diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 3675ff772..6e7279e54 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ python-openstackclient>=5.2.0 # Apache-2.0
 simplejson>=3.5.1 # MIT
 six>=1.10.0 # MIT
 osc-lib>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0
-websocket-client>=0.44.0 # LGPLv2+
 tripleo-common>=12.7.0 # Apache-2.0
 cryptography>=2.1 # BSD/Apache-2.0
 ansible-runner>=1.4.5 # Apache 2.0
diff --git a/tripleoclient/exceptions.py b/tripleoclient/exceptions.py
index 9141c3e11..4ce941426 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/exceptions.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/exceptions.py
@@ -25,10 +25,6 @@ class WorkflowServiceError(Base):
     """The service type is unknown"""
-class WebSocketTimeout(Base):
-    """Timed out waiting for messages on the websocket"""
 class WebSocketConnectionClosed(Base):
     """Websocket connection is closed before wait for messages"""
diff --git a/tripleoclient/export.py b/tripleoclient/export.py
index 3ba4b9d58..7cb03fab4 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/export.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/export.py
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ import json
 import logging
 import os
 import re
-import sys
 import yaml
 from osc_lib.i18n import _
 from tripleo_common import constants as tripleo_common_constants
+from tripleo_common.utils import swift as swiftutils
 from tripleoclient import constants
 from tripleoclient import utils as oooutils
@@ -35,13 +35,11 @@ def export_passwords(swift, stack, excludes=True):
     # Export the passwords from swift
     obj = 'plan-environment.yaml'
     container = stack
-    try:
-        resp_headers, content = swift.get_object(container, obj)
-    except Exception as e:
-        LOG.error("An error happened while exporting the password "
-                  "file from swift: %s", str(e))
-        sys.exit(1)
+    content = swiftutils.get_object_string(
+        swift,
+        container=container,
+        object_name=obj
+    )
     data = yaml.safe_load(content)
     # The "passwords" key in plan-environment.yaml are generated passwords,
     # they are not necessarily the actual password values used during the
diff --git a/tripleoclient/plugin.py b/tripleoclient/plugin.py
index 76c02449e..48cb81254 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/plugin.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/plugin.py
@@ -15,16 +15,10 @@
 """OpenStackClient Plugin interface"""
-import json
 import logging
-import socket
-import uuid
 from osc_lib import utils
 from swiftclient import client as swift_client
-import websocket
-from tripleoclient import exceptions
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -65,117 +59,6 @@ def build_option_parser(parser):
     return parser
-class WebsocketClient(object):
-    def __init__(self, instance, queue_name="tripleo", cacert=None):
-        self._project_id = None
-        self._ws = None
-        self._websocket_client_id = None
-        self._queue_name = queue_name
-        endpoint = instance.get_endpoint_for_service_type(
-            'messaging-websocket')
-        token = instance.auth.get_token(instance.session)
-        self._project_id = instance.auth_ref.project_id
-        self._websocket_client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
-        LOG.debug('Instantiating messaging websocket client: %s', endpoint)
-        try:
-            if 'wss:' in endpoint and cacert:
-                OS_CACERT = {"ca_certs": cacert}
-                self._ws = websocket.create_connection(endpoint,
-                                                       sslopt=OS_CACERT)
-            else:
-                self._ws = websocket.create_connection(endpoint)
-        except socket.error:
-            LOG.error("Could not establish a connection to the Zaqar "
-                      "websocket. The command was sent but the answer "
-                      "could not be read.")
-            raise
-        self.send('authenticate', extra_headers={'X-Auth-Token': token})
-        # create and subscribe to a queue
-        # NOTE: if the queue exists it will 204
-        self.send('queue_create', {'queue_name': queue_name})
-        self.send('subscription_create', {
-            'queue_name': queue_name,
-            'ttl': 10000
-        })
-    def cleanup(self):
-        self._ws.close()
-    def send(self, action, body=None, extra_headers=None):
-        headers = {
-            'Client-ID': self._websocket_client_id,
-            'X-Project-ID': self._project_id
-        }
-        if extra_headers is not None:
-            headers.update(extra_headers)
-        msg = {'action': action, 'headers': headers}
-        if body:
-            msg['body'] = body
-        self._ws.send(json.dumps(msg))
-        data = self.recv()
-        if data['headers']['status'] not in (200, 201, 204):
-            raise RuntimeError(data)
-        return data
-    def recv(self):
-        content = self._ws.recv()
-        try:
-            return json.loads(content)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "No JSON object could be decoded; {0!r}".format(content))
-    def wait_for_messages(self, timeout=None):
-        """Wait for messages on a Zaqar queue
-        A timeout can be provided in seconds, if no timeout is provided it
-        will block forever until a message is received. If no message is
-        received (for example, Zaqar is down) then it will block until manually
-        killed.
-        If no timeout is provided this method will never stop waiting for new
-        messages. It is the responsibility of the consumer to stop consuming
-        messages.
-        """
-        if timeout is None:
-            LOG.warning("Waiting for messages on queue '{}' with no timeout."
-                        .format(self._queue_name))
-        try:
-            self._ws.settimeout(timeout)
-            while True:
-                message = self.recv()
-                LOG.debug(message)
-                yield message['body']['payload']
-        except websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException:
-            raise exceptions.WebSocketTimeout()
-        except websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException:
-            raise exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosed()
-    def __enter__(self):
-        """Return self to allow usage as a context manager"""
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, *exc):
-        """Call cleanup when exiting the context manager"""
-        try:
-            self.cleanup()
-        except websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException:
-            pass
 class MistralContext(object):
     """MistralContext, a shim for calling Mistral actions directly
@@ -283,11 +166,6 @@ class ClientWrapper(object):
         self._local_orchestration = client
         return self._local_orchestration
-    def messaging_websocket(self, queue_name='tripleo'):
-        """Returns a websocket for the messaging service"""
-        return WebsocketClient(self._instance, queue_name,
-                               cacert=self._instance.cacert)
     def object_store(self):
         """Returns an object_store service client
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/fakes.py b/tripleoclient/tests/fakes.py
index d19ccad54..a026e5240 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/fakes.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/fakes.py
@@ -88,21 +88,6 @@ class FakeClientWrapper(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self._instance = mock.Mock()
         self.object_store = FakeObjectClient()
-        self._mock_websocket = mock.Mock()
-        self._mock_websocket.__enter__ = mock.Mock(
-            return_value=self._mock_websocket)
-        # Return False to avoid silencing exceptions
-        self._mock_websocket.__exit__ = mock.Mock(return_value=False)
-        self._mock_websocket.wait_for_messages = mock.Mock(
-            return_value=iter([{
-                "status": "SUCCESS",
-                "message": "Success",
-                "execution_id": "IDID"
-            }])
-        )
-    def messaging_websocket(self):
-        return self._mock_websocket
 class FakeRunnerConfig(object):
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/fixture_data/deployment.py b/tripleoclient/tests/fixture_data/deployment.py
index e80ccf775..edfde553c 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/fixture_data/deployment.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/fixture_data/deployment.py
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ class PlanManagementFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
     def _setUp(self):
         super(PlanManagementFixture, self)._setUp()
-        self.mock_tarball = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
-            'tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball')
-        ).mock
 class UtilsOvercloudFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/test_plugin.py b/tripleoclient/tests/test_plugin.py
index 56200f6a4..c7bb907b4 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/test_plugin.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/test_plugin.py
@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@
 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-import json
 import mock
-import socket
 from tripleoclient import plugin
 from tripleoclient.tests import base
@@ -23,138 +21,16 @@ from tripleoclient.tests import fakes
 class TestPlugin(base.TestCase):
-    @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection")
-    def test_make_client(self, ws_create_connection):
+    def test_make_client(self):
         clientmgr = mock.MagicMock()
         clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WS_URL
         clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN"
         clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID"
         clientmgr.cacert = None
-        ws_create_connection.return_value.recv.return_value = json.dumps({
-            "headers": {
-                "status": 200
-            }
-        })
-        client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr)
-        websocket = client.messaging_websocket()
-        # The second access should not return the same client:
-        self.assertIsNot(client.messaging_websocket(), websocket)
         # And the functions should only be called when the client is created:
-        self.assertEqual(clientmgr.auth.get_token.call_count, 2)
-        self.assertEqual(clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.call_count, 2)
-        ws_create_connection.assert_called_with("ws://")
-    @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection")
-    def test_invalid_json(self, ws_create_connection):
-        clientmgr = mock.MagicMock()
-        clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WS_URL
-        clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN"
-        clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID"
-        clientmgr.cacert = None
-        ws_create_connection.return_value.recv.return_value = "BAD JSON"
-        client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr)
-        # NOTE(d0ugal): Manually catching errors rather than using assertRaises
-        #               so we can assert the message.
