Write minimal paste configuration for heat-all.

Instead of relying on the system's paste configuration for heat api, we
can write a minimal configuration that is needed by the heat-all
process. This works in a similar way that we generate a minimal
configuration for heat.conf.

It also ensures that the configuration can be reprodcued if needed
without having to rely on what may have been configured on an individual

Change-Id: I27e98fa77966213fd14e9a5e3187fd4e02db0a10
This commit is contained in:
James Slagle 2019-10-29 15:38:15 -04:00
parent a4bf4dbad5
commit 43896a6bc4
1 changed files with 20 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ connection = sqlite:///%(sqlite_db)s.db
flavor = noauth
api_paste_config = /usr/share/heat/api-paste-dist.ini
api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
policy_file = %(policy_file)s
@ -226,6 +226,25 @@ limit_iterators=9000
with open(config_file, 'w') as temp_file:
heat_api_paste_config = '''
pipeline = noauth context versionnegotiation apiv1app
paste.app_factory = heat.common.wsgi:app_factory
heat.app_factory = heat.api.openstack.v1:API
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.noauth:filter_factory
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.context:ContextMiddleware_filter_factory
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.wsgi:filter_factory
heat.filter_factory = heat.api.openstack:version_negotiation_filter
paste_file = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(config_file), 'api-paste.ini')
with open(paste_file, 'w') as temp_file:
def _write_fake_keystone_token(self, heat_api_port, config_file):
ks_token = json.dumps(FAKE_TOKEN_RESPONSE) % {'heat_port':