# Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import logging import os import re import yaml from osc_lib.i18n import _ from tripleo_common.utils import plan as plan_utils from tripleoclient import constants from tripleoclient import utils as oooutils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".utils") def export_passwords(working_dir, stack, excludes=True): """For each password, check if it's excluded, then check if there's a user defined value from parameter_defaults, and if not use the value from the generated passwords. :param working_dir: Working dir for the deployment :type working_dir: string :param stack: stack name for password generator :type stack: string :param excludes: filter the passwords or not, defaults to `True` :type excludes: bool :returns: filtered password dictionary :rtype: dict """ def exclude_password(password): for pattern in constants.EXPORT_PASSWORD_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS: if re.match(pattern, password, re.I): return True passwords_file = os.path.join( working_dir, constants.PASSWORDS_ENV_FORMAT.format(stack)) with open(passwords_file) as f: passwords_env = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) generated_passwords = plan_utils.generate_passwords( passwords_env=passwords_env) filtered_passwords = generated_passwords.copy() if excludes: for password in generated_passwords: if exclude_password(password): filtered_passwords.pop(password, None) return filtered_passwords def export_stack(working_dir, stack, should_filter=False, config_download_dir=constants.DEFAULT_WORK_DIR): """Export stack information. Iterates over parameters selected for export and loads additional data from the referenced files. :param working_dir: Working dir for the deployment :type working_dir: string :param stack: stack name for password generator :type stack: string :params should_filter: should the export only include values with keys defined in the 'filter' list. Defaults to `False` :type should_filter: bool :param config_download_dir: path to download directory, defaults to `constants.DEFAULT_WORK_DIR` :type config_download_dir: string :returns: data to export :rtype: dict The function detetermines what data to export using information, obtained from the preset `tripleoclient.constants.EXPORT_DATA` dictionary. parameter: Parameter to be exported file: If file is specified it is taken as source instead of heat output. File is relative to /stack. filter: in case only specific settings should be exported from parameter data. """ data = {} for export_key, export_param in constants.EXPORT_DATA.items(): param = export_param["parameter"] if "file" in export_param: # get file data file = os.path.join(config_download_dir, stack, export_param["file"]) export_data = oooutils.get_parameter_file(file) else: # get stack data export_data = oooutils.get_stack_saved_output_item( export_key, working_dir) if export_data: # When we export information from a cell controller stack # we don't want to filter. if "filter" in export_param and should_filter: for filter_key in export_param["filter"]: if filter_key in export_data: element = {filter_key: export_data[filter_key]} data.setdefault(param, {}).update(element) else: data[param] = export_data else: LOG.warning("No data returned to export %s from." % param) # Check if AuthCloudName is in the stack environment, and if so add it to # the export data. Otherwise set it to the exported stack's name. auth_cloud_name = oooutils.get_stack_saved_output_item( 'AuthCloudName', working_dir) if auth_cloud_name: data['AuthCloudName'] = auth_cloud_name else: data['AuthCloudName'] = stack # Check if AuthCloudName is in the stack environment, and if so add it to # the export data. Otherwise set it to the exported stack's name. auth_cloud_name = oooutils.get_stack_saved_output_item( 'AuthCloudName', working_dir) if auth_cloud_name: data['AuthCloudName'] = auth_cloud_name else: data['AuthCloudName'] = stack return data def export_ceph_net_key(stack, config_download_dir=constants.DEFAULT_WORK_DIR): file = os.path.join(config_download_dir, stack, "global_vars.yaml") with open(file, 'r') as ff: try: global_data = yaml.safe_load(ff) except Exception as e: LOG.error( _('Could not read file %s') % file) LOG.error(e) return str(global_data['service_net_map']['ceph_mon_network']) + '_ip' def export_storage_ips(stack, config_download_dir=constants.DEFAULT_WORK_DIR, ceph_net_key=''): if len(ceph_net_key) == 0: ceph_net_key = export_ceph_net_key(stack, config_download_dir) inventory_file = "ceph-ansible/inventory.yml" file = os.path.join(config_download_dir, stack, inventory_file) with open(file, 'r') as ff: try: inventory_data = yaml.safe_load(ff) except Exception as e: LOG.error( _('Could not read file %s') % file) LOG.error(e) mon_ips = [] for mon_role in inventory_data['mons']['children'].keys(): for hostname in inventory_data[mon_role]['hosts']: ip = inventory_data[mon_role]['hosts'][hostname][ceph_net_key] mon_ips.append(ip) return mon_ips def export_ceph(stack, cephx, config_download_dir=constants.DEFAULT_WORK_DIR, mon_ips=[], config_download_files=[]): # Return a map of ceph data for a list item in CephExternalMultiConfig # by parsing files within the config_download_dir of a certain stack if len(config_download_files) == 0: config_download_files = os.listdir(os.path.join( config_download_dir, stack)) if 'ceph-ansible' in config_download_files: if len(mon_ips) == 0: mon_ips = export_storage_ips(stack, config_download_dir) external_cluster_mon_ips = str(','.join(mon_ips)) # Use ceph-ansible group_vars/all.yml to get remaining values ceph_ansible_all = "ceph-ansible/group_vars/all.yml" file = os.path.join(config_download_dir, stack, ceph_ansible_all) with open(file, 'r') as ff: try: ceph_data = yaml.safe_load(ff) except yaml.MarkedYAMLError as e: LOG.error( _('Could not read file %s') % file) LOG.error(e) cluster = ceph_data['cluster'] fsid = ceph_data['fsid'] if 'cephadm' in config_download_files: file = os.path.join(oooutils.get_default_working_dir(stack), 'ceph_client.yml') if not os.path.exists(file): # fall back to old path if user had LP 1978846 during deployment file = "/home/stack/ceph_client.yaml" with open(file, 'r') as ff: try: ceph_data = yaml.safe_load(ff) except yaml.MarkedYAMLError as e: LOG.error( _('Could not read file %s') % file) LOG.error(e) external_cluster_mon_ips = ceph_data['external_cluster_mon_ips'] cluster = ceph_data['tripleo_ceph_client_cluster'] fsid = ceph_data['tripleo_ceph_client_fsid'] # set cephx_keys for key in ceph_data['keys']: if key['name'] == 'client.' + str(cephx): cephx_keys = [key] # set ceph_conf_overrides ceph_conf_overrides = {} ceph_conf_overrides['client'] = {} ceph_conf_overrides['client']['keyring'] = '/etc/ceph/' \ + cluster \ + '.client.' + cephx \ + '.keyring' # Combine extracted data into one map to return data = {} data['external_cluster_mon_ips'] = external_cluster_mon_ips data['keys'] = cephx_keys data['ceph_conf_overrides'] = ceph_conf_overrides data['cluster'] = cluster data['fsid'] = fsid data['dashboard_enabled'] = False return data def export_overcloud(working_dir, stack, excludes, should_filter, config_download_dir): data = export_passwords(working_dir, stack, excludes) data.update(export_stack( working_dir, stack, should_filter, config_download_dir)) # do not add extra host entries for VIPs for stacks deployed off that # exported data, since it already contains those entries data.update({'AddVipsToEtcHosts': False}) data = dict(parameter_defaults=data) return data