# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from __future__ import print_function import argparse import glob import logging import os import os.path import re import shutil import six import tempfile import uuid import yaml from heatclient.common import template_utils from heatclient import exc as hc_exc from osc_lib.command import command from osc_lib import exceptions as oscexc from osc_lib.i18n import _ from swiftclient.exceptions import ClientException from tripleo_common import update from tripleoclient import constants from tripleoclient import exceptions from tripleoclient import utils from tripleoclient.workflows import deployment from tripleoclient.workflows import parameters as workflow_params from tripleoclient.workflows import plan_management from tripleoclient.workflows import validations class DeployOvercloud(command.Command): """Deploy Overcloud""" log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".DeployOvercloud") predeploy_errors = 0 predeploy_warnings = 0 _password_cache = None def _setup_clients(self, parsed_args): self.clients = self.app.client_manager self.object_client = self.clients.tripleoclient.object_store self.workflow_client = self.clients.workflow_engine self.orchestration_client = self.clients.orchestration if not parsed_args.deployed_server: self.compute_client = self.clients.compute self.baremetal_client = self.clients.baremetal def _update_parameters(self, args, stack): parameters = {} stack_is_new = stack is None parameters['UpdateIdentifier'] = '' parameters['StackAction'] = 'CREATE' if stack_is_new else 'UPDATE' # Update parameters from answers file: if args.answers_file is not None: with open(args.answers_file, 'r') as answers_file: answers = yaml.safe_load(answers_file) if args.templates is None: args.templates = answers['templates'] if 'environments' in answers: if args.environment_files is not None: answers['environments'].extend(args.environment_files) args.environment_files = answers['environments'] param_args = ( ('NtpServer', 'ntp_server'), ('ControllerCount', 'control_scale'), ('ComputeCount', 'compute_scale'), ('ObjectStorageCount', 'swift_storage_scale'), ('BlockStorageCount', 'block_storage_scale'), ('CephStorageCount', 'ceph_storage_scale'), ('OvercloudControlFlavor', 'control_flavor'), ('OvercloudComputeFlavor', 'compute_flavor'), ('OvercloudBlockStorageFlavor', 'block_storage_flavor'), ('OvercloudSwiftStorageFlavor', 'swift_storage_flavor'), ('OvercloudCephStorageFlavor', 'ceph_storage_flavor'), ) if stack_is_new: new_stack_args = ( ('NovaComputeLibvirtType', 'libvirt_type'), ) param_args = param_args + new_stack_args # Update parameters from commandline for param, arg in param_args: if getattr(args, arg, None) is not None: parameters[param] = getattr(args, arg) return parameters def _create_registration_env(self, args): tht_root = args.templates registry = os.path.join( tht_root, constants.RHEL_REGISTRATION_EXTRACONFIG_NAME, 'rhel-registration-resource-registry.yaml') user_env = {'rhel_reg_method': args.reg_method, 'rhel_reg_org': args.reg_org, 'rhel_reg_force': args.reg_force, 'rhel_reg_sat_url': args.reg_sat_url, 'rhel_reg_activation_key': args.reg_activation_key} return [registry], {"parameter_defaults": user_env} def _create_parameters_env(self, parameters): parameter_defaults = {"parameter_defaults": parameters} return parameter_defaults def _process_multiple_environments(self, created_env_files, tht_root, user_tht_root, cleanup=True): env_files = {} localenv = {} for env_path in created_env_files: self.log.debug("Processing environment files %s" % env_path) abs_env_path = os.path.abspath(env_path) if abs_env_path.startswith(user_tht_root): new_env_path = abs_env_path.replace(user_tht_root, tht_root) self.log.debug("Redirecting env file %s to %s" % (abs_env_path, new_env_path)) env_path = new_env_path try: files, env = template_utils.process_environment_and_files( env_path=env_path) except hc_exc.CommandError as ex: # This provides fallback logic so that we can reference files # inside the resource_registry values that may be rendered via # j2.yaml templates, where the above will fail because the # file doesn't exist in user_tht_root, but it is in tht_root # See bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1625783 # for details on why this is needed (backwards-compatibility) self.log.debug("Error %s processing environment file %s" % (six.text_type(ex), env_path)) # Use