# Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import argparse import json import logging import yaml from openstack import exceptions as os_exceptions from osc_lib.cli import parseractions from osc_lib import exceptions from osc_lib.i18n import _ from prettytable import PrettyTable from tripleoclient import command from tripleoclient import constants from tripleoclient import utils as oooutils from tripleoclient.workflows import deployment from validations_libs import constants as v_consts from validations_libs import utils as v_utils from validations_libs.validation_actions import ValidationActions from validations_libs.validation_logs import ValidationLogs LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".TripleoValidator") RED = "\033[1;31m" GREEN = "\033[0;32m" CYAN = "\033[36m" YELLOW = "\033[0;33m" RESET = "\033[0;0m" FAILED_VALIDATION = "{}FAILED{}".format(RED, RESET) PASSED_VALIDATION = "{}PASSED{}".format(GREEN, RESET) GROUP_FILE = constants.VALIDATION_GROUPS_INFO NO_VALIDATION_STATE = ['DEPLOY_FAILED', 'DEPLOYING'] class _CommaListGroupAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): opts = v_utils.get_validation_group_name_list(GROUP_FILE) for value in values.split(','): if value not in opts: message = ("Invalid choice: {value} (choose from {choice})" .format(value=value, choice=opts)) raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, message) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values.split(',')) class _CommaListAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, values.split(',')) class TripleOValidatorGroupInfo(command.Lister): """Display Information about Validation Groups""" auth_required = False def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(TripleOValidatorGroupInfo, self).get_parser(prog_name) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR) return actions.group_information(GROUP_FILE) class TripleOValidatorShow(command.ShowOne): """Display detailed information about a Validation""" auth_required = False def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(TripleOValidatorShow, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument('validation_id', metavar="", type=str, help='Validation ID') return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): LOG.debug(_('Show validation result')) actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR) try: data = actions.show_validations(parsed_args.validation_id) except Exception as e: raise exceptions.CommandError(e) if data: return data.keys(), data.values() class TripleOValidatorShowParameter(command.Command): """Display Validations Parameters""" auth_required = False def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.get_description(), prog=prog_name, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=True ) ex_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) ex_group.add_argument( '--validation', metavar='[,,...]', dest='validation_name', action=_CommaListAction, default=[], help=_("List specific validations, " "if more than one validation is required " "separate the names with commas: " "--validation check-ftype,512e | " "--validation 512e") ) ex_group.add_argument( '--group', metavar='[,,...]', action=_CommaListGroupAction, default=[], help=_("List specific group validations, " "if more than one group is required " "separate the group names with commas: " "pre-upgrade,prep | " "openshift-on-openstack") ) parser.add_argument( '--download', action='store', default=None, help=_("Create a json or a yaml file " "containing all the variables " "available for the validations: " "/tmp/myvars") ) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--format', action='store', metavar='', default='json', choices=['json', 'yaml'], help=_("Print representation of the validation. " "The choices of the output format is json,yaml. ") ) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR) params = actions.show_validations_parameters( parsed_args.validation_name, parsed_args.group, parsed_args.format, parsed_args.download) if parsed_args.download: print("The file {} has been created successfully".format( parsed_args.download)) else: print(params) class TripleOValidatorList(command.Lister): """List the available validations""" auth_required = False def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(TripleOValidatorList, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( '--group', metavar='[,,...]', action=_CommaListGroupAction, default=[], help=_("List specific group validations, " "if more than one group is required " "separate the group names with commas: " "--group pre-upgrade,prep | " "--group openshift-on-openstack") ) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): LOG.debug(_('Launch listing the validations')) try: v_consts.DEFAULT_VALIDATIONS_BASEDIR = constants.