-        try:
-            client.messaging_websocket()
-            self.assertFail()
-        except ValueError as e:
-            self.assertEqual(
-                str(e), "No JSON object could be decoded; 'BAD JSON'")
-    @mock.patch.object(plugin.WebsocketClient, "recv")
-    @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection")
-    def test_handle_websocket_multiple(self, ws_create_connection, recv_mock):
-        send_ack = {
-            "headers": {
-                "status": 200
-            }
-        }
-        # Creating the websocket sends three messages and closing sends one.
-        # The one being tested is wrapped between these
-        recv_mock.side_effect = [send_ack, send_ack, send_ack, {
-            "body": {
-                "payload": {
-                    "status": 200,
-                    "message": "Result for IDID",
-                    "execution_id": "IDID",
-                }
-            }
-        }, send_ack]
-        clientmgr = mock.MagicMock()
-        clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WS_URL
-        clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN"
-        clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID"
-        clientmgr.cacert = None
-        client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr)
-        with client.messaging_websocket() as ws:
-            for payload in ws.wait_for_messages():
-                self.assertEqual(payload, {
-                    "status": 200,
-                    "message": "Result for IDID",
-                    "execution_id": "IDID",
-                })
-                # We only want to test the first message, as there is only one.
-                # The last one, the send_ack will be used by the context
-                # manager when it is closed.
-                break
-    @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection")
-    def test_websocket_creation_error(self, ws_create_connection):
-        ws_create_connection.side_effect = socket.error
-        clientmgr = mock.MagicMock()
-        clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WS_URL
-        clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN"
-        clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID"
-        clientmgr.cacert = None
-        client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr)
-        msg = ("Could not establish a connection to the Zaqar websocket. The "
-               "command was sent but the answer could not be read.")
-        with mock.patch('tripleoclient.plugin.LOG') as mock_log:
-            self.assertRaises(socket.error, client.messaging_websocket)
-            mock_log.error.assert_called_once_with(msg)
-    @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection")
-    def test_make_tls_client(self, ws_create_connection):
-        clientmgr = mock.MagicMock()
-        clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WSS_URL
-        clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN"
-        clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID"
-        clientmgr.cacert = '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/cm-local-ca.pem'
-        ws_create_connection.return_value.recv.return_value = json.dumps({
-            "headers": {
-                "status": 200
-            }
-        })
-        client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr)
-        websocket = client.messaging_websocket()
-        # The second access should not return the same client:
-        self.assertIsNot(client.messaging_websocket(), websocket)
-        plugin.make_client(clientmgr)
-        # And the functions should only be called when the client is created:
-        self.assertEqual(clientmgr.auth.get_token.call_count, 2)
-        self.assertEqual(clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.call_count, 2)
-        ws_create_connection.assert_called_with(
-            "wss://",
-            sslopt={'ca_certs':
-                    '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/cm-local-ca.pem'})
+        self.assertEqual(clientmgr.auth.get_token.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.call_count, 0)
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/baremetal/fakes.py b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/baremetal/fakes.py
index e737f11ee..016f13dd2 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/baremetal/fakes.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/baremetal/fakes.py
@@ -48,14 +48,6 @@ class ClientWrapper(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self._instance = None
-        self._mock_websocket = mock.Mock()
-        self._mock_websocket.__enter__ = mock.Mock(
-            return_value=self._mock_websocket)
-        # Return False to avoid silencing exceptions
-        self._mock_websocket.__exit__ = mock.Mock(return_value=False)
-    def messaging_websocket(self):
-        return self._mock_websocket
 class TestBaremetal(utils.TestCommand):
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/overcloud_deploy/test_overcloud_deploy.py b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/overcloud_deploy/test_overcloud_deploy.py
index 08fd32dfe..9c6182f8f 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/overcloud_deploy/test_overcloud_deploy.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/overcloud_deploy/test_overcloud_deploy.py
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import mock
 import openstack
 from osc_lib import exceptions as oscexc
 from osc_lib.tests import utils
-from swiftclient.exceptions import ClientException as ObjectClientException
 from tripleoclient import constants
 from tripleoclient import exceptions
@@ -102,8 +101,6 @@ class TestDeployOvercloud(fakes.TestDeployOvercloud):
         client = self.app.client_manager.tripleoclient = plugin.ClientWrapper(
-        client.messaging_websocket = \
-            ooofakes.FakeClientWrapper().messaging_websocket
         get_object = client.object_store.get_object = mock.Mock()
         get_object.return_value = ('f1', 'content')
         client.object_store.put_object = mock.Mock()
@@ -165,11 +162,18 @@ class TestDeployOvercloud(fakes.TestDeployOvercloud):
         client.object_store.get_account = mock.MagicMock()
+        self.mock_tar = mock.patch(
+            'tripleo_common.utils.tarball.create_tarball',
+            autospec=True
+        )
+        self.mock_tar.start()
     def tearDown(self):
         super(TestDeployOvercloud, self).tearDown()
         self.cmd._download_missing_files_from_plan = self.real_download_missing
         shutil.rmtree = self.real_shutil
+        self.mock_tar.stop()
@@ -368,12 +372,6 @@ class TestDeployOvercloud(fakes.TestDeployOvercloud):
-        plane_management_fixture.mock_tarball.create_tarball.\
-            assert_called_with(
-                self.tmp_dir.join('tripleo-heat-templates'), mock.ANY)
-        plane_management_fixture.mock_tarball.\
-            tarball_extract_to_swift_container.assert_called_with(
-                clients.tripleoclient.object_store, mock.ANY, 'overcloud')
         calls = [
@@ -393,146 +391,6 @@ class TestDeployOvercloud(fakes.TestDeployOvercloud):
         object_client = clients.tripleoclient.object_store
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.v1.overcloud_deploy.DeployOvercloud.'
-                '_get_ctlplane_attrs', autospec=True, return_value={})
-    @mock.patch('os.chdir')
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.utils.copy_clouds_yaml')
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.v1.overcloud_deploy.DeployOvercloud.'
