&' query += 'sort_dir=%s' % dir if path is None: path = getattr(self.client, resources + "_path") with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as mock_req: mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(200), resstr) with mock.patch.object(TackerCommand, 'get_client') as mock_get: mock_get.return_value = self.client cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_" + resources) shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) mock_req.assert_called_once_with( MyUrlComparator(end_url(path, query, format=self.format), self.client), 'GET', body=None, headers=test_utils.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)) _str = self.fake_stdout.make_string() if response_contents is None: self.assertIn('myid1', _str) return _str @mock.patch.object(TackerCommand, 'get_client') def _test_list_sub_resources(self, resources, api_resource, cmd, myid, mock_get, detail=False, tags=[], fields_1=[], fields_2=[], page_size=None, sort_key=[], sort_dir=[], response_contents=None, base_args=None, path=None): mock_get.return_value = self.client if response_contents is None: contents = [{self.id_field: 'myid1', }, {self.id_field: 'myid2', }, ] else: contents = response_contents reses = {api_resource: contents} self.client.format = self.format resstr = self.client.serialize(reses) # url method body query = "" args = base_args if base_args is not None else [] if detail: args.append('-D') args.extend(['--request-format', self.format]) if fields_1: for field in fields_1: args.append('--fields') args.append(field) if tags: args.append('--') args.append("--tag") for tag in tags: args.append(tag) if isinstance(tag, six.string_types): tag = urllib.quote(tag.encode('utf-8')) if query: query += "&tag=" + tag else: query = "tag=" + tag if (not tags) and fields_2: args.append('--') if fields_2: args.append("--fields") for field in fields_2: args.append(field) if detail: query = query and query + '&verbose=True' or 'verbose=True' fields_1.extend(fields_2) for field in fields_1: if query: query += "&fields=" + field else: query = "fields=" + field if page_size: args.append("--page-size") args.append(str(page_size)) if query: query += "&limit=%s" % page_size else: query = "limit=%s" % page_size if sort_key: for key in sort_key: args.append('--sort-key') args.append(key) if query: query += '&' query += 'sort_key=%s' % key if sort_dir: len_diff = len(sort_key) - len(sort_dir) if len_diff > 0: sort_dir += ['asc'] * len_diff elif len_diff < 0: sort_dir = sort_dir[:len(sort_key)] for dir in sort_dir: args.append('--sort-dir') args.append(dir) if query: query += '&' query += 'sort_dir=%s' % dir if path is None: path = getattr(self.client, resources + "_path") with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as mock_req: mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(200), resstr) comparator = MyUrlComparator( end_url(path % myid, query=query, format=self.format), self.client) args.extend(['--request-format', self.format]) cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_" + resources) shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) mock_req.assert_called_once_with( comparator, 'GET', body=None, headers=test_utils.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)) _str = self.fake_stdout.make_string() if response_contents is None: self.assertIn('myid1', _str) return _str # TODO(gongysh) add pagination unit test BUG 1633255 # def _test_list_sub_resources_with_pagination( # self, resources, api_resource, cmd, myid): # self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client") # self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request") # cmd.get_client().MultipleTimes().AndReturn(self.client) # path = getattr(self.client, resources + "_path") # fake_query = "marker=myid2&limit=2" # reses1 = {api_resource: [{'id': 'myid1', }, # {'id': 'myid2', }], # '%s_links' % api_resource: [ # {'href': end_url(path % myid, fake_query), # 'rel': 'next'}] # } # reses2 = {api_resource: [{'id': 'myid3', }, # {'id': 'myid4', }]} # self.client.format = self.format # resstr1 = self.client.serialize(reses1) # resstr2 = self.client.serialize(reses2) # self.client.httpclient.request( # end_url(path % myid, "", format=self.format), 'GET', # body=None, # headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue( # 'X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)).AndReturn((MyResp(200), resstr1)) # self.client.httpclient.request( # MyUrlComparator(end_url(path % myid, fake_query, # format=self.format), self.client), 'GET', # body=None, headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue( # 'X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)).AndReturn((MyResp(200), resstr2)) # self.mox.ReplayAll() # cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_" + resources) # args = [myid, '--request-format', self.format] # shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) # self.mox.VerifyAll() # self.mox.UnsetStubs() # def _test_list_resources_with_pagination(self, resources, cmd): # self.mox.StubOutWithMock(cmd, "get_client") # self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client.httpclient, "request") # cmd.get_client().MultipleTimes().AndReturn(self.client) # path = getattr(self.client, resources + "_path") # fake_query = "marker=myid2&limit=2" # reses1 = {resources: [{'id': 'myid1', }, # {'id': 'myid2', }], # '%s_links' % resources: [ # {'href': end_url(path, fake_query), # 'rel': 'next'}]} # reses2 = {resources: [{'id': 'myid3', }, # {'id': 'myid4', }]} # self.client.format = self.format # resstr1 = self.client.serialize(reses1) # resstr2 = self.client.serialize(reses2) # self.client.httpclient.request( # end_url(path, "", format=self.format), 'GET', # body=None, # headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue( # 'X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)).AndReturn((MyResp(200), resstr1)) # self.client.httpclient.request( # MyUrlComparator(end_url(path, fake_query, format=self.format), # self.client), 'GET', body=None, # headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue( # 'X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)).AndReturn((MyResp(200), resstr2)) # self.mox.ReplayAll() # cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_" + resources) # args = ['--request-format', self.format] # shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) # self.mox.VerifyAll() # self.mox.UnsetStubs() @mock.patch.object(TackerCommand, 'get_client') def _test_update_resource(self, resource, cmd, myid, args, extrafields, mock_get, get_client_called_count=1): mock_get.return_value = self.client body = {resource: extrafields} path = getattr(self.client, resource + "_path") self.client.format = self.format # Work around for LP #1217791. XML deserializer called from # MyComparator does not decodes XML string correctly. if self.format == 'json': _body = MyComparator(body, self.client) else: _body = self.client.serialize(body) with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as mock_req: comparator = MyUrlComparator( end_url(path % myid, format=self.format), self.client) mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(204), None) args.extend(['--request-format', self.format]) cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("update_" + resource) shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) mock_req.assert_called_once_with( comparator, 'PUT', body=_body, headers=test_utils.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)) self.assertEqual(get_client_called_count, mock_get.call_count) _str = self.fake_stdout.make_string() self.assertIn(myid, _str) def _test_show_resource(self, resource, cmd, myid, args, fields=[]): with mock.patch.object(cmd, 'get_client') as mock_get: mock_get.return_value = self.client query = "&".join(["fields=%s" % field for field in fields]) expected_res = {resource: {self.id_field: myid, 'name': 'myname', }, } self.client.format = self.format resstr = self.client.serialize(expected_res) path = getattr(self.client, resource + "_path") with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as\ mock_req: mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(200), resstr) args.extend(['--request-format', self.format]) cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("show_" + resource) shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) mock_req.assert_called_once_with( end_url(path % myid, query, format=self.format), 'GET', body=None, headers=test_utils.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)) _str = self.fake_stdout.make_string() mock_get.assert_called_once_with() self.assertIn(myid, _str) self.assertIn('myname', _str) @mock.patch.object(TackerCommand, 'get_client') def _test_delete_resource(self, resource, cmd, myid, args, mock_get): deleted_msg = {'vnf': 'delete initiated'} mock_get.return_value = self.client path = getattr(self.client, resource + "_path") with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as mock_req: mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(204), None) args.extend(['--request-format', self.format]) cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("delete_" + resource) shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) mock_req.assert_called_once_with( end_url(path % myid, format=self.format), 'DELETE', body=None, headers=test_utils.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)) mock_get.assert_called_once_with() _str = self.fake_stdout.make_string() msg = 'All specified %(resource)s(s) %(msg)s successfully\n' % { 'msg': deleted_msg.get(resource, 'deleted'), 'resource': resource} self.assertEqual(msg, _str) @mock.patch.object(TackerCommand, 'get_client') def _test_update_resource_action(self, resource, cmd, myid, action, args, body, mock_get, retval=None): mock_get.return_value = self.client path = getattr(self.client, resource + "_path") path_action = '%s/%s' % (myid, action) with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as mock_req: mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(204), retval) args.extend(['--request-format', self.format]) cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("delete_" + resource) shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args) mock_req.assert_called_once_with( end_url(path % path_action, format=self.format), 'PUT', body=MyComparator(body, self.client), headers=test_utils.