# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import uuid
import yaml

from tripleoclient import exceptions
from tripleoclient.workflows import base

def update_parameters(workflow_client, **input_):
    return base.call_action(workflow_client, 'tripleo.parameters.update',

def get_overcloud_passwords(clients, **workflow_input):
    """Retrieves overcloud passwords from a plan via a workflow

    :param clients:
    :param workflow_input:

    workflow_client = clients.workflow_engine
    tripleoclients = clients.tripleoclient
    queue_name = workflow_input['queue_name']

    with tripleoclients.messaging_websocket(queue_name) as ws:
        execution = base.start_workflow(

        # Getting the passwords is a quick operation, but to allow space for
        # delays or heavy loads, timeout after 60 seconds.
        for payload in base.wait_for_messages(workflow_client, ws, execution,
            assert payload['status'] == "SUCCESS"

        return payload['message']

def invoke_plan_env_workflows(clients, stack_name, plan_env_file):
    """Invokes the workflows in plan environment file"""

        with open(plan_env_file) as pf:
            plan_env_data = yaml.safe_load(pf.read())
    except IOError as exc:
        raise exceptions.PlanEnvWorkflowError('File (%s) is not found: '
                                              '%s' % (plan_env_file, exc))

    if plan_env_data and "workflow_parameters" in plan_env_data:
        for wf_name, wf_inputs in plan_env_data["workflow_parameters"].items():
            print('Invoking workflow (%s) specified in plan-environment '
                  'file' % wf_name)
            inputs = {}
            inputs['plan'] = stack_name
            queue_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
            inputs['queue_name'] = queue_name
            inputs['user_inputs'] = wf_inputs
            workflow_client = clients.workflow_engine
            tripleoclients = clients.tripleoclient
            with tripleoclients.messaging_websocket(queue_name) as ws:
                execution = base.start_workflow(

                # Getting the derive parameters timeout after 600 seconds.
                for payload in base.wait_for_messages(workflow_client,
                                                      ws, execution, 600):
                    if ('message' in payload and
                            (payload.get('status', 'RUNNING') == "RUNNING")):

            if payload.get('status', 'FAILED') == 'SUCCESS':
                result = payload.get('result', '')
                # Prints the workflow result
                if result:
                    print('Workflow execution is completed. result:')
                    print(yaml.safe_dump(result, default_flow_style=False))
                message = payload.get('message', '')
                msg = ('Workflow execution is failed: %s' % (message))
                raise exceptions.PlanEnvWorkflowError(msg)

def check_deprecated_parameters(clients, container):
    """Checks for deprecated parameters in plan and adds warning if present"""

    workflow_client = clients.workflow_engine
    tripleoclients = clients.tripleoclient
    queue_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
    workflow_input = {
        'container': container,
        'queue_name': queue_name

    with tripleoclients.messaging_websocket(queue_name) as ws:
        execution = base.start_workflow(

        messages = base.wait_for_messages(workflow_client, ws, execution, 120)

        deprecated_params = []
        for message in messages:
            if message['status'] == 'SUCCESS':
                for param in message.get('deprecated', []):
                    if param.get('user_defined'):

        if deprecated_params:
            print('WARNING: Following parameters are deprecated and still '
                  'defined. Deprecated parameters will be removed soon!')
            print('\n'.join(['  {}'.format(param)
                            for param in deprecated_params]))