-                '_get_undercloud_host_entry', autospec=True,
-                return_value=' uc.ctlplane.localhost uc.ctlplane')
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.utils.check_stack_network_matches_env_files')
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.utils.check_ceph_fsid_matches_env_files')
-    @mock.patch('shutil.rmtree', autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.utils.get_overcloud_endpoint', autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.v1.overcloud_deploy.DeployOvercloud.'
-                '_deploy_postconfig', autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleo_common.update.add_breakpoints_cleanup_into_env',
-                autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.v1.overcloud_deploy.DeployOvercloud.'
-                '_validate_args')
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.v1.overcloud_deploy.DeployOvercloud.'
-                '_create_parameters_env', autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.utils.create_tempest_deployer_input',
-                autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.deployment.create_overcloudrc',
-                autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('heatclient.common.template_utils.get_template_contents',
-                autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
-    def test_tht_deploy_with_plan_environment_file(
-            self, mock_tmpdir, mock_get_template_contents,
-            mock_overcloudrc,
-            mock_create_tempest_deployer, mock_create_parameters_env,
-            mock_validate_args,
-            mock_breakpoints_cleanup,
-            mock_postconfig, mock_shutil_rmtree,
-            mock_invoke_plan_env_wf,
-            mock_stack_network_check, mock_ceph_fsid,
-            mock_get_undercloud_host_entry, mock_copy, mock_chdir,
-            mock_get_ctlplane_attrs):
-        fixture = deployment.DeploymentWorkflowFixture()
-        self.useFixture(fixture)
-        plane_management_fixture = deployment.PlanManagementFixture()
-        self.useFixture(plane_management_fixture)
-        utils_fixture = deployment.UtilsFixture()
-        self.useFixture(utils_fixture)
-        arglist = ['--templates', '-p', 'the-plan-environment.yaml']
-        verifylist = [
-            ('templates', '/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/'),
-            ('plan_environment_file', 'the-plan-environment.yaml')
-        ]
-        mock_tmpdir.return_value = "/tmp/tht"
-        clients = self.app.client_manager
-        orchestration_client = clients.orchestration
-        mock_stack = fakes.create_tht_stack()
-        orchestration_client.stacks.get.side_effect = [None, mock.Mock()]
-        def _orch_clt_create(**kwargs):
-            orchestration_client.stacks.get.return_value = mock_stack
-        orchestration_client.stacks.create.side_effect = _orch_clt_create
-        object_client = clients.tripleoclient.object_store
-        object_client.get_object = mock.Mock()
-        object_client.put_container = mock.Mock()
-        mock_env = yaml.safe_dump({'environments': []})
-        object_client.get_object.return_value = ({}, mock_env)
-        clients.network.api.find_attr.return_value = {
-            "id": "network id"
-        }
-        mock_get_template_contents.return_value = [{}, "template"]
-        parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, verifylist)
-        baremetal = clients.baremetal
-        baremetal.node.list.return_value = range(10)
-        expected_parameters = {
-            'CephClusterFSID': self.uuid1_value,
-            'CephStorageCount': 3,
-            'ExtraConfig': '{}',
-            'HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge': 'br-ex',
-            'HypervisorNeutronPublicInterface': 'nic1',
-            'NeutronDnsmasqOptions': 'dhcp-option-force=26,1400',
-            'NeutronFlatNetworks': 'datacentre',
-            'NeutronNetworkType': 'gre',
-            'NeutronPublicInterface': 'nic1',
-            'NeutronTunnelTypes': 'gre',
-            'NtpServer': '',
-            'SnmpdReadonlyUserPassword': 'PASSWORD',
-            'StackAction': 'CREATE',
-            'DeployIdentifier': 12345678,
-            'RootStackName': 'overcloud',
-            'UndercloudHostsEntries': [
-                ' uc.ctlplane.localhost uc.ctlplane'
-            ],
-            'CtlplaneNetworkAttributes': {},
-        }
-        testcase = self
-        def _custom_create_params_env(_self, parameters, tht_root,
-                                      container_name):
-            for key, value in six.iteritems(parameters):
-                testcase.assertEqual(value, expected_parameters[key])
-            parameter_defaults = {"parameter_defaults": parameters}
-            return parameter_defaults
-        mock_create_parameters_env.side_effect = _custom_create_params_env
-        mock_open_context = mock.mock_open()
-        with mock.patch('six.moves.builtins.open', mock_open_context):
-            self.cmd.take_action(parsed_args)
-        self.assertFalse(orchestration_client.stacks.create.called)
-        mock_get_template_contents.assert_called_with(
-            object_request=mock.ANY,
-            template_object=constants.OVERCLOUD_YAML_NAME)
-        mock_create_tempest_deployer.assert_called_with()
-        mock_validate_args.assert_called_once_with(parsed_args)
-        plane_management_fixture.mock_tarball.create_tarball.\
-            assert_called_with(
-                '/tmp/tht/tripleo-heat-templates', mock.ANY)
-        plane_management_fixture.mock_tarball.\
-            tarball_extract_to_swift_container.assert_called_with(
-                clients.tripleoclient.object_store, mock.ANY, 'overcloud')
-        mock_open_context.assert_has_calls(
-            [mock.call('the-plan-environment.yaml')])
-        clients.tripleoclient.object_store.put_object.assert_called()
-        self.assertTrue(mock_invoke_plan_env_wf.called)
-        mock_copy.assert_called_once()
-        object_client.put_container.assert_called_once_with(
-            'overcloud', headers={'x-container-meta-usage-tripleo': 'plan'})
@@ -885,8 +743,6 @@ class TestDeployOvercloud(fakes.TestDeployOvercloud):
             'overcloud', headers={'x-container-meta-usage-tripleo': 'plan'})
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball',
-                autospec=True)
                 '_deploy_postconfig', autospec=True)
@@ -895,8 +751,7 @@ class TestDeployOvercloud(fakes.TestDeployOvercloud):
                 '_heat_deploy', autospec=True)
     def test_environment_dirs_env_dir_not_found(self, mock_deploy_heat,
-                                                mock_post_config,
-                                                mock_tarball):
+                                                mock_post_config):
         utils_fixture = deployment.UtilsOvercloudFixture()
@@ -966,7 +821,7 @@ class TestDeployOvercloud(fakes.TestDeployOvercloud):
                 '_heat_deploy', autospec=True)
     def test_try_overcloud_deploy_with_no_templates_existing(
             self, mock_heat_deploy_func):
-        mock_heat_deploy_func.side_effect = ObjectClientException('error')
+        mock_heat_deploy_func.side_effect = Exception('error')
                           '/fake/path', mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY,
@@ -978,7 +833,7 @@ class TestDeployOvercloud(fakes.TestDeployOvercloud):
     def test_try_overcloud_deploy_show_missing_file(
             self, mock_heat_deploy_func):
         mock_heat_deploy_func.side_effect = \
-            ObjectClientException('/fake/path not found')
+            Exception('/fake/path not found')
                 '/fake/path', mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY,
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_bios.py b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_bios.py
index 44ade07cc..a4973224a 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_bios.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_bios.py
@@ -31,14 +31,7 @@ class Base(fakes.TestBaremetal):
                 {"name": "hyperthreading", "value": "on"}
-        tripleoclient = self.app.client_manager.tripleoclient
         self.app.client_manager.baremetal.node.list.return_value = []
-        self.websocket = tripleoclient.messaging_websocket()
-        self.websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([{
-            'status': "SUCCESS",
-            'execution_id': 'fake id',
-            'root_execution_id': 'fake id',
-        }])
         self.execution = self.workflow.executions.create.return_value
         self.execution.id = 'fake id'
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_plan.py b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_plan.py