the temporary path as it's possible the environment # itself was rendered via jinja. with open(env_path, 'r') as f: env_map = yaml.safe_load(f) env_registry = env_map.get('resource_registry', {}) env_dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(env_path)) for rsrc, rsrc_path in six.iteritems(env_registry): # We need to calculate the absolute path relative to # env_path not cwd (which is what abspath uses). abs_rsrc_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(env_dirname, rsrc_path)) # If the absolute path matches user_tht_root, rewrite # a temporary environment pointing at tht_root instead if abs_rsrc_path.startswith(user_tht_root): new_rsrc_path = abs_rsrc_path.replace(user_tht_root, tht_root) self.log.debug("Rewriting %s %s path to %s" % (env_path, rsrc, new_rsrc_path)) env_registry[rsrc] = new_rsrc_path else: env_registry[rsrc] = abs_rsrc_path env_map['resource_registry'] = env_registry f_name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(abs_env_path)[0]) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tht_root, prefix="env-%s-" % f_name, suffix=".yaml", mode="w", delete=cleanup) as f: self.log.debug("Rewriting %s environment to %s" % (env_path, f.name)) f.write(yaml.safe_dump(env_map, default_flow_style=False)) f.flush() files, env = template_utils.process_environment_and_files( env_path=f.name) if files: self.log.debug("Adding files %s for %s" % (files, env_path)) env_files.update(files) # 'env' can be a deeply nested dictionary, so a simple update is # not enough localenv = template_utils.deep_update(localenv, env) return env_files, localenv def _heat_deploy(self, stack, stack_name, template_path, parameters, env_files, timeout, tht_root, env, update_plan_only, run_validations, skip_deploy_identifier, plan_env_file): """Verify the Baremetal nodes are available and do a stack update""" self.log.debug("Getting template contents from plan %s" % stack_name) # We need to reference the plan here, not the local # tht root, as we need template_object to refer to # the rendered overcloud.yaml, not the tht_root overcloud.j2.yaml # FIXME(shardy) we need to move more of this into mistral actions plan_yaml_path = os.path.relpath(template_path, tht_root) # heatclient template_utils needs a function that can # retrieve objects from a container by name/path def do_object_request(method='GET', object_path=None): obj = self.object_client.get_object(stack_name, object_path) return obj and obj[1] template_files, template = template_utils.get_template_contents( template_object=plan_yaml_path, object_request=do_object_request) files = dict(list(template_files.items()) + list(env_files.items())) moved_files = self._upload_missing_files( stack_name, files, tht_root) self._process_and_upload_environment( stack_name, env, moved_files, tht_root) # Invokes the workflows specified in plan environment file if plan_env_file: workflow_params.invoke_plan_env_workflows(self.clients, stack_name, plan_env_file) workflow_params.check_deprecated_parameters(self.clients, stack_name) if not update_plan_only: print("Deploying templates in the directory {0}".format( os.path.abspath(tht_root))) deployment.deploy_and_wait( self.log, self.clients, stack, stack_name, self.app_args.verbose_level, timeout=timeout, run_validations=run_validations, skip_deploy_identifier=skip_deploy_identifier) def _load_environment_directories(self, directories): if os.environ.get('TRIPLEO_ENVIRONMENT_DIRECTORY'): directories.append(os.environ.get('TRIPLEO_ENVIRONMENT_DIRECTORY')) environments = [] for d in directories: if os.path.exists(d) and d != '.': self.log.debug("Environment directory: %s" % d) for f in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.yaml'))): self.log.debug("Environment directory file: %s" % f) if os.path.isfile(f): environments.append(f) return environments def _process_and_upload_environment(self, container_name, env, moved_files, tht_root): """Process the environment and upload to Swift The environment at this point should be the result of the merged custom user environments. We need to look at the paths in the environment and update any that changed when they were uploaded to swift. """ file_prefix = "file://" if 'resource_registry' in env: for name, path in env['resource_registry'].items(): if not isinstance(path, six.string_types): continue if path in moved_files: new_path = moved_files[path] env['resource_registry'][name] = new_path