oslo-incubator will cease to host common code soon. This is
hopefully the very last sync from oslo-incubator.
Change-Id: I00fe0502de6f97712ffa5173c513304d66be55d5
The new client adheres to the standards of the other clients
now. It prints out tables, uses ENVVAR's for auth, no longer
stores pickled json in a login token, uses openstack common,
and moves the cli operations into a v1 module for the future
of trove when it has a v2 api.
Please note for compatibility, the troveclient.compat module
has the old cli. In order to deploy it, amend the setup.cfg
to include the compat module.
implements blueprint cli-compliance-upgrade
Change-Id: Ie69d9dbc75ce90496da316244c97acca1877a327