# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import mock import socket from tripleoclient import plugin from tripleoclient.tests import base from tripleoclient.tests import fakes class TestPlugin(base.TestCase): @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection") def test_make_client(self, ws_create_connection): clientmgr = mock.MagicMock() clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WS_URL clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN" clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID" clientmgr.cacert = None ws_create_connection.return_value.recv.return_value = json.dumps({ "headers": { "status": 200 } }) client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr) websocket = client.messaging_websocket() # The second access should not return the same client: self.assertIsNot(client.messaging_websocket(), websocket) plugin.make_client(clientmgr) # And the functions should only be called when the client is created: self.assertEqual(clientmgr.auth.get_token.call_count, 2) self.assertEqual(clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.call_count, 2) ws_create_connection.assert_called_with("ws://") @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection") def test_invalid_json(self, ws_create_connection): clientmgr = mock.MagicMock() clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WS_URL clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN" clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID" clientmgr.cacert = None ws_create_connection.return_value.recv.return_value = "BAD JSON" client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr) # NOTE(d0ugal): Manually catching errors rather than using assertRaises # so we can assert the message. try: client.messaging_websocket() self.assertFail() except ValueError as e: self.assertEqual( str(e), "No JSON object could be decoded; 'BAD JSON'") @mock.patch.object(plugin.WebsocketClient, "recv") @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection") def test_handle_websocket_multiple(self, ws_create_connection, recv_mock): send_ack = { "headers": { "status": 200 } } # Creating the websocket sends three messages and closing sends one. # The one being tested is wrapped between these recv_mock.side_effect = [send_ack, send_ack, send_ack, { "body": { "payload": { "status": 200, "message": "Result for IDID", "execution_id": "IDID", } } }, send_ack] clientmgr = mock.MagicMock() clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WS_URL clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN" clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID" clientmgr.cacert = None client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr) with client.messaging_websocket() as ws: for payload in ws.wait_for_messages(): self.assertEqual(payload, { "status": 200, "message": "Result for IDID", "execution_id": "IDID", }) # We only want to test the first message, as there is only one. # The last one, the send_ack will be used by the context # manager when it is closed. break @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection") def test_websocket_creation_error(self, ws_create_connection): ws_create_connection.side_effect = socket.error clientmgr = mock.MagicMock() clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WS_URL clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN" clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID" clientmgr.cacert = None client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr) msg = ("Could not establish a connection to the Zaqar websocket. The " "command was sent but the answer could not be read.") with mock.patch('tripleoclient.plugin.LOG') as mock_log: self.assertRaises(socket.error, client.messaging_websocket) mock_log.error.assert_called_once_with(msg) @mock.patch("websocket.create_connection") def test_make_tls_client(self, ws_create_connection): clientmgr = mock.MagicMock() clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.return_value = fakes.WSS_URL clientmgr.auth.get_token.return_value = "TOKEN" clientmgr.auth_ref.project_id = "ID" clientmgr.cacert = '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/cm-local-ca.pem' ws_create_connection.return_value.recv.return_value = json.dumps({ "headers": { "status": 200 } }) client = plugin.make_client(clientmgr) websocket = client.messaging_websocket() # The second access should not return the same client: self.assertIsNot(client.messaging_websocket(), websocket) plugin.make_client(clientmgr) # And the functions should only be called when the client is created: self.assertEqual(clientmgr.auth.get_token.call_count, 2) self.assertEqual(clientmgr.get_endpoint_for_service_type.call_count, 2) ws_create_connection.assert_called_with( "wss://", sslopt={'ca_certs': '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/cm-local-ca.pem'})