elif path.startswith(file_prefix): path = path[len(file_prefix):] if path.startswith(tht_root): path = path[len(tht_root):] # We want to make sure all the paths are relative. if path.startswith("/"): path = path[1:] env['resource_registry'][name] = path # Parameters are removed from the environment and sent to the update # parameters action, this stores them in the plan environment and # means the UI can find them. if 'parameter_defaults' in env: params = env.pop('parameter_defaults') workflow_params.update_parameters( self.workflow_client, container=container_name, parameters=params) contents = yaml.safe_dump(env) # Until we have a well defined plan update workflow in tripleo-common # we need to manually add an environment in swift and for users # custom environments passed to the deploy command. # See bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1623431 # Update plan env. swift_path = "user-environment.yaml" self.object_client.put_object(container_name, swift_path, contents) env = yaml.safe_load(self.object_client.get_object( container_name, constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT)[1]) user_env = {'path': swift_path} if user_env not in env['environments']: env['environments'].append(user_env) yaml_string = yaml.safe_dump(env, default_flow_style=False) self.object_client.put_object( container_name, constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT, yaml_string) def _upload_missing_files(self, container_name, files_dict, tht_root): """Find the files referenced in custom environments and upload them Heat environments can be passed to be included in the deployment, these files can include references to other files anywhere on the local file system. These need to be discovered and uploaded to Swift. When they have been uploaded to Swift the path to them will be different, the new paths are store din the file_relocation dict, which is returned and used by _process_and_upload_environment which will merge the environment and update paths to the relative Swift path. """ file_relocation = {} file_prefix = "file://" # select files files for relocation & upload for fullpath in files_dict.keys(): if not fullpath.startswith(file_prefix): continue path = fullpath[len(file_prefix):] if path.startswith(tht_root): # This should already be uploaded. continue file_relocation[fullpath] = "user-files/{}".format(path[1:]) # make sure links within files point to new locations, and upload them for orig_path, reloc_path in file_relocation.items(): link_replacement = utils.relative_link_replacement( file_relocation, os.path.dirname(reloc_path)) contents = utils.replace_links_in_template_contents( files_dict[orig_path], link_replacement) self.object_client.put_object(container_name, reloc_path, contents) return file_relocation def _download_missing_files_from_plan(self, tht_dir, plan_name): # get and download missing files into tmp directory plan_list = self.object_client.get_container(plan_name) plan_filenames = [f['name'] for f in plan_list[1]] for pf in plan_filenames: file_path = os.path.join(tht_dir, pf) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): self.log.debug("Missing in templates directory, downloading \ %s from swift into %s" % (pf, file_path)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path)) with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.object_client.get_object(plan_name, pf)[1]) def _deploy_tripleo_heat_templates_tmpdir(self, stack, parsed_args): # copy tht_root to temporary directory because we need to # download any missing (e.g j2 rendered) files from the plan tht_root = os.path.abspath(parsed_args.templates) tht_tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tripleoclient-') new_tht_root = "%s/tripleo-heat-templates" % tht_tmp self.log.debug("Creating temporary templates tree in %s" % new_tht_root) try: shutil.copytree(tht_root, new_tht_root, symlinks=True) self._deploy_tripleo_heat_templates(stack, parsed_args, new_tht_root, tht_root) finally: if parsed_args.no_cleanup: self.log.warning("Not cleaning temporary directory %s" % tht_tmp) else: shutil.rmtree(tht_tmp) def _deploy_tripleo_heat_templates(self, stack, parsed_args, tht_root, user_tht_root): """Deploy the fixed templates in TripleO Heat Templates""" parameters = self._update_parameters(parsed_args, stack) plans = plan_management.list_deployment_plans(self.workflow_client) generate_passwords = not