# Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import copy from osc_lib.i18n import _ from oslo_config import cfg from tripleoclient import constants from tripleoclient.config.standalone import StandaloneConfig CONF = cfg.CONF class MinionConfig(StandaloneConfig): def get_minion_service_opts(self, heat_engine=True, ironic_conductor=False): _opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('enable_heat_engine', default=heat_engine, help=_( 'Whether to install the Heat Engine service.')), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_ironic_conductor', default=ironic_conductor, help=_( 'Whether to install the Ironic Conductor service. ' 'This is currently disabled by default.')), ] return self.sort_opts(_opts) def get_base_opts(self): _base_opts = super(MinionConfig, self).get_base_opts() _opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('minion_log_file', default=constants.MINION_LOG_FILE, help=_( 'The path to a log file to store the ' 'install/upgrade logs.'), ), cfg.StrOpt('minion_hostname', help=_( 'Fully qualified hostname (including domain) to ' 'set on the Undercloud Minion. If left unset, the ' 'current hostname will be used, but the user is ' 'responsible for configuring all system hostname ' 'settings appropriately. If set, the Undercloud ' 'Minion install will configure all system hostname ' 'settings.'), ), cfg.StrOpt('minion_local_ip', default='', help=_( 'IP information for the interface on the ' 'Undercloud Minion. The IP portion ' 'of the value will be assigned to the network ' 'interface defined by local_interface, with the ' 'netmask defined by the prefix portion of the ' 'value.') ), cfg.ListOpt('minion_nameservers', default=[], help=_( 'DNS nameserver(s) to configure on the Undercloud ' 'Minion.') ), cfg.ListOpt('minion_ntp_servers', default=['0.pool.ntp.org', '1.pool.ntp.org', '2.pool.ntp.org', '3.pool.ntp.org'], help=_('List of ntp servers to use.')), cfg.StrOpt('minion_timezone', help=_('Host timezone to be used. If no timezone is ' 'specified, the existing timezone configuration ' 'is used.')), cfg.StrOpt('minion_service_certificate', help=_( 'TODO: ' 'Certificate file to use for OpenStack service SSL ' 'connections. Setting this enables SSL for the ' 'OpenStack API endpoints, leaving it unset ' 'disables SSL.') ), cfg.StrOpt('minion_password_file', default='tripleo-undercloud-passwords.yaml', help=_( 'The name of the file to look for the passwords ' 'used to connect to the Undercloud. We assume ' 'this file is in output_dir if a fully qualified ' 'path is not provided.') ), cfg.StrOpt('minion_undercloud_output_file', default='tripleo-undercloud-outputs.yaml', help=_( 'The name of the file to look for the Undercloud ' 'output file that contains configuration ' 'information. We assume this file is in the folder ' 'where the command is executed if a fully ' 'qualified path is not provided.') ), cfg.StrOpt('minion_local_interface', default='eth1', help=_('Network interface on the Undercloud Minion ' 'that will be used for the services.') ), cfg.IntOpt('minion_local_mtu', default=1500, help=_('MTU to use for the local_interface.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('minion_debug', default=True, help=_( 'Whether to enable the debug log level for ' 'OpenStack services and Container Image Prepare ' 'step.') ), cfg.BoolOpt('minion_enable_selinux', default=True, help=_('Enable or disable SELinux during the ' 'deployment.')), cfg.BoolOpt('minion_enable_validations', default=True, help=_( 'Run pre-flight checks when installing or ' 'upgrading.') ), ] return self.sort_opts(_base_opts + _opts) def get_opts(self): _base_opts = self.get_base_opts() _service_opts = self.get_minion_service_opts() return self.sort_opts(_base_opts + _service_opts) def list_opts(): """List config opts for oslo config generator""" return [(None, copy.deepcopy(MinionConfig().get_opts()))] def load_global_config(): """Register MinionConfig options into global config""" _opts = MinionConfig().get_opts() CONF.register_opts(_opts)