# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import copy from osc_lib.i18n import _ from oslo_config import cfg from tripleoclient import constants from tripleoclient.config.standalone import StandaloneConfig CONF = cfg.CONF # Control plane network name SUBNETS_DEFAULT = ['ctlplane-subnet'] CIDR_HELP_STR = _( 'Network CIDR for the Neutron-managed subnet for Overcloud instances.') DHCP_START_HELP_STR = _( 'Start of DHCP allocation range for PXE and DHCP of Overcloud instances ' 'on this network.') DHCP_END_HELP_STR = _( 'End of DHCP allocation range for PXE and DHCP of Overcloud instances on ' 'this network.') DHCP_EXCLUDE_HELP_STR = _( 'List of IP addresses or IP ranges to exclude from the subnets allocation ' 'pool. Example:,') INSPECTION_IPRANGE_HELP_STR = _( 'Temporary IP range that will be given to nodes on this network during ' 'the inspection process. Should not overlap with the range defined by ' 'dhcp_start and dhcp_end, but should be in the same ip subnet.') GATEWAY_HELP_STR = _( 'Network gateway for the Neutron-managed network for Overcloud instances ' 'on this network.') MASQUERADE_HELP_STR = _( 'The network will be masqueraded for external access.') HOST_ROUTES_HELP_STR = _( 'Host routes for the Neutron-managed subnet for the Overcloud instances ' 'on this network. The host routes on the local_subnet will also be ' 'configured on the undercloud.') DNS_NAMESERVERS_HELP_STR = _( 'DNS nameservers for the Neutron-managed subnet for the Overcloud ' 'instances on this network. If no nameservers are defined for the subnet, ' 'the nameservers defined for undercloud_nameservers will be used.') # Deprecated options _deprecated_opt_network_gateway = [cfg.DeprecatedOpt( 'network_gateway', group='DEFAULT')] _deprecated_opt_network_cidr = [cfg.DeprecatedOpt( 'network_cidr', group='DEFAULT')] _deprecated_opt_dhcp_start = [cfg.DeprecatedOpt( 'dhcp_start', group='DEFAULT')] _deprecated_opt_dhcp_end = [cfg.DeprecatedOpt('dhcp_end', group='DEFAULT')] _deprecated_opt_inspection_iprange = [cfg.DeprecatedOpt( 'inspection_iprange', group='DEFAULT')] class UndercloudConfig(StandaloneConfig): def get_undercloud_service_opts(self): return super(UndercloudConfig, self).get_enable_service_opts( cinder=False, ironic=True, ironic_inspector=True, mistral=True, nova=True, novajoin=False, tempest=True, telemetry=False, tripleo_ui=True, validations=True, zaqar=True) def get_base_opts(self): _base_opts = super(UndercloudConfig, self).get_base_opts() _opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('undercloud_log_file', default=constants.UNDERCLOUD_LOG_FILE, help=_( 'The path to a log file to store the ' 'undercloud install/upgrade logs.'), ), cfg.StrOpt('undercloud_hostname', help=_( 'Fully qualified hostname (including domain) to ' 'set on the Undercloud. If left unset, the current ' 'hostname will be used, but the user is ' 'responsible for configuring all system hostname ' 'settings appropriately. If set, the undercloud ' 'install will configure all system hostname ' 'settings.'), ), cfg.StrOpt('local_ip', default='', help=_( 'IP information for the interface on the ' 'Undercloud that will be handling the PXE boots ' 'and DHCP for Overcloud instances. The IP portion ' 'of the value will be assigned to the network ' 'interface defined by local_interface, with the ' 'netmask defined by the prefix portion of the ' 'value.') ), cfg.StrOpt('undercloud_public_host', deprecated_name='undercloud_public_vip', default='', help=_( 'Virtual IP or DNS address to use for the public ' 'endpoints of Undercloud services. Only used ' 'with SSL.') ), cfg.StrOpt('undercloud_admin_host', deprecated_name='undercloud_admin_vip', default='', help=_( 'Virtual IP or DNS address to use for the admin ' 'endpoints of Undercloud services. Only used ' 'with SSL.') ), cfg.ListOpt('undercloud_nameservers', default=[], help=_( 'DNS nameserver(s). Use for the undercloud ' 'node and for the overcloud nodes. (NOTE: To use ' 'different nameserver(s) for the overcloud, ' 'override the DnsServers parameter in overcloud ' 'environment.)'), ), cfg.ListOpt('undercloud_ntp_servers', default=['0.pool.ntp.org', '1.pool.ntp.org', '2.pool.ntp.org', '3.pool.ntp.org'], help=_('List of ntp servers to use.')), cfg.StrOpt('undercloud_timezone', default=None, help=_('Host timezone to be used. If no timezone is ' 'specified, the existing timezone configuration ' 'is used.')), cfg.StrOpt('overcloud_domain_name', default='localdomain', help=_( 'DNS domain name to use when deploying the ' 'overcloud. The overcloud parameter "CloudDomain" ' 'must be set to a matching value.') ), cfg.ListOpt('subnets', default=SUBNETS_DEFAULT, help=_( 'List of routed network subnets for ' 'provisioning and introspection. Comma ' 'separated list of names/tags. For each network ' 'a section/group needs to be added to the ' 'configuration file with these parameters set: ' 'cidr, dhcp_start, dhcp_end, inspection_iprange, ' 'gateway and masquerade_network. Note: The ' 'section/group must be placed before or after ' 'any other section. (See the example section ' '[ctlplane-subnet] in the sample configuration ' 'file.)')), cfg.StrOpt('local_subnet', default=SUBNETS_DEFAULT[0], help=_( 'Name of the local subnet, where the PXE boot and ' 'DHCP interfaces for overcloud instances is ' 'located. The IP address of the ' 'local_ip/local_interface should reside ' 'in this subnet.')), cfg.StrOpt('undercloud_service_certificate', default='', help=_( 'Certificate file to use for OpenStack service SSL ' 'connections. Setting this enables SSL for the ' 'OpenStack API endpoints, leaving it unset ' 'disables SSL.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('generate_service_certificate', default=True, help=_( 'When set to True, an SSL certificate will be ' 'generated as part of the undercloud install and ' 'this certificate will be used in place of the ' 'value for undercloud_service_certificate. The ' 'resulting certificate will be written to ' '/etc/pki/tls/private/overcloud_endpoint.pem. This' ' certificate is signed by CA selected by the ' '"certificate_generation_ca" option.') ), cfg.StrOpt('certificate_generation_ca', default='local', help=_( 'The certmonger nickname of the CA from which ' 'the certificate will be requested. This is used ' 'only if the generate_service_certificate option ' 'is set. Note that if the "local" CA is selected ' 'the certmonger\'s local CA certificate will be ' 'extracted to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/' 'cm-local-ca.pem and subsequently added to the ' 'trust chain.') ), cfg.StrOpt('service_principal', default='', help=_( 'The kerberos principal for the service that will ' 'use the certificate. This is only needed if your ' 'CA requires a kerberos principal. e.g. with ' 'FreeIPA.') ), cfg.StrOpt('local_interface', default='eth1', help=_('Network interface on the Undercloud that will ' 'be handling the PXE boots and DHCP for ' 'Overcloud instances.') ), cfg.IntOpt('local_mtu', default=1500, help=_('MTU to use for the local_interface.') ), cfg.StrOpt('docker_bip', default='--bip=', deprecated_for_removal=True, help=_('Docker bridge IP for the undercloud.') ), cfg.StrOpt('inspection_interface', default='br-ctlplane', deprecated_name='discovery_interface', help=_( 'Network interface on which inspection dnsmasq ' 'will listen. If in doubt, use the default value.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('inspection_extras', default=True, help=_( 'Whether to enable extra hardware collection ' 'during the inspection process. Requires ' 'python-hardware or python-hardware-detect ' 'package on the introspection image.')), cfg.BoolOpt('inspection_runbench', default=False, deprecated_name='discovery_runbench', help=_( 'Whether to run benchmarks when inspecting ' 'nodes. Requires inspection_extras set to True.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_node_discovery', default=False, help=_( 'Makes ironic-inspector enroll any unknown node ' 'that PXE-boots introspection ramdisk in Ironic. ' 'By default, the "fake" driver is used for new ' 'nodes (it is automatically enabled when this ' 'option is set to True). Set ' 'discovery_default_driver to override. ' 'Introspection rules can also be used to specify ' 'driver information for newly enrolled nodes.') ), cfg.StrOpt('discovery_default_driver', default='ipmi', help=_( 'The default driver or hardware type to use for ' 'newly discovered nodes (requires ' 'enable_node_discovery set to True). It is ' 'automatically added to enabled_hardware_types.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('undercloud_debug', default=True, help=_( 'Whether to enable the debug log level for ' 'Undercloud OpenStack services and Container ' 'Image Prepare step.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('undercloud_enable_selinux', default=True, help=_('Enable or disable SELinux during the ' 'deployment.')), cfg.BoolOpt('undercloud_enable_paunch', default=False, help=_('Enable or disable Paunch to manage ' 'containers.')), cfg.BoolOpt('undercloud_update_packages', default=False, help=_( 'Whether to update packages during the Undercloud ' 'install. This is a no-op for containerized ' 'undercloud.') ), cfg.StrOpt('ipa_otp', default='', help=_( 'One Time Password to register Undercloud node ' 'with an IPA server. Required when ' 'enable_novajoin = True.