# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import datetime import json import logging import os import re import sys import tempfile from heatclient.common import template_utils from osc_lib.command import command from osc_lib import exceptions as oscexc from osc_lib.i18n import _ import yaml from tripleo_common.image import image_uploader from tripleo_common.image import kolla_builder class UploadImage(command.Command): """Push overcloud container images to registries.""" auth_required = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".UploadImage") def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(UploadImage, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( "--config-file", dest="config_files", metavar='', default=[], action="append", required=True, help=_("YAML config file specifying the image build. May be " "specified multiple times. Order is preserved, and later " "files will override some options in previous files. " "Other options will append."), ) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug("take_action(%s)" % parsed_args) uploader = image_uploader.ImageUploadManager( parsed_args.config_files) uploader.upload() class BuildImage(command.Command): """Build overcloud container images with kolla-build.""" auth_required = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".BuildImage") @staticmethod def images_from_deps(images, dep): '''Builds a list from the dependencies depth-first. ''' if isinstance(dep, list): for v in dep: BuildImage.images_from_deps(images, v) elif isinstance(dep, dict): for k, v in dep.items(): images.append(k) BuildImage.images_from_deps(images, v) else: images.append(dep) def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(BuildImage, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( "--config-file", dest="config_files", metavar='', default=[], action="append", required=True, help=_("YAML config file specifying the images to build. May be " "specified multiple times. Order is preserved, and later " "files will override some options in previous files. " "Other options will append."), ) parser.add_argument( "--kolla-config-file", dest="kolla_config_files", metavar='', default=[], action="append", required=True, help=_("Path to a Kolla config file to use. Multiple config files " "can be specified, with values in later files taking " "precedence."), ) parser.add_argument( '--list-images', dest='list_images', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Show the images which would be built instead of ' 'building them.') ) parser.add_argument( '--list-dependencies', dest='list_dependencies', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Show the image build dependencies instead of ' 'building them.') ) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug("take_action(%s)" % parsed_args) fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='kolla_conf_') with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as tmp: tmp.write('[DEFAULT]\n') if parsed_args.list_images or parsed_args.list_dependencies: tmp.write('list_dependencies=true') kolla_config_files = list(parsed_args.kolla_config_files) kolla_config_files.append(path) try: builder = kolla_builder.KollaImageBuilder(parsed_args.config_files) result = builder.build_images(kolla_config_files) if parsed_args.list_dependencies: deps = json.loads(result) yaml.safe_dump(deps, self.app.stdout, indent=2, default_flow_style=False) elif parsed_args.list_images: deps = json.loads(result) images = [] BuildImage.images_from_deps(images, deps) yaml.safe_dump(images, self.app.stdout, default_flow_style=False) elif result: self.app.stdout.write(result) finally: os.remove(path) class PrepareImageFiles(command.Command): """Generate files defining the images, tags and registry.""" auth_required = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".PrepareImageFiles") def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(PrepareImageFiles, self).get_parser(prog_name) template_file = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', 'tripleo-common', 'container-images', 'overcloud_containers.yaml.j2') parser.add_argument( "--template-file", dest="template_file", default=template_file, metavar='', help=_("YAML template file which the images config file will be " "built from.\n" "Default: %s") % template_file, ) parser.add_argument( "--pull-source", dest="pull_source", metavar='', help=_("Location of image registry to pull images from. " "(DEPRECATED. Include the registry in --namespace)"), ) parser.add_argument( "--push-destination", dest="push_destination", metavar='', help=_("Location of image registry to push images to. " "If specified, a push_destination will be set for every " "image entry."), ) parser.add_argument( "--tag", dest="tag", default="latest", metavar='', help=_("Override the default tag substitution.\n" "Default: latest"), ) parser.add_argument( "--namespace", dest="namespace", default="docker.io/tripleoupstream", metavar='', help=_("Override the default namespace substitution.\n" "Default: docker.io/tripleoupstream"), ) parser.add_argument( "--prefix", dest="prefix", default="centos-binary-", metavar='', help=_("Override the default name prefix substitution.\n" "Default: centos-binary-"), ) parser.add_argument( "--suffix", dest="suffix", default="", metavar='', help=_("Override the default name suffix substitution.\n" "Default is empty."), ) parser.add_argument( '--set', metavar='', action='append', help=_('Set the value of a variable in the template, even if it ' 'has no dedicated argument such as "--suffix".') ) parser.add_argument( "--exclude", dest="excludes", metavar='', default=[], action="append", help=_("Pattern to match against resulting imagename entries to " "exclude from the final output. Can be specified multiple " "times."), ) parser.add_argument( "--images-file", dest="images_file", metavar='', help=_("File to write resulting image entries to, as well as " "stdout. Any existing file will be overwritten."), ) parser.add_argument( '--service-environment-file', '-e', metavar='', action='append', dest='environment_files', help=_('Environment files specifying which services are ' 'containerized. Entries will be filtered to only contain ' 'images used by containerized services. (Can be specified ' 'more than once.)') ) parser.add_argument( "--env-file", dest="env_file", metavar='', help=_("File to write heat environment file which specifies all " "image parameters. Any existing file will be overwritten."), ) return parser def parse_set_values(self, subs, set_values): if not set_values: return for s in set_values: try: (n, v) = s.split(('='), 1) subs[n] = v except ValueError: msg = _('Malformed --set(%s). ' 'Use the variable=value format.') % s raise oscexc.CommandError(msg) def write_env_file(self, params, env_file): with os.fdopen(os.open(env_file, os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY, 0o666), 'w') as f: f.write('# Generated with the following on %s\n#\n' % datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()) f.write('# openstack %s\n#\n\n' % ' '.join(self.app.command_options)) yaml.safe_dump({'parameter_defaults': params}, f, default_flow_style=False) def build_service_filter(self, environment_files): if not environment_files: return None service_filter = set() env_files, env = ( template_utils.process_multiple_environments_and_files( environment_files)) for service, env_path in env.get('resource_registry', {}).items(): # Use the template path to determine if it represents a # containerized service if '/docker/services/' in env_path: service_filter.add(service) return service_filter def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug("take_action(%s)" % parsed_args) subs = { 'tag': parsed_args.tag, 'namespace': parsed_args.namespace, 'name_prefix': parsed_args.prefix, 'name_suffix': parsed_args.suffix, } self.parse_set_values(subs, parsed_args.set) service_filter = self.build_service_filter( parsed_args.environment_files) def ffunc(entry): imagename = entry.get('imagename', '') for p in parsed_args.excludes: if re.search(p, imagename): return None if service_filter is not None: # check the entry is for a service being deployed image_services = set(entry.get('services', [])) if not service_filter.intersection(image_services): return None if parsed_args.pull_source: entry['pull_source'] = parsed_args.pull_source if parsed_args.push_destination: entry['push_destination'] = parsed_args.push_destination return entry builder = kolla_builder.KollaImageBuilder([parsed_args.template_file]) result = builder.container_images_from_template(filter=ffunc, **subs) params = {} for entry in result: imagename = entry.get('imagename', '') if 'params' in entry: for p in entry.pop('params'): params[p] = imagename if 'services' in entry: del(entry['services']) if parsed_args.env_file: self.write_env_file(params, parsed_args.env_file) result_str = yaml.safe_dump({'container_images': result}, default_flow_style=False) sys.stdout.write(result_str) if parsed_args.images_file: with os.fdopen(os.open(parsed_args.images_file, os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY, 0o666), 'w') as f: f.write(result_str)