index f26ee8fd0..011f2e127 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_plan.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_plan.py
@@ -105,6 +105,15 @@ class TestOvercloudCreatePlan(utils.TestCommand):
         self.swift = self.app.client_manager.tripleoclient.object_store
         self.swift.get_account = mock.MagicMock()
+        self.mock_tar = mock.patch(
+            'tripleo_common.utils.tarball.create_tarball',
+            autospec=True
+        )
+        self.mock_tar.start()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super(TestOvercloudCreatePlan, self).tearDown()
+        self.mock_tar.stop()
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
@@ -123,7 +132,7 @@ class TestOvercloudCreatePlan(utils.TestCommand):
         # Verify
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -138,10 +147,9 @@ class TestOvercloudCreatePlan(utils.TestCommand):
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch("tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball")
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
-    def test_create_custom_plan(self, mock_tmp, mock_cd, mock_tarball,
+    def test_create_custom_plan(self, mock_tmp, mock_cd,
         # Setup
@@ -156,7 +164,7 @@ class TestOvercloudCreatePlan(utils.TestCommand):
         # Verify
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -172,11 +180,10 @@ class TestOvercloudCreatePlan(utils.TestCommand):
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch("tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball")
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
     def test_create_custom_plan_plan_environment_file(
-            self, mock_tmp, mock_cd, mock_tarball, mock_run_playbook):
+            self, mock_tmp, mock_cd, mock_run_playbook):
         # Setup
         arglist = ['overcast', '--templates', '/fake/path',
                    '-p', 'the_plan_environment.yaml']
@@ -197,7 +204,7 @@ class TestOvercloudCreatePlan(utils.TestCommand):
             [mock.call('the_plan_environment.yaml', 'rb')])
         # Verify
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -234,7 +241,7 @@ class TestOvercloudCreatePlan(utils.TestCommand):
         self.app.options = fakes.FakeOptions()
         # Verify
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -267,7 +274,7 @@ class TestOvercloudCreatePlan(utils.TestCommand):
         # Verify
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -325,7 +332,7 @@ class TestOvercloudDeployPlan(utils.TestCommand):
         # Run
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_raid.py b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_raid.py
index d0956a874..e2fbe9ee5 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_raid.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/v1/test_overcloud_raid.py
@@ -37,14 +37,6 @@ class TestCreateRAID(fakes.TestBaremetal):
                 {"foo2": "bar2"}
-        tripleoclient = self.app.client_manager.tripleoclient
-        websocket = tripleoclient.messaging_websocket()
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([
-            {'status': "SUCCESS",
-             'execution_id': 'IDID'}
-        ])
-        self.websocket = websocket
         execution = mock.MagicMock(
                 "result": None
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/v2/overcloud_node/test_overcloud_node.py b/tripleoclient/tests/v2/overcloud_node/test_overcloud_node.py
index 63fc49c34..91fc73c28 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/v2/overcloud_node/test_overcloud_node.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/v2/overcloud_node/test_overcloud_node.py
@@ -268,13 +268,6 @@ class TestIntrospectNode(fakes.TestOvercloudNode):
                           self.cmd, argslist, verifylist)
     def _check_introspect_all_manageable(self, parsed_args, provide=False):
-        self.websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([{
-            "status": "SUCCESS",
-            "message": "Success",
-            "introspected_nodes": {},
-            "execution_id": "IDID"
-        }] * 2)
         call_list = [mock.call(
@@ -293,12 +286,6 @@ class TestIntrospectNode(fakes.TestOvercloudNode):
                          2 if provide else 1)
     def _check_introspect_nodes(self, parsed_args, nodes, provide=False):
-        self.websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = [{
-            "status": "SUCCESS",
-            "message": "Success",
-            "execution_id": "IDID",
-        }]
         call_list = [mock.call(
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_base.py b/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e298046f..000000000
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import json
-import mock
-from osc_lib.tests import utils
-from tripleoclient import exceptions as ex
-from tripleoclient.workflows import base
-class TestBaseWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
-    def test_wait_for_messages_success(self):
-        payload_a = {
-            'status': 'ERROR',
-            'execution_id': 2,
-            'root_execution_id': 1
-        }
-        payload_b = {
-            'status': 'ERROR',
-            'execution_id': 1,
-            'root_execution_id': 1
-        }
-        mistral = mock.Mock()
-        websocket = mock.Mock()
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([payload_a, payload_b])
-        execution = mock.Mock()
-        execution.id = 1
-        messages = list(base.wait_for_messages(mistral, websocket, execution))
-        self.assertEqual([payload_a, payload_b], messages)
-        self.assertFalse(mistral.executions.get.called)
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.assert_called_with(timeout=None)
-    def test_wait_for_messages_timeout(self):
-        mistral = mock.Mock()
-        websocket = mock.Mock()
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.side_effect = ex.WebSocketTimeout
-        execution = mock.Mock()
-        execution.id = 1
-        messages = base.wait_for_messages(mistral, websocket, execution)
-        self.assertRaises(ex.WebSocketTimeout, list, messages)
-        self.assertTrue(mistral.executions.get.called)
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.assert_called_with(timeout=None)
-    def test_wait_for_messages_connection_closed(self):
-        mistral = mock.Mock()
-        websocket = mock.Mock()
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.side_effect = ex.WebSocketConnectionClosed
-        execution = mock.Mock()
-        execution.id = 1
-        messages = base.wait_for_messages(mistral, websocket, execution)
-        self.assertRaises(ex.WebSocketConnectionClosed, list, messages)
-        self.assertTrue(mistral.executions.get.called)
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.assert_called_with(timeout=None)
-    def test_wait_for_messages_different_execution(self):
-        payload_a = {
-            'status': 'RUNNING',
-            'execution_id': 'aaaa',
-            'root_execution_id': 'aaaa'
-        }
-        payload_b = {
-            'status': 'RUNNING',
-            'execution_id': 'bbbb',
-            'root_execution_id': 'bbbb'
-        }
-        mistral = mock.Mock()
-        mistral.executions.get.return_value.state = 'RUNNING'
-        websocket = mock.Mock()
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([payload_a, payload_b])
-        execution = mock.Mock()
-        execution.id = 'aaaa'
-        messages = list(base.wait_for_messages(mistral, websocket, execution))
-        # Assert only payload_a was returned
-        self.assertEqual([payload_a], messages)
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.assert_called_with(timeout=None)
-    def test_backwards_compat_wait_for_messages_success(self):
-        payload_a = {
-            'status': 'ERROR',
-            'execution': {'id': 2,
-                          'root_execution_id': 1}
-        }
-        payload_b = {
-            'status': 'ERROR',
-            'execution': {'id': 1,
-                          'root_execution_id': 1}
-        }
-        mistral = mock.Mock()
-        websocket = mock.Mock()
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([payload_a, payload_b])
-        execution = mock.Mock()
-        execution.id = 1
-        messages = list(base.wait_for_messages(mistral, websocket, execution))
-        self.assertEqual([payload_a, payload_b], messages)
-        self.assertFalse(mistral.executions.get.called)
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.assert_called_with(timeout=None)
-    def test_backwards_compatible_call_with_different_execution(self):
-        payload_a = {
-            'status': 'RUNNING',
-            'execution': {'id': 'aaaa',
-                          'root_execution_id': 'aaaa'}
-        }
-        payload_b = {
-            'status': 'RUNNING',
-            'execution': {'id': 'bbbb',
-                          'root_execution_id': 'bbbb'}
