Add a new cli argument, --skip-deploy-identifier. The argument will eventually be passed to the tripleo-common DeployStackAction action to disable setting a unique value for the DeployIdentifier parameter, which means the SoftwareDeployment resources in the templates will only be triggered if there is an actual change to their configuration. This argument can be used to avoid always applying configuration, such as during node scale out. Removes the setting of DeployIdentifier completely from tripleoclient, as that is now handled by the tripleo-common action. Depends-On: Idb901a841846fec33d189b3c95f669b0380498ce Change-Id: I294eabe84e070367981534030b5927062f00c628
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tripleoclient is an OpenStackClient (OSC) plugin implementation that implements commands useful for TripleO and the install and management of both an undercloud and an overcloud.
See the TripleO Documentation for details on using tripleoclient.