\ DEFAULT_VALIDATIONS_BASEDIR actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR, parsed_args.group) return actions.list_validations() except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(_("Validations listing finished with errors\n" "Output: {}").format(e)) class TripleOValidatorRun(command.Command): """Run the available validations""" auth_required = False def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.get_description(), prog=prog_name, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=False ) parser.add_argument( '--plan', '--stack', dest='plan', default=None, help=_("Execute the validations using a custom plan name") ) parser.add_argument( '--ssh-user', dest='ssh_user', default='heat-admin', help=_("Ssh User name for the Overcloud ssh connection.") ) parser.add_argument( '--limit', action='store', required=False, help=_( "A string that identifies a single node or comma-separated" "list of nodes to be upgraded in parallel in this upgrade" " run invocation. For example: --limit \"compute-0," " compute-1, compute-5\".") ) parser.add_argument( '--static-inventory', action='store', default='', help=_( "Provide your own static inventory file. You can generate " "such an inventory calling tripleo-ansible-inventory command. " "Especially useful when heat service isn't available." ) ) parser.add_argument( '--python-interpreter', action='store', default="/usr/libexec/platform-python", help=_("Python interpreter for Ansible execution. ") ) extra_vars_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) extra_vars_group.add_argument( '--extra-vars', metavar="key1=[,key2=val2 --extra-vars key3=]", action=parseractions.MultiKeyValueAction, help=_( "Add Ansible extra variables to the validation(s) execution " "as KEY=VALUE pair(s). Note that if you pass the same " "KEY multiple times, the last given VALUE for that same KEY " "will override the other(s)") ) extra_vars_group.add_argument( '--extra-vars-file', action='store', default='', help=_( "Add a JSON/YAML file containing extra variable " "to a validation: " "--extra-vars-file /home/stack/vars.[json|yaml] " "If using Mistral, only a valid JSON file will be " "supported." ) ) parser.add_argument( '--extra-env-vars', metavar="key1=[,key2=val2 --extra-env-vars key3=]", action=parseractions.MultiKeyValueAction, help=_( "Add extra environment variables you may need " "to provide to your Ansible execution " "as KEY=VALUE pairs. Note that if you pass the same " "KEY multiple times, the last given VALUE for that same KEY " "will override the other(s)") ) ex_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) ex_group.add_argument( '--validation', metavar='[,,...]', dest="validation_name", action=_CommaListAction, default=[], help=_("Run specific validations, " "if more than one validation is required " "separate the names with commas: " "--validation check-ftype,512e | " "--validation 512e") ) ex_group.add_argument( '--group', metavar='[,,...]', action=_CommaListGroupAction, default=[], help=_("Run specific group validations, " "if more than one group is required " "separate the group names with commas: " "--group pre-upgrade,prep | " "--group openshift-on-openstack") ) return parser def _run_validator_run(self, parsed_args): LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".ValidationsRunAnsible") plan = parsed_args.plan # Try to perform OpenStack authentication, if no authentication # and static inventory provided continue, else raise error. try: clients = self.app.client_manager clients._auth_required = True clients.setup_auth() except os_exceptions.ConfigException: msg = "Running Validations without authentication." LOG.warning("{}{}{}".format(YELLOW, msg, RESET)) if not parsed_args.static_inventory: raise exceptions.CommandError( _("No static inventory provided, please provide a valid " "inventory or use authentication.")) else: if plan: status = deployment.get_deployment_status(clients, plan=plan) if not status or status in NO_VALIDATION_STATE: raise exceptions.CommandError( _("The plan and the stack '{}' doesn't exist OR are " "in 'failed' or 'deploying' state. " "Please use a valid plan".format(plan))) else: msg = "Running Validations without Overcloud settings." LOG.warning("{}{}{}".format(YELLOW, msg, RESET)) limit = parsed_args.limit extra_vars = dict() if parsed_args.extra_vars: # if using multiple --extra-vars argument in the