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN)) _str = self.fake_stdout.make_string() self.assertIn(myid, _str) class ClientV1TestJson(CLITestV10Base): def test_do_request_unicode(self): self.client.format = self.format unicode_text = u'\u7f51\u7edc' # url with unicode action = u'/test' expected_action = action.encode('utf-8') # query string with unicode params = {'test': unicode_text} expect_query = urllib.urlencode({'test': unicode_text.encode('utf-8')}) # request body with unicode body = params expect_body = self.client.serialize(body) # headers with unicode self.client.httpclient.auth_token = unicode_text expected_auth_token = unicode_text.encode('utf-8') with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as mock_req: mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(200), expect_body) res_body = self.client.do_request('PUT', action, body=body, params=params) mock_req.assert_called_once_with( end_url(expected_action, query=expect_query, format=self.format), 'PUT', body=expect_body, headers=test_utils.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', expected_auth_token)) # test response with unicode self.assertEqual(res_body, body) def test_do_request_error_without_response_body(self): self.client.format = self.format params = {'test': 'value'} expect_query = urllib.urlencode(params) self.client.httpclient.auth_token = 'token' with mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request') as mock_req: mock_req.return_value = (MyResp(400, reason='An error'), '') self.client.httpclient.request( end_url('/test', query=expect_query, format=self.format), 'PUT', body='', headers={'X-Auth-Token': 'token'} ) error = self.assertRaises(exceptions.TackerClientException, self.client.do_request, 'PUT', '/test', body='', params=params) self.assertEqual("An error", str(error)) class CLITestV10ExceptionHandler(CLITestV10Base): def _test_exception_handler_v10( self, expected_exception, status_code, expected_msg, error_type=None, error_msg=None, error_detail=None, error_content=None): if error_content is None: error_content = {'TackerError': {'type': error_type, 'message': error_msg, 'detail': error_detail}} e = self.assertRaises(expected_exception, client.exception_handler_v10, status_code, error_content) self.assertEqual(status_code, e.status_code) if expected_msg is None: if error_detail: expected_msg = '\n'.join([error_msg, error_detail]) else: expected_msg = error_msg self.assertEqual(expected_msg, str(e)) def test_exception_handler_v10_ip_address_in_use(self): err_msg = ('Unable to complete operation for network ' 'fake-network-uuid. The IP address fake-ip is in use.') self._test_exception_handler_v10( exceptions.IpAddressInUseClient, 409, err_msg, 'IpAddressInUse', err_msg, '') def test_exception_handler_v10_tacker_known_error(self): known_error_map = [ ('NetworkNotFound', exceptions.NetworkNotFoundClient, 404), ('PortNotFound', exceptions.PortNotFoundClient, 404), ('NetworkInUse', exceptions.NetworkInUseClient, 409), ('PortInUse', exceptions.PortInUseClient, 409), ('StateInvalid', exceptions.StateInvalidClient, 400), ('IpAddressInUse', exceptions.IpAddressInUseClient, 409), ('IpAddressGenerationFailure', exceptions.IpAddressGenerationFailureClient, 409), ('ExternalIpAddressExhausted', exceptions.ExternalIpAddressExhaustedClient, 400), ('OverQuota', exceptions.OverQuotaClient, 409), ] error_msg = 'dummy exception message' error_detail = 'sample detail' for server_exc, client_exc, status_code in known_error_map: self._test_exception_handler_v10( client_exc, status_code, error_msg + '\n' + error_detail, server_exc, error_msg, error_detail) def test_exception_handler_v10_tacker_known_error_without_detail(self): error_msg = 'Network not found' error_detail = '' self._test_exception_handler_v10( exceptions.NetworkNotFoundClient, 404, error_msg, 'NetworkNotFound', error_msg, error_detail) def test_exception_handler_v10_unknown_error_to_per_code_exception(self): for status_code, client_exc in exceptions.HTTP_EXCEPTION_MAP.items(): error_msg = 'Unknown error' error_detail = 'This is detail' self._test_exception_handler_v10( client_exc, status_code, error_msg + '\n' + error_detail, 'UnknownError', error_msg, error_detail) def test_exception_handler_v10_tacker_unknown_status_code(self): error_msg = 'Unknown error' error_detail = 'This is detail' self._test_exception_handler_v10( exceptions.TackerClientException, 501, error_msg + '\n' + error_detail, 'UnknownError', error_msg, error_detail) def test_exception_handler_v10_bad_tacker_error(self): error_content = {'TackerError': {'unknown_key': 'UNKNOWN'}} self._test_exception_handler_v10( exceptions.TackerClientException, 500, expected_msg={'unknown_key': 'UNKNOWN'}, error_content=error_content) def test_exception_handler_v10_error_dict_contains_message(self): error_content = {'message': 'This is an error message'} self._test_exception_handler_v10( exceptions.TackerClientException, 500, expected_msg='This is an error message', error_content=error_content) def test_exception_handler_v10_error_dict_not_contain_message(self): error_content = {'error': 'This is an error message'} expected_msg = '%s-%s' % (500, error_content) self._test_exception_handler_v10( exceptions.TackerClientException, 500, expected_msg=expected_msg, error_content=error_content) def test_exception_handler_v10_default_fallback(self): error_content = 'This is an error message' expected_msg = '%s-%s' % (500, error_content) self._test_exception_handler_v10( exceptions.TackerClientException, 500, expected_msg=expected_msg, error_content=error_content)