parsed_args.disable_password_generation # TODO(d0ugal): We need to put a more robust strategy in place here to # handle updating plans. if parsed_args.stack in plans: # Upload the new plan templates to swift to replace the existing # templates. plan_management.update_plan_from_templates( self.clients, parsed_args.stack, tht_root, parsed_args.roles_file, generate_passwords, parsed_args.plan_environment_file) else: plan_management.create_plan_from_templates( self.clients, parsed_args.stack, tht_root, parsed_args.roles_file, generate_passwords, parsed_args.plan_environment_file) # Get any missing (e.g j2 rendered) files from the plan to tht_root self._download_missing_files_from_plan( tht_root, parsed_args.stack) print("Processing templates in the directory {0}".format( os.path.abspath(tht_root))) self.log.debug("Creating Environment files") env = {} created_env_files = [] if parsed_args.environment_directories: created_env_files.extend(self._load_environment_directories( parsed_args.environment_directories)) env.update(self._create_parameters_env(parameters)) if parsed_args.rhel_reg: reg_env_files, reg_env = self._create_registration_env(parsed_args) created_env_files.extend(reg_env_files) template_utils.deep_update(env, reg_env) if parsed_args.environment_files: created_env_files.extend(parsed_args.environment_files) self.log.debug("Processing environment files %s" % created_env_files) env_files, localenv = self._process_multiple_environments( created_env_files, tht_root, user_tht_root, cleanup=not parsed_args.no_cleanup) template_utils.deep_update(env, localenv) if stack: update.add_breakpoints_cleanup_into_env(env) # FIXME(shardy) It'd be better to validate this via mistral # e.g part of the plan create/update workflow number_controllers = int(parameters.get('ControllerCount', 0)) if number_controllers > 1: if not env.get('parameter_defaults').get('NtpServer'): raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration( 'Specify --ntp-server as parameter or NtpServer in ' 'environments when using multiple controllers ' '(with HA).') self._try_overcloud_deploy_with_compat_yaml( tht_root, stack, parsed_args.stack, parameters, env_files, parsed_args.timeout, env, parsed_args.update_plan_only, parsed_args.run_validations, parsed_args.skip_deploy_identifier, parsed_args.plan_environment_file) def _try_overcloud_deploy_with_compat_yaml(self, tht_root, stack, stack_name, parameters, env_files, timeout, env, update_plan_only, run_validations, skip_deploy_identifier, plan_env_file): overcloud_yaml = os.path.join(tht_root, constants.OVERCLOUD_YAML_NAME) try: self._heat_deploy(stack, stack_name, overcloud_yaml, parameters, env_files, timeout, tht_root, env, update_plan_only, run_validations, skip_deploy_identifier, plan_env_file) except ClientException as e: messages = 'Failed to deploy: %s' % str(e) raise ValueError(messages) def _get_password(self, stack_name, password_name): # NOTE(d0ugal): This method is only used during the post-deploy config # steps that are now deprecated. It should be removed when they are. if self._password_cache is None: self._password_cache = workflow_params.get_overcloud_passwords( self.clients, container=stack_name, queue_name=str(uuid.uuid4())) return self._password_cache[password_name] def _get_base_service_data(self, service, data, stack): service_data = {} password_field = data.get('password_field') if password_field: service_data['password'] = self._get_password( stack.stack_name, password_field) # Set internal endpoint service_name_internal = self._format_endpoint_name(service, 'internal') service_data['internal_host'] = utils.get_endpoint( service_name_internal, stack) return service_data def _get_endpoint_data(self, service, endpoint_map, stack): endpoint_data = {} # Set standard port service_name_internal = self._format_endpoint_name(service, 'internal') endpoint_data['port'] = endpoint_map[service_name_internal]['port'] # Set public endpoint service_name_public = self._format_endpoint_name(service, 'public') public_endpoint_data = endpoint_map.get(service_name_public) endpoint_data['public_host'] = public_endpoint_data['host'] # Set SSL port if public_endpoint_data['uri'].startswith('https'): endpoint_data['ssl_port'] = public_endpoint_data['port'] return endpoint_data def _format_endpoint_name(self, service, interface): return re.sub('v[0-9]+', '', service.capitalize() + interface.capitalize()) def _deploy_postconfig(self, stack, parsed_args): self.log.debug("_deploy_postconfig(%s)" % parsed_args) overcloud_endpoint = utils.get_overcloud_endpoint(stack) # NOTE(jaosorior): The overcloud endpoint can contain an IP address or # an FQDN depending on how what it's configured to output in the # tripleo-heat-templates. Such a configuration can be done by # overriding the EndpointMap through parameter_defaults. overcloud_ip_or_fqdn = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse( overcloud_endpoint).hostname keystone_admin_ip = utils.get_endpoint('KeystoneAdmin', stack) no_proxy = os.environ.get('no_proxy', overcloud_ip_or_fqdn) no_proxy_list = map(utils.bracket_ipv6, [no_proxy, overcloud_ip_or_fqdn, keystone_admin_ip]) os.environ['no_proxy'] = ','.join( [x for x in no_proxy_list if x is not None]) utils.remove_known_hosts(overcloud_ip_or_fqdn) def _validate_args(self, parsed_args): if parsed_args.templates is None and parsed_args.answers_file is None: raise oscexc.CommandError( "You must specify either --templates or --answers-file") if parsed_args.environment_files: nonexisting_envs = [] jinja2_envs = [] for env_file in parsed_args.environment_files: if env_file.endswith(".j2.yaml"): jinja2_envs.append(env_file) elif not os.path.isfile(env_file): # Tolerate missing file if there's a j2.yaml file that will # be rendered in the plan but not available locally (yet) if not os.path.isfile(env_file.replace(".yaml", ".j2.yaml")): nonexisting_envs.append(env_file) if jinja2_envs: rewritten_paths = [e.replace(".j2.yaml", ".yaml") for e in jinja2_envs] raise oscexc.CommandError( "Error: The following jinja2 files were provided: -e " "{}. Did you mean -e {}?".format( ' -e '.join(jinja2_envs), ' -e '.join(rewritten_paths))) if nonexisting_envs: raise oscexc.CommandError( "Error: The following files were not found: {0}".format( ", ".join(nonexisting_envs))) if parsed_args.deployed_server and (parsed_args.run_validations or not parsed_args.disable_validations): raise oscexc.CommandError( "Error: The --deployed-server cannot be used without " "the --disable-validations") # Check if disable_upgrade_deployment is set once self.log.debug("Checking that the disable_upgrade_deployment flag " "is set at least once in the roles file") if parsed_args.roles_file: roles_data = yaml.safe_load(open(parsed_args.roles_file).read()) disable_upgrade_deployment_set = False for r in roles_data: if r.get("disable_upgrade_deployment"): disable_upgrade_deployment_set = True break if not disable_upgrade_deployment_set: self.log.warning( "The disable_upgrade_deployment flag is not set in the " "roles file. This flag is expected when you have a " "nova-compute or swift-storage role. Please check the " "contents of the roles file: %s" % roles_data) if parsed_args.validation_warnings_fatal: raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration() def _get_default_role_counts(self, parsed_args): if parsed_args.roles_file: roles_data = yaml.safe_load(open(parsed_args.roles_file).read()) else: # Assume default role counts return { 'ControllerCount': 1, 'ComputeCount': 1, 'ObjectStorageCount': 0, 'BlockStorageCount': 0, 'CephStorageCount': 0 } default_role_counts = {} for r in roles_data: count_default = r.get('CountDefault', 0) default_role_counts.setdefault( "%sCount" % r['name'], count_default) return default_role_counts def _predeploy_verify_capabilities(self, stack, parameters, parsed_args): self.predeploy_errors = 0 self.predeploy_warnings = 0 self.log.debug("Starting _pre_verify_capabilities") validation_params = { 'deploy_kernel_name': 'bm-deploy-kernel', 'deploy_ramdisk_name': 'bm-deploy-ramdisk', 'roles_info': utils.get_roles_info(parsed_args), 'stack_id': parsed_args.stack, 'parameters': parameters, 'default_role_counts': self._get_default_role_counts(parsed_args), 'run_validations': True, 'queue_name': str(uuid.uuid4()), } errors, warnings = validations.check_predeployment_validations( self.app.client_manager, **validation_params ) self.predeploy_errors += errors self.predeploy_warnings += warnings return self.predeploy_errors, self.predeploy_warnings def get_parser(self, prog_name): # add_help doesn't work properly, set it to False: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.get_description(), prog=prog_name, add_help=False ) parser.add_argument( '--templates', nargs='?', const=constants.TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATES, help=_("The