For the undercloud deploy, if the stack fails before the deployed-server resource is created, it will take 30 minutes to time out since there is no check for the stack status. Further, the exception is not as helpful as it could be about what failed as not all the events were shown. This patch adds a check within the loop looking for the deployed-server resource. It will now fail immediately if the stack fails before the deployed-server resource is created. It also again outputs the stack events. Some may be redundant, but it will at least show the errors now. Change-Id: I9fa3239d688ce83676ecfab2f3d102f9e48a43a5
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tripleoclient is an OpenStackClient (OSC) plugin implementation that implements commands useful for TripleO and the install and management of both an undercloud and an overcloud.
See the TripleO Documentation for details on using tripleoclient.