
python-tripleoclient provides the following openstack baremetal commands: openstack baremetal instackenv validate: openstack baremetal import: openstack baremetal introspection bulk start: openstack baremetal introspection bulk status: openstack baremetal configure ready state: openstack baremetal configure boot: Based on the data below several of these are already deprecated and have been so longer enough to be removed. openstack baremetal instackenv validate: tripleoclient.v1.baremetal:ValidateInstackEnv NOT Deprecated openstack baremetal import: tripleoclient.v1.baremetal:ImportBaremetal DEPRECATED in b272a5c6 2017-01-03 New command: openstack overcloud node import openstack baremetal introspection bulk start: tripleoclient.v1.baremetal:StartBaremetalIntrospectionBulk DEPRECATED in b272a5c6 2017-01-03 New command: openstack overcloud node introspect openstack baremetal introspection bulk status: tripleoclient.v1.baremetal:StatusBaremetalIntrospectionBulk NOT Deprecated openstack baremetal configure ready state: tripleoclient.v1.baremetal:ConfigureReadyState NOT Deprecated openstack baremetal configure boot: tripleoclient.v1.baremetal:ConfigureBaremetalBoot DEPRECATED in b272a5c6 2017-01-03 New command: openstack overcloud node configure This leaves: openstack baremetal instackenv validate - This is somewhat superceded by the mistral validation in tripleo-common openstack baremetal introspection bulk status - This should have been deprecated along with 'openstack baremetal introspection bulk start' and isn't useful without the former. openstack baremetal configure ready state - Seems to only support drac and requires a datafile no loner generated by tools As these commands have outlived their useful lifetime and do not require deprecation we're free to remove them so let do it. Change-Id: Ie6b6a8578e4d12503a3dbfa5747309033d53466e
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tripleoclient is an OpenStackClient (OSC) plugin implementation that implements commands useful for TripleO and the install and management of both an undercloud and an overcloud.
See the TripleO Documentation for details on using tripleoclient.