directory containing the Heat templates to deploy"), ) parser.add_argument('--stack', help=_("Stack name to create or update"), default='overcloud') parser.add_argument('--timeout', '-t', metavar='', type=int, default=240, help=_('Deployment timeout in minutes.')) utils.add_deployment_plan_arguments(parser, mark_as_depr=True) parser.add_argument('--libvirt-type', choices=['kvm', 'qemu'], help=_('Libvirt domain type.')) parser.add_argument('--ntp-server', help=_('The NTP for overcloud nodes. ')) parser.add_argument( '--no-proxy', default=os.environ.get('no_proxy', ''), help=_('A comma separated list of hosts that should not be ' 'proxied.') ) parser.add_argument( '--overcloud-ssh-user', default='heat-admin', help=_('User for ssh access to overcloud nodes') ) parser.add_argument( '--environment-file', '-e', metavar='', action='append', dest='environment_files', help=_('Environment files to be passed to the heat stack-create ' 'or heat stack-update command. (Can be specified more than ' 'once.)') ) parser.add_argument( '--environment-directory', metavar='', action='append', dest='environment_directories', default=[os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME', ''), '.tripleo', 'environments')], help=_('Environment file directories that are automatically ' ' added to the heat stack-create or heat stack-update' ' commands. Can be specified more than once. Files in' ' directories are loaded in ascending sort order.') ) parser.add_argument( '--roles-file', '-r', dest='roles_file', help=_('Roles file, overrides the default %s in the --templates ' 'directory') % constants.OVERCLOUD_ROLES_FILE ) parser.add_argument( '--plan-environment-file', '-p', help=_('Plan Environment file, overrides the default %s in the ' '--templates directory') % constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT ) parser.add_argument( '--no-cleanup', action='store_true', help=_('Don\'t cleanup temporary files, just log their location') ) parser.add_argument( '--update-plan-only', action='store_true', help=_('Only update the plan. Do not perform the actual ' 'deployment. NOTE: Will move to a discrete command in a ' 'future release.') ) parser.add_argument( '--validation-errors-nonfatal', dest='validation_errors_fatal', action='store_false', default=True, help=_('Allow the deployment to continue in spite of validation ' 'errors. Note that attempting deployment while errors ' 'exist is likely to fail.') ) parser.add_argument( '--validation-warnings-fatal', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Exit if there are warnings from the configuration ' 'pre-checks.') ) parser.add_argument( '--disable-validations', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Disable the pre-deployment validations entirely. These ' 'validations are the built-in pre-deployment validations. ' 'To enable external validations from tripleo-validations, ' 'use the --run-validations flag.')) parser.add_argument( '--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Only run validations, but do not apply any changes.') ) parser.add_argument( '--run-validations', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Run external validations from the tripleo-validations ' 'project.')) parser.add_argument( '--skip-postconfig', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Skip the overcloud post-deployment configuration.') ) parser.add_argument( '--force-postconfig', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Force the overcloud post-deployment configuration.') ) parser.add_argument( '--skip-deploy-identifier', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Skip generation of a unique identifier for the ' 'DeployIdentifier parameter. The software configuration ' 'deployment steps will only be triggered if there is an ' 'actual change to the configuration. This option should ' 'be used with Caution, and only if there is confidence ' 'that the software configuration does not need to be ' 'run, such as when scaling out certain roles.') ) reg_group = parser.add_argument_group('Registration Parameters') reg_group.add_argument( '--rhel-reg', action='store_true', help=_('Register overcloud nodes to the customer portal or a ' 'satellite.') ) reg_group.add_argument( '--reg-method', choices=['satellite', 'portal'], default='satellite', help=_('RHEL registration method to use for the overcloud nodes.') ) reg_group.add_argument( '--reg-org', default='', help=_('Organization key to use for registration.') ) reg_group.add_argument( '--reg-force', action='store_true', help=_('Register the system even if it is already registered.') ) reg_group.add_argument( '--reg-sat-url', default='', help=_('Satellite server to register overcloud nodes.') ) reg_group.add_argument( '--reg-activation-key', default='', help=_('Activation key to use for registration.') ) parser.add_argument( '--answers-file', help=_('Path to a YAML file with arguments and parameters.') ) parser.add_argument( '--disable-password-generation', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Disable password generation.') ) parser.add_argument( '--deployed-server', action='store_true', default=False, help=_('Use pre-provisioned overcloud nodes. Removes baremetal,' 'compute and image services requirements from the' 'undercloud node. Must only be used with the' '--disable-validations.') ) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug("take_action(%s)" % parsed_args) self._setup_clients(parsed_args) # Swiftclient logs things like 404s at error level, which is a problem # because we use EAFP to check for the existence of files. Turn off # most swiftclient logging to avoid cluttering up our output with # pointless tracebacks. sc_logger = logging.getLogger("swiftclient") sc_logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) self._validate_args(parsed_args) utils.store_cli_param(parsed_args) stack = utils.get_stack(self.orchestration_client, parsed_args.stack) if stack and stack.stack_status == 'IN_PROGRESS': raise exceptions.StackInProgress( "Unable to deploy as the stack '{}' status is '{}'".format( stack.stack_name, stack.stack_status)) parameters = self._update_parameters(parsed_args, stack) if not parsed_args.disable_validations: errors, warnings = self._predeploy_verify_capabilities( stack, parameters, parsed_args) if errors > 0: self.log.error( "Configuration has %d errors, fix them before " "proceeding. Ignoring these errors is likely to lead to " "a failed deploy.", errors) if parsed_args.validation_warnings_fatal or \ parsed_args.validation_errors_fatal: raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration() if warnings > 0: self.log.error( "Configuration has %d warnings, fix them before " "proceeding.", warnings) if parsed_args.validation_warnings_fatal: raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration() else: self.log.info("SUCCESS: No warnings or errors in deploy " "configuration, proceeding.") stack_create = stack is None if stack_create: self.log.info("No stack found, will be doing a stack create") else: self.log.info("Stack found, will be doing a stack update") if parsed_args.rhel_reg: if parsed_args.reg_method == 'satellite': sat_required_args = (parsed_args.reg_org and parsed_args.reg_sat_url and parsed_args.reg_activation_key) if not sat_required_args: raise exceptions.DeploymentError( "ERROR: In order to use satellite registration, " "you must specify --reg-org, --reg-sat-url, and " "--reg-activation-key.") else: portal_required_args = (parsed_args.reg_org and parsed_args.reg_activation_key) if not portal_required_args: raise exceptions.DeploymentError( "ERROR: In order to use portal registration, you " "must specify --reg-org, and " "--reg-activation-key.") if parsed_args.dry_run: print("Validation Finished") return self._deploy_tripleo_heat_templates_tmpdir(stack, parsed_args) # Get a new copy of the stack after stack update/create. If it was # a create then the previous stack object would be None. stack = utils.get_stack(self.orchestration_client, parsed_args.stack) if parsed_args.update_plan_only: # If we are only updating the plan, then we either wont have a # stack yet or there wont be any changes and the following code # wont do anything. return # Force fetching of attributes stack.get() overcloudrcs = deployment.overcloudrc( self.workflow_client, container=stack.stack_name, no_proxy=parsed_args.no_proxy) utils.write_overcloudrc(stack.stack_name, overcloudrcs) utils.create_tempest_deployer_input() # Run postconfig on create or force. Use force to makes sure endpoints # are created with deploy reruns and upgrades if (stack_create or parsed_args.force_postconfig and not parsed_args.skip_postconfig): self._deploy_postconfig(stack, parsed_args) overcloud_endpoint = utils.get_overcloud_endpoint(stack) print("Overcloud Endpoint: {0}".format(overcloud_endpoint)) print("Overcloud Deployed")