-        }
-        mistral = mock.Mock()
-        mistral.executions.get.return_value.state = 'RUNNING'
-        websocket = mock.Mock()
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([payload_a, payload_b])
-        execution = mock.Mock()
-        execution.id = 'aaaa'
-        messages = list(base.wait_for_messages(mistral, websocket, execution))
-        # Assert only payload_a was returned
-        self.assertEqual([payload_a], messages)
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.assert_called_with(timeout=None)
-    def test_wait_for_messages_execution_complete(self):
-        payload_a = {
-            'status': 'RUNNING',
-            'execution_id': 'aaaa',
-            'root_execution_id': 'aaaa'
-        }
-        payload_b = {
-            'status': 'SUCCESS',
-            'execution_id': 'aaaa',
-            'root_execution_id': 'aaaa'
-        }
-        mistral = mock.Mock()
-        mistral.executions.get.return_value.state = 'SUCCESS'
-        mistral.executions.get.return_value.output = json.dumps(payload_b)
-        websocket = mock.Mock()
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([payload_a])
-        execution = mock.Mock()
-        execution.id = 'aaaa'
-        messages = list(base.wait_for_messages(mistral, websocket, execution))
-        # Assert only payload_b was returned
-        self.assertEqual([payload_a, payload_b], messages)
-        mistral.executions.get.assert_called_with('aaaa')
-        websocket.wait_for_messages.assert_called_with(timeout=None)
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_parameters.py b/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_parameters.py
index 6946998ad..449740368 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_parameters.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_parameters.py
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import mock
 from osc_lib.tests import utils
-from tripleoclient import exceptions
 from tripleoclient.workflows import parameters
@@ -39,10 +38,6 @@ class TestParameterWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
         self.orchestration = mock.Mock()
         self.tripleoclient = mock.Mock()
         self.tripleoclient.object_store = mock.MagicMock()
-        self.websocket = mock.Mock()
-        self.websocket.__enter__ = lambda s: self.websocket
-        self.websocket.__exit__ = lambda s, *exc: None
-        self.tripleoclient.messaging_websocket.return_value = self.websocket
         self.app.client_manager.tripleoclient = self.tripleoclient
         self.app.client_manager.orchestration = self.orchestration
         self.app.client_manager.baremetal = mock.Mock()
@@ -78,39 +73,6 @@ class TestParameterWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
-    @mock.patch('yaml.safe_load')
-    @mock.patch("six.moves.builtins.open")
-    def test_invoke_plan_env_workflows(self, mock_open,
-                                       mock_safe_load):
-        plan_env_data = {
-            'name': 'overcloud',
-            'workflow_parameters': {
-                'tripleo.derive_params.v1.derive_parameters': {
-                    'num_phy_cores_per_numa_node_for_pmd': 2
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        mock_safe_load.return_value = plan_env_data
-        self.websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([{
-            "execution_id": "IDID",
-            "status": "SUCCESS",
-            "message": "",
-            "result": {}
-        }])
-        parameters.invoke_plan_env_workflows(
-            self.app.client_manager,
-            'overcloud',
-            'the-plan-environment.yaml')
-        self.workflow.executions.create.assert_called_once_with(
-            'tripleo.derive_params.v1.derive_parameters',
-            workflow_input={
-                'plan': 'overcloud',
-                'user_inputs': {
-                    'num_phy_cores_per_numa_node_for_pmd': 2}})
     @mock.patch('tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook', autospec=True)
@@ -194,67 +156,6 @@ class TestParameterWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
         mock_playbook.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=True)
-    @mock.patch('yaml.safe_load')
-    @mock.patch("six.moves.builtins.open")
-    def test_invoke_plan_env_workflow_failed(self, mock_open,
-                                             mock_safe_load):
-        plan_env_data = {
-            'name': 'overcloud',
-            'workflow_parameters': {
-                'tripleo.derive_params.v1.derive_parameters': {
-                    'num_phy_cores_per_numa_node_for_pmd': 2
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        mock_safe_load.return_value = plan_env_data
-        self.websocket.wait_for_messages.return_value = iter([{
-            "execution_id": "IDID",
-            "status": "FAILED",
-            "message": "workflow failure",
-            "result": ""
-        }])
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.PlanEnvWorkflowError,
-                          parameters.invoke_plan_env_workflows,
-                          self.app.client_manager, 'overcloud',
-                          'the-plan-environment.yaml')
-        self.workflow.executions.create.assert_called_once_with(
-            'tripleo.derive_params.v1.derive_parameters',
-            workflow_input={
-                'plan': 'overcloud',
-                'user_inputs': {
-                    'num_phy_cores_per_numa_node_for_pmd': 2}})
-    @mock.patch('yaml.safe_load')
-    @mock.patch("six.moves.builtins.open")
-    def test_invoke_plan_env_workflows_no_workflow_params(
-            self, mock_open, mock_safe_load):
-        plan_env_data = {'name': 'overcloud'}
-        mock_safe_load.return_value = plan_env_data
-        parameters.invoke_plan_env_workflows(
-            self.app.client_manager,
-            'overcloud',
-            'the-plan-environment.yaml')
-        self.workflow.executions.create.assert_not_called()
-    @mock.patch('yaml.safe_load')
-    @mock.patch("six.moves.builtins.open")
-    def test_invoke_plan_env_workflows_no_plan_env_file(
-            self, mock_open, mock_safe_load):
-        mock_open.side_effect = IOError('')
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.PlanEnvWorkflowError,
-                          parameters.invoke_plan_env_workflows,
-                          self.app.client_manager, 'overcloud',
-                          'the-plan-environment.yaml')
-        self.workflow.executions.create.assert_not_called()
     def test_check_deprecated_params_no_output(self):
diff --git a/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_plan_management.py b/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_plan_management.py
index 1a9f68d91..c50eb992f 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_plan_management.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/tests/workflows/test_plan_management.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 import mock
 from osc_lib.tests import utils
-from swiftclient import exceptions as swift_exc
 from tripleoclient import constants
 from tripleoclient.tests import base
@@ -28,21 +27,27 @@ class TestPlanCreationWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
         self.tripleoclient = mock.Mock()
         self.app.client_manager.tripleoclient = self.tripleoclient
         self.tripleoclient.object_store.get_account = mock.MagicMock()
+        self.mock_tar = mock.patch(
+            'tripleo_common.utils.tarball.create_tarball',
+            autospec=True
+        )
+        self.mock_tar.start()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super(TestPlanCreationWorkflows, self).tearDown()
+        self.mock_tar.stop()
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball',
-                autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
     def test_create_plan_from_templates_success(self, mock_tmp, mock_cd,
-                                                mock_tarball,
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -58,12 +63,9 @@ class TestPlanCreationWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball',
-                autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
     def test_create_plan_from_templates_roles_data(self, mock_tmp, mock_cd,
-                                                   mock_tarball,
         mock_open_context = mock.mock_open()
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ class TestPlanCreationWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -91,16 +93,13 @@ class TestPlanCreationWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
         self.assertIn(mock.call('the_roles_file.yaml', '/tht-root/'),
-        self.tripleoclient.object_store.put_object.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.tripleoclient.object_store.put_object.assert_called_with(
