# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import copy from osc_lib.i18n import _ from oslo_config import cfg from tripleoclient.config.base import BaseConfig NETCONFIG_TAGS_EXAMPLE = """ "network_config": [ { "type": "ovs_bridge", "name": "br-ctlplane", "ovs_extra": [ "br-set-external-id br-ctlplane bridge-id br-ctlplane" ], "members": [ { "type": "interface", "name": "{{LOCAL_INTERFACE}}", "primary": "true", "mtu": {{LOCAL_MTU}}, "dns_servers": {{UNDERCLOUD_NAMESERVERS}} } ], "addresses": [ { "ip_netmask": "{{PUBLIC_INTERFACE_IP}}" } ], "routes": {{SUBNETS_STATIC_ROUTES}}, "mtu": {{LOCAL_MTU}} } ] """ class StandaloneConfig(BaseConfig): def get_enable_service_opts(self, cinder=False, ironic=False, ironic_inspector=False, mistral=False, novajoin=False, tempest=False, telemetry=False, tripleo_ui=False, validations=False, zaqar=False): _opts = [ # service enablement cfg.BoolOpt('enable_cinder', default=cinder, help=_( 'Whether to install the Volume service. It is not ' 'currently used in the undercloud.')), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_ironic', default=ironic, help=_('Whether to enable the ironic service.')), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_ironic_inspector', default=ironic_inspector, help=_( 'Whether to enable the ironic inspector service.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_mistral', default=mistral, help=_('Whether to enable the mistral service.')), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_novajoin', default=novajoin, help=_('Whether to install novajoin metadata service ' 'in the Undercloud.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_tempest', default=tempest, help=_('Whether to install Tempest in the Undercloud.' 'This is a no-op for containerized undercloud.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_telemetry', default=telemetry, help=_('Whether to install Telemetry services ' '(ceilometer, gnocchi, aodh, panko ) in the ' 'Undercloud.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_ui', default=tripleo_ui, help=_('Whether to install the TripleO UI.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_validations', default=validations, help=_( 'Whether to install requirements to run the ' 'TripleO validations.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_zaqar', default=zaqar, help=_('Whether to enable the zaqar service.')), ] return self.sort_opts(_opts) def get_base_opts(self): _base_opts = super(StandaloneConfig, self).get_base_opts() _opts = [ # deployment options cfg.StrOpt('deployment_user', help=_( 'User used to run openstack undercloud install ' 'command which will be used to add the user to the ' 'docker group, required to upload containers'), ), cfg.StrOpt('hieradata_override', default='', help=_( 'Path to hieradata override file. Relative paths ' 'get computed inside of $HOME. When it points to a ' 'heat env file, it is passed in t-h-t via "-e ' '", as is. When the file contains legacy ' 'instack data, it is wrapped with ' 'UndercloudExtraConfig and also passed in for ' 't-h-t as a temp file created in output_dir. Note, ' 'instack hiera data may be not t-h-t compatible ' 'and will highly likely require a manual revision.') ), cfg.StrOpt('net_config_override', default='', help=_( 'Path to network config override template.' 'Relative paths get computed inside of of $HOME. ' 'Must be in the json format.' 'Its content overrides anything in t-h-t ' 'UndercloudNetConfigOverride. The processed ' 'template is then passed in Heat via the ' 'undercloud_parameters.yaml file created in ' 'output_dir and used to configure the networking ' 'via run-os-net-config. If you wish to disable ' 'you can set this location to an empty file.' 'Templated for instack j2 tags ' 'may be used, ' 'for example:\n%s ') % NETCONFIG_TAGS_EXAMPLE ), cfg.StrOpt('templates', default='', help=_('heat templates file to override.') ), cfg.StrOpt('roles_file', default=None, help=_('Roles file to override for heat. May be an ' 'absolute path or the path relative to the ' 't-h-t templates directory used for deployment') ), cfg.BoolOpt('heat_native', default=True, help=_('Use native heat templates.')), cfg.StrOpt('heat_container_image', default='', help=_('URL for the heat container image to use.') ), cfg.StrOpt('container_images_file', default='', help=_( 'Heat environment file with parameters for all ' 'required container images. Or alternatively, ' 'parameter "ContainerImagePrepare" to drive the ' 'required image preparation.')), cfg.ListOpt('custom_env_files', default=[], help=_('List of any custom environment yaml files to ' 'use. These are applied after any other ' 'configuration and can be used to override ' 'any derived values. This should be used ' 'only by advanced users.')), # docker config bits cfg.StrOpt('docker_registry_mirror', default='', help=_( 'An optional docker \'registry-mirror\' that will ' 'beconfigured in /etc/docker/daemon.json.') ), cfg.ListOpt('docker_insecure_registries', default=[], help=_('Used to add custom insecure registries in ' '/etc/sysconfig/docker.') ), ] return self.sort_opts(_base_opts + _opts) def get_opts(self): return self.sort_opts(self.get_base_opts() + self.get_enable_service_opts()) # this is needed for the oslo config generator def list_opts(): return [(None, copy.deepcopy(StandaloneConfig().get_opts()))]