Changed the following options: * '--images-file' to '--output-images-file' * '--env-file' to '--output-env-file' * '--service-environment-file' to '--environment-file' in order to match the equivalent option of the deploy command. The old options are still in place and show a Deprecation warning in the help message. Change-Id: I24a6021d19ffe74760f9897e9bf3453742939bc9 Closes-Bug: #1723157
10 lines
436 B
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436 B
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Renamed some options to the `openstack overcloud container image prepare`
command for clarity. The '--images-file' option was renamed to
'--output-images-file'. The '--env-file' option was renamed to
'--output-env-file'. The '--service-environment-file' option was renamed
to '--environment-file'. The old options are still in place and show
a deprecation warning in the help message.