command-line # we will get a list of multiple dictionaries. for keypair in parsed_args.extra_vars: extra_vars.update(keypair) if parsed_args.extra_vars_file: try: with open(parsed_args.extra_vars_file, 'r') as env_file: extra_vars.update(yaml.safe_load(env_file.read())) except yaml.YAMLError as e: error_msg = ( "The request body must be properly formatted YAML/JSON. " "Details: %s." % e) raise exceptions.CommandError(error_msg) # Ansible execution should be quiet while using the validations_json # default callback and be verbose while passing ANSIBLE_SDTOUT_CALLBACK # environment variable to Ansible through the --extra-env-vars argument quiet_mode = True extra_env_vars = dict() if parsed_args.extra_env_vars: # if using multiple --extra-env-vars argument in the command-line # we will get a list of multiple dictionaries. for keypair in parsed_args.extra_env_vars: if "ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK" in keypair.keys(): quiet_mode = False extra_env_vars.update(keypair) # We don't check if the file exists in order to support # passing a string such as "localhost,", like we can do with # the "-i" option of ansible-playbook. if parsed_args.static_inventory: static_inventory = parsed_args.static_inventory else: static_inventory = oooutils.get_tripleo_ansible_inventory( ssh_user=parsed_args.ssh_user, stack=parsed_args.plan, undercloud_connection='local', return_inventory_file_path=True) v_consts.DEFAULT_VALIDATIONS_BASEDIR = constants.\ DEFAULT_VALIDATIONS_BASEDIR actions = ValidationActions() try: results = actions.run_validations( inventory=static_inventory, limit_hosts=limit, group=parsed_args.group, extra_vars=extra_vars, validations_dir=constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR, validation_name=parsed_args.validation_name, extra_env_vars=extra_env_vars, python_interpreter=parsed_args.python_interpreter, quiet=quiet_mode) except RuntimeError as e: raise exceptions.CommandError(e) is_failed_validation = False if results: # Build output t = PrettyTable(border=True, header=True, padding_width=1) # Set Field name by getting the result dict keys t.field_names = results[0].keys() t.align = 'l' for r in results: if r.get('Status_by_Host'): h = [] for host in r['Status_by_Host'].split(', '): _name, _status = host.split(',') color = (GREEN if _status == 'PASSED' else RED) _name = '{}{}{}'.format(color, _name, RESET) h.append(_name) r['Status_by_Host'] = ', '.join(h) if r.get('Status'): status = r.get('Status') if status == 'FAILED': is_failed_validation = True color = (CYAN if status in ['starting', 'running'] else GREEN if status == 'PASSED' else RED) r['Status'] = '{}{}{}'.format(color, status, RESET) t.add_row(r.values()) print(t) else: msg = "No Validation has been run, please check your parameters." LOG.info(_(msg)) if not parsed_args.static_inventory: LOG.debug(_('Removing static tripleo ansible inventory file')) oooutils.cleanup_tripleo_ansible_inventory_file( static_inventory) if is_failed_validation: raise exceptions.CommandError( _("One or more validations have failed.")) def take_action(self, parsed_args): self._run_validator_run(parsed_args) class TripleOValidatorShowRun(command.Command): """Display details about a Validation execution""" auth_required = False def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.get_description(), prog=prog_name, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=False ) parser.add_argument('uuid', metavar="", type=str, help='Validation UUID Run') parser.add_argument('--full', action='store_true', help='Show Full Details for the run') return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): vlogs = ValidationLogs() data = vlogs.get_logfile_content_by_uuid(parsed_args.uuid) if data: if parsed_args.full: for d in data: print(json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) else: for d in data: for p in d.get('validation_output', []): print(json.dumps(p['task'], indent=4, sort_keys=True)) else: raise exceptions.CommandError( "Could not find the log file linked to this UUID: %s" % parsed_args.uuid) class TripleOValidatorShowHistory(command.Lister): """Display Validations execution history""" auth_required = False def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(TripleOValidatorShowHistory, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument('--validation', metavar="", type=str, help='Display execution history for a validation') return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): actions = ValidationActions(constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR) return actions.show_history(parsed_args.validation)