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('ipxe_enabled', default=True, help=_('Whether to use iPXE for deploy and ' 'inspection.'), deprecated_name='ipxe_deploy', ), cfg.IntOpt('scheduler_max_attempts', default=30, min=1, help=_( 'Maximum number of attempts the scheduler will ' 'make when deploying the instance. You should keep ' 'it greater or equal to the number of bare metal ' 'nodes you expect to deploy at once to work around ' 'potential race condition when scheduling.')), cfg.BoolOpt('clean_nodes', default=False, help=_( 'Whether to clean overcloud nodes (wipe the hard ' 'drive) between deployments and after the ' 'introspection.')), cfg.BoolOpt('upgrade_cleanup', default=False, help=_( '(Experimental) Whether to clean undercloud rpms ' 'after an upgrade to a containerized ' 'undercloud.')), cfg.ListOpt('enabled_hardware_types', default=['ipmi', 'redfish', 'ilo', 'idrac'], help=_('List of enabled bare metal hardware types ' '(next generation drivers).')), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_routed_networks', default=False, help=_( 'Enable support for routed ctlplane networks.')), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_swift_encryption', default=False, help=_( 'Whether to enable Swift encryption at-rest or ' 'not.' )), cfg.ListOpt('additional_architectures', default=[], help=(_( 'List of additional architectures enabled in ' 'your cloud environment. The list of supported ' 'values is: %s') % ' '.join(constants.ADDITIONAL_ARCHITECTURES)) ), cfg.StrOpt('ipv6_address_mode', default='dhcpv6-stateless', choices=[ ('dhcpv6-stateless', 'Address configuration using ' 'RA and optional information ' 'using DHCPv6.'), ('dhcpv6-stateful', 'Address configuration and ' 'optional information using ' 'DHCPv6.') ], help=(_('IPv6 address configuration mode for the ' 'undercloud provisioning network.')) ), cfg.ListOpt('ironic_enabled_network_interfaces', default=['flat'], help=(_('Enabled ironic network interface ' 'implementations. Each hardware type must ' 'have at least one valid implementation ' 'enabled.')) ), cfg.StrOpt('ironic_default_network_interface', default='flat', choices=[ ('flat', 'Use one flat provider network.'), ('neutron', 'Ironic interacts with Neutron to ' 'enable other network types and ' 'advanced networking features.') ], help=(_('Ironic network interface implementation to ' 'use by default.')) ), ] return self.sort_opts(_base_opts + _opts) def get_opts(self): _base_opts = self.get_base_opts() _service_opts = self.get_undercloud_service_opts() return self.sort_opts(_base_opts + _service_opts) def get_local_subnet_opts(self): _subnets_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('cidr', default=constants.CTLPLANE_CIDR_DEFAULT, deprecated_opts=_deprecated_opt_network_cidr, help=CIDR_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('dhcp_start', default=constants.CTLPLANE_DHCP_START_DEFAULT, deprecated_opts=_deprecated_opt_dhcp_start, help=DHCP_START_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('dhcp_end', default=constants.CTLPLANE_DHCP_END_DEFAULT, deprecated_opts=_deprecated_opt_dhcp_end, help=DHCP_END_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('dhcp_exclude', default=[], help=DHCP_EXCLUDE_HELP_STR), cfg.StrOpt('inspection_iprange', default=constants.CTLPLANE_INSPECTION_IPRANGE_DEFAULT, deprecated_opts=_deprecated_opt_inspection_iprange, help=INSPECTION_IPRANGE_HELP_STR), cfg.StrOpt('gateway', default=constants.CTLPLANE_GATEWAY_DEFAULT, deprecated_opts=_deprecated_opt_network_gateway, help=GATEWAY_HELP_STR), cfg.BoolOpt('masquerade', default=False, help=MASQUERADE_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('host_routes', item_type=cfg.types.Dict(bounds=True), bounds=True, default=[], sample_default=('[{destination:, ' 'nexthop:}]'), help=HOST_ROUTES_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('dns_nameservers', default=constants.CTLPLANE_DNS_NAMESERVERS_DEFAULT, help=DNS_NAMESERVERS_HELP_STR), ] return self.sort_opts(_subnets_opts) def get_remote_subnet_opts(self): _subnets_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('cidr', help=CIDR_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('dhcp_start', default=[], help=DHCP_START_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('dhcp_end', default=[], help=DHCP_END_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('dhcp_exclude', default=[], help=DHCP_EXCLUDE_HELP_STR), cfg.StrOpt('inspection_iprange', help=INSPECTION_IPRANGE_HELP_STR), cfg.StrOpt('gateway', help=GATEWAY_HELP_STR), cfg.BoolOpt('masquerade', default=False, help=MASQUERADE_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('host_routes', item_type=cfg.types.Dict(bounds=True), bounds=True, default=[], help=HOST_ROUTES_HELP_STR), cfg.ListOpt('dns_nameservers', default=constants.CTLPLANE_DNS_NAMESERVERS_DEFAULT, help=DNS_NAMESERVERS_HELP_STR), ] return self.sort_opts(_subnets_opts) def list_opts(): """List config opts for oslo config generator""" config = UndercloudConfig() _opts = config.get_opts() return [(None, copy.deepcopy(_opts)), (SUBNETS_DEFAULT[0], copy.deepcopy(config.get_local_subnet_opts()))] def load_global_config(): """Register UndercloudConfig options into global config""" _opts = UndercloudConfig().get_opts() CONF.register_opts(_opts)