             'test-overcloud', 'roles_data.yaml', mock_open_context())
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball',
-                autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
     def test_create_plan_from_templates_plan_env_data(self, mock_tmp, mock_cd,
-                                                      mock_tarball,
         mock_open_context = mock.mock_open()
         with mock.patch('six.moves.builtins.open', mock_open_context):
@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ class TestPlanCreationWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -127,16 +126,13 @@ class TestPlanCreationWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
             [mock.call('the-plan-environment.yaml', 'rb')])
-        self.tripleoclient.object_store.put_object.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.tripleoclient.object_store.put_object.assert_called_with(
             'test-overcloud', 'plan-environment.yaml', mock_open_context())
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball',
-                autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
     def test_create_plan_from_templates_networks_data(self, mock_tmp, mock_cd,
-                                                      mock_tarball,
         mock_open_context = mock.mock_open()
         with mock.patch('six.moves.builtins.open', mock_open_context):
@@ -146,7 +142,7 @@ class TestPlanCreationWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -162,16 +158,13 @@ class TestPlanCreationWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
             [mock.call('the-network-data.yaml', 'rb')])
-        self.tripleoclient.object_store.put_object.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.tripleoclient.object_store.put_object.assert_called_with(
             'test-overcloud', 'network_data.yaml', mock_open_context())
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball',
-                autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
     def test_create_plan_with_password_gen_disabled(self, mock_tmp, mock_cd,
-                                                    mock_tarball,
@@ -180,7 +173,7 @@ class TestPlanCreationWorkflows(utils.TestCommand):
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -226,16 +219,23 @@ class TestPlanUpdateWorkflows(base.TestCommand):
             # e.g. 'plan-environment.yaml: mock content'
             return {}, '{0}: mock content\n'.format(args[1])
         self.object_store.get_object.side_effect = get_object
+        self.mock_tar = mock.patch(
+            'tripleo_common.utils.tarball.create_tarball',
+            autospec=True
+        )
+        self.mock_tar.start()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super(TestPlanUpdateWorkflows, self).tearDown()
+        self.mock_tar.stop()
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball',
-                autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
     def test_update_plan_from_templates_keep_env(
-            self, mock_tmp, mock_cd, mock_empty_container, mock_tarball,
+            self, mock_tmp, mock_cd, mock_empty_container,
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class TestPlanUpdateWorkflows(base.TestCommand):
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -280,12 +280,10 @@ class TestPlanUpdateWorkflows(base.TestCommand):
     @mock.patch("tripleoclient.utils.run_ansible_playbook", autospec=True)
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball',
-                autospec=True)
     def test_update_plan_from_templates_recreate_env(
-            self, mock_empty_container, mock_tarball, mock_run_playbook):
+            self, mock_empty_container, mock_run_playbook):
@@ -302,7 +300,7 @@ class TestPlanUpdateWorkflows(base.TestCommand):
             'plan-environment.yaml: mock content\n'
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -320,14 +318,12 @@ class TestPlanUpdateWorkflows(base.TestCommand):
-    @mock.patch('tripleoclient.workflows.plan_management.tarball',
-                autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('os.chdir', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp', autospec=True)
     def test_update_plan_from_templates_recreate_env_missing_passwords(
-            self, mock_tmp, mock_cd, mock_empty_container, mock_tarball,
+            self, mock_tmp, mock_cd, mock_empty_container,
             mock_yaml_safe_load, mock_update_passwords, mock_run_playbook):
@@ -340,7 +336,7 @@ class TestPlanUpdateWorkflows(base.TestCommand):
         # Ensure that the passwords variable is passed with a value of None.
             mock.ANY, 'test-overcloud', None)
-        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_once_with(
+        mock_run_playbook.assert_called_with(
@@ -375,7 +371,6 @@ parameter_defaults:
                                           {'AdminPassword': "1234"})
-        self.swift_client.put_object.assert_called_once()
         result = self.swift_client.put_object.call_args_list[0][0][2]
         # Check new data is in
@@ -393,7 +388,7 @@ parameter_defaults:
     def test_no_plan_environment(self):
         self.swift_client.get_object.side_effect = (
-            swift_exc.ClientException("404"))
+            Exception("404"))
diff --git a/tripleoclient/utils.py b/tripleoclient/utils.py
index 8fe8d7d8c..371941588 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/utils.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/utils.py
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ from heatclient import exc as hc_exc
 from six.moves.urllib import error as url_error
 from six.moves.urllib import request
+from tripleo_common.utils import swift as swiftutils
 from tripleoclient import constants
 from tripleoclient import exceptions
@@ -2361,12 +2362,12 @@ def update_deployment_status(clients, plan, status):
     # create {plan}-messages container if not there
     swift = clients.tripleoclient.object_store
-    swift.put_container(container)
-    swift.put_object(
-        container,
-        'deployment_status.yaml',
-        yaml.safe_dump(
+    swiftutils.create_container(swiftclient=swift, container=container)
+    swiftutils.put_object_string(
+        swift=swift,
+        container=container,
+        object_name='deployment_status.yaml',
+        contents=yaml.safe_dump(
                 'deployment_status': status,
                 'workflow_status': {
diff --git a/tripleoclient/v1/overcloud_deploy.py b/tripleoclient/v1/overcloud_deploy.py
index 7dcdf272e..b78d8dec8 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/v1/overcloud_deploy.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/v1/overcloud_deploy.py
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ from keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog import EndpointNotFound
 import openstack
 from osc_lib import exceptions as oscexc
 from osc_lib.i18n import _
-from swiftclient.exceptions import ClientException
 from tripleo_common import update
 from tripleoclient import command
@@ -504,7 +503,7 @@ class DeployOvercloud(command.Command):
                 user_env = yaml.safe_load(self.object_client.get_object(
                     parsed_args.stack, constants.USER_ENVIRONMENT)[1])
                 template_utils.deep_update(env, user_env)
-            except ClientException:
+            except Exception:
         parameters.update(self._update_parameters(parsed_args, stack))
         template_utils.deep_update(env, self._create_parameters_env(
@@ -589,7 +588,7 @@ class DeployOvercloud(command.Command):
                               run_validations, skip_deploy_identifier,
-        except ClientException as e:
+        except Exception as e:
             messages = 'Failed to deploy: %s' % str(e)
             raise ValueError(messages)
diff --git a/tripleoclient/workflows/base.py b/tripleoclient/workflows/base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 91cf9d9e6..000000000
--- a/tripleoclient/workflows/base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import json
-import keystoneauth1
-import logging
-from tripleoclient import exceptions
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def start_workflow(workflow_client, identifier, workflow_input):
-    execution = workflow_client.executions.create(
-        identifier,
-        workflow_input=workflow_input
-    )
-    LOG.debug("Started Mistral Workflow {}. Execution ID: {}".format(
-              identifier, execution.id))
-    return execution
-def wait_for_messages(mistral, websocket, execution, timeout=None):
-    """Wait for messages on a websocket.
-    Given an instance of mistral client, a websocket and a Mistral execution
-    wait for messages on that websocket queue that match the execution ID until
-    the timeout is reached.
-    If no timeout is provided, this method will block forever.
-    If a timeout is reached, called check_execution_status which will look up
-    the execution on Mistral and log information about it.
-    """
-    try:
-        for payload in websocket.wait_for_messages(timeout=timeout):
-            # Ignore messages whose root_execution_id does not match the
-            # id of the execution for which we are waiting
-            # New versions of tripleo-common don't sent the execution anymore
-            # but keeping the old way ot getting it is important to keep
-            # backwards compatibility.
-            # TODO(apetrich) payload.execution is deprecated and will be
-            # removed from stein. We should keep this until payload.execution
-            #  is removed from the LTS
-            payload_exec_id = payload.get('execution_id') or \
-                payload.get('execution', {}).get('id')
-            payload_root_exec_id = payload.get('root_execution_id', '') or \
-                payload.get('execution', {}).get('root_execution_id', '')
-            if payload_exec_id != execution.id and \
-                    payload_root_exec_id != execution.id:
-                LOG.debug("Ignoring message from execution %s"
-                          % payload_exec_id)
-            else:
-                yield payload
-            # If the message is from a sub-workflow, we just need to pass it
-            # on to be displayed. This should never be the last message - so
-            # continue and wait for the next.
-            if payload_exec_id != execution.id:
-                continue
-            # Check the status of the payload, if we are not given one
-            # default to running and assume it is just an "in progress"
-            # message from the workflow.
-            # Workflows should end with SUCCESS or ERROR statuses.
-            if payload.get('status', 'RUNNING') != "RUNNING":
-                return
-            try:
-                execution = mistral.executions.get(execution.id)
-            except keystoneauth1.exceptions.connection.ConnectFailure as e:
-                LOG.warning("Connection failure while fetching execution ID."
-                            "Retrying: %s" % e)
-                continue
-            if execution.state != "RUNNING":
-                # yield the output as the last payload which was missed
-                yield json.loads(execution.output)
-                return
-    except (exceptions.WebSocketTimeout, exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosed):
-        check_execution_status(mistral, execution.id)
-        raise
-def check_execution_status(workflow_client, execution_id):
-    """Check the status of a workflow that timeout when waiting for messages
-    The status will be logged.
-    """
-    execution = workflow_client.executions.get(execution_id)
-    state = execution.state
-    if state == 'RUNNING':
-        message = "The WebSocket timed out before the Workflow completed."
-    elif state == 'SUCCESS':
-        message = ("The Workflow finished successfully but no messages were "
-                   "received before the WebSocket timed out.")
-    elif state == 'ERROR':
-        message = "The Workflow errored and no messages were received."
-    else:
-        message = "Unknown Execution state."
-    LOG.error(("Timed out waiting for messages from Execution "
-               "(ID: {}, State: {}). {}").format(execution_id, state, message))
diff --git a/tripleoclient/workflows/deployment.py b/tripleoclient/workflows/deployment.py
index 17f33d4b5..d559f4a5b 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/workflows/deployment.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/workflows/deployment.py
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ import yaml
 from heatclient.common import event_utils
 from heatclient import exc as heat_exc
 from openstackclient import shell
-from swiftclient import exceptions as swiftexceptions
-from tripleo_common.utils import swift as swift_utils
+from tripleo_common.utils import swift as swiftutils
 from tripleoclient.constants import ANSIBLE_TRIPLEO_PLAYBOOKS
 from tripleoclient.constants import CLOUD_HOME_DIR
@@ -515,13 +514,13 @@ def get_deployment_status(clients, plan):
         return None
-        body = swift_utils.get_object_string(
+        body = swiftutils.get_object_string(
             '%s-messages' % plan,
         return yaml.safe_load(body)['deployment_status']
-    except swiftexceptions.ClientException:
+    except Exception:
         return None
diff --git a/tripleoclient/workflows/parameters.py b/tripleoclient/workflows/parameters.py
index 24575d332..1335dc97b 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/workflows/parameters.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/workflows/parameters.py
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ from tripleoclient.constants import ANSIBLE_TRIPLEO_PLAYBOOKS
 from tripleoclient.constants import UNUSED_PARAMETER_EXCLUDES_RE
 from tripleoclient import exceptions
 from tripleoclient import utils
-from tripleoclient.workflows import base
 from tripleoclient.workflows import roles
@@ -39,73 +38,37 @@ def invoke_plan_env_workflows(clients, stack_name, plan_env_file,
         raise exceptions.PlanEnvWorkflowError('File (%s) is not found: '
                                               '%s' % (plan_env_file, exc))
-    if plan_env_data and "playbook_parameters" in plan_env_data:
-        static_inventory = utils.get_tripleo_ansible_inventory(
-            ssh_user='heat-admin',
-            stack=stack_name,
-            undercloud_connection='local',
-            return_inventory_file_path=True
-        )
-        with utils.TempDirs() as tmp:
-            for pb, pb_vars in plan_env_data["playbook_parameters"].items():
-                print('Invoking playbook ({}) specified in plan-environment'
-                      ' file'.format(pb))
-                LOG.debug(
-                    'Running playbook "{}" with the'
-                    ' following options {}.'.format(
-                        pb,
-                        pb_vars
-                    )
+    static_inventory = utils.get_tripleo_ansible_inventory(
+        ssh_user='heat-admin',
+        stack=stack_name,
+        undercloud_connection='local',
+        return_inventory_file_path=True
+    )
+    with utils.TempDirs() as tmp:
+        for pb, pb_vars in plan_env_data["playbook_parameters"].items():
+            print(
+                'Invoking playbook ({}) specified in'
+                ' plan-environment file'.format(pb)
+            )
+            LOG.debug(
+                'Running playbook "{}" with the'
+                ' following options {}.'.format(
+                    pb,
+                    pb_vars
-                playbook_dir = os.path.dirname(pb)
-                if not playbook_dir:
-                    playbook_dir = ANSIBLE_TRIPLEO_PLAYBOOKS
+            )
+            playbook_dir = os.path.dirname(pb)
+            if not playbook_dir:
+                playbook_dir = ANSIBLE_TRIPLEO_PLAYBOOKS
-                utils.run_ansible_playbook(
-                    playbook=os.path.basename(pb),
-                    inventory=static_inventory,
-                    workdir=tmp,
-                    playbook_dir=playbook_dir,
-                    verbosity=verbosity,
-                    extra_vars=pb_vars
-                )
-    # NOTE(cloudnull): Remove this when mistral is gone.
-    elif plan_env_data and "workflow_parameters" in plan_env_data:
-        LOG.warning(
-            'The workflow_parameters interface is deprecated, begin using'
-            ' playbook_parameters instead.'
-        )
-        for wf_name, wf_inputs in plan_env_data["workflow_parameters"].items():
-            print('Invoking workflow (%s) specified in plan-environment '
-                  'file' % wf_name)
-            inputs = {'plan': stack_name, 'user_inputs': wf_inputs}
-            workflow_client = clients.workflow_engine
-            tripleoclients = clients.tripleoclient
-            with tripleoclients.messaging_websocket() as ws:
-                execution = base.start_workflow(
-                    workflow_client,
-                    wf_name,
-                    workflow_input=inputs
-                )
-                # Getting the derive parameters timeout after 600 seconds.
-                for payload in base.wait_for_messages(workflow_client,
-                                                      ws, execution, 600):
-                    if ('message' in payload and
-                            (payload.get('status', 'RUNNING') == "RUNNING")):
-                        print(payload['message'])
-            if payload.get('status', 'FAILED') == 'SUCCESS':
-                result = payload.get('result', '')
-                # Prints the workflow result
-                if result:
-                    print('Workflow execution is completed. result:')
-                    print(yaml.safe_dump(result, default_flow_style=False))
-            else:
-                message = payload.get('message', '')
-                msg = ('Workflow execution is failed: %s' % (message))
-                raise exceptions.PlanEnvWorkflowError(msg)
+            utils.run_ansible_playbook(
+                playbook=os.path.basename(pb),
+                inventory=static_inventory,
+                workdir=tmp,
+                playbook_dir=playbook_dir,
+                verbosity=verbosity,
+                extra_vars=pb_vars
+            )
 def check_deprecated_parameters(clients, container):
diff --git a/tripleoclient/workflows/plan_management.py b/tripleoclient/workflows/plan_management.py
index 24de039bb..1c1fea969 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/workflows/plan_management.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/workflows/plan_management.py
@@ -11,14 +11,12 @@
 # under the License.
 import logging
 import os
-import tempfile
 import yaml
-from swiftclient import exceptions as swift_exc
 from tripleo_common.actions import plan
 from tripleo_common.utils import plan as plan_utils
 from tripleo_common.utils import swift as swiftutils
-from tripleo_common.utils import tarball
+from tripleo_common.utils import template as temputils
 from tripleoclient import constants
 from tripleoclient import exceptions
@@ -39,10 +37,11 @@ def _upload_templates(swift_client, container_name, tht_root, roles_file=None,
                       plan_env_file=None, networks_file=None):
     """tarball up a given directory and upload it to Swift to be extracted"""
-    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_tarball:
-        tarball.create_tarball(tht_root, tmp_tarball.name)
-        tarball.tarball_extract_to_swift_container(
-            swift_client, tmp_tarball.name, container_name)
+    temputils.upload_templates_as_tarball(
+        swift=swift_client,
+        dir_to_upload=tht_root,
+        container=container_name
+    )
     # Optional override of the roles_data.yaml file
     if roles_file:
@@ -183,6 +182,19 @@ def create_plan_from_templates(clients, name, tht_root, roles_file=None,
                                generate_passwords=True, plan_env_file=None,
                                networks_file=None, verbosity_level=0,
+    with utils.TempDirs() as tmp:
+        utils.run_ansible_playbook(
+            "cli-undercloud-local-artifacts.yaml",
+            'undercloud,',
+            workdir=tmp,
+            playbook_dir=constants.ANSIBLE_TRIPLEO_PLAYBOOKS,
+            extra_vars={
+                "stack": name,
+            },
+            verbosity=verbosity_level
+        )
     swift_client = clients.tripleoclient.object_store
     print("Creating Swift container to store the plan")
@@ -210,6 +222,19 @@ def update_plan_from_templates(clients, name, tht_root, roles_file=None,
                                networks_file=None, keep_env=False,
+    with utils.TempDirs() as tmp:
+        utils.run_ansible_playbook(
+            "cli-undercloud-local-artifacts.yaml",
+            'undercloud,',
+            workdir=tmp,
+            playbook_dir=constants.ANSIBLE_TRIPLEO_PLAYBOOKS,
+            extra_vars={
+                "stack": name,
+            },
+            verbosity=verbosity_level
+        )
     swift_client = clients.tripleoclient.object_store
     passwords = None
     keep_file_contents = {}
@@ -308,13 +333,23 @@ def _list_plan_files(swift_client, container):
 def _upload_file(swift_client, container, filename, local_filename):
     with open(local_filename, 'rb') as file_content:
-        swift_client.put_object(container, filename, file_content)
+        swiftutils.put_object_string(
+            swift=swift_client,
+            container=container,
+            object_name=filename,
+            contents=file_content
+        )
 # short function, just alias for interface parity with _upload_plan_file
 def _upload_file_content(swift_client, container, filename, content):
     LOG.debug("Uploading {0} to plan".format(filename))
-    swift_client.put_object(container, filename, content)
+    swiftutils.put_object_string(
+        swift=swift_client,
+        container=container,
+        object_name=filename,
+        contents=content
+    )
 def _load_passwords(swift_client, name):
@@ -337,31 +372,41 @@ def _update_passwords(swift_client, name, passwords):
             env = yaml.safe_load(swift_client.get_object(
                 name, constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT)[1])
             env['passwords'] = passwords
-            swift_client.put_object(name,
-                                    constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT,
-                                    yaml.safe_dump(env,
-                                                   default_flow_style=False))
-        except swift_exc.ClientException:
+            swiftutils.put_object_string(
+                swift=swift_client,
+                container=name,
+                object_name=constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT,
+                contents=yaml.safe_dump(env, default_flow_style=False)
+            )
+        except Exception as exp:
             # The plan likely has not been migrated to using Swift yet.
-            LOG.debug("Could not find plan environment %s in %s",
-                      constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT, name)
+            LOG.debug("Could not find plan environment %s in %s - error: %s",
+                      constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT, name, exp)
 def export_deployment_plan(clients, plan_name):
-    export_container = "plan-exports"
-    delete_after = 3600
+    plan_path = os.path.join('/var/lib/tripleo/stacks', plan_name)
+    if os.path.exists(plan_path):
+        print("Plan information can be found here: {}".format(plan_path))
+        return plan_path
+    else:
+        # NOTE(cloudnull): When swift is no longer in service remove this.
+        export_container = "plan-exports"
+        delete_after = 3600
-    mistral_context = clients.tripleoclient.create_mistral_context()
-    action = plan.ExportPlanAction(plan_name, delete_after=delete_after,
-                                   exports_container=export_container)
-    result = action.run(mistral_context)
-    if result:
-        raise exceptions.WorkflowServiceError(
-            'Exception exporting plan: {}'.format(result.error))
+        mistral_context = clients.tripleoclient.create_mistral_context()
+        action = plan.ExportPlanAction(plan_name, delete_after=delete_after,
+                                       exports_container=export_container)
+        result = action.run(mistral_context)
+        if result:
+            raise exceptions.WorkflowServiceError(
+                'Exception exporting plan: {}'.format(result.error))
-    url = swiftutils.get_temp_url(clients.tripleoclient.object_store,
-                                  container=export_container,
-                                  object_name="{}.tar.gz".format(plan_name))
-    print(url)
-    return url
+        url = swiftutils.get_temp_url(
+            clients.tripleoclient.object_store,
+            container=export_container,
+            object_name="{}.tar.gz".format(plan_name)
+        )
+        print(url)
+        return url
diff --git a/tripleoclient/workflows/roles.py b/tripleoclient/workflows/roles.py
index 55ed3ee8c..9f55f0d65 100644
--- a/tripleoclient/workflows/roles.py
+++ b/tripleoclient/workflows/roles.py
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import logging
 import yaml
 from tripleo_common.actions import plan
+# TODO(cloudnull): Convert to a swiftutils in tripleo-common
+# from tripleo_common.utils import swift as swiftutils
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ def list_available_roles(clients, container='overcloud'):
     obj_client = clients.tripleoclient.object_store
     available_yaml_roles = list()
     LOG.info('Indexing roles from: {}'.format(container))
+    # TODO(cloudnull): Convert to a swiftutils in tripleo-common
     for obj in obj_client.get_container(container)[-1]:
         name = obj['name']
         if name.startswith('roles/') and name.endswith